Anonymous ID: c123e4 QRB General #134: RudyG On The Qlock Edition April 28, 2021, 11:40 a.m. No.49036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: c123e4 April 28, 2021, 11:41 a.m. No.49038   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>47678 Maricopa County Livestream Audit new

>>42330, >>43177, >>43179, >>43185, >>44766 BO changes & board updates

>>43537, >>46268, >>46270 Moar ideas on posting for

>>44058 Content policy - what's ok, what's not, what to do

>>44282, >>44284 Using a password with restricts access - bakers, watch out



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>>48965, >>48970, >>48975, >>48990, >>48996, >>49004, >>49032 Gold Eyez in the Skyz

>>49030 UK Councils Advertising Covid Marshall Roles Beyond End of June Restrictions

>>49029 Chinese National Sentenced to 14 Years for Laundering Drug Money for Mexican Cartels

>>49028 Biden Chief of Staff’s Wife Openly Collaborated with Chinese State Media

>>49027 Drought-hit California moves to halt Nestlé from taking millions of gallons of water

>>49026 Food For Thought

>>49025 45 on On Bongino today

>>49022 European Parliament Seeks SWIFT Shut-Off For Russia "If Ukraine Aggression Continues"

>>49015, >>49018, >>49021 Future gonna prove past? We are on the edge of our seats!

>>49008 BIDEN's destruction of America Day 98

>>49000, >>49001, >>49002 "Globalist Banker Predicted Scamdemic & Genocide of The Useless

>>48999, >>49005, >>49006, >>49013 Federal Investigators Execute Search Warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment/Insert Rudy

>>48997 We'll do a rally soon.

>>48994 Tides Center

>>48992 Scavino/Q Like Clockwork.You have been prepared.

>>48988, >>48989, >>48991 Man arrested at airport after 35 birds intended for singing contests found in his clothing, officials say/Q's

>>48986 Kill Chain-The.Cyber ​​War on Americas Election

>>48984 ECB's Lagarde sees rapid rebound as vaccinations take off

>>48979 CM: Please call the Judge’s Clerk’s Office at 602-372-2925 and ask that Judge Martin recuse himself regarding case number: CV2021-006646

>>48977, >>48978 Stock ETF Inflows of $246 Billion Already Top All of Last Year

>>48976 Desantis getting luv

>>48974 ICPs and memory cards are being analyzed on camera one.

>>48971 Myanmar coup latest: Death toll rises in clashes near India border

>>48969 Tesla discloses notice from EPA alleging noncompliance with the Clean Air Act of 1963

>>48967 Hitachi Agrees to Sell Metal Unit to Bain Group for $3.5 Billion

>>49037 #133

Anonymous ID: c123e4 April 28, 2021, 11:41 a.m. No.49039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>48934 Who needs Congress? Biden Signs $15 Minimum Wage for Federal Contract Workers

>>48925 Biden Set To Unveil $1.8 Trillion Expansion Of American "Social Safety Net"

>>48920 Marjorie Taylor Greene to Headline Pro Police ‘Back the Blue’ Rally this Saturday in Columbus, Ohio the Day After Funeral of Ma’Khia Bryant

>>48919 Nancy Pelosi to Exclude 1,400 Invitees from Biden’s First Address to Congress While He Speaks Without a Mask

>>48903 McInerney on Islamic Jewelry shop infiltration

>>48902 McInerney: POTUS & Q told us about Kerry's shady dealings two years ago (but Obama's even worse)

>>48901 CM: flight attendant witnessed libs from Philly bragging about "helping" w/AZ audit -who to inform?

>>48900 NY Post fake pics in story pushing India "covid crisis"

>>48899 Hunter Biden hired to teach a course on FAKE NEWS this fall (he outta know)

>>48897 The China Biden government of thugs has made it possible to "legally target EVERY AMERICAN whom dares question the legitimacy of the 2020 election."

>>48893 Idaho State Senate Passes Bill Banning Teaching Of Critical Race Theory In Schools

>>48889 Former Obama White House advisor Seth Andrew arrested, accused of stealing from charter school he founded

>>48879 911 Pentagon hit with missile

>>48876 @EpochTimes having our congressional credentials pulled (I expect temporarily)

>>48873 @SenatorHagerty. Big tech giants are common carriers and need to be regulated as such.

>>48870 Charles de Vaulx awarded Morningstar's "International Stock Manager of the Year."

>>48867, >>48878, >>48883 Pricey Corn Has Farmers Feeding Wheat for Humans to Livestock

>>48864 Biden to Nominate Former Pentagon Official Frank Kendall to Top Air Force Post


>>48859 Arizona Republican Party @AZGOP audit reports

>>48858, >>48862, >>48872 CRISIS at the Southern Border…

>>48856, >>48860, >>48871, >>48869, >>48874 Goldman, Santander, SocGen help European Investment Bank issue €100m public blockchain bond

>>48855 Here is the fun infographic from the CDC detailing what rights unvaccinated infidels no longer have

>>48853 Pompeo: While I was briefing Trump, Kerry was briefing Iran

>>48851, >>48865 President Biden is expected to call for universal free preschool in Wednesday's address to Congress

>>48940 #132



>>48756, >>48760, >>48776, >>48780, >>48787, >>48800, >>48807, >>48821, >>48834, >>48840 planefaggin

>>48827 Joe Biden wore a mask outside to announce that fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear a mask outside.

>>48823 Charles de Vaulx apparent suicide after his financial empire collapsed

>>48820 Jake Sullvan arrives for meetings with Israel National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat at the Israel embassy.

