Anonymous ID: 6c1e8f Q Research General #25089: Keep On Truckin Baby Edition Feb. 21, 2024, 9:15 a.m. No.20451800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913

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Anonymous ID: 6c1e8f Feb. 21, 2024, 9:15 a.m. No.20451805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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#25088 >>20450903

>>20450934 Dr. Phil Shares an Explosive Interview w/ Border Patrol Showing American Taxpayers Are Funding the Trafficking of Migrant Children Into S** Slavery

>>20450942, >>20450959 Catholic Indiana couple appeals to Supreme Court after their child was taken from them after they refused to refer to him as his preferred pronouns.

>>20450950 Under the fog of war, Ukraine cancels its 2024 presidential elections

>>20450954 Absolute horror story out of Lakewood, Colorado. A middle school staff member is accused of multiple sexual assaults on male students…

>>20451017, >>20451025, >>20451026 Sweden's National Preparedness Manual "If Crisis or War Comes" (in English)

>>20451047 Massive farmer protest paralyzes Madrid, Spain.

>>20451071, >>20451078 Trucker Says Boycotting New York City Is Bigger Than Trump - Causes 30% Receiver Fee INCREASE For NYC Load Deliveries: Food Prices To SURGE

>>20451103 Argentina under Milei: The Economy Ministry said: “the first (monthly) financial surplus since August 2012, and the first surplus for a January since 2011.”

>>20451120 Liz Joy w/CAP: Attention all NY Parents. A NY Bill that takes away your parental rights. Every New Yorker needs to know about this Bill!

>>20451126, >>20451164 Air conditioned lawnmower, 1957

>>20451127 Q's 20 posts on Feb 21

>>20451146, >>20451179 Passive Radar for Opportunistic Monitoring in e-Health Applications

>>20451165 Panama Canal suffering major disruption

>>20451167 Lavrov comments on Russian favorite in race for White House

>>20451170 Remington CEO Cites ‘Legislative Environment’in New York as Company Moves to Georgia

>>20451178 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20451186, >>20451367, >>20451596 The Bee: New York Mayor Warns Migrants If They Keep Attacking NYPD Officers, They'll Be Downgraded To 4-Star Hotels/moar

>>20451191 Bipartisan Group of US Senators flies to Hungary to bully Orban into approving NATO expansion and guess what? Hungarian politicians refuse to meet

>>20451204 Google’s Gemini AI Blasted For Eliminating White People From Image Searches

>>20451228 Judge Engoron Accused of Banging Secretary of Opposing Counsel in Previous Case

>>20451236 The PBOC released data today showing the amount of Chinese shares owned by overseas investors fell in 2023 for a second straight year

>>20451269 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Seagull Nebula over Pinnacles' Peak

>>20451272 10:00 AM EST NPC Headliners: Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm

>>20451286 Michigan wanted homeschool registry for warrantless home entry

>>20451293 10:00 AM EST Supreme Court October Term 2023 Argument Day

>>20451314 NASA Sets Coverage of First US Uncrewed Commercial Moon Landing

>>20451341 SEC closes Rumble investigation in latest regulatory clearance of global free speech platforms

>>20451344, >>20451346, >>20451354 #Truckers4Trump


>>20451349 Alabama’s supreme court ruled embryos are ‘extrauterine children’. IVF patients are worried

>>20451360, >>20451421 Assange Trial Live

>>20451418 NASA’s New Horizons Detects Dusty Hints of Extended Kuiper Belt

>>20451429, >>20451435, >>20451441 A Tribute to Saint Alexei, Patron Saint of Liberal Democracy

>>20451471 A Stunning 10 Million Illegals Have Entered The US Under Biden; Tucker Warns They Are "Destroying" The Country

>>20451499 The Ingraham Angle Town Hall: President Donald Trump Hank Kimball

>>20451542 Russia tears up Soviet-era fishing agreement with UK

>>20451547 Elon announced last night that the X algorithm is going to change dramatically this week

>>20451557 D5 London: about D5 member countries

>>20451559, >>20451565, >>20451589, >>20451648, >>20451686 Eleonora Srebroski

>>20451569 NASA brings back retro 'worm' logo for upcoming Artemis 2 moon mission

>>20451582 Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan on Biden Investigation and Alexander Smirnov Indictment

>>20451655 US parenting ‘influencer’ sentenced for child abuse, Ruby Franke

>>20451656 12:00 PM EST Former House Speaker Paul Ryan on What’s at Stake in 2024 Presidential Election/uniparty panic n blather

>>20451668 USSF successfully concludes VICTUS NOX Tactically Responsive Space mission

>>20451692 State Department defends Blinken memo urging staffers to avoid 'problematic' language like 'manpower'

>>20451739 Tennessee firm illegally employed minors to clean meat saws, head splitters at slaughterhouses

>>20451799 #25088


#25087 >>20449859

>>20449916 How British Intelligence Framed Julian Assange As Russian Agent

>>20450000 Russia could 'blind' the US by taking out satellites using a nuclear space weapon, says ex-CIA chief

>>20450007 Tribute to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

>>20450118 Joe M Archive is up-to-date and complete

>>20450133 Russian church blasts Vatican over gay blessings

>>20450640 Ex-Barclays exec Jes Staley, Jeffrey Epstein emails revealed: 'Say hi to Snow White'

>>20450740 Stanley drink cups have an added surprise in them that the manufacturers failed to mention: Lead

>>20450769 “Children should have sex partners” – The UN agenda to normalize pedophilia


>>20450797 X account of Yulia Navalnaya, widow of Alexei Navalny, has been suspended one day after its creation for allegedly violating X rules

>>20450843, >>20450860 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump’s Assets if He Can’t Pay Outrageous Court Fine Ordered by Judge Engoron In New York Civil Fraud Trial

>>20450847 A Federal Court Overturned The EPA’s Ban On The Neurotoxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos. This Chemical Was Developed For Chemical Warfare During WW2

>>20450856 OANN - Massachusetts: Girls High School Sports Team Forfeits After 6-Foot Male Identifying As Female Injures 3 Players

>>20450884 #25087


#25086 >>20449071

>>20449206 First 30 min of Town Hall w/ President Donald Trump and Laura [ing]errorham (only sauce we got)

>>20449101, >>20449117, >>20449210, >>20449138, >>20449125, >>20449130, >>20449245, >>20449211, >>20449198 Holly Berries

>>20449118, >>20449132, >>20449161 Kirk Cameron Exposes How The Marxists Infiltrate The Mind Of Children

>>20449121 Columbia, Missouri: City Council approves safe haven for LGBTQ+ residents

>>20449126 #OTD in 2008, USS Lake Erie (CG 70) launched a modified Standard Missile-3 (SM-3)

>>20449222 Poll reveals 8 out of 10 Americans hold negative views about Biden Regime's handling of illegal immigration

>>20449235 1 in 28 (3.57%) of all American deaths are now caused by drug overdoses

>>20449297 Israel-Hamas War: Norman Finkelstein vs Rabbi Shmuley

>>20449331 Call your congressman and Senate Rep daily, hourly until they get the message

>>20449336 Antidote for COVID Vaccine Graphene Nano-Bioelectronic Intoxication for Prevention and Recovery

>>20449345 Revisionist historian David Irving talks about his life, his books and the importance of free speech

>>20449352 Utah's New "Sovereignty Act"

>>20449370 Biden DoJ: FBI Informant Arrested by Feds Claims ‘Russian Intelligence’ Involved in Passing Along Hunter Biden Burisma Story

>>20449386 Universe’s brightest object reportedly discovered, featuring black hole the size of 17 billion suns

>>20449409 Apparently some ways to boost your reach on the socials algorithm

>>20449456 Leftist Tyrant Letitia James Threatens to Seize President Trump’s Assets if He Can’t Pay Outrageous $400mil Court Fine

>>20449457 Attorney General Ken Paxton: Today, I’m suing to end NGO's operations in Texas

>>20449484 Marcella Tillett abruptly resigns as head of Eric Adams’ ‘Mayor’s Fund’ for NYC after just 16 months

>>20449497 California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73B

>>20449502 Russia Places Lindsey Graham on Their “Terrorists and Extremists” List

>>20449515 New Zealand Greens MP Efeso Collins, 49, suddenly collapses and dies at charity event ChildFund Water Run in Auckland

>>20449539 State Supreme Court Rules Embryos Are Children

>>20449546 30 minutes after departing Albuquerque, man tries to aggressively open airplane door

>>20449549, >>20449591 DoD / DoE News Releases

>>20449606, >>20449594, >>20449628, >>20449646, >>20449680, >>20449707 Anons discuss Peekaboobs wanting to seize Trump's properties

>>20449664 How Israel Merked its Own Civilians on October 7

>>20449713 The Chinese know history

>>20449776 Don't fail the children

>>20449802, >>20449807 Moar FISA

>>20449842 #25086


Previously Collected

>>20448270 #25084, >>20449055 #25085

>>20445764 #25081, >>20446644 #25082, >>20447482 #25083

>>20443029 #25078, >>20443831 #25079, >>20444740 #25080

>>20441455 #25075, >>20441317 #25076, >>20442191 #25077


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Anonymous ID: 6c1e8f Feb. 21, 2024, 10:13 a.m. No.20452126   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#25089 >>20451812

>>20451888 11:00 AM EST The Honorable Wes Moore, Governor of Maryland and The Honorable Spencer J. Cox, Governor of Utah will be interviewed by Judy Woodruff

>>20451911 Democrats’ open-border trickery: gaming the Census

>>20451917 1:15 PM EST State Department Press Briefing With Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>20451934, >>20451974 James Biden Arrives for Oversight Committee Deposition

>>20452027 New York Judge Merchan in Upcoming NY Trump Criminal Case Is Rabid Leftist Who Donated to Democrats and Sent Trump’s 75-yr-old Former CFO to Prison

Anonymous ID: 6c1e8f Feb. 21, 2024, 10:45 a.m. No.20452319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2321 >>2382

@400give or take


#25089 >>20451812

>>20451888 11:00 AM EST The Honorable Wes Moore, Governor of Maryland and The Honorable Spencer J. Cox, Governor of Utah will be interviewed by Judy Woodruff

>>20451911 Democrats’ open-border trickery: gaming the Census

>>20451917 1:15 PM EST State Department Press Briefing With Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>20451934, >>20451974 James Biden Arrives for Oversight Committee Deposition

>>20452027, >>20452269 New York Judge Merchan in Upcoming NY Trump Criminal Case Is Rabid Leftist Who Donated to Democrats and Sent Trump’s 75-yr-old Former CFO to Prison

>>20452186 1:45 PM EST swamp meets

>>20452283 Space Forces Indo-Pacific commander highlights importance of challenging space threats

>>20452295 2:00 PM EST A New Era of Aviation: An Advanced Air Mobility Webinar – Wake Turbulence Federal Aviation Administration

>>20452296 Biden’s new border plan shows ‘I can’t do anything’ was always a lie/EO comin


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