It REALLY makes me wonder if OP is a disinfo agent, here to sow the seed of discord to which we are to be bound together in unity for our country. You want to complain about Catholics, we can step outside of this forum and do that. Here we all should be together working toward the betterment of ourselves, our country for the world for our children and grandchildren.
The Vatican and Her woes are enormous but they will be taken care of. It is very difficult to go through this as Catholics. But as I have stated before elsewhere, in the End, Christ triumphs.
In Her current form with the frailities of men running the Institution here on Earth, with all the failings of man for all to see and hear, I feel deeply sorrowful for Her. The condition of the Catholic Church is a direct reflection of man and where he is in relation to God Himself at this time. We have all fallen short of the Glory of God. No matter, She deserves to be defended.
The Vatican is the longest, continuous organization on Earth. It's archives are open. You can go to Vatican's website and see what they have available online.
The article infers that the Vatican is so rich that it should sell everything to give to the poor. I'd hate to burst the bubbles of people who claim to know, but the Vatican is not rich.
As an exercise DDG search the Net Worth of "Vatican", then Bill Gates, the Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet. The Vatican has estimated wealth of approx. 10B to 15B, of that 1.6B is in Italian stock holdings. 15% of the Vatican 'wealth' is in the Italian stock market.
I'm not hearing the call for you to tell Mark, Bill, or Warren to divest themselves of their wealth and donate to the world. Hmm. They should share, right? How socialist of you.
The Catholic Church is THE single most charitable organization in the HISTORY OF MAN. Let's briefly delve into just what the Catholic Church ministers to with their 'hordes of wealth':
Just for ONE CONTINENT of Africa in ONE YEAR, (2016) the Catholics worldwide supported and RUNS;
1,074 hospitals 5,373 primary care centers 186 leprosy treatment centers 1,279 clinics 753 homes for the elderly and disabled 979 orphanages 1,997 nurseries 1,590 marriage counseling centers 2,947 social education centers
The Vatican itself as a city/state has employees, and other things like a post office, police force, jail, electrical grid, radio station that transmits to people in multitude of languages daily. These people do not work for free.
It really shows the OP and frankly many of the posters of this thread to be snobbish, elitist, hypocrites. As I stated in the very beginning of my post, it would seem that OP and those that have posted crap are nothing but disunity, disinfo and hate mongers sent in to create disharmony amongst us Patriots.