When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.
Define ‘deflection’.
Logical thinking.
Shill count HIGH.
>>>/qresearch/10825640 Shilling against baker posts Over /QRmemes/ being removed by GYB, same MO as /warroom/ attacks
>>>/comms/27199 Catalogue spammed post, it started when /QRmemes/ was removed, same MO as /warroom/ attacks
>>>/qresearch/10765450, >>>/qresearch/10765461, DDoS attack that started when /QRmemes/ was removed, same MO as /warroom/ attacks
>>>/qresearch/10766090, >>>/qresearch/10765604, >>>/comms/27495, GYB admitting he was part of the spamming and shilling after being caught & lying about it
>>>/comms/26992, GYB/Freebaker admitting to deleting notables on more than one occasion
>>>/comms/27236, >>>/comms/27274, >>>/comms/27471, GYB lying and then getting caught, again, playing victim
>>>/comms/27210, >>>/Qresearch/10807327, Converstaion on /comms/ immediately after GYB was caught shilling and spamming against baker on duty
>>>/qresearch/10805687, >>>/comms/28072, >>>/comms/12993, GB falsely claiming OSS was a different personality before & getting exposed for his lie & defending GYB deleting notables about Cannibal Club/Human Trafficking
>>>/comms/27844, >>>/comms/27848 Boatfag blaimng OSS for GYB shilling & getting caught
>>>/qresearch/10779421, Nightbaker removing New general bread from dough "because the one on /comms/ works fine"
>>>/qresearch/10806948, >>>/qresearch/10806963, >>>/qresearch/10806969, >>>/qresearch/10806983, >>>/Qresearch/10806991, >>>/comms/28225, >>>/comms/28234 GB Shilling with 20 posts & big mad posted the evidence of his shilling
>>>/qresearch/10807072, >>>/qresearch/10807129, Boatfag tries to cover his track & continues to blame OSS, gets called out for siding with GYB has no response
>>>/COMMS/28248, >>>/COMMS/28250, >>>/comms/28251, >>>/Qresearch/10813477, >>>/comms/28254, >>>/comms/28255, >>>/QResearch/10813503, >>>/QResearch/10813631, >>>/Qresearch/10813669, >>>/Qresearch/10813678, >>>/qresearch/10813698, >>>/comms/28262, >>>/comms/28266, GB VERY UPSET META ADDED TO DOUGH, RESORTS TO IP HOPPING
>>>/qresearch/10813005 Nomination, Seconded, and confirmed. /QResearch/ META will be added to dough
>>>/qresearch/10811756, >>>/qresearch/10811764, >>>/qresearch/10811783, >>>/qresearch/10814000, DDoS attack begins after Nomination, Seconded, and confirmed. /QResearch/ META will be added to dough.
>>>/Comms/28278, GB voicing his intentions to remove /qresearch/ Kitchen META from Dough
>>>/qresearch/10810392, >>>/qresearch/10816599, >>>/qresearch/10816578, >>>/qresearch/10816619, >>>/qresearch/10816627, >>>/qresearch/10816708, >>>/qresearch/10816844, >>>/qresearch/10817166, >>>/qresearch/10817188, >>>/qresearch/10817189, 2 breads after New Kitchen Meta added to dough /comms/ crew tries to remove it and clear all global notables, after leaving /QRmemes/ there for over a week. How obvious can this get
>>>/Qresearch/10819025, >>>/Qresearch/10819074, >>>/qresearch/10819195, >>>/Qresearch/10819218, >>>/qresearch/10819221, >>>/qresearch/10819225, >>>/qresearch/10819349, Nightbaker /comms/ crew waits until 4am when they think anons are in bed to try to remove /Qresearch/ Meta from Dough after anons voted to have it in.
>>>/qresearch/10819272, >>>/qresearch/10819278, >>>/qresearch/10819281, NightBaker resorts to Alinsky Tactics being that he can't dispute information presented
>>>/Qresearch/10819074, >>>/Qresearch/10819025, >>>/qresearch/10819417, >>>/qresearch/10819463, >>>/qresearch/10820429, >>>/qresearch/10820931, >>>/qresearch/10821103 Imagine going to all this effort to removeOneline from the dough that anons voted for just yesterday.
>>>/qresearch/10821991, >>>/qresearch/10822016, >>>/qresearch/10822016, >>>/qresearch/10822032, >>>/qresearch/10822055, >>>/qresearch/10822057, >>>/qresearch/10822066, >>>/qresearch/10822244, >>>/qresearch/10822269, >>>/qresearch/10822327, >>>/qresearch/10822376, >>>/qresearch/10822389, >>>/qresearch/10822436, >>>/qresearch/10822457, >>>/qresearch/10822484, >>>/qresearch/10822499, >>>/qresearch/10822521, >>>/qresearch/10822516, >>>/qresearch/10822525, >>>/qresearch/10823265, >>>/Qresearch/10823322, GB getting caught blatantly lying
>>>/qresearch/10822958, >>>/qresearch/10822882, >>>/qresearch/10822992, BOATFAG attempts to attack the messenger again & fails again
>>>/qresearch/10824509, >>>/qresearch/10824496, >>>/qresearch/10824576, >>>/qresearch/10824577, >>>/qresearch/10824763, >>>/comms/28424, >>>/qresearch/10825758, GB working with & agreeing with p=/=payseur shill/AFLB that spams the board daily.