>>48819 Myanmar coup latest: US senators call for sanctions on energy group MOGE

>>48818 Technofog needs help

>>48817 FISA court doc shows FBI looked for domestic terrorists without warrants, report

>>48816 CCP collaborators debunked Wuhan lab leak

>>48815 Flynn: “The people have spoken,”

>>48814 45: Liz Cheney is polling sooo low in Wyoming, and has sooo little support, even from the Wyoming Republican Party, that she is looking for a way out of her Congressional race.

>>48809 Unmasking the surgeons: the evidence base behind the use of facemasks in surgery

>>48802 There are currently at least 89 studies, with 48 being peer-reviewed (as of April 17, 2021), showing that Ivermectin is highly effective in treating COVID-19 in early stages and as prophylaxis (preventative measure).

>>48794 Liberal push to expand Supreme Court is all but dead among Hill Dems

>>48792, >>48793 Vice President Harris Participates in a Roundtable with Representatives from Guatemalan Community-Based Organizations

>>48788 Maricopa County Judge did not issue a restraining order today. The audit continues.

>>48783 Inflation Expectations Hit Eight-Year High Amid Reopening Cheer


>>48772 45: The Radical Left Democrat Party has gone absolutely INSANE in fighting the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam..............................

>>48765 Truth makes Democrats very, very angry.

>>48759, >>48761 “They Sent a Team of 100 Lawyers to Stop It Because They Know What the Result -Will Be”

>>48843 #131


Previously Collected Notables:

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Anonymous ID: c123e4 April 28, 2021, 11:42 a.m. No.49040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: c123e4 April 28, 2021, 11:42 a.m. No.49041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 16c3cf April 28, 2021, 11:48 a.m. No.49045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

Exclusive Investigation: Separating rumor from fact on Covid-19's origin

Article and Video

by Sharyl Attkisson



  • Numerous scientific insiders are signing onto the “lab origin” theory for Covid-19 and a link to controversial research funded by your tax dollars.

  • High profile health figures who have worked to “debunk” lab origin questions are linked to funding and vaccine research partnerships with China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

  • The U.S.- Chinese research involved genetically engineering bat coronavirus to make it infect human airway cells in mice, in order to invent vaccines and other therapeutics.

  • U.S. taxpayer money supported the controversial vaccine research with Chinese scientists through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Some support came from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci.


When the former head of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Dr. Robert Redfield, recently said Covid-19 likely leaked from a Chinese research lab, news headlines called it “shocking."


Dr. Robert Redfield on CNN: “I still think the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory— you know, escaped.”


That was followed by a flurry of media reports ridiculing the notion; insisting that Covid-19 probably jumped from bats to people through an unexplained, natural route. But there’s new information that hasn’t been widely reported. A sizable segment of the research community has formed the same opinion as Dr. Redfield: that Covid-19 leaked from experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.


very detailed, in-depth report from a truly outstanding reporter.

Anonymous ID: 5ea13f April 28, 2021, 11:56 a.m. No.49049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

>>48724, >>48780, >>48807 pb

BOXER41 USAF C-40C departed JBA and on final approach for Hattiesburg, MS

Should be on ground in a few moments time


This AC went to MCAS Yuma yesterday and Montgomery, AL prior to returning to JBA


from April 26

COVID-19 vaccine demand slowing in Mississippi

The vaccine rollout is slowing in Mississippi. It’s not because of a lack of supply but demand. So far, 23 percent of Mississippians are fully vaccinated. Mississippi’s vaccination report shows that demand has stayed on a downward trend for all of April, with a more than 19 percent drop in doses given each of the last two weeks. Dr. Laura Jackson Miller is a family physician in Prentiss. “What I have seen is we’re starting to have to kind of convince people or talk to people about why they would benefit from it a little bit more than the information they get from other sources,” described Dr. Laura Jackson Miller, Prentiss Family Practice Clinic-Hattiesburg Clinic.


Anonymous ID: 183aad April 28, 2021, 11:56 a.m. No.49050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

New Judge in Election Case in Arizona, Judge Martin, Was Picked by Judge and Wife of Maricopa County Supervisor, Bill Gates! (AUDIO)

Anonymous ID: 16c3cf April 28, 2021, 12:10 p.m. No.49051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9053 >>9055


forgot to do link last night, sorry about confusion

it's weird when nobody's here, no feedback


i be doin tax not vax

just the facts

no fall in the crax

don wanna be lax

adding stuff to the max

for the irs wacks.


Anonymous ID: 183aad April 28, 2021, 12:10 p.m. No.49052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

Drudge Report Drops Links to Gateway Pundit, Other Conservative Sites

Anonymous ID: 16c3cf April 28, 2021, 12:13 p.m. No.49054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9056

Code Monkey


[Forwarded from Arizona Conservatives Take Action (Patriot)]

AZ Audit Hearing Update


The new Maricopa County Judge Martin did not extend the injunction today after an hour-plus long hearing. The audit in Arizona continues for now. Judge Martin says he will rule on the TRO tomorrow at 10:30AM.


He stated: "the Senate has the authority to audit but must balance that with the constitutional rights of voters." He added later: "I'm not persuaded that rights of voters in Maricopa County are being protected,” i.e. he may enforce the TRO tomorrow. Judge said that issue is central to the case,.


This is a biased judge. Keep calling and demand that he recuse himself:


Learn more: 🔗Call Judge Martin (

Watch:🔗AZ Audit Hearing 4/27 (

Anonymous ID: 16c3cf April 28, 2021, 12:27 p.m. No.49058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9080



got a new dough for ya, look at the last link on #133 - twas green, refresh and it's good

(ok for watn, cked)


changed it in the bread, here is the new dough:


or ya can update it in your dough, either way.


(just deleted first version of this post, wrong link)

Anonymous ID: 5ea13f April 28, 2021, 12:27 p.m. No.49059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

RCH778T USAF C-17 Globey departed New Castle Cty Airport, DL sw after a ground stop-inbound from MCB Quantico

On final approach for spoopy Redstone Arsenal- Army Airfield Huntsville, AL


from earlier today

Alabama AG Steve Marshall pulls out of National Attorneys General Association

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall has withdrawn from membership in the National Attorneys General Association. Yellowhammer News reported the decision on Monday. Mike Lewis, spokesman for Marshall, confirmed the decision to but had no further comment. According to Yellowhammer, Marshall pulled out of the organization because he said it has moved too far to the left in its policies. Gov. Robert Bentley appointed Marshall attorney general in 2017 to replace Luther Strange, who left to accept Bentley’s appointment to fill Jeff Sessions’ seat in the U.S. Senate. Marshall, a Republican and the former district attorney in Marshall County, was elected to a four-year term in 2018. Marshall is a member of the Republican Attorneys General Association and is chairman of the policy branch of that group, the Rule of Law Defense Fund.

Anonymous ID: 5ea13f April 28, 2021, 12:39 p.m. No.49061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9067 >>9143

Optimistic Fed Signals "Strengthening" Economy, Shrugs Off Inflation As "Transitory"


Since the last FOMC meeting, on March 17th, 10Y TSY yields are unchanged... while commodity prices have exploded higher. And to add to the confusion, real yields have tumbled. In that same period, the dollar has dropped 1% as bonds, bullion, and big-caps have all risen around 2%. And then there's crypto... which has seen prices explode since the last FOMC meeting.


Expectations for the first Fed rate-hike are unchanged since the last FOMC meeting...(and remain well ahead of The Fed's forecast)-cap#1

So, will Jay Powell and his pals recognize the solid vaccine trajectory, the removal of mask mandates, the surge in 'soft' survey data and improvements in spending and labor markets? Or will he mention that US stock valuations have never, ever been more expensive. We doubt it - today is expected to be yet another snoozefest - perhaps the last snoozefest FOMC meeting before things start to hot-up:


June – tapering discussions begin to intensify as incoming data remains strong

June/July FOMC minutes, speeches and Jackson Hole – additional comments that participants are beginning to see signs of “substantial further progress”

September – adjustment to the post-meeting statement to acknowledge that “substantial further progress” is likely to be made “in coming months”

December – official announcement that tapering will start in January 2022

January – tapering starts, with a $20bn ($10bn) reduction in the pace of Treasury (MBS) purchases every six months. Tapering finishes by Q3 2023, the same quarter we expect liftoff.


As expected The Fed kept rates and their bond-buying program unchanged. They reflected some optimism, noting that economic activity and employment have strengthened. Amid progress on vaccinations and strong policy support, indicators of economic activity and employment have strengthened. The sectors most adversely affected by the pandemic remain weak but have shown improvement.


But couldn't help but offer some downbeat balance...The ongoing public health crisis continues to weigh on the economy, and risks to the economic outlook remain.


And most importantly, The Fed noted "inflation has risen, largely reflecting transitory factors "

Anonymous ID: 12591f April 28, 2021, 12:41 p.m. No.49063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9064 >>9143


AFTER the interview with President Trump:

Analysis of FBI FISA abuse from TechnoFog

Our discussion of FBI FISA abuse is featured on The Dan Bongino Show today. (Thanks to Ms. Albert for the HT.)




YouTube (

Ep. 1509 Interview With President Trump - The Dan Bongino Show®

For show notes, visit show is brought to you by Express VPN https://www.expressvpn.

Anonymous ID: 5ea13f April 28, 2021, 1:06 p.m. No.49067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143


Powell Says Archegos Collapse Revealed Breakdowns at Some Banks


Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the central bank is examining the Archegos Capital Management blowup because it revealed risk-management failures at a number of banks his agency supervises. “It seems as though there were risk-management breakdowns at some of the firms not all of them and that’s what we’re looking into,” Powell said at a press conference Wednesday. He also defended the Fed’s role as an industry supervisor, saying his examiners aren’t responsible for taking control to stem losses by lenders. “We don’t manage their companies for them,” he said.


The collapse of trader Bill Hwang’s firm continues to reveal losses by some of the world’s biggest lenders and cost some executives their jobs. More than $10 billion in losses at major banks including Credit Suisse Group AG, Nomura Holdings Inc., Morgan Stanley and UBS Group AG sent shock waves through the industry and has drawn attention from U.S. regulators. The Archegos exposures weren’t well understood by some banks, Powell said, adding that it’s “troubling” in an aspect of banking that’s supposed to carry clear risks.


While that revealed a failure in bank controls, “Archegos risks were not systemically important or were not of the size that they would have really created trouble for any of those institutions,” he told reporters.

Anonymous ID: 183aad April 28, 2021, 1:11 p.m. No.49068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9070


so, we can interpret this a good thing... he has everything on Biden going thru his 40 years of grifting. he can't trickle it out cause there is no legal standing to do so.

the investigation has reached a point that it is viable pending proof. Guilliani puts everything in a nice neat pile and the feds have their case built and ready to execute.


Anonymous ID: 5ea13f April 28, 2021, 1:19 p.m. No.49069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9070 >>9143

Rudy Giuliani responds to the feds raiding his NYC apartment


Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday accused federal agents of ignoring copies of Hunter Biden’s computer hard drives when they raided his apartment — and blamed the investigation of him on “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”


In a statement released by his lawyer, Giuliani said the FBI “steadfastly declined” to take the hard drives when he “offered them on several occasions.” “Keep in mind that the agents could not read the physical hard drives without plugging them in, but they took Mr. Giuliani’s word that the hard drives were copies of Hunter Biden’s hard drive and did not contain anything pertaining to Mr. Giuliani,” the statement said.


