Anonymous ID: a8439e Q Research General #: Start with the STONE cold killers - President Trump Edition Sept. 18, 2024, 5:01 p.m. No.21618643   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:01 p.m. No.21618645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.21618649   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#26477-A >>21617924

>>21618001, >>21618073, >>21618248 Trump links to Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

>>21618246 SHUT IT DOWN!!!: PapiTrumpo

>>21618251, >>21618256, >>21618267, >>21618296, >>21618254, >>21618269, >>21618283, >>21618292, >>21618308, >>21618277 TRUMP announced at 7:11 pm

>>21618300 President Trump: The reason I'm here is because; hasn't been done in many decades. It hasn't been done in a long time, but We are going to win New York. And that's the first time in many, many years that a republican can honestly say it, and we're gonna do it. We have to do it. We do it, and the election, nationwide, is over. We take over the White House, and we fix up our country.

>>21618346 President Trump: Tonight let me also deliver a message straight to Kamala Harris…the radical-left democrat politicians, and the fake news media; we've gotta get our media back in this country, but the message is, it's time to stop the lies, stop the hoaxes, stop the smears, stop the lawfare and the fake lawsuits against me, and stop claiming your opponents will turn America into a dictatorship.

>>21618364 President Trump: We're gonna bring back religion into our country. These encounters with death have not broken my will, they have really given me a much bigger and stronger mission. They have only hardened my resolve to use my time on Earth to Make America Great Again for all Americans. To put America First.

>>21618382 President Trump: To every hard working American, whether you live in a red state, a swing state, or a state with a filed democrat rule, this year we need to elect all republicans all up and down the ballot. We have to clean out and straignten our our country. With your vote, we are going to rescue our country, we are going to rescue our democrat-run states; we are going to start by saving the great state of New York.

>>21618419 President Trump: Over the past three years in New York City, there has been a twenty-nine percent in robbery, a thirty-six percent increase in felony assault, a forty-two percent increase in grand larceny, a seventy-five percent increase in carjackings, while two hundred police officers leave the NYPD, they leave every single month. The trains and subways are squalid and unsafe, the median of our highway; all those medians, they spend all that money, they're failing down. They're rotting.

>>21618433 President Trump: We're at the highest level of black support in the history of the republican party. And by the way, the Hispanic support is off-the-charts, and they don't know what the hell to do about it.

>>21618460 President Trump: Together we will rebuild our roads, bridges, highways, and airports. They're falling apart, they're falling down. We will renovate New York subway so that the greatest city in the world finally has again the greatest transit system anywhere in the world. You have the basics; we have to clean it, we have to take care of it, we have to give it a little love, and we have to get the criminals out of there.

>>21618470 President Trump: Together we will rebuild our roads, bridges, highways, and airports. They're falling apart, they're falling down. We will renovate New York subway so that the greatest city in the world finally has again the greatest transit system anywhere in the world. You have the basics; we have to clean it, we have to take care of it, we have to give it a little love, and we have to get the criminals out of there.

>>21618522 President Trump: Cashless bail, you kill somebody, and you're out on the streets in two hours. Cashless bail has been a disaster for our country, Kamala Harris wanted it, no matter where she went. She boasted about being the leader of the movement of cashless bail, just like she led the effort to defund the police…when I get back into the Oval Office, the madness ends, and the law and order is going to return to our country. A fully reformed Department of Justice will deliver massive public safety funding for New York and other democrat-run cities that are under siege. But in exchange, they will give our police back their protection and their respect…they will end deadly sanctuary city policies, they will terminate cashless bail, and they will return to proven policing methods, like we had under Mayor Giuliani, that made New York City the safest big city in America.

>>21618560 President Trump: Nobody can draw crowds like me. Nobody, not even close. I'm the greatest of all time, maybe greater, even than Elvis, because Elvis had a guitar. I don't have a guitar. [the media will go nuts over that. kek]

>>21618615 #26477-A

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.21618650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#26477-B >>21617924

>>21618305 POTUS: ' We DO IT.. the election is over.. we take back the WH '

>>21618332 POTUS: ' Evil would be assassin got within a few hundred feet of us… outstanding SS spotted a big barrel in the bushes, you dont even want to talk about AK47, he saw the barrel coming out of the very lush bushes .. i want express my thanks to the US SS, who was there that day, all of the sherrifs and law enforcement down in florida… and btw youve heard the story… the ss agent didnt talk, he pulled out the gun and just started shooting at thim, the villain, this can only happen with a woman, cuz men arent smart enuf, he dropped his gun and started running and a woman driving his car, she thought he looked very suspicious, and she followed him and took picture of his license plate, beautiful pictures like a professional photographer,and she sent them to the sheriffs office, now who would do that? only a woman, only a woman… taking pictures of the license plate and the type of truck he was driving, i have to meet her, and because of that they were able to catch him in a very speedy chase, … thanks to that wonderful woman'

>>21618349 POTUS: ' Let me deliver a message directly to kamala harris, have you heard of her …. further left than bernie sanders and pocohantas… and the fake news media, look how many are there … weve got to get our media back in this country, bring back religion in to our country… these encounters with death have not broken my will, they've only hardened my resolve to use my time on earth to make America great again, and put America first'

>>21618352 POTUS: ' I love the teamsters… they delivered the concrete on all of those big beautiful buildings i built in new york … they have refused to endorse a democrat candidate for the first time

>>21618370 POTUS: ' We are going to start by Saving The Great State of New York'

>>21618376 POTUS: ' We are going to win New York, and if you vote for me, im going to reduce your taxes, reduce your crime and reduce your level of stress, the only thing i will increase is your income '

>>21618387 POTUS: ' We have horrible, filthy homeless encampments'

>>21618391 POTUS: ' 42 percent increase in grand larceny'

>>21618400 POTUS: ' The trains and subways are squalid and unsage, the medians are falling down, theyre rotting, the mobs of illegal migrants are put up in luxury hotels while our veterans lying on the street sometimes freezing sometimes it hot in summer and they look at migrants going up to the 17th floor of their hotel suite'

>>21618411 POTUS: ' So i say to the people of NY, with crime at record levels, migrants coming in record droves, inflation eating at your income, vote for Donald Trump, what the hell do yo have to lose?'

>>21618422 POTUS: ' What the hell do you have to lose?…i went through 12 different things, and i was at 2 percent, and i said to the black population gathered in front of me, vote for me, what the hell do you have to lose?… and i got eviscerated backstage, Sir why did you say that, its demeaning, its horrible, but the next day i picked up 10 percent in support in the black population'

>>21618424 POTUS: ' The hispanic support is off the charts, and they dont know what the hell to do about it… '

>>21618429 POTUS: ' We are 5 up, we should be 35 up, but some people cant break an old habit'

>>21618440 POTUS: ' We are the party of common sense more than anything else… my first week back in the oval office, i will clean up and call up your elected officials and say its time to work together for the people'

>>21618447 POTUS: ' We will renovate NY subaway, i used to go to school on the subway, my parents would drop me off at the subway, and they had no fear that i would be dissappearing… if you do that today you have a bout a 75 percent chance you wont see your child again'

>>21618457 POTUS: ' Every single police group in the nation is supporting me,… the fraternal order gave us 400,000 police'

>>21618464 POTUS: ' I used to be in Brooklyn, I had an office with my father, we used to go to a WhiteCastle (really???)… my father would say only 12 cents a hamburger'

>>21618473 POTUS: ' We are going to win with JOe, Cairo Joe'

>>21618520 POTUS: ' Under the Trump Economic Plan we will cut your energy prices in half… we have more liquid gold under our feet than saudi arabia, more than russia, the biggest site in the world, alaska ((AK47))'

>>21618523 POTUS: ' People cant afford an apple… a woman went to the cashier with three apples… she had to put back one apple cuz she couldnt afford it'

>>21618533 POTUS: ' Kamala… shes going to lift your taxes… vote for me im going to raise your taxes…. i told my great first lady i will not be sarcastic anymore the fake news will attribute it to me… when id imitate joe biden…. tehn hed want to get off the stage, and hed go like this…((points to the right)) then hed walk in a different direction …'

>>21618622 #26477-B

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.21618652   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#26477-C >>21617924

>>21618486 POTUS: ' and Stephanie doesnt want adulation, she wants her husband back… i have other friends whod be jumping up "here i am, here i am", but not stephanie'

>>21618495 POTUS: ' 14 times, more vicious… cashless bail, cashless bail… '

>>21618500 POTUS: ' Now Kamala says she likes the police, she cant say love… but the first thing shell do is go back to defund the police'

>>21618505 POTUS: ' A fully reformed department of justice… will give our police back the respect they deserve.. you have no idea how much the people love you'

>>21618511 POTUS: ' Simultaneously, we are going to make life in NY State affordable again.. a little word, business fleeing, money draining out of your state and hundreds of illegal aliens sucking your finances dry'

>>21618570 POTUS: ' Who is rich and would want to leave it to their kids?'

>>21618576 POTUS: ' I was all ready to duke it out…'

>>21618582 POTUS: ' I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world'

>>21618586 POTUS: ' I will stop the invasion at the border of our Country, its crazy'

>>21618590 POTUS: ' Kamala was the border czar until the coup, because there was a coup'

>>21618598 POTUS: ' YOu have tourists who line up to take pictures… the fake news never talks about it… you have everybody coming, people who cant speak the language… tom holme? central casting guy,.. 168 diff countries came in unrepresented, most people dont know we have over 200 diff countries'

>>21618567 POTUS: ' Kamala wants a tax, an unrealized capital gains tax, that means if you own a stock, even if you dont sell it you get a tax…. i got rid of the estate tax, the death tax…. '

>>21618550 POTUS: ' Melanie just wrote a book… and if she says bad things about me… she says to me, baby, …. so id call up my wife, baby who can draws crowds like me, im the greatest of all time, maybe even greater than elvis… im greater than elvis because i didnt have. a guitar.. he had a guitar… and id go baby how great was my speech today,,… oh it was good but your hair should look better'

