Anonymous ID: f15c93 Q Research General #8208: Mellolo Evening Edition May 4, 2019, 11:04 p.m. No.6418645   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )


Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].


Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )


Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269


Friday 04.19.2019

Compiled here: >>6354261


Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 4, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.6418656   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9392

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6261140 Please no JPEGs

>>6364968 Captchas for every post now



are not endorsements



>>6418480 Kavanaugh moves far ahead of RBG in the Senate Dem poll (up from 50-50 earlier today, KEK)

>>6418339 For KEKS: Buttigieg's sister joins #Walkaway

>>6418256, >>6418303 New suspect in Madeleine McCann disappearance

>>6418172 Moar on "knowingly": 18 US Code 2385: Advocating the overthrow of gov't; >>6418312 DJT & Q Post #3063 3/14/19

>>6418158 Planefag update: there are no planes of interest flying anywhere in the US (military using captcha's???)

>>6418149 Call for a DIGG on the Haitian Bride Alliance

>>6418136 [Pedo] YouTube singer Austin Jones sentenced to 10 years in prison

>>6418035, >>6418124 Anons on redpilling the military

>>6417960 Juncker: The European Union has lost its β€œlibido”

>>6417957 Greg Rubini: Who is the traitor in the WH? (Hint: It's not Trump)

>>6417948, >>6418033 Nellie Ohr DIGG, con't.

>>6417848 (lb) Kentucky Derby County House winner and Country House Rule 65.1

>>6418632 #8207


#8206 baker change

>>6417233 Venezuelan Military Helicopter Crashes Outside Of Caracas, 7 Officers Killed

>>6417224 California Ready to Ban presidential noms if they dont publicly disclose taxes

>>6417455 Operation Claws Of Death: Iraqi Intelligence Foils Major ISIS Terrorist Plan

>>6417542 former Miss Uruguay pageant winner was found dead in a Mexico City hotel

>>6417492 2 bodies found after helicopter crash on Maryland's Eastern Bay

>>6417602 ISIS Terrorists Attack Key LNA Base in Libya, Capture Loads Of Weapons (Photos)

>>6417427, >>6417451, >>6417571 "Knowingly" in DJT tweet from today, anons post Q posts

>>6417817 #8206


#8205 baker change

>>6416912 Singing about chopping off heads was an β€œunintended mistake” β€” an β€œoversight”

>>6416872 For keks, but a reality, You’re more likely to own a chicken as a pet than watch CNN in Primetime

>>6416786 For digging, several strange deaths in the Military

>>6416760 Tourist warning as lethal cases of BUBONIC PLAGUE put Mongolia on high alert

>>6416739 Dank memes on a Dan Scavino twat

>>6416738 Senate Dems twat, RBG or Kav, lets change the narrative

>>6416441 Looks like go time 5:5 5:5

>>6416411 SpaceX Finally Confirms Astronaut Capsule "Destroyed" From April 20 Explosion

>>6416315 Ticket prices plunge for Bill & Hillary's speaking tour

>>6416272 Planefag update

>>6417010 #8205


#8204 baker change

>>6416141 Cernovich on Dan Scavino re banning of Loomer & others on social media

>>6416027 Trump Proposal Aims to Make it Easier to Deport Immigrants Using Public Benefits

>>6415640, >>6415710 Anons discuss unusual "followers" after pro-Q tweets

>>6415892 Yellow Vests mobilize for another weekend of protests, the 25th in a row (RT)

>>6415869 Anon on Karate Kid crane move & Q's 'kick-off' 'start offense'

>>6415856 Rogers describes his connection to Flynn

>>6415796 Massive multi state baby rape ring busted today

>>6415781 Florida man donned werewolf mask to burn, shoot, torture baby girl in bassinet

>>6415749 The International Crisis Group (ICG; also known as the Crisis Group)

>>6415738 Federal Judge Sides With Federal Gov't, Rules Mass Surveillance Can Remain Secret

>>6415557 Glenn Beck vid: Who is Rep. Ilhan Omar? (27min)

