Anonymous ID: 38a09c Q Research General #24355: Melania Tuesday Edition Oct. 31, 2023, 5:55 a.m. No.19836196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6459

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Anonymous ID: 38a09c Oct. 31, 2023, 5:56 a.m. No.19836198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6351

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#24354 TBC



>>19834540 GAO-24-106735 National Security OVERSIGHT OF THE DOD NUCLEAR ENTERPRISE Accountability Office OCTOBER 2023 PDF



#24352 >>19833759

>>19833853, >>19833968, >>19833980, >>19834028, >>19834154, >>19834323, >>19834355, >>19834395, >>19834412, >>19834430 PF Eyez On Skyz

>>19833813 Biden Throws $45 Billion In Federal Funds To Convert Offices Into Homes

>>19833841 Bank Insider Charged with Accepting Bribes to Facilitate Millions of Dollars of Money Laundering

>>19833865 Historical Revisionism: Fact or Fiction - John B Wells LIVE

>>19833888 Traffickers sentenced

>>19833899 Georgia Sheriff Announces 11 Arrests on Charges Involving Soliciting Minors for Sex Online

>>19833910 Halloween curfew to be enforced for sex offenders in South Carolina

>>19833937 Ex-Director of the DIA Gen. Mike Flynn Alleges Some U.S. Legislators Compromised by Globalists Due to their Trips Overseas Where They “Sleep with Children”

>>19833944 ADL drops Jewish activist from ‘list of extremists’


>>19834186 @GenFlynn Seriously, how much more evidence do we need for those who still believe Biden actually won the 2020 presidential election?

>>19834197 Musk: The great wakening from woke has happened. This is good for civilization.

>>19834239 ice hockey star Adam Johnson killed 'when skate slashed his throat in freak accident'

>>19834269, >>19834237 Mason Info

>>19834357 Leaked Document Shows Israeli Govt 'Option' To Ethnically Cleanse Gaza

>>19834399 A Los Angeles jury has awarded Roseanne Barr $208 million from ABC.

>>19834470 Lawyers argue whether the Constitution’s ‘insurrection’ clause blocks Trump from the 2024 ballot

>>19834482 #24352


#24351 >>19832975

>>19832999 Starlink Mission - A live webcast of this mission will begin on X @SpaceX about five minutes prior to liftoff

>>19833017, >>19833197 Stock Market? October has a bad record

>>19833019, >>19833115 'For Us There is One Objective: to Destroy Gaza': Fmr Israeli Ambassador Rejects Calls for Diplomacy

>>19833053 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu rules out ceasefire as he likens conflict to bombing of Pearl Harbour and September 11 attacks

>>19833075 Biden Regime Announces New Nuclear Weapon MORE THAN 20 TIMES More Powerful Than the One Dropped on Hiroshima

>>19833097 Gaza horror can’t be justified – Putin

>>19833121, >>19833220, >>19833233, >>19833242 @realDonaldTrump Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

>>19833127 McCarthy was Speaker of the House, it took him 7 months to pass one single-subject spending bill. Under Speaker @RepMikeJohnson, we did the same work in 36 hours.

>>19833167, >>19833132 The Israeli delegation decided to put on "Nazi-era" Yellow Stars during the meeting of the UN Security Council.

>>19833172, >>19833187 @TeamTrump Eric Swalwell's transvestite friend was just arrested for possessing child porn.

>>19833204 Potential Mass Shooting Averted at Colorado’s Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park as Heavily Armed Man Wearing Tactical Clothing and IED Explosive Devices Commits Suicide

>>19833266 Richard Moll, actor who played ‘Bull’ Shannon on ‘Night Court,’ dies at 80

>>19833330 Today, President Biden issued a landmark Executive Order to ensure that America leads the way toward responsible AI innovation./watermark and clearly label AI-generated content

>>19833363, >>19833420 Top Marine Corps general hospitalized

>>19833504 JW: It really isn’t a larp.

>>19833529 Trial begins in Colorado to keep Trump off the state’s 2024 ballot

>>19833531, >>19833533 Cure for HIV could be months away as first three patients are injected with new CRISPR therapy

>>19833634 Son of Former WEF Honcho Calls For the Arrests of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Other Globalist Leaders

>>19833689 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

>>19833721 #24351


#24350 >>19832216

>>19832222 IDF Tanks Reach Outskirts Of Gaza City, Cut Key N-S Hwy, After Netanyahu's Chilling War Message To "Smite Amalek"

>>19832228 Trump's Lawyer Confronts Eric Swalwell With His Own Tweets Calling To 'Fight' During Landmark Trial

>>19832252, >>19832334 Anon thoughts on POTUS TRIAL. Verbage used by Judge might be helpful to POTUS T?

>>19832358, >>19832364, >>19832387 Ron Desantis confronted about whether or not he wore heels hidden w/in shoes on Maher

>>19832361 5:30 PM EDT: President Biden and The First Lady Host Halloween at the White House

>>19832380, >>19832405 Israel's military was ordered to attack Israelis on 10/7?

>>19832383, >>19832407, >>19832429, >>19832460, >>19832462, >>19832469, >>19832466, >>19832502 wtaf is going on, any one that is super familiar with WH protocol, wanna shed some light? I was of impression only Marines pull sentry duty

>>19832386 Social worker, 24, accused of having sex with boy, 13, backed DEATH PENALTY for pedos

>>19832420, >>19832441, >>19832453, >>19832774 U.S. announces new nuclear bomb 24X more powerful than Hiroshima, Japan

>>19832438, >>19832456, >>19832468, >>19832487 Found man dead at amusement park he was heavily armed w/guns, IED's

>>19832477, >>19832488 @elonmusk; The great wakening from woke has happened. This is good for civilization

>>19832493, >>19832499, >>19832524, >>19832627, >>19832743 82,000 pgs Joe Biden pseudonym emails, dwarfing Clinton scandal

>>19832535, >>19832546, >>19832548, >>19832572 Mike Pence Makes a Gracious Exit, leaves presidential race

>>19832539 "There is only one solution! Intifada revolution!" Palestinian Youth Movement, Cornel West marched on Sat LA

>>19832571, >>19832672 Jim Watkins: This is not a larp. Larps are games. People are getting hurt

>>19832596 Air Force, Space Force raise max enlistment age to 42

>>19832615 Saudis On High Alert After Yemen's Houthis Fire Another Missile At Israel, Fresh Clashes Erupt

>>19832628 Switzerland Mails Iodine Tablets 5M Residents in Case Nuclear Disaster: Take 'at Request of Authorities'

>>19832644 "They'll Bankrupt Us": Rand Paul Rages Dems & GOP "Want To Send $100B To Everyone” In Foreign Countries

>>19832652, >>19832909, The American Bar assoc currently in process of revoking licenses of all of Trump's attorney's?

>>19832670 Cosmonauts on ISS spacewalk encounter coolant 'blob' while inspecting leaky radiator

>>19832697 When is DOJ going to start upholding laws of country & prosecuting those who willfully violate our rights?

>>19832727, >>19832744 PLANEFAG REPORTS: N71KM US Civilian C-130. Ownership hidden of course. Must DIG this one

>>19832777 DeSantis Warns China 'Key Player' Behind Ukraine, Israel Wars


>>19832841, >>19832847, >>19832851 The stage was set for the non-Trump field. He stole the show. Politico

>>19832846 Treasury to borrow $776 billion in the final three months of the year

>>19832899 Joe Biden pseudonym emails; Disclosure made little-notice status briefing FOIA litigation advances. Here's filing

>>19832910 "Fck Regulators": In Cross Exam, SBF Admits To Calling Some Customers "Dumb Motherfckers"

>>19832944 #24350


Previously Collected

>>19831420 #24348, >>19833169 #24349

>>19831137 #24345, >>19829753 #24346, >>19830601 #24347

>>19826368 #24342, >>19827188 #24343, >>19828038 #24344

>>19823638 #24339, >>19824259 #24340, >>19825052 #24341


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Q Research Notables #20: Not Giving Up >>19567242

Anonymous ID: 38a09c Oct. 31, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.19836247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6351



#24354 >>19835343

>>19835419 Paul Sperry The FBI's Foreign Influence Task Force used BRIAN AUTEN's false "disinformation" assessment to discredit 40+ Biden informants

>>19835569, >>19835635, >>19835655, >>19835638, >>19835655 Request for Criminal Investigation into the Murder of Florida Citizens by DEMOCIDE

>>19835723 Liz Magill: This antisemitic monster was one of the panelists for the ‘Palestine Writes’ festival at UPenn that President Liz Magill refused to move off campus.

>>19835757 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: …Others that are asleep are not so lucky. Ask yourself, why you. Why now? You’ve been chosen. Make no mistake!

>>19835776 Day 2: UK Covid-19 Inquiry Live Stream

>>19835936, >>19836098 PFupdates

>>19835980 DonutPol on CNN and Morning Joe

>>19836021 Thursday, the Islamic Regime in Iran will become Chair of the U.N. Human Rights Council Social Forum.

>>19836057, >>19836064, >>19836085 Putin: "We stand for the creation of a fully fledged Palestinian state."

>>19836066 Netanyahu Urges EU to Pressure Egypt on Gaza Refugee Acceptance

>>19836071, >>19836145 The truce between Saudi Arabia and Yemen's Houthis has broken down.

>>19836082 China has removed Israel from its online maps

>>19836095 China's representative to the Security Council: We call on Israel, as the occupying power, to lift the siege on Gaza and cancel the evacuation order immediately.

>>19836148 In Paris a woman threatens to blow up the subway shouting "Allah Akbar" and the French police shoot her.


Anonymous ID: 38a09c Oct. 31, 2023, 8:27 a.m. No.19836737   🗄️.is 🔗kun





#24355 >>19836204

>>19836239 PF updates

>>19836215, >>19836228 Ruby Ridge Federal Siege - Forgotten History

>>19836218 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>19836255, >>19836372, >>19836387, >>19836410, >>19836412, >>19836461 Blinken Testifies Before the Senate Committee on Appropriations on “A Review of the National Security Supplemental Request”

>>19836257 committee of 300

>>19836316 Biden administration ordered to stop cutting state-installed razor wire at border


>>19836333 A top aide to President Zelensky tells Time Magazine of corruption at the highest levels of the Ukrainian government


>>19836405 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Halloween and the Wizard Nebula

>>19836406 Oregon US Rep. Earl Blumenauer will not seek reelection/Third one this week……

>>19836415 Former President Trump 14th Amendment Hearing in Colorado, Day 2, Part 1

>>19836418 Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

>>19836422 AI and the Future of Work: Moving Forward Together

>>19836426, >>19836473 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

Anonymous ID: 38a09c Oct. 31, 2023, 8:47 a.m. No.19836829   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Notables So Far


#24355 >>19836204

>>19836239 PF updates

>>19836215, >>19836228 Ruby Ridge Federal Siege - Forgotten History

>>19836218 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>19836255, >>19836372, >>19836387, >>19836410, >>19836412, >>19836461, >>19836492, >>19836574 Blinken Testifies Before the Senate Committee on Appropriations on “A Review of the National Security Supplemental Request”

>>19836257 committee of 300

>>19836316 Biden administration ordered to stop cutting state-installed razor wire at border


>>19836333 A top aide to President Zelensky tells Time Magazine of corruption at the highest levels of the Ukrainian government


>>19836405 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Halloween and the Wizard Nebula

>>19836406 Oregon US Rep. Earl Blumenauer will not seek reelection/Third one this week……

>>19836415 Former President Trump 14th Amendment Hearing in Colorado, Day 2, Part 1

>>19836418 Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

>>19836422 AI and the Future of Work: Moving Forward Together

>>19836426, >>19836473 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

>>19836483, >>19836489, >>19836518, >>19836571, >>19836609, >>19836641 Yemeni Ansarullah Army's entry into the war was not accidental, but it was at the request of the Yemeni people that we entered the war/we will soon show that Yemeni weapons are superior to Israeli weapons.