>>21618558 POTUS: ' So id given up about 90 percent of it…. Anthony stand up, one of the greats of all time… '

>>21618624 #26477-C

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.21618654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9149

#26477-D >>21617924

>>21617854, >>21618396, >>21618397, >>21618398, >>21618401, >>21618402, >>21618406, >>21618409 17 floor LB Giuliani: The hard drive revealed evidence that would have destroyed Biden. He couldn't have won. Whether you believe, or don't believe, that the votes were counted falsely; and I don't just believe it, I know it. They were cheating with the hard drive, and fixing the election. Biden was elected on a fraud. They hid the fact that he got, and his family got twenty-one million dollars from Red China. What are we doing with a man in the White House whose family got twenty-one millions dollars from our biggest enemy? Imagine if Eisenhower got twenty-one million dollars from Russia. Or Kennedy got twenty-one million dollars from Russia. Or Reagan got twenty-one million dollars from Russia. We would have hung 'em.

>>21617967, >>21617978, >>21617986 Trump pubkey pepe video mp4 0:20

>>21618003, >>21618006, >>21618014, >>21618137, >>21618157, >>21618199 Pepe Choking?

>>21617982 Former Assistant District Attorney Gary Haynes Indicted on Bribery, Money Laundering Conspiracy, and Other Felony Charges

>>21617941, >>21618132, >>21617952 Incoming FF: Iranian hackers sent Joe Biden unsolicited information stolen Donald Trump, FBI and other federal agencies said pfffft

>>21617953 Donald Trump to visit, on Sunday, National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township, in Pennsylvania

>>21618013 Serious Concerns Raised Over FDA Approved Monkeypox Vaccine

>>21618016 What an uggo, keep these whopper choppers away from my glizzy.

>>21618036 Made me kek

>>21618078 Victorian council wards uncontested due to lack of nominations sees almost 50 candidates elected unopposed

>>21618102, >>21618167 "If there's anybody behind it I'LL FIND THEM!" Mayor Rudy Giuliani speaks at Trump rally in Uniondale, NY

>>21618130 NEW: U.S: says neutralized a cyber-attack network that affected 200,000 devices worldwide, alleging it was run by hackers backed by the Chinese government

>>21618310 Q, is this the reason we banned huawei?

>>21618318 AK 47 Any comms in there?

>>21618413, >>21618396, >>21618397, >>21618398, >>21618401, >>21618402, >>21618406, >>21618409 17 floor

>>21618416 Eyes on: Chuck Schumer I'm honored to welcome MG Naumann, Commanding General of @10MTNDIV & Fort Drum, at the U.S. Capitol today!

>>21618441 Make Common Sense Common Again

>>21618499 military strategy, a choke point (or chokepoint) is a geographical feature

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618627 #26477-D

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:02 p.m. No.21618655   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#26476 >>21617161


>>21617819, >>21617886 Speakers @ TRUMP RALLY NASSAU COLISEUM NEW YORK 9/18/2024

>>21617428, >>21617480, >>21617595 @DanScavino LET’S GO NEW YORK🇺🇸🦅 RALLY DAY Uniondale, NY 7PM

>>21617464, >>21617567 @realDonaldTrump SEE YOU TONIGHT ON GUTFELD AT 10:00PM EASTERN—MAGA2024!!!

>>21617489, >>21617496, >>21617503, >>21617507, >>21617732, >>21617797, >>21617805 Choking Pepe (not smoking Pepe) kek

>>21617730, >>21617746, >>21617812, >>21617846, >>21617909 Trump meets with supporters at PUBKEY Bar and uses crypto currency for first time

>>21617756, >>21617783, >>21617805 Pepe. Q #521 Fight. Talking to anons here.


>>21617181, >>21617212 Justice Department doing it's job

>>21617182 Trans-Identifying 19-Year-Old Arrested After Expressing Desire To Shoot Up Elementary School

>>21617192 'Apolitical' Fed Slashes Rates By 50bps With Stocks & Home-Prices At Record Highs


>>21617207 Kirby will not engage

>>21617216, >>21617528 After Overwhelming Pro-Trump Polling, TDS Teamsters Will Not Endorse Trump

>>21617219 Trump "200% tariff" on Mexican automakers that are trying to sell cars in the United States

>>21617238 Pharmaceutical Giants Proclaim The ‘Golden Age Of Vaccines’ Are Here

>>21617247 Russia strongly condemns unprecedented attack on Lebanon

>>21617284 NYC lawyer admits he gamed immigration system in plea that could force him to pay $16M in restitution

>>21617300 NEW SONG INSPIRED BY TRUMP: I’m a fighter

>>21617302 old video of Diddy's former bodyguard allegedly revealing on Sean Combs?

>>21617338 Max Factor heir granted Harris' Early Parole after 86 counts of drugging and raping unconscious women in 2003

>>21617359 Boeing to temporarily furlough tens of thousands of employees

>>21617372, >>21617551 Israel has a long history of inventive, unusual assassination methods

>>21617376, >>21617382 KJP - Violent rhetoric is only dangerous when discussed after the fact

>>21617422 Fed Chair what's allowed the unemployment rate to rise? "massive influx of illegal immigrants"

>>21617424 This is why 23andMe is evil..

>>21617436, >>21617506, >>21617538, >>21617571, >>21617719, >>21617739 Old News Clip on Ryan and Lora Routh for the DIGGS

>>21617438 Luzerne County, Pennsylvania have BANNED all mail-in ballot drop boxes from the county

>>21617450 Juanita Broaddrick - My God. She’s drunk. This is so bad.

>>21617460 PlaneFaggin'

>>21617466, >>21617647, >>21617686, >>21617713 Biden Hosts White House Reception for Hispanic Heritage Month


>>21617533 Israel's War Cabinet Greenlights Offensive War Against Everyone Left Standing

>>21617581 Billionaire expects stock market crash, recession if Kamala Harris wins

>>21617790 @thejimwatkins We still have honey in stock It is too sweet to pass up. Stop by our store and get moar!

>>21617861 FBI agents get an earful when they visit man over ‘assassination threat' to Biden

>>21617913 #26476


Previously Collected

>>21617155 #26475,

>>21615484 #26472, >>21615270 #26473, >>21616211 #26474

>>21611297 #26469, >>21612064 #26470, >>21612977 #26471

>>21609636 #26467, >>21610450 #26468-A, >>21610450 #26468-B

>>21606923 #26464, >>21607811 #26465, >>21608634 #26466


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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:03 p.m. No.21618659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8672 >>8675 >>8679 >>8686 >>8688 >>8690 >>8693 >>8697 >>8698 >>8701 >>8710 >>8711 >>8725 >>8746 >>8747 >>8753 >>8773 >>8780 >>8786 >>8867 >>8891 >>8892 >>8895 >>8946 >>8961 >>8968 >>9039 >>9158 >>9163 >>9173 >>9179 >>9189 >>9210 >>9255 >>9287 >>9366 >>9418 >>9424 >>9473 >>9492



Q Research General #: Start with the STONE cold killers - President Trump Edition

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:05 p.m. No.21618680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8799 >>8809 >>8891 >>8961 >>9158

Donald J.Trump


LIVE: President Trump in Uniondale, NY




LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24


Real Americas Voice




Frank Speech TV

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:19 p.m. No.21618809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8818




>>21618680 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Uniondale, NY

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618691 President Trump: So the mayor of Springfield; and I think he's a very nice person, but instead of saying, 'we're getting 'em all out. We're getting 'em out', he says very simply, 'We're hiring teachers to teach them English. We are hiring interpreters.' So when they go to school, and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country? No, no; we're getting 'em out of our country. They came in illegally. They're destroying our country. We're getting 'em out. They're going to be brought back to the country from which they came…an estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in mid-town Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.


>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

>>21618695 POTUS: ' Ive been talking about migrant crime for 5 years… i said dont let them in its going to be hell… for every NYorker terrorized by migrants, NOv 5th will be your Liberation Day because you have been living like hell'

>>21618705 POTUS: ' They are coming in by the millions, not the hundreds… think of it…. 21 million… patrioticv new yorkers gotta get your asses in to vote… Harry get your phat ass out of the bed, youre going to vote for Trump today'


>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:27 p.m. No.21618891   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#26478-A >>21618659

>>21618680 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Uniondale, NY

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618691 President Trump: So the mayor of Springfield; and I think he's a very nice person, but instead of saying, 'we're getting 'em all out. We're getting 'em out', he says very simply, 'We're hiring teachers to teach them English. We are hiring interpreters.' So when they go to school, and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country? No, no; we're getting 'em out of our country. They came in illegally. They're destroying our country. We're getting 'em out. They're going to be brought back to the country from which they came…an estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in mid-town Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.

>>21618717 President Trump: They're coming from all over the world [illegal aliens]…and what's happening to our country, we're just destroying the fabric of life in our country, and We're Not Going To Take It Any Longer. And you got to get rid of these people, give me a shot, you will have a safe New York within three months.

>>21618775 President Trump: I'm announcing tonight, that as president, I will officially make the Ground Zero site at the World Trade Center a National Monument, protected and maintained by the United States Government, so the hallowed ground, and the memory of those who perished there will be preserved for all time. Preserved forever.

>>21618806 President Trump: Kamala Harris is for wide-open borders, with terrorists and criminals pouring into our country, more inflation; even higher than the last four years, which was a record, she wants to pack the Supreme Court, and today I heard it all. I thought they wanted maybe eleven, maybe they wanted thirteen; that's an unlucky number, so maybe it would be fifteen instead of nine. But instead if nine, Kamala wants to bring up, potentially as many as twenty-five justices, so that they can rig the system, like they rig everything else, including elections.

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:28 p.m. No.21618892   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#26478-B >>21618659

>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

>>21618695 POTUS: ' Ive been talking about migrant crime for 5 years… i said dont let them in its going to be hell… for every NYorker terrorized by migrants, NOv 5th will be your Liberation Day because you have been living like hell'

>>21618705 POTUS: ' They are coming in by the millions, not the hundreds… think of it…. 21 million… patrioticv new yorkers gotta get your asses in to vote… Harry get your phat ass out of the bed, youre going to vote for Trump today'

>>21618713 POTUS: ' Gun owners, … they dont vote in the proportion they dont vote… evangelicals, christians have to get out… some groups dont vote'

>>21618724 POTUS: ' SALT, Anthony, remember, SALT'

>>21618762, >>21618793 POTUS: ' But Liam.. i got him the most beautiful presents… hes a great boy, beautiful sister'

>>21618770 POTUS: ' I will officially make the ground zero site … hallowed ground… the memory will be preserved for all time… '

>>21618787 POTUS: ' The NY who created the 911 memorial,… i want to thank them… we are just 48 days away from the most important election …. stand up… now you can stand up… who is he, name him… thats my man.. goood, boy im glad i didnt forget you… whenever they looked at him theyd say we will leave trump alone'

>>21618792 POTUS: ' Today i heard it all… they wanted 13, thats an unlucky numbers, kamala wants as many as 25 justices… so they can rig elections'

>>21618804 POTUS: ' Kamala vowed to abolish ICE… free health care for illegal aliens… 15 diff things, she wants mass amensty for illegal aliens bankrupting soc security and medicare programs… we says we must no utter the words illegal aliens or islamic terrorist words agains.. during her period of 3 and half years as borde czar, she lost 350,000 migrant children.. thats like yankee stadium built up many times.. '

>>21618811 POTUS: ' Rape of an unconscious person an totally non violent crime, think of it… thats what she wants'

>>21618816 POTUS: ' Her only idea for solving inflation is by installing. soviet price controls thats all she can think of'

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:28 p.m. No.21618895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8904 >>8913



#26478-C >>21618659

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:34 p.m. No.21618961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8967



#26478-A >>21618659

>>21618680 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Uniondale, NY

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618691 President Trump: So the mayor of Springfield; and I think he's a very nice person, but instead of saying, 'we're getting 'em all out. We're getting 'em out', he says very simply, 'We're hiring teachers to teach them English. We are hiring interpreters.' So when they go to school, and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country? No, no; we're getting 'em out of our country. They came in illegally. They're destroying our country. We're getting 'em out. They're going to be brought back to the country from which they came…an estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in mid-town Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.

>>21618717 President Trump: They're coming from all over the world [illegal aliens]…and what's happening to our country, we're just destroying the fabric of life in our country, and We're Not Going To Take It Any Longer. And you got to get rid of these people, give me a shot, you will have a safe New York within three months.

>>21618775 President Trump: I'm announcing tonight, that as president, I will officially make the Ground Zero site at the World Trade Center a National Monument, protected and maintained by the United States Government, so the hallowed ground, and the memory of those who perished there will be preserved for all time. Preserved forever.

>>21618806 President Trump: Kamala Harris is for wide-open borders, with terrorists and criminals pouring into our country, more inflation; even higher than the last four years, which was a record, she wants to pack the Supreme Court, and today I heard it all. I thought they wanted maybe eleven, maybe they wanted thirteen; that's an unlucky number, so maybe it would be fifteen instead of nine. But instead if nine, Kamala wants to bring up, potentially as many as twenty-five justices, so that they can rig the system, like they rig everything else, including elections.

>>21618829 President Trump: During her period of three and a half years she was in charge of the border, she [Harris] lost more than three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children. Many of whom have been trafficked, raped, and many of whom are dead…that's like Yankee Stadium filled up many, many times.

>>21618886 President Trump: And yesterday, three agencies of the Kamala Harris and Joe Biden administration, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Cybesecurity, and Infrastructure Security Agency, they just released a report confirming that Iran actors hacked into the Trump campaign's email accounts, and in turn, sought to give the hacked materials to the Biden/Harris campaign. They gave them all of the materials, because Biden is working with Iran, and Iran doesn't exactly like me…this is really foreign election interference. This is real election interference, not the phony crap that they've been trying to pin on me with Russia, Russia, Russia, for years.

>>21618932 President Trump: While working Americans catch up, we're going to put a temporary cap on credit card interest rates. We're gonna cap it at around ten percent. We can't let them make twenty-five and thirty percent.

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:35 p.m. No.21618968   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#26478-B >>21618659

>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

>>21618695 POTUS: ' Ive been talking about migrant crime for 5 years… i said dont let them in its going to be hell… for every NYorker terrorized by migrants, NOv 5th will be your Liberation Day because you have been living like hell'

>>21618705 POTUS: ' They are coming in by the millions, not the hundreds… think of it…. 21 million… patrioticv new yorkers gotta get your asses in to vote… Harry get your phat ass out of the bed, youre going to vote for Trump today'

>>21618713 POTUS: ' Gun owners, … they dont vote in the proportion they dont vote… evangelicals, christians have to get out… some groups dont vote'

>>21618724 POTUS: ' SALT, Anthony, remember, SALT'

>>21618762, >>21618793 POTUS: ' But Liam.. i got him the most beautiful presents… hes a great boy, beautiful sister'

>>21618770 POTUS: ' I will officially make the ground zero site … hallowed ground… the memory will be preserved for all time… '

>>21618787 POTUS: ' The NY who created the 911 memorial,… i want to thank them… we are just 48 days away from the most important election …. stand up… now you can stand up… who is he, name him… thats my man.. goood, boy im glad i didnt forget you… whenever they looked at him theyd say we will leave trump alone'

>>21618792 POTUS: ' Today i heard it all… they wanted 13, thats an unlucky numbers, kamala wants as many as 25 justices… so they can rig elections'

>>21618804 POTUS: ' Kamala vowed to abolish ICE… free health care for illegal aliens… 15 diff things, she wants mass amensty for illegal aliens bankrupting soc security and medicare programs… we says we must no utter the words illegal aliens or islamic terrorist words agains.. during her period of 3 and half years as borde czar, she lost 350,000 migrant children.. thats like yankee stadium built up many times.. '

>>21618811 POTUS: ' Rape of an unconscious person an totally non violent crime, think of it… thats what she wants'

>>21618816 POTUS: ' Her only idea for solving inflation is by installing. soviet price controls thats all she can think of'

>>21618822 POTUS: ' She even endorsed tax payer funded migrant gender sex changes'

>>21618840 POTUS: ' 42 billions dollars and not one home connected to broad band… they spent 8 billion to build 9 charging stations… i have to say, Elon Musk is a great guy, and he makes a great product, maybe the best product… electric cars will be built in china, im going to bring back the auto industry to america, … hydrogen cars… one little problem, its blows up and youre dead… i think ill take a pass on that for now if you dont mind '

>>21618873 POTUS: ' LEss tahn 2 months from now we are going to tell kamala that weve had enough, youvbe been a terrible VP and youll make an even worse president, kamala we arent going to take it anymore Your FIred'

>>21618881 POTUS: ' The moment we take back the WH from kamala i believe we will have the best four years in our country's history'

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:49 p.m. No.21619109   🗄️.is 🔗kun


we were fuckin warned days ago, syria chemicals decode…

that baker was too stupid to pick up on what i was laid down, now is down


too busy to look for it

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:56 p.m. No.21619158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9164





#26478-A >>21618659

>>21618680 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Uniondale, NY

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618691 President Trump: So the mayor of Springfield; and I think he's a very nice person, but instead of saying, 'we're getting 'em all out. We're getting 'em out', he says very simply, 'We're hiring teachers to teach them English. We are hiring interpreters.' So when they go to school, and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country? No, no; we're getting 'em out of our country. They came in illegally. They're destroying our country. We're getting 'em out. They're going to be brought back to the country from which they came…an estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in mid-town Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.

>>21618717 President Trump: They're coming from all over the world [illegal aliens]…and what's happening to our country, we're just destroying the fabric of life in our country, and We're Not Going To Take It Any Longer. And you got to get rid of these people, give me a shot, you will have a safe New York within three months.

>>21618775 President Trump: I'm announcing tonight, that as president, I will officially make the Ground Zero site at the World Trade Center a National Monument, protected and maintained by the United States Government, so the hallowed ground, and the memory of those who perished there will be preserved for all time. Preserved forever.

>>21618806 President Trump: Kamala Harris is for wide-open borders, with terrorists and criminals pouring into our country, more inflation; even higher than the last four years, which was a record, she wants to pack the Supreme Court, and today I heard it all. I thought they wanted maybe eleven, maybe they wanted thirteen; that's an unlucky number, so maybe it would be fifteen instead of nine. But instead if nine, Kamala wants to bring up, potentially as many as twenty-five justices, so that they can rig the system, like they rig everything else, including elections.

>>21618829 President Trump: During her period of three and a half years she was in charge of the border, she [Harris] lost more than three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children. Many of whom have been trafficked, raped, and many of whom are dead…that's like Yankee Stadium filled up many, many times.

>>21618886 President Trump: And yesterday, three agencies of the Kamala Harris and Joe Biden administration, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Cybesecurity, and Infrastructure Security Agency, they just released a report confirming that Iran actors hacked into the Trump campaign's email accounts, and in turn, sought to give the hacked materials to the Biden/Harris campaign. They gave them all of the materials, because Biden is working with Iran, and Iran doesn't exactly like me…this is really foreign election interference. This is real election interference, not the phony crap that they've been trying to pin on me with Russia, Russia, Russia, for years.

>>21618932 President Trump: While working Americans catch up, we're going to put a temporary cap on credit card interest rates. We're gonna cap it at around ten percent. We can't let them make twenty-five and thirty percent.

>>21618962 President Trump: We're gonna take this money from the Green New Scam, it's a Green New Scam, one of the greatest scams in history, and we're gonna spend it on roads and bridges, and real infrastructure. And we're gonna pay down debt, not fake infrastructure that's caused massive inflation, as has no benefit whatsoever for our country.

>>21618989 President Trump: Together we will deliver low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates, low inflation, so that everyone can afford groceries, a car, and a home.