>>6415652 Pilot survives helicopter crash in New Caney. TX

>>6415636 Rocket barrages from Gaza draw Israeli strikes, four Palestinians dead

>>6415608, >>6415626, >>6415716 US Marines: "How many F-35s are there?" Squadron 501 Readiness exercise

>>6415709, >>6415708, >>6415820 What horse won the Kentucky Derby? Country House (Maximum Security eliminated)

>>6415581 Laura Loomer visits FB after being banned (vid 14min)

>>6415520, >>6415588 The Fed will give banks a $36 billion taxpayer-funded subsidy this year

>>6416178 #8204


Previously Collected Notables

>>6415428 #8203,

>>6413083 #8200, >>6413878 #8201, >>6414663 #8202

>>6410724 #8197, >>6411508 #8198, >>6412291 #8199

>>6408379 #8194, >>6409245 #8195, >>6409907 #8196


Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly):

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 4, 2019, 11:06 p.m. No.6418662   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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>>6069766, >>6171428

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 4, 2019, 11:07 p.m. No.6418668   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 12:37 a.m. No.6418993   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Well-said, anon. I feel that way watching Tucker sometimes. And Carl Benjamin/Sargon has been shouting out the idea that "JOKES ARE OK!!!" to the British msm. (You can imagine their reaction, kek!)

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.6419008   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Notes at @290

>>6418965 Fighter jets with missile-killing lasers take another step toward reality

>>6418764, >>6418948 HRC profit-making scandal involving Tyson atty from 1978 (was never resolved)

>>6418781 Interview: Catherine Herridge of Fox News withDonald Trump - May 2, 2019

>>6418822 Breaking News: Adam Sandler does funny OperaMan songs that cross Party lines–and audience CLAPS (Biden best)

>>6418758 Almost 12 million pounds of Tyson chicken strips recalled due to possible metal pcs (yuck)

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 1 a.m. No.6419048   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9049 >>9127 >>9257 >>9345 >>9383 >>9409 >>9413

Brexit BUST-UP: Irish Deputy PM fires WARNING at UK - β€˜LEAVE EU before MEPs take seats’

Sun, May 5, 2019


THE IRISH deputy prime minister has fired a warning at the UK saying Britain should leave the EU this summer before MEPs take their seats.


Ireland’s deputy prime minister, Simon Coveney demanded in an interview with The Sunday Telegraph that both the Labour Party and the Tories find a middle ground following the poor local election results for both parties. He said: β€œWe need decisions because this absence of a decision, and the vacuum that it creates – for businesses, for politicians, and for many countries in Europe – is damaging for us all.” Mr Coveney also urged MPs to make a decision β€œthis side of the Summer”.


The senior politician did not like the idea of having to renegotiate the Irish backstop if Theresa May is replaced by another Tory leader.


Last week, the former Brexit secretary Dominic Raab said he believed the Government should negotiate β€œmore robustly” with Brussels.


The negotiations would include seeking changes to a backstop that Brexiteers argue will leave the UK trapped in the EU customs union with no independent trade policy.


Mr Coveney continued: β€œI often hear voices saying we need to be tougher with the EU, we need to negotiate more robustly and renegotiate the backstop - my answer to those people is β€˜give us some detail’.


β€œWhat are you proposing as an alternative to the backstop?”


The Irish government has mentioned before how they would prefer the UK to remain in a customs union with the EU.


The Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar said the customs union solution had β€œreal merit”.


This week, reports have suggested Theresa May is on the cusp of cutting a deal with Labour which would see the UK remaining in a customs union with Europe.

Although the deal could potentially split the Tories as Brexiteers continue to search for an alternative solution for the Irish border.


However, Mr Coveney said assessments of the β€œalternative arrangements” had failed to deliver a reasonable model.


He said: β€œWe need detail."


β€œThey need to show they have a proposal which works, and I don’t believe anybody has a proposal that does the job of the backstop, which is about protecting peace on this island and the Good Friday Agreement, or Belfast Agreement.β€œ

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 1:39 a.m. No.6419127   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Notes at @405

>>6419068 8chan Explained by VOX: "dark & toxic"

>>6419048 Brexit BUST-UP: Irish Deputy PM fires WARNING at UK - β€˜LEAVE EