Anonymous ID: 8b4c32 Q Research General #24354: Night Shift Shit Talking, Waiting For The Real Show To Begin? Edition Oct. 31, 2023, midnight No.19835322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6061

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Anonymous ID: 8b4c32 Oct. 31, 2023, midnight No.19835326   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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>>19834540 GAO-24-106735 National Security OVERSIGHT OF THE DOD NUCLEAR ENTERPRISE Accountability Office OCTOBER 2023 PDF



#24352 >>19833759

>>19833853, >>19833968, >>19833980, >>19834028, >>19834154, >>19834323, >>19834355, >>19834395, >>19834412, >>19834430 PF Eyez On Skyz

>>19833813 Biden Throws $45 Billion In Federal Funds To Convert Offices Into Homes

>>19833841 Bank Insider Charged with Accepting Bribes to Facilitate Millions of Dollars of Money Laundering

>>19833865 Historical Revisionism: Fact or Fiction - John B Wells LIVE

>>19833888 Traffickers sentenced

>>19833899 Georgia Sheriff Announces 11 Arrests on Charges Involving Soliciting Minors for Sex Online

>>19833910 Halloween curfew to be enforced for sex offenders in South Carolina

>>19833937 Ex-Director of the DIA Gen. Mike Flynn Alleges Some U.S. Legislators Compromised by Globalists Due to their Trips Overseas Where They “Sleep with Children”

>>19833944 ADL drops Jewish activist from ‘list of extremists’


>>19834186 @GenFlynn Seriously, how much more evidence do we need for those who still believe Biden actually won the 2020 presidential election?

>>19834197 Musk: The great wakening from woke has happened. This is good for civilization.

>>19834239 ice hockey star Adam Johnson killed 'when skate slashed his throat in freak accident'

>>19834269, >>19834237 Mason Info

>>19834357 Leaked Document Shows Israeli Govt 'Option' To Ethnically Cleanse Gaza

>>19834399 A Los Angeles jury has awarded Roseanne Barr $208 million from ABC.

>>19834470 Lawyers argue whether the Constitution’s ‘insurrection’ clause blocks Trump from the 2024 ballot

>>19834482 #24352

Anonymous ID: 8b4c32 Oct. 31, 2023, midnight No.19835327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#24351 >>19832975

>>19832999 Starlink Mission - A live webcast of this mission will begin on X @SpaceX about five minutes prior to liftoff

>>19833017, >>19833197 Stock Market? October has a bad record

>>19833019, >>19833115 'For Us There is One Objective: to Destroy Gaza': Fmr Israeli Ambassador Rejects Calls for Diplomacy

>>19833053 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu rules out ceasefire as he likens conflict to bombing of Pearl Harbour and September 11 attacks

>>19833075 Biden Regime Announces New Nuclear Weapon MORE THAN 20 TIMES More Powerful Than the One Dropped on Hiroshima

>>19833097 Gaza horror can’t be justified – Putin

>>19833121, >>19833220, >>19833233, >>19833242 @realDonaldTrump Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

>>19833127 McCarthy was Speaker of the House, it took him 7 months to pass one single-subject spending bill. Under Speaker @RepMikeJohnson, we did the same work in 36 hours.

>>19833167, >>19833132 The Israeli delegation decided to put on "Nazi-era" Yellow Stars during the meeting of the UN Security Council.

>>19833172, >>19833187 @TeamTrump Eric Swalwell's transvestite friend was just arrested for possessing child porn.

>>19833204 Potential Mass Shooting Averted at Colorado’s Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park as Heavily Armed Man Wearing Tactical Clothing and IED Explosive Devices Commits Suicide

>>19833266 Richard Moll, actor who played ‘Bull’ Shannon on ‘Night Court,’ dies at 80

>>19833330 Today, President Biden issued a landmark Executive Order to ensure that America leads the way toward responsible AI innovation./watermark and clearly label AI-generated content

>>19833363, >>19833420 Top Marine Corps general hospitalized

>>19833504 JW: It really isn’t a larp.

>>19833529 Trial begins in Colorado to keep Trump off the state’s 2024 ballot

>>19833531, >>19833533 Cure for HIV could be months away as first three patients are injected with new CRISPR therapy

>>19833634 Son of Former WEF Honcho Calls For the Arrests of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Other Globalist Leaders

>>19833689 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

>>19833721 #24351

Anonymous ID: 8b4c32 Oct. 31, 2023, 12:01 a.m. No.19835330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#24350 >>19832216

>>19832222 IDF Tanks Reach Outskirts Of Gaza City, Cut Key N-S Hwy, After Netanyahu's Chilling War Message To "Smite Amalek"

>>19832228 Trump's Lawyer Confronts Eric Swalwell With His Own Tweets Calling To 'Fight' During Landmark Trial

>>19832252, >>19832334 Anon thoughts on POTUS TRIAL. Verbage used by Judge might be helpful to POTUS T?

>>19832358, >>19832364, >>19832387 Ron Desantis confronted about whether or not he wore heels hidden w/in shoes on Maher

>>19832361 5:30 PM EDT: President Biden and The First Lady Host Halloween at the White House

>>19832380, >>19832405 Israel's military was ordered to attack Israelis on 10/7?

>>19832383, >>19832407, >>19832429, >>19832460, >>19832462, >>19832469, >>19832466, >>19832502 wtaf is going on, any one that is super familiar with WH protocol, wanna shed some light? I was of impression only Marines pull sentry duty

>>19832386 Social worker, 24, accused of having sex with boy, 13, backed DEATH PENALTY for pedos

>>19832420, >>19832441, >>19832453, >>19832774 U.S. announces new nuclear bomb 24X more powerful than Hiroshima, Japan

>>19832438, >>19832456, >>19832468, >>19832487 Found man dead at amusement park he was heavily armed w/guns, IED's

>>19832477, >>19832488 @elonmusk; The great wakening from woke has happened. This is good for civilization

>>19832493, >>19832499, >>19832524, >>19832627, >>19832743 82,000 pgs Joe Biden pseudonym emails, dwarfing Clinton scandal

>>19832535, >>19832546, >>19832548, >>19832572 Mike Pence Makes a Gracious Exit, leaves presidential race

>>19832539 "There is only one solution! Intifada revolution!" Palestinian Youth Movement, Cornel West marched on Sat LA

>>19832571, >>19832672 Jim Watkins: This is not a larp. Larps are games. People are getting hurt

>>19832596 Air Force, Space Force raise max enlistment age to 42

>>19832615 Saudis On High Alert After Yemen's Houthis Fire Another Missile At Israel, Fresh Clashes Erupt

>>19832628 Switzerland Mails Iodine Tablets 5M Residents in Case Nuclear Disaster: Take 'at Request of Authorities'

>>19832644 "They'll Bankrupt Us": Rand Paul Rages Dems & GOP "Want To Send $100B To Everyone” In Foreign Countries

>>19832652, >>19832909, The American Bar assoc currently in process of revoking licenses of all of Trump's attorney's?

>>19832670 Cosmonauts on ISS spacewalk encounter coolant 'blob' while inspecting leaky radiator

>>19832697 When is DOJ going to start upholding laws of country & prosecuting those who willfully violate our rights?

>>19832727, >>19832744 PLANEFAG REPORTS: N71KM US Civilian C-130. Ownership hidden of course. Must DIG this one

>>19832777 DeSantis Warns China 'Key Player' Behind Ukraine, Israel Wars


>>19832841, >>19832847, >>19832851 The stage was set for the non-Trump field. He stole the show. Politico

>>19832846 Treasury to borrow $776 billion in the final three months of the year

>>19832899 Joe Biden pseudonym emails; Disclosure made little-notice status briefing FOIA litigation advances. Here's filing

>>19832910 "Fck Regulators": In Cross Exam, SBF Admits To Calling Some Customers "Dumb Motherfckers"

>>19832944 #24350


Previously Collected

>>19831420 #24348, >>19833169 #24349

>>19831137 #24345, >>19829753 #24346, >>19830601 #24347

>>19826368 #24342, >>19827188 #24343, >>19828038 #24344

>>19823638 #24339, >>19824259 #24340, >>19825052 #24341


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Q Research Notables #20: Not Giving Up >>19567242

Anonymous ID: 8b4c32 Oct. 31, 2023, 12:19 a.m. No.19835409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paul Sperry


BREAKING: A year before FBI in Nov 2021 interviewed Hunter's partner Rob Walker about a May 2017 meeting in L.A., their other China partner Bobulinski had told FBI he met w/ JOE BIDEN about the China deal that same month in L.A. But FBI didnt ask Walker about JOE, FBI 302 reveals

3:49 PM · Oct 30, 2023


Anonymous ID: 8b4c32 Oct. 31, 2023, 12:21 a.m. No.19835419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5928

Paul Sperry


NEW: The FBI's Foreign Influence Task Force used BRIAN AUTEN's false "disinformation" assessment to discredit 40+ Biden informants


FLASHBACK: Meet the Russiagate Prober [AUTEN] Who Couldn't Verify Anything in the Steele Dossier Yet Never Told FISA Court

Anonymous ID: 8b4c32 Oct. 31, 2023, 12:24 a.m. No.19835430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5433

Paul Sperry


Suspended FBI HQ official Brian Auten had history of working w/ Baltimore Field Office. HQ+Baltimore coddled Danchenko, then worked to shut Hunter probe down


REWIND: How the FBI Lost, Found and Rewarded the Alleged Russian Spy Pivotal to Surveilling Trump

2:38 PM · Oct 30, 2023