“Their reliance on Mr. Giuliani’s credibility tells you everything you need to know about this case.” The statement from lawyer Robert Costello described Wednesday’s action against Giuliani as an example of how the Justice Department is “running rough shod over the constitutional rights of anyone involved in, or legally defending, former President Donald J. Trump.”


“It is outrageous that the Trump Derangement Syndrome has gone so far that hatred has driven this unjustified and unethical attack on the United States Attorney and Mayor who did more to reduce crime than virtually any other in American history,” the statement said. “Mr. Giuliani respects the law, and he can demonstrate that his conduct as a lawyer and a citizen was absolutely legal and ethical.” The statement also said that the electronic devices seized from Giuliani are “replete with material covered by the attorney client privilege and other constitutional privileges.”


The Manhattan US Attorney’s Office, which is conducting the probe, has declined to comment on Wednesday’s raids of Giuliani’s apartment and law office.

Anonymous ID: 5ea13f April 28, 2021, 2 p.m. No.49072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9073 >>9143

'Apple tops expectations across the board while boosting dividend 7% and adds $90B share buyback


cause you wouldn't do that ($90B buyback) if things were as presented.


Apple Inc. continued its hot streak Wednesday, posting better-than-expected revenue across all of its product categories for the March quarter while boosting its buyback program by $90 billion and raising its dividend by 7%. Shares were up 3.9% in after-hours trading.


The company reported fiscal second-quarter net income of $23.6 billion, or $1.40 a share, up from $11.2 billion, or 64 cents a share, a year earlier. Analysts tracked by FactSet were expecting 99 cents a share in earnings. Apple’s AAPL, -0.60% revenue for the quarter rose to $89.6 billion from $58.3 billion, while analysts were projecting $77.1 billion. The revenue total was a record for the March quarter.


The company saw iPhone sales climb to $47.9 billion from $29.0 billion a year ago, above the FactSet consensus, which called for $41.4 billion. The March quarter marked the first full quarter of availability for Apple’s iPhone 12 line. Apple’s iPad and Mac businesses continued to stay hot as consumers looked for technology that could help them work and study from home. Revenue from iPads rose to $7.8 billion from $4.4 billion and came in far ahead of the FactSet consensus of $5.6 billion. Revenue from Macs increased to $9.1 billion from $5.4 billion, whereas analysts were expecting $6.8 billion.


The company generated $7.8 billion in revenue from its wearables, home and accessories category, up from $6.3 billion a year prior and ahead of the FactSet consensus, which called for $7.4 billion. Revenue from Apple’s services segment grew to $16.9 billion from $13.3. billion, while analysts were looking for $15.5 billion.


The company added $90 billion to its stock-buyback authorization and raised its dividend by 7% to 22 cents a share. Apple historically provides updates on its capital-return plans with its March-quarter release.

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 2:35 p.m. No.49074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9077 >>9100 >>9143

Biggs asks Biden to suspend John Kerry’s security clearance


After calls for former Secretary of State and Biden administration official John Kerry’s resignation continue, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) penned a letter on Tuesday to President Biden, demanding that he suspend Kerry’s security clearance. This comes after the reported revelation that Kerry knew about covert Israeli attacks in Syria.


The Arizona congressman called for the suspension until a full investigation can be completed. “I urge you to immediately suspend Special Envoy John Kerry’s security clearance and prevent him from participating in any classified briefings until the full nature of his interactions with the Islamic Republic of Iran are investigated,” Biggs wrote.


“If Mr. Kerry provided sensitive information to Iran about Israel’s activities in Syria, he undermined a friend and bolstered an enemy,” Biggs wrote. “At best, such behavior would be despicable; at worst, it would verge on treason.”


Since the news broke, Biden has remained silent on the issue and Kerry denies the report. But Biggs demands action.


“For the sake of national security, I again urge you to act immediately in this matter,” he wrote.

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 2:37 p.m. No.49075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

Total WAR on FOOD targeting ranchers to outlaw all forms of meat, including cattle and backyard chickens


The total war against the food supply is now underway with a ballot initiative in Oregon seeking to criminalize all forms of meat production, including cattle and backyard chickens. Under the proposed new law, meat could only be harvested from animals after they die from “natural causes,” which would mean harvesting meat from old, diseased animals. Cancer burgers, anyone?


This effort to criminalize all forms of ranching and animal food production is part of the insane lunacy of left-wing nut jobs who also want to outlaw combustion engines and pollute the stratosphere to block the sun and collapse the global food supply. In summary, the attacks on food abundance are being engineered from multiple vectors, including:


Legislative efforts to criminalize animal ranching and meat production.


Geoengineering / terraforming efforts to block the sun and block photosynthesis of food crops.


Federal legislation efforts to outlaw combustion engines and end all forms of modern farming with tractors.


Mark of the Beast initiatives to tie food purchases to biometric scans of your palm, in order to limit food purchases according to new tyrannical food rules pushed by a totalitarian government.


Continued efforts to outlaw front yard and back yard gardening.


State laws banning the transportation of garden seeds. This is already a tremendous problem nationwide.


In truth, moronic liberals have no clue where food — even “vegan” food — really comes from. In this hilarious video, Quick Dick McDick explains that margarine comes largely from canola oil which is grown, harvested, processed and transported using diesel fuel, not “unicorn farts.”


As lunatic Leftists continue to destroy human civilization, they seem to be confused why the world they’ve created sucks so bad. When they destroy economies, they wonder why so many people are jobless. When they destroy health, they wonder why so many people are sick. And when they destroy the food supply, they wonder why so many people are starving.


If we really want to create a world without suffering, the real answer is to destroy the Democrats and stop their war against humanity.

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 2:48 p.m. No.49076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9084 >>9143

Giuliani’s son Andrew on FBI raid:


"The only piece of evidence that they did not take up there today was the only piece of incriminating evidence that is in there — and it does not belong to my father — it belongs to the current president's son."


click the link to hear the vid

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 2:50 p.m. No.49077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9100 >>9143


EXCLUSIVE: Group Of Republicans Call For Investigation Into John Kerry


Read the letter obtained first by @DailyCaller


and more here:

Anonymous ID: 5ea13f April 28, 2021, 2:56 p.m. No.49078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9079 >>9090 >>9143

SEC Enforcement Chief Alex Oh Resigns Just Days After Taking Job


Alex Oh, who was named head of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s vaunted enforcement division last week, abruptly resigned, an early setback for Gary Gensler’s tenure running the Wall Street regulator.


The surprise move, announced Wednesday in an SEC statement, means Gensler won’t have his preferred pick leading what’s arguably the agency’s most important division. Melissa Hodgman, who was previously serving as acting director of the enforcement unit, will return to that role, the SEC said. Before joining the SEC, Oh was a partner at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. At Paul Weiss her corporate clients included Exxon Mobil Corp. In a matter representing Exxon, Oh said her opposing counsel was “agitated, disrespectful, and unhinged” during a deposition without providing evidence, according to an April 26 order. That prompted a judge to question why he shouldn’t sanction Oh, the order shows. Bloomberg News couldn’t immediately determine what the Exxon case was about. “A development arose this week in one of the cases on which I worked while still in private law practice,” Oh said in an emailed resignation to Gensler reviewed by Bloomberg. “I have reached the conclusion that I cannot address this development without it becoming an unwelcome distraction.”

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 3:23 p.m. No.49081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

Ron DeSantis Extends Emergency Order: Necessary to ‘Protect’ Floridians from ‘So-Called Vaccine Passport’


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) extended the state’s declared “State of Emergency” on Tuesday, contending it is necessary to “ensure Florida schools remain open for the remainder of the school year and to protect Floridians from being required to produce a so-called vaccine passport,” per the order.


The emergency order, which has been in effect for over a year, was set to expire at midnight, but DeSantis extended it again, citing the continued impact of the Chinese coronavirus beyond a public health standpoint alone.


Per the order, the extension is “necessary to ensure Florida schools remain open for the remainder of the school year and to protect Floridians from being required to produce a so-called vaccine passport as a condition of participating in everyday life.”


The order also cites the governor’s commitment to providing “all available resources to assist Floridians and local communities with their efforts” to recover economically from the impact of the pandemic.


It reads in part:


As Florida continues to realize a manageable trend in COVID-19 cases, over 8.5 million vaccinated individuals, a 4.7% unemployment rate well under the national average, and state revenues improving significantly from worst-case projections during the pandemic, gaining $4.1 billion additional projected revenue over three fiscal years from the August 2020 estimate, the state should prepare to resume non-emergency operations.


DeSantis has continued to forge a path of freedom in the Sunshine State despite a steady stream of critiques from members of the establishment media, vowing to continue to remain open.


“We have been open, we will remain open and we are not turning back,” DeSantis told reporters in February, emphasizing the importance of children having the option to attend school in person.


“These kids have been out of school in parts of this country for almost a year and if you follow that CDC guidance, they will not go back in this school year and they may not even go back in the fall,” DeSantis said at the time.


“That is a disgrace, that is not science,” DeSantis continued. “That is putting politics ahead of what’s right for kids. That is putting politics and special interests ahead of what the evidence and observed experience says.”


In early April, the Republican governor and rising GOP star signed an executive order banning the use of vaccine passports in the state.


“Requiring so-called COVID-19 vaccine passports for taking part in everyday life — such as attending a sporting event, patronizing a restaurant, or going to a movie theater— would create two cases of citizens based on vaccination,” his executive order reads.


The order is therefore “necessary to protect the fundamental rights and privacies of Floridians and the free flow of commerce within the state,” it adds.


DeSantis added that the legislature is working to make the protections permanent.

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 3:42 p.m. No.49083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143


WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. —Palm Beach County's tax collector is tellingher employees to get vaccinated or risk losing their jobs.


Anne Gannon released a statement Wednesday in which she said it is her expectation "that all employees will receive" one of the COVID-19 vaccines by June 15.




"Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic over the past year has been difficult for everyone. The tax collector's office is a designated essential operation, and we are very proud of our continued service to the residents of Palm Beach County throughout this pandemic. Our priority has been and will continue to be the health and safety of our employees and our clients who require our in-person services. We have taken many precautions to ensure safety in all of our operations and now, with the availability of a COVID-19 vaccine, we have an opportunity to further protect our employees and clients.


We have communicated to our entire staff that our expectation is that all employees will receive one of the FDA authorized vaccines by June 15, 2021. Under guidance we obtained from the EEOC, an employee may apply for a religious or medical exemption from the vaccine requirement. In addition, we are making arrangements with the Health Care District to bring their mobile vaccination vans to our various locations to help make the vaccine process convenient.


While our intent is to avoid any staff members leaving their employment with us, we will respect the decision of employees who elect not to be vaccinated for reasons other than an approved medical or religious exemption.


No further comments will be issued at this time."


Her statement came a day after she told the Palm Beach Post that two of her employees tested positive for coronavirus within the past two weeks.


Gannon told the newspaper that every time an employee tests positive, "it costs our business money and it gives us an inability to meet our customer needs."


She said employees may be able to apply for a religious or medical exemption.


"While our intent is to avoid any staff members leaving their employment with us, we will respect the decision of employees who elect not to be vaccinated for reasons other than an approved medical or religious exemption," Gannon said.


She said her office is also making arrangements with the Health Care District of Palm Beach County to bring its mobile vaccination vans to the different tax collector locations.

Anonymous ID: 6b18e6 April 28, 2021, 3:43 p.m. No.49084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9086


>"The only piece of evidence that they did not take up there today was the only piece of incriminating evidence that is in there — and it does not belong to my father — it belongs to the current president's son."



Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 4:07 p.m. No.49098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9099 >>9101 >>9143

The Bee: For the keks


Cuomo Regretting Killing All Those Elderly After Losing House Seat


ALBANY, NY—Governor Andrew Cuomo is disappointed after census data revealed his state had lost thousands of citizens, causing New York to lose a seat in the House of Representatives.


"Yeah, I guess I shouldn't have murdered 15,000 elderly residents in nursing homes by forcing them to admit COVID patients," said the governor in between bites of his spicy meatball sub. "Maybe, in hindsight, I could have done better."


"Or at least, maybe if I could have gotten 89 more of those old people to fill out a census form before dying I could have prevented this." Cuomo then finished his meatball sub and began plowing into a large bowl of spaghetti.


Critics of the governor insisted that 15,000 precious human lives were worth infinitely more than just a seat in Congress, but Cuomo was unable to hear them due to chewing his food too loudly.


Cuomo is promising new initiatives to ensure more people fill out the census as they should in order to counteract all the people dying and leaving his state in record numbers.

Anonymous ID: 740540 April 28, 2021, 4:13 p.m. No.49103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9105 >>9108


>When the former head of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Dr. Robert Redfield, recently said Covid-19 likely leaked from a Chinese research lab, news headlines called it “shocking."


>Dr. Robert Redfield on CNN: “I still think the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory— you know, escaped.”


>That was followed by a flurry of media reports ridiculing the notion; insisting that Covid-19 probably jumped from bats to people through an unexplained, natural route. But there’s new information that hasn’t been widely reported. A sizable segment of the research community has formed the same opinion as Dr. Redfield: that Covid-19 leaked from experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.




>very detailed, in-depth report from a truly outstanding reporter.

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


>▶Anonymous 04/28/21 (Wed) 14:48:41 5ea13f (11) No.49046


>File (hide): 4a464c59b7f073d⋯.png (130.75 KB, 400x243, 400:243, Rudy_G_thumb_up.PNG) (h) (u)







>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


>▶Anonymous 04/28/21 (Wed) 14:48:54 16c3cf (6) No.49047


>File (hide): daa4a6196242ea2⋯.png (243.23 KB, 341x379, 341:379, baker_shining.png) (h) (u)





>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

Why you hijacking anons posts?

Anonymous ID: 6b18e6 April 28, 2021, 4:23 p.m. No.49109   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dunno if it's insane

right now, hard to separate the sane from the insane

what bout Chucky watching the Oscars, for example?

Weird shit is everywhere - kek.

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 4:26 p.m. No.49113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9114 >>9143

Many protesters initially refused to leave the district’s headquarters even after the cancellation.


Parents who still insisted on speaking said their parental rights had been trampled and they weren’t given a voice on Vail’s policies, KVOA-TV reported.


Before eventually leaving, some protesters held an impromptu unofficial election, selecting their own board that voted to rescind the mask policies, the Arizona Daily Star reported.


For Arizona vaccine information, visit


For all articles, information and updates on the coronavirus from KTAR News, visit

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 4:34 p.m. No.49118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9121 >>9143

Biden wants to build 500,000 charging stations. Here’s where we stand and how we get there.


Department of Energy, with a third concentrated in California (in comparison, Michigan is home to just 1.5% of the nation’s public charging outlets at 1,542 charging outlets.)


Experts say significantly expanding the charging network would require coordination across the auto industry, retail businesses, utility companies and all levels of government — and $35 billion to $45 billion more, potentially through required matches from local governments or private companies.


They also say a long-term approach is appropriate, as the roll-out of chargers should match consumer adoption to moderate demand and allow time to expand the electric grid, and caution against proprietary chargers like those used by Tesla Inc.


But if a widescale charger roll-out is pulled off, they say, it would likely bring the industry to scale by reducing or eliminating “range anxiety” — consumers’ fears that they won’t be able to take a road trip or visit out-of-town relatives in an electric vehicle — which remains one of the biggest barriers to EV adoption.


Most electric vehicle owners today have chargers in their house or apartment complex, said Dan Ives, an analyst at Wedbush Securities: “In order for EVs to be more pervasive, it’s going to have to be gas station-like, where you can find an EV charging station with significant capacity” almost anywhere.


“The green tidal wave,” he added, “doesn’t happen in the U.S. until we have the charging stations to support it.”


In Europe, where a standard connector is mandated, Tesla doesn’t have an exclusive network. There’s no standard connector mandated in the U.S. currently, but Sam Abuelsamid, principal research analyst at Guidehouse Insights, thinks that should change to help EV adoption.


Electric vehicle startup Rivian Automotive LLC plans to build a charging network that would be exclusive to its customers.


“That actually makes the access problem worse,” Abuelsamid said. “As the number of EVs grow, suddenly we’ve got thousands of chargers that could be used, but the company won’t let people use them, and that’s bad. If you really want people to adopt EVs, you need to make every charger accessible to every EV owner.”

Anonymous ID: 6b18e6 April 28, 2021, 4:38 p.m. No.49120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9122


time stamps don't prove shit

the stuff you're citing is from Attkisson dig

can't even follow your thoughts well enough to know what you're mad about


but you got mad 'fore you even asked

so what's sup?

probably no matter the response, you're just gonna keep on


i'm on the phone now, if u come back later, i can take a look



nope, not me.

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 4:38 p.m. No.49121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143



“That actually makes the access problem worse,” Abuelsamid said. “As the number of EVs grow, suddenly we’ve got thousands of chargers that could be used, but the company won’t let people use them, and that’s bad. If you really want people to adopt EVs, you need to make every charger accessible to every EV owner.”


Another utility and division for the people to deal with, monopoly anyone?

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 4:42 p.m. No.49123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

Wonder how many states have some sort of electric/'green wave' bills on dockets?


Be cool if that 5G harnessed Tesla's electricity from the air


New 3D-Printed Antenna Can Harvest Power From 5G Signals -


Carriers are rolling out 5G networks across the globe, promising to deliver lightning-fast data to devices of all shapes and sizes. So far, the speed claims of 5G have been little more than smoke and mirrors. However, the architects of 5G technology may have unwittingly provided the key to wireless power. A team at Georgia Tech has developed a small, 3D-printed antenna that can harvest power from 5G waves. This technology has the potential to turn wireless data networks into a wireless power grid.


5G comes in several different flavors, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages. There’s low-band 5G that operates in the range of several hundred megahertz, offering good range but lower speeds. Mid-band signals on the order of a few gigahertz can provide much higher speeds in exchange for a modest reduction in range. Both of those are classified as sub-6GHz; once you get over 6GHz, you’re in the realm of millimeter-wave 5G, going as high as 40GHz in the US. That’s what Verizon and AT&T started with because that spectrum was readily available and very, very fast. The problem? Very little range.


Some past attempts to harvest power from wireless signals have focused on Wi-Fi, which tops out at a few gigahertz like mid-band 5G, but millimeter wave (mmWave) is a whole different story. Millimeter-wave (mmWave) 5G can transmit multiple gigabits per second because of its high frequency and power, and that means there’s more potential energy to harvest. This, too, has been demonstrated, but these demos needed a large rectifying antenna. The larger the antenna, the narrower its field of view, making it impractical for energy harvesting. The tiny cards developed by the Georgia Tech team solve this problem by adding a component called a Rotman lens — the spiky shape in the middle (above).

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 4:55 p.m. No.49131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143


'Woke' ideology is 'wrecking Christianity,' warns Christian rock star


'We need to be extremely vigilant about the Word of God'

Anonymous ID: 740540 April 28, 2021, 4:58 p.m. No.49132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9140


just do digs with other anons research? Nothing worng wit dat, but anons get credit where anons deserve. fucking guy attributed my post to hisself! not cool

Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 4:58 p.m. No.49133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

Former Fox Regular Raided In Giuliani/Ukraine Probe


F.B.I. agents on Wednesday morning also executed a search warrant at the Washington-area home of Victoria Toensing, a lawyer close to Mr. Giuliani who had dealings with several Ukrainians involved in seeking negative information on the Bidens, according to people with knowledge of that warrant, which sought her phone.


Ms. Toensing, a former federal prosecutor and senior Justice Department official, has also represented Dmitry Firtash, a Ukrainian oligarch under indictment in the United States whose help Mr. Giuliani sought.


The federal authorities have largely focused on whether Mr. Giuliani illegally lobbied the Trump administration in 2019 on behalf of Ukrainian officials and oligarchs, who at the time were helping Mr. Giuliani search for damaging information on Mr. Trump’s political rivals, including Mr. Biden, who was then a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination.


The recently declassified intelligence report on foreign threats to our election seems to connect some dots:


The primary effort the [Intelligence Community] uncovered revolved around a narrative – that Russian actors began spreading as early as 2014 – alleging corrupt ties between President Biden, his family and other officials and Ukraine. Russian intelligence services relied on Ukraine-linked proxies and these proxies’ networks – including their US contacts – to spread this narrative to give Moscow plausible deniability of their involvement.


I suspect a lot more will come out about these very dodgy characters that Fox News has championed.

Anonymous ID: 5ea13f April 28, 2021, 5:04 p.m. No.49135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

Smart Global Holdings Inc. sold by Silver Lake partners: $101m-Apr 26


SMART Global Holdings, Inc. is a provider of specialty memory, storage and hybrid solutions. The Company delivers components, modules and storage solutions to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in computing, networking, communications, storage, mobile and industrial markets. The Company, through its SMART Specialty Compute & Storage Solutions (SCSS) unit is focused on offering its services in areas requiring specialized computing platforms in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), advanced modeling and high performance computing serving enterprises and government organizations. It has its operations in the United States, Europe, Asia and Latin America, and enables it to provide customized, integrated supply chain services assisting worldwide OEM customers in the management and execution of their procurement and asset management processes. It also manufactures mobile memory products, memory components and modules for smart phones, desktops, notebooks and servers. Number of employees : 1 754 people.


Silver Lake is a global private equity firm focused on investments in technology, technology-enabled and related industries. Founded in 1999, the firm is one of the largest technology investors in the world. Its investment holdings have included Airbnb, Alibaba Group,, Broadcom Inc., Credit Karma, City Football Group, Dell Technologies, Endeavor, Expedia Group, Fanatics, First Advantage, Global Blue, GoDaddy, Jio, Lightbox, Motorola Solutions, NortonLifeLock, Red Ventures, Sabre Corporation, Skype, SoFi, GLG, Seagate Technology, SolarWinds, TEG, Twitter, Unity, Waymo, Weld North Education, WP Engine, Vacasa and ZPG. Silver Lake is headquartered in Silicon Valley, and has offices in New York, London, and Hong Kong.

Egon Durban Co-CEO

Egon Durban joined Silver Lake in 1999 as a founding principal and is Co-CEO. He serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Endeavor Group Holdings. He also serves on the board of directors of City Football Group, Dell Technologies, Learfield IMG College, Motorola Solutions, Qualtrics, Twitter, UFC, Unity Software, Verily, VMware and Waymo. Previously, he served on the board of Pivotal Software, SecureWorks, Skype, and was Chairman of its operating committee, served on the supervisory board and operating committee of NXP, and on the board of MultiPlan. Mr. Durban currently serves on the Business Council and Business Roundtable. Prior to Silver Lake, he worked in Morgan Stanley's Investment Banking Division.

Greg Mondre joined Silver Lake in 1999 and is Co-CEO. Prior to joining Silver Lake, Mr. Mondre was a principal at Texas Pacific Group, where he predominantly focused on private equity investments in the technology sector. Earlier in his career, Mr. Mondre worked as an investment banker in the Communications, Media and Entertainment Group of Goldman, Sachs & Co. He is a director of A Place for Mom, Inc., Expedia Group, Inc., Fanatics, Inc., GoodRx, Inc., Motorola Solutions, Red Ventures, Weld North Education and WP Engine. He has also previously served as a director of GoDaddy, Inc., Vantage Data Centers, LLC, IPC Systems, Inc., UGS Corporation, Avaya, Network General Corporation and Sabre Corporation.

Anonymous ID: 6b18e6 April 28, 2021, 5:07 p.m. No.49136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143


Twitter (

Rishi Bagree 🇮🇳

Propaganda Vs Truth



Anonymous ID: 5ea13f April 28, 2021, 5:09 p.m. No.49137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143

ZOMBE28 USAF KC-135 tanker out of McGuire AFB over DC on mobile filling station dooty


someone got a sense of humor upstairs tonight


Anonymous ID: 3dfd11 April 28, 2021, 5:18 p.m. No.49143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9146


>>49049, >>49059, >>49137 Gold Eyez in the Skyz

>>49136 Propaganda Vs Truth

>>49135 Smart Global Holdings Inc. sold by Silver Lake partners: $101m-Apr 26

>>49133 F.B.I. agents on Wednesday morning also executed a search warrant at the Washington-area home of Victoria Toensing

>>49131 'Woke' ideology is 'wrecking Christianity,' warns Christian rock star

>>49127 WARNINGS From "1984" and "Brave New World" You Must Hear | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 132

>>49123 Wonder how many states have some sort of electric/'green wave' bills on dockets?

>>49118, >>49121 Biden wants to build 500,000 charging stations. Here’s where we stand and how we get there.

>>49113, >>49115 Vail, AZ takes school board in own hands

>>49098 The Bee: Cuomo Regretting Killing All Those Elderly After Losing House Seat

>>49091 Gen McInerney/Silent Running

>>49089 For the Keks!

>>49088 Navy Seals to shift from counterterrorism to global threats

>>49083 Palm Beach County's tax collector is tellingher employees to get vaccinated or risk losing their jobs.

>>49081 Ron DeSantis Extends Emergency Order: Necessary to ‘Protect’ Floridians from ‘So-Called Vaccine Passport’

>>49078 SEC Enforcement Chief Alex Oh Resigns Just Days After Taking Job

>>49075 Total WAR on FOOD targeting ranchers to outlaw all forms of meat, including cattle and backyard chickens

>>49074, >>49077, >>49100 Biggs asks Biden to suspend John Kerry’s security clearance

>>49072 'Apple tops expectations across the board while boosting dividend 7% and adds $90B share buyback

>>49069, >>49076 Rudy Giuliani responds to the feds raiding his NYC apartment

>>49063 Analysis of FBI FISA abuse from TechnoFog

>>49061, >>49067 Optimistic Fed Signals "Strengthening" Economy, Shrugs Off Inflation As "Transitory"

>>49059 Alabama AG Steve Marshall pulls out of National Attorneys General Association

>>49052 Drudge Report Drops Links to Gateway Pundit, Other Conservative Sites

>>49050 New Judge in Election Case in Arizona, Judge Martin, Was Picked by Judge and Wife of Maricopa County Supervisor, Bill Gates!

>>49045 Exclusive Investigation: Separating rumor from fact on Covid-19's origin



Baker be like, oh yeah, collect notez

so czech em

lemme know

Anonymous ID: 6b18e6 April 28, 2021, 5:18 p.m. No.49144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9145


saw what u posted

you have not yet cited anything showing that anybody stole any work of anybody

and on an anon board, why would u care?

that's the whole point - focusing on the work, not the author


nobody stole from you

either you know that or you don't

we work cooperatively on this board

that's the only way we work

up to you what you wanna think

i won't fight with you, got digs to do

Anonymous ID: 740540 April 28, 2021, 5:20 p.m. No.49145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9149


you obviously didn't actually is the exact same post with the exact same wording only several moments later, mine first on qresearch then the other anons later...I am flattered that my post was well received but fuck, credit due because I found it, not that anon!

Anonymous ID: 6b18e6 April 28, 2021, 5:22 p.m. No.49147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9148

DRAMATIC results from Ivermectin in Czech Republic!

Keep this stuff in the public eye - make it impossible to ignore.


World Doctors Alliance, [28.04.21 05:55]


World Doctors Alliance, [28.04.21 05:58]

Anonymous ID: 740540 April 28, 2021, 5:26 p.m. No.49151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9157


What you say is true and I am truly flattered that my original post was reposted here (a place i have never been before). It incensed me that that anon was able to make my post look like their post ... whatever

Anonymous ID: 1c4650 April 28, 2021, 5:31 p.m. No.49157   🗄️.is 🔗kun


habby to have here, but slo down. we dig, note, and are picked up by aggregators worldwide for our work. you are welcome to roll yer sleeves up and jump in