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:57 p.m. No.21619163   🗄️.is 🔗kun





#26478-B >>21618659

>>21619054 President Trump: On November fifth, we will save our economy, we will rescue our middle class, we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders, we will put America First, and we will Take Back Our Country. Because together, We Will Make America Powerful Again. Make America Wealthy Again. Make America Healthy Again,. Make America Strong Again, Make America Proud Again, Make America Safe Again, Make America free Again. And We Will Make America Great Again!

>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

>>21618695 POTUS: ' Ive been talking about migrant crime for 5 years… i said dont let them in its going to be hell… for every NYorker terrorized by migrants, NOv 5th will be your Liberation Day because you have been living like hell'

>>21618705 POTUS: ' They are coming in by the millions, not the hundreds… think of it…. 21 million… patrioticv new yorkers gotta get your asses in to vote… Harry get your phat ass out of the bed, youre going to vote for Trump today'

>>21618713 POTUS: ' Gun owners, … they dont vote in the proportion they dont vote… evangelicals, christians have to get out… some groups dont vote'

>>21618724, >>21619098 POTUS: ' SALT, Anthony, remember, SALT'

>>21618762, >>21618793 POTUS: ' But Liam.. i got him the most beautiful presents… hes a great boy, beautiful sister'

>>21618770 POTUS: ' I will officially make the ground zero site … hallowed ground… the memory will be preserved for all time… '

>>21618787 POTUS: ' The NY who created the 911 memorial,… i want to thank them… we are just 48 days away from the most important election …. stand up… now you can stand up… who is he, name him… thats my man.. goood, boy im glad i didnt forget you… whenever they looked at him theyd say we will leave trump alone'

>>21618792 POTUS: ' Today i heard it all… they wanted 13, thats an unlucky numbers, kamala wants as many as 25 justices… so they can rig elections'

>>21618804 POTUS: ' Kamala vowed to abolish ICE… free health care for illegal aliens… 15 diff things, she wants mass amensty for illegal aliens bankrupting soc security and medicare programs… we says we must no utter the words illegal aliens or islamic terrorist words agains.. during her period of 3 and half years as borde czar, she lost 350,000 migrant children.. thats like yankee stadium built up many times.. '

>>21618811 POTUS: ' Rape of an unconscious person an totally non violent crime, think of it… thats what she wants'

>>21618816 POTUS: ' Her only idea for solving inflation is by installing. soviet price controls thats all she can think of'

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 5:59 p.m. No.21619173   🗄️.is 🔗kun





#26478-C >>21618659

>>21618822 POTUS: ' She even endorsed tax payer funded migrant gender sex changes'

>>21618840 POTUS: ' 42 billions dollars and not one home connected to broad band… they spent 8 billion to build 9 charging stations… i have to say, Elon Musk is a great guy, and he makes a great product, maybe the best product… electric cars will be built in china, im going to bring back the auto industry to america, … hydrogen cars… one little problem, its blows up and youre dead… i think ill take a pass on that for now if you dont mind '

>>21618873 POTUS: ' LEss tahn 2 months from now we are going to tell kamala that weve had enough, youvbe been a terrible VP and youll make an even worse president, kamala we arent going to take it anymore Your FIred'

>>21618881 POTUS: ' The moment we take back the WH from kamala i believe we will have the best four years in our country's history'

>>21618887 POTUS: ' We will start deporations on day one… we will reinstate ANWAR… we will start to grow grow grow and pay down our national debt,… we took out ISIS, we did it in four weeks, was supposed to take 4 years… '

>>21618908 POTUS: ' THink of what china did to us… the world had 60 trillion dollars and millions dead… i will bring back the car industry, other countries that make us pay a tax to do business with us, … some of the worst trading countries are alliess, theyre friends of ours, they take advantage of us horribly… it will be called the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act…. you charge us, we charge you… make your product in America… and only in America and you wont have to pay a tax, and they will be coming back in here'

>>21618911 POTUS: ' We want them to build their plants in the united states and hire our people'

>>21618919 POTUS: ' I get it all done, remember whats they say, promises made, promises kept, thats me… for the seniors… no taxes on social security benefits'

>>21618923 POTUS: ' I will always protect social security and medicare… and put a temporary cap on credit cards interest rates… cap it at 10 percent'

>>21618939 POTUS: ' Climate change, chuck, … are you afraid of climate change Chuck?… now its climate change, we are going to take all that money from the green new scam, …and we are going to spend it on roads and infrastructure'

>>21618942 POTUS: ' I will settle the war in ukraine, i will end the chaos in the middle east'

>>21618954 POTUS: ' Btw, we are closer to ww3 … i will stand with israel,… peace through strength.. we are going to get it settled, we are going to get it done, we arent going to have war in the middle east, we arent going to have russia in ukraine… '

>>21618960 POTUS: ' Youre name is raising cain, thats the general i want'

>>21618964 POTUS: ' No inflation and energy dominance'

>>21618977 POTUS: ' We will rebuild our cities, … DC… we will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency, ill keep it, china wants to take it over… that will make us a third world country… we will keep it'

