Anonymous ID: cdaafd Q Research General #24848: President Trump Wins Iowa 51.0%: MDUSA95 Vivek Comms Edition Jan. 15, 2024, 9:02 p.m. No.20250491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0767

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Anonymous ID: cdaafd Jan. 15, 2024, 9:04 p.m. No.20250499   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#24847 >>20249701

>>20249752, >>20249790, >>20249760 THANK YOU IOWA, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! DONALD J. TRUMP

>>20249777 IOWA CAUCUS 2024 LIVE COVERAGE links

>>20249779 President Trump is speaking soon, tune in!

>>20249784, >>20249852 Lara Trump WAY TO GO, GRANDPA!

>>20249787 Iowa Caucus Result now 77% of votes in Donald J. Trump 43,510 +51.4% 51.4%

>>20249830 Iowa Caucus Result now 84% of votes in Donald J. Trump 46,366 +50.9% 50.9%

>>20249880 Iowa Caucus Result now 86% of votes in Donald J. Trump 47,316 +51.0% 51.0%

>>20249934 Iowa Caucus Result now 91% of votes in Donald J. Trump 50,624 +51.0% 51.0%

>>20250050 Iowa Caucus Result now 93% of votes in Donald J. Trump 52,263 +50.9% 50.9%

>>20250171 Iowa Caucus Result now 93% of votes in Donald J. Trump 53,219 +51.0% 51.0%

>>20250278 Iowa Caucus Result now 95% of votes in Donald J. Trump 53,701 +51.0% 51.0%

>>20250481 Iowa Caucus Result now 95% of votes in Donald J. Trump 55,320 +51.0% 51.0%


>>20250155, >>20250165, >>20250172 Vivek dropping out!

>>20250293, >>20250383 Vivek concedes and drops out of his Presidential election campaign after trying to convince people to vote for him to save Trump from himself.

>>20249996 President Trump: I really think this is time now for everybody, our country, to come together. We want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat, or liberal or conservative, it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world, and straighten out the problems, and straighten out all of the death and destruction that we're witnessing…I want to make that a very big part of our message. We're going to come together. It's gonna happen soon too, It's gonna happen soon.

>>20250187 President Trump: We're going to come down very hard on criminals, and we're going to stop crime in America.

>>20250437 MDUSA95 coming in from Hawaii Snake head comms?

>>20250415 Eric Trump RSBN Interview (Cap 7:28)

>>20250479 @paulsperry_ JUGGERNAUT: Trump broke the record tonight for blowout victories in the Iowa GOP caucus – despite skipping every single debate and despite being under four (Democrat) indictments. Turnout was also at record level, despite subzero temperatures, reflecting big excitement for Trump

>>20250490 #24847

Anonymous ID: cdaafd Jan. 15, 2024, 9:04 p.m. No.20250500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#24846 >>20248893

>>20249193, >>20249236 Donald Trump WINS the Iowa Republican caucus in just 30 MINUTES: Q 970 proof

>>20249151, >>20249215 IOWA CAUCUS 2024 LIVE COVERAGE LINKS

>>20249134, >>20249083 Dan Scavino: WAITED 3 YEARS FOR THIS NIGHT—THANK YOU, IOWA!!!!!, FOX, NBC, CBS, CNN call Trump the Iowa Winner at 1%

>>20248907, >>20248983, >>20248937, >>20248964, >>20248955 AP calls IOWA for Trump

>>20248912 AP race call: Trump wins Iowa caucuses NOW

>>20248915 FOX just called it overwhelming for TRUMP

>>20248916, >>20249203 CNN CALLS TRUMP-RSBN

>>20248948, >>20248961, >>20249166 Trump wins from Red Eagle

>>20248998 17 Percent-iles: Haley and DeSantis duking it out for 2nd. Sorry, no prize for 2nd place.

>>20249228, >>20249287 The precinct at Beaver Creek Elementary in Iowa has run out of forms because there are so many Democrats registering to change parties to have a voice in this caucus. The precinct is delaying the start to get more forms and to get everyone processed.

>>20249318 Don Jr: Well, that was fast. Thank you Iowa. Now let’s end this nonsense and go after the insanity that is today’s Democrat party. Enough is enough! It’s time to put America first for a change!!!

>>20249332 Here's another Democrat admitting to a crossover vote tonight

>>20248985 Vivek Ramaswamy Exposed mp4 (Cap 6:34)

>>20248960, >>20249292 Hydrogen peroxide : medical miracle

>>20249530, >>20249448 Vaccine changes a person's DNA, then what is that person? Does whatever they become have legal rights?

>>20249021, >>20249040 Statement From Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Hospital Release

>>20249058 David Pollack Gives An Update From The Ground On The Eve Of The Iowa Caucus, Director of veterans for Trump in FL

>>20249072 Erm.. didn't Trump say this in the first weeks of the plandemic? Scientists discover how to 'deactivate' Covid using UV light

>>20249073 Joel Gilbert Discusses Some Of The Biggest Lies Michelle Obama Has Told To Date

>>20249101 Night Owl News Archives - 01/15/2024

>>20249141 Texas AG Paxton Demands Counties Provide Machine Audit Logs - CDM - Human Reporters • Not Machines

>>20249150, >>20249311 Roughly nine in 10 of those who say they are backing former President Donald Trump in the Iowa GOP caucuses don’t think President Biden legitimately won in 2020

>>20249163 How State Judiciary Systems Take Your Rights and Assets Away 9:51

>>20249189 U.S. Consulate Bombed: Iranian Ballistic Missile Attack Causes Significant Damage to U.S. Consulate in Erbil, Iraqi

>>20249345, >>20249490 2024 Iowa Republican Caucus Preliminary Results

>>20249408 Mike Davis: Iowa will transparently hand-count all paper ballots. In several hours.

>>20249444 Fox News Cancelled MyPillow. @MyPillow

>>20249593 Trump to speak in about 20 minutes… link

>>20249603 LIVE Last updated 10:00 p.m. E.T. Iowa Caucus Results Donald J. Trump 23,736 +52.8% 52.8%

>>20249634 Georgia DA Fani Willis accused of paying expert prosecutor less than Nathan Wade

>>20249644 Ron DeSantis Closing Message to Iowa: 'if you don’t kiss that ring'… The rod and the ring will strike without DeSantis

>>20249677 #24846

Anonymous ID: cdaafd Jan. 15, 2024, 9:05 p.m. No.20250502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#24845 >>20248102

>>20248155, >>20248339 DJT: Thank you to Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott of Florida for the great Endorsements

>>20248171 Chemical leak in Seville: Shelter-in-place order lifted; Ohio EPA says leak caused by cracked pipe

>>20248199, >>20248211 Long story short, The Emmys this year

>>20248203 James O’Keefe works out with Mark Cuban

>>20248224, >>20248250, >>20248296, >>20248396 Campaign 2024: Iowa Caucus Coverage Links

>>20248219, >>20248246 Schiff: This campaign has been a marathon – but I know a thing or two about running hard races

>>20248323 The Iowa Caucuses Will Be The Coldest Ever

>>20248335 Iowa GOP Caucus Final Poll

>>20248380 Trump: A vote for Vivek is a wasted vote

>>20248514 Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has publicly hit back at critics as she faces allegations of having an affair

>>20248546 Quebec man pleads guilty to setting 14 forest fires, burning hundreds of hectares

>>20248590 Speaker Johnson calls for federal employees who take part in Gaza 'walkout' to be fired

>>20248624 Massachusetts officials pleading with private homeowners to take in illegal aliens

>>20248652, >>20248670 CNN Iowa voter poll: “Do you think Biden legitimately Won in 2020?” - 68% of their poll respondents said No

>>20248669 National Popcorn Day Incoming

>>20248702, >>20248208 Dan Scavino: 45 off to stop by a caucus location in Iowa! #IowaCaucus #Caucus4Trump

>>20248818, >>20248839 The Iowa Republican caucus 2024 beings

>>20248830 International court has opened a link to anyone that have a video of Isreal violations of the international code

>>20248851 Kurdistan Regional Security Council has responded to the IRGC attack on Erbil

>>20248865 #24845


#24844 >>20247361

>>20247374 75th Emmy Awards airs on Monday, January 15 at 6:00 PM ET

>>20247409, >>20247430 PF: Keks comin' in hot

>>20247469 FDA Launches Fresh Bid To Toss Out High-Profile Ivermectin Case

>>20247510 Tucker Carlson: Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA?

>>20247589, >>20247783, >>20247870, >>20247913 Iran has reportedly fired multiple ballistic missiles at Erbil in northern Iraq

>>20247619 Dead Voters’ Names Discovered on Vivek Ramaswamy’s Nomination Papers

>>20247620 Chris Tucker Panics After Katt Williams Exposes His Epstein Connection

>>20247667, >>20247676 FAA's diversity push includes focus on hiring people with 'severe intellectual' and 'psychiatric' disabilities

>>20247642, >>20247959, >>20247668, >>20247679 Gorefag

>>20247682 1stCavalryDiv: Being #CAVReady means we train to fight tonight!

>>20247685, >>20247967 Election Night in Iowa Live at the Trump Campaign Watch Party - 1/15/24

>>20247758 Massive farmer protest continues with thousands of tractors flooding Berlin

>>20247933 North Texas surgeon and two children killed in plane crash

>>20247940 The Houthis have become a major disruptive factor of the world trade in the unfolding of the war in the Middle East

>>20247986 ADL Director Jonathan Greenblyat confronted by Avi Yemini at the WEF

>>20248033 Megacorp - The Final Boss

>>20248085 #24844

Anonymous ID: cdaafd Jan. 15, 2024, 9:05 p.m. No.20250505   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#24843 >>20246462

>>20246543 Former MI6 Spy Chief Says Donald Trump’s Reelection ‘Is a Security Threat to the UK’

>>20246600 Secret German MoD Document Lays Out Path To World War III

>>20246657 Clockfags on the Clock - Game on Edition

>>20246672 The new Prime Minister of France, Gabriel Attal is a WEF Global Young Leader and a Bilderberger.

>>20246689, >>20246699 Behind the Curtain: Trump allies pre-screen loyalists for unprecedented power grab

>>20246718 Lawfare Against Trump Is Running Out of Gas

>>20246722 Clockfags on the Clock - QClock January 15, 2024 - Beauty & Love of Country

>>20246741 More corporations are requiring workers to get vaccinated

>>20246789 Iraqi parliament votes to kick out U.S. troops.

>>20246808 #OTD in 1943, construction of the Pentagon was completed in the area of Virginia formerly known as Hell's Bottom

>>20246840 Civilian Contractor Allegedly Stole $100M From US Military Families

>>20246904 The Constitution Created the District of Columbia and Only the Constitution Can Make It a State

>>20246908 Biden Says US Doesn’t Support Taiwan Independence After Vote. Update on Chinese Operations

>>20247008 More Jewish Tunnels Allegedly Found In NYC – What Was Found Inside Implicates Connection To Kids (Video)

>>20247086, >>20247125 DANGEROUS: FAA Promotes Diversity Over Safety-Wants to Hire People With “Severe Intellectual” and “Psychiatric” Disabilities

>>20247102 Meet the die-hard Iowa caucus-goers who will stop at nothing, not even a historic blizzard, to make their votes count

>>20247175 Zelensky rejected favorable peace deal with Russia – ex-aide

>>20247205 Woke Mark Cuban Gets O’Keefed, Goes on Nasty X Rant Calling James O’Keefe a “Mother**ing Pssy” for Questioning His DEI Stances at the Gym, Asking Why he Won’t Let Short Asian Women on his Basketball Team

>>20250104 #24843


Previously Collected

>>20244568 #24840, >>20245495 #24841, >>20246456 #24842

>>20242121 #24837, >>20243057 #24838, >>20243841 #24839

>>20239576 #24834, >>20240527 #24835, >>20241121 #24836


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