>>19836491 Sam Faddis: You Don't Have To Go Home But You Can't Stay Here. Southern Border

>>19836509, >>19836599 ‘We're with the resistance’: Hezbollah allies the Fajr Forces join Lebanon-Israel front

>>19836522 LIVE: Rep. Dan Goldman on Israel-Gaza conflict and U.S. policy in Mideast

>>19836532 Krikorian: "This Admin Has allowed them to use a cell phone app to schedule their immigration"

>>19836534 President Trump's Second Declaration of Independence

>>19836562 The 400-Year-Old Remains of a Child Once Believed to Be a Vampire Was Discovered in a Locked Grave in Poland

>>19836578 Austin: attacks against US forces in Iraq & Syria must stop; "we will not hesitate to take further measures to protect our people

>>19836661 This speech of Gaetz is memorable

>>19836663 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000146

>>19836670, >>19836675 @realDonaldTrump ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

>>19836682 Leonard Leo investigation led by DC attorney general may be 'improper': GOP chairmen

>>19836689 Federal Reserve Board announces termination of enforcement action with Citigroup Inc.

>>19836712 A Calif. house is listed for $1.55 million. There’s a meth lab inside.

>>19836713 'Ghostly cosmic hand' is captured in space: NASA's new telescope captures eerie remnants of a supernova

>>19836728, >>19836731 World's Oldest Central Bank Seeking $7 Billion Bailout After Massive Bond Losses/

Anonymous ID: 38a09c Oct. 31, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.19836901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6908

Last Call


>>19836806 Conservative MP Paul Bristow sacked from government post after calling for Gaza ceasefire

>>19836826 Our research confirms that Israel used shells containing white phosphorus in southern Lebanon that injured civilians.

Anonymous ID: 38a09c Oct. 31, 2023, 9:02 a.m. No.19836918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6925 >>6946

Last Call


#24355 >>19836204

>>19836239 PF updates

>>19836215, >>19836228 Ruby Ridge Federal Siege - Forgotten History

>>19836218 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>19836255, >>19836372, >>19836387, >>19836410, >>19836412, >>19836461, >>19836492, >>19836574 Blinken Testifies Before the Senate Committee on Appropriations on “A Review of the National Security Supplemental Request”

>>19836257 committee of 300

>>19836316 Biden administration ordered to stop cutting state-installed razor wire at border


>>19836333 A top aide to President Zelensky tells Time Magazine of corruption at the highest levels of the Ukrainian government


>>19836405 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Halloween and the Wizard Nebula

>>19836406 Oregon US Rep. Earl Blumenauer will not seek reelection/Third one this week……

>>19836415 Former President Trump 14th Amendment Hearing in Colorado, Day 2, Part 1

>>19836418 Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

>>19836422 AI and the Future of Work: Moving Forward Together

>>19836426, >>19836473 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

>>19836483, >>19836489, >>19836518, >>19836571, >>19836609, >>19836641 Yemeni Ansarullah Army's entry into the war was not accidental, but it was at the request of the Yemeni people that we entered the war/we will soon show that Yemeni weapons are superior to Israeli weapons.

>>19836491 Sam Faddis: You Don't Have To Go Home But You Can't Stay Here. Southern Border

>>19836509, >>19836599 ‘We're with the resistance’: Hezbollah allies the Fajr Forces join Lebanon-Israel front

>>19836522 LIVE: Rep. Dan Goldman on Israel-Gaza conflict and U.S. policy in Mideast

>>19836532 Krikorian: "This Admin Has allowed them to use a cell phone app to schedule their immigration"

>>19836534 President Trump's Second Declaration of Independence

>>19836562 The 400-Year-Old Remains of a Child Once Believed to Be a Vampire Was Discovered in a Locked Grave in Poland

>>19836578 Austin: attacks against US forces in Iraq & Syria must stop; "we will not hesitate to take further measures to protect our people

>>19836661 This speech of Gaetz is memorable

>>19836663 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000146

>>19836670, >>19836675 @realDonaldTrump ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

>>19836682 Leonard Leo investigation led by DC attorney general may be 'improper': GOP chairmen

>>19836689 Federal Reserve Board announces termination of enforcement action with Citigroup Inc.

>>19836712 A Calif. house is listed for $1.55 million. There’s a meth lab inside.

>>19836713 'Ghostly cosmic hand' is captured in space: NASA's new telescope captures eerie remnants of a supernova

>>19836728, >>19836731 World's Oldest Central Bank Seeking $7 Billion Bailout After Massive Bond Losses/

>>19836806 Conservative MP Paul Bristow sacked from government post after calling for Gaza ceasefire

>>19836826 Our research confirms that Israel used shells containing white phosphorus in southern Lebanon that injured civilians.

Anonymous ID: 38a09c Oct. 31, 2023, 9:16 a.m. No.19836981   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump




Oct 31, 2023, 4:24 AM


December 29, 2020: At 11:27 a.m., Meadows sent Rosen a copy of a letter dated December 27 and authored by Carlo Goria, an apparent representative of USAerospace Partners, a U.S.-based aviation service group.167 Meadows emailed Rosen the letter without additional comment. Goria’s letter was addressed to Trump and written in Italian, although Meadows later sent an English version to Rosen as well. The letter made several claims related to a conspiracy theory known as “Italygate,” which holds that an information technology employee of Italian


aerospace company Leonardo S.p.A. coordinated with the CIA to use military satellites to remotely switch Trump votes to Biden votes MSNBC - Defense Secretary Called Italy To Debunk Ridiculous 'Italygate' Conspiracy Theory


Some things are better left untold [cov]. Public truths of some events force wars. WWIII prevent. #4021


DoD investigated "Italygate" conspiracy theory per Trump request


Jun 23, 2022 - Politics & Policy Julia Shapero


Meadows Pressed Justice Dept. to Investigate Election Fraud Claims


Emails show the increasingly urgent efforts by President Trump and his allies during his last days in office to find some way to undermine, or even nullify, the election results.


Rep. Scott Perry played key role in promoting false claims of fraud


By Jacqueline Alemany, Emma Brown and Amy Gardner


Updated June 23, 2022 at 9:55 p.m. EDT|Published June 23, 2022 at 7:49 p.m. EDT




'Italygate' Conspiracy Pusher Was Fired by CIA


The former CIA man at the heart of “Italygate,” the pro-Trump, Qanon-fueled conspiracy theory that satellites and military technology were used to steal the…




Defense Secretary Called Italy To Debunk Ridiculous 'Italygate' Conspiracy Theory


An MSNBC panel discusses the nationally embarrassing revelation in the fifth January 6th hearing that U.S. Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller was made…




Katie Phang Talks Me Through Today's “Italygate” Testimony


I work during the day and so didn't get to follow the J6 Committee Hearing as closely as I should, and when I did get home there was the scurrilous SCOTUS…


The Washington Post


Rep. Scott Perry played key role in promoting false claims of fraud


Of all the fantastical false claims of fraud and vote manipulation in the 2020 presidential election, “Italygate” was one of the most extreme. And Rep.


Yahoo News


Defense secretary called Italy to debunk ridiculous 'Italygate' conspiracy theory


An MSNBC panel discusses the nationally embarrassing revelation in the fifth January 6th hearing that U.S. Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller was made…




DoD investigated "Italygate" conspiracy theory per Trump request


Former Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller called a high-ranking official in Rome to look into the so-called "Italygate" at the request of the…

Anonymous ID: 38a09c Oct. 31, 2023, 9:17 a.m. No.19836990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leonard Leo investigation led by DC attorney general may be 'improper': GOP chairmen


by Kaelan Deese, Supreme Court Reporter


October 30, 2023 03:17 PM


A pair of House Republican chairmen are looking into whether there's "improper" handling of the Washington, D.C., attorney general's investigation of the legal activist behind the Supreme Court's Republican-appointed majority.


Democratic Attorney General Brian Schwalb has been leading an investigation into Leonard Leo, co-chairman of the Federalist Society legal group, after one of Leo's seven nonprofit organizations allegedly paid excessive compensation to one of his for-profit companies.


"The Committees are concerned that your office’s investigation may be improper and politically motivated," House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) wrote in a joint letter obtained by the Washington Examiner.


The lawmakers wrote that Schwalb's investigation raised at least two major concerns, including that it appeared the attorney general "does not have jurisdiction" because Leo and his affiliated organizations are based outside of D.C.


“Worse yet, the committees are troubled that your investigation could infringe upon the fundamental rights of Donor privacy and free association," the chairmen added.


Schwalb was requested to provide documents and communications related to his investigation of Leo, including any contacts with outside organizations.


The lawmakers also called on the attorney general to focus his concern on rising crime rates in the D.C. area, citing statistics showing violent crime is up 41% in the city.


In late June, Schwalb issued subpoenas to groups tied to Leo to uncover documents as part of an inquiry launched months after the liberal Campaign for Accountability accused the conservative activist of enriching himself with consulting fees charged to tax-exempt organizations in his network.


"Past experience with the D.C. attorney general has featured an almost exclusive focus on conservative organizations," David Rivkin, an attorney for Leo, told the Washington Examiner earlier this month. "In our case, this investigation is entirely lacking authority. The combination of those two factors suggests it is ideologically driven."


Criticism has fallen over Leo, especially since he played a key part in selecting the three justices nominated by former President Donald Trump to the high court during his single term in office.


Leo was previously the longtime vice president at the Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization based in D.C. with influential ties to the conservative legal movement. The group has had notable members, from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to even Supreme Court justices such as Samuel Alito, a nominee of then-President George W. Bush.

Anonymous ID: 38a09c Oct. 31, 2023, 9:19 a.m. No.19837000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7016



#24355 >>19836204

>>19836239, >>19836876, >>19836897 PF updates

>>19836215, >>19836228 Ruby Ridge Federal Siege - Forgotten History

>>19836218 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>19836255, >>19836372, >>19836387, >>19836410, >>19836412, >>19836461, >>19836492, >>19836574 Blinken Testifies Before the Senate Committee on Appropriations on “A Review of the National Security Supplemental Request”

>>19836257 committee of 300

>>19836316 Biden administration ordered to stop cutting state-installed razor wire at border


>>19836333 A top aide to President Zelensky tells Time Magazine of corruption at the highest levels of the Ukrainian government


>>19836405 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Halloween and the Wizard Nebula

>>19836406 Oregon US Rep. Earl Blumenauer will not seek reelection/Third one this week……

>>19836415 Former President Trump 14th Amendment Hearing in Colorado, Day 2, Part 1

>>19836418 Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

>>19836422 AI and the Future of Work: Moving Forward Together

>>19836426, >>19836473 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

>>19836483, >>19836489, >>19836518, >>19836571, >>19836609, >>19836641 Yemeni Ansarullah Army's entry into the war was not accidental, but it was at the request of the Yemeni people that we entered the war/we will soon show that Yemeni weapons are superior to Israeli weapons.

>>19836491 Sam Faddis: You Don't Have To Go Home But You Can't Stay Here. Southern Border

>>19836509, >>19836599 ‘We're with the resistance’: Hezbollah allies the Fajr Forces join Lebanon-Israel front

>>19836522 LIVE: Rep. Dan Goldman on Israel-Gaza conflict and U.S. policy in Mideast

>>19836532 Krikorian: "This Admin Has allowed them to use a cell phone app to schedule their immigration"

>>19836534 President Trump's Second Declaration of Independence

>>19836562 The 400-Year-Old Remains of a Child Once Believed to Be a Vampire Was Discovered in a Locked Grave in Poland

>>19836578 Austin: attacks against US forces in Iraq & Syria must stop; "we will not hesitate to take further measures to protect our people

>>19836661 This speech of Gaetz is memorable

>>19836663 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000146

>>19836689 Federal Reserve Board announces termination of enforcement action with Citigroup Inc.

>>19836712 A Calif. house is listed for $1.55 million. There’s a meth lab inside.

>>19836713 'Ghostly cosmic hand' is captured in space: NASA's new telescope captures eerie remnants of a supernova

>>19836728, >>19836731 World's Oldest Central Bank Seeking $7 Billion Bailout After Massive Bond Losses/

>>19836806 Conservative MP Paul Bristow sacked from government post after calling for Gaza ceasefire

>>19836826 Our research confirms that Israel used shells containing white phosphorus in southern Lebanon that injured civilians.

>>19836981 @realDonaldTrump ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

>>19836990 Leonard Leo investigation led by DC attorney general may be 'improper': GOP chairmen