>>21618984, >>21618983 POTUS: ' I wish a happy 77th birthday to the united states air force'

>>21618995 POTUS: ' Space force is 5 years old… we will build a defense shield around our country… we will keep men out of womens sports… we will defend free speech, defend the 2nd amendment… every day will be filled with opportunity and hope… we must defeat kamal and the crooked democrats'

>>21619008, >>21619015, >>21619045, >>21619092 Nessun Dorma

>>21619010 POTUS: ' MAKE AMERICA FREE AGAIN… thank you very much…we love new york,love new york.." NESSUN DORMA plays… ON ALL CHANNELS

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 6 p.m. No.21619179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9185



#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’


>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 6:04 p.m. No.21619210   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’


>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 6:13 p.m. No.21619255   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619050 DJT: I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618898 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’

>>21619017 Potus>>Bigger Than Elvis Even Without A Guitar

>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

>>21619195 Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 6:17 p.m. No.21619287   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619050 DJT: I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227, >>21619246 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618898 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’

>>21619017 Potus>>Bigger Than Elvis Even Without A Guitar

>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

>>21619195 Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024

>>21619244 JD Vance: Closest Tim Walz has ever gotten to real combat…

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 6:36 p.m. No.21619424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9470



#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

>>21619050 DJT: I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump: ”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227, >>21619246 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618898 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’

>>21619017 Potus: Bigger Than Elvis Even Without A Guitar

>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042, >>21619349 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619195 Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024

>>21619244 JD Vance: Closest Tim Walz has ever gotten to real combat

>>21619293 FBI has releases its first batch of files on Henry Kissinger

>>21617756, >>21617783, >>21617805 Pepe. Q #521 Fight. Talking to anons here.

>>21619413 Senators write Vice President Kamala Harris over her mismanagement of a $42 billion program

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 6:39 p.m. No.21619448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9464 >>9471 >>9473

Needs moar sauce, big if true




The entire board of 23andMe Just Resigned…


Why is this important?


Wojcicki is mentioned in the Qdrops as Being Associated with creating a Mass Surveillance State in a Collaborated effort between Silicon Valley and the CIA & NSA


Sergey Brin (born in Madcow), the founder of Google, was married to… Anne Wojcicki, the founder of 23andme, whose sister is Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube

[DARPA] (she died recently though😉


Funny how they’re all connected, eh?


The drops also elude that [DARPA] aka Google played a role in the spy campaign against Trump… same with Twitter 1.0… which was believed to be used in an assassination attempt, where they tried to shoot AF1 out of the sky.


The End Goal:

The research arms of the CIA and NSA hoped that the best computer-science minds in academia could identify what they called “birds of a feather:” Just as geese fly together in large V shapes, or flocks of sparrows make sudden movements together in harmony, they predicted that like-minded groups of humans would move together online. The intelligence community named their first unclassified briefing for scientists the “birds of a feather” briefing, and the “Birds of a Feather Session on the Intelligence Community Initiative in Massive Digital Data Systems” took place at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose in the spring of 1995.


At this point, Iris scanners are now on our phones screening our eyes to “confirm our identity”… Q eluded to how long before that becomes a drop of blood?


In addition to all of this, there’s also the threat of biological warfare against specific genealogy (specific races)… as RFK JR talked about.

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 6:40 p.m. No.21619464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9473



All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest.


Kevin Liles (Music Exec)


Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts)


Johnathan Halloway (Rutgers President)


Robert B. Davis (General Manager of Martha's Vineyard)


Chris Cameron (LaCrosse Coach)


Kathy Newsham (Bay City Mayor)


LaMonica McIver (Newark City Councilman)


Allyson Green (Tisch Dean)


Craig Maladra (5th Ward Geneva)


Joseph Kerschner (Doctor)


Mike Foster (President of Nexian Travel)


Suzi Williams (Executive Director)


Romain Mazeries (CEO)


Henry Leventis (Chief Prosecutor)


Matthew Teitelbaum (MFA Director)


Darren Lehmann (Assistant Coach)


Arvind Kejriwal (Chief Minister)


Giuseppe N. Colasurdo (Doctor UTH)

Anonymous ID: a8439e Sept. 18, 2024, 6:42 p.m. No.21619473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9492





#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619442 FULL SPEECH: Guest speakers at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

>>21619050 DJT: I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump: ”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227, >>21619246 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618898 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’

>>21619017 Potus: Bigger Than Elvis Even Without A Guitar

>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042, >>21619349 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619423 @realDonaldTrump surprises 8 year old Liam Licastro with a gift backstage during a campaign rally at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, NY.

>>21619195 Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024

>>21619244 JD Vance: Closest Tim Walz has ever gotten to real combat

>>21619293 FBI has releases its first batch of files on Henry Kissinger

>>21617756, >>21617783, >>21617805 Pepe. Q #521 Fight. Talking to anons here.

>>21619413 Senators write Vice President Kamala Harris over her mismanagement of a $42 billion program

>>21619448 The entire board of 23andMe Just Resigned…

>>21619464 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest