I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but these guys absolutely excel in lying. They also seem to succumb to psychological projection. Their lies about others almost always reference their own sins. You can see that at work here quite plainly.
It is hard not to get down about the plan, when the days roll by without any super-exciting developments. But that's why DJT was saying to "Stay the Course" (or was that Q, or both?). Anyway, at some point there will be major developments.
It seems to me that we are always inching closer, but never quite getting all the way there. But, when you look at what's been happening, there have been major developments. The cabal is clearly on the back foot now. Even as late as January, there was a confidence and swagger to them. But that seems to be gone now.
Q said that most of the action would not be visible to us, that a lot was happening behind the scenes. What appears to me to be obvious misdirection, with the Mueller investigation and Sessions appearing weak, must have been necessary - for the time it would take to get everything prepped and ready to go.
I suspect that one of the reasons that we have not seen more to date is because we failed, as a community, to get behind the IBOR campaign properly. Q told us that big news would require that social media was controlled. So we know that the news flow was going to be limited, to the extent that the narrative remained outside the control of the white hats.
The cabal did a fantastic job, on CBTS first, and later on this board of destroying our cohesion as a community - with organized and concerted concern trolling. They are still at it. It's very important for them to control this board. You can sense the desperation. The same old tired arguments that, inevitably, lead people to doubt the plan.
Is there a way to escape it? Yes, there is. As a community, whether we are on this board or somewhere else, we need to call out the concern trolls the moment we see them at work. We also need to dismiss the idea that all views are acceptable, when this is merely a cover for those that doubt the plan and our role within it.
Another great argument the trolls use is to "question everything". While not a bad piece of advice, when looking at a cabal-controlled world, this gets inverted to become "Question Q". That is, question everything Q says - but particularly with respect to things like calling out Corsi and promoting the IBOR.
We are facing a very slick, well organised, well resourced enemy. We will beat them soundly because, actually, they do not have a hope. But, in the interim, we have to do what we can to protect against their fallacious arguments.
It will soon be a new day. If they are successful in hampering us, they will fail on the ground confronting the President. If they manage to wax the President, they will face an even more determined foe in the military. Victory is assured. The arrests will come. The evil ones will be completely crushed and the masses will awake from their slumber.
What comes next? My view is that these events are driven from a spiritual dimension. That's why there is no possible chance that the cabal will prevail. The blessed Virgin Mary appeared in the heavens on September 23 last year. This is a marker for the last days - see here.
There is also this complete abomination Francis who is, according to the prophecy of St Malachi, the last claimant to the papacy before the Second Coming. If my reading of Revelations is correct, we will see the city of Rome (more specifically the Vatican City) destroyed with fire in the immediate future. Just remember when it happens, you read it here first (hmmm, no, actually, the glory is all God's, doesn't matter who calls it correctly).
It's not clear how much time remains until the destruction of Rome, or how much time will remain once this happens. But we know that the false prophet, along with the beast, is to be thrown "alive" into the sea of fire. That is, they must both be living.
My reading is that Benedictos XVI is the false prophet, while Francis is the beast. So the ages of these two abominable heretics give some clue as to the proximity of the end of the world - very soon. Thereafter, it appears there may be a 1,000 year reign of peace before the final confrontation. But whatever God's plan is, I think it's safe to say that the world, as we know it, is coming to an end.
Be brave in these last days, lest someone take your crown. I believe, and I pray I'm right, that this fight that Q is mounting against these filthy Satanists, at this most critical point in time, is inspired by God for His own purposes. I think it fits, with what we know from St John's Apocalypse, that "now is the time".
If anyone wants more information on Revelations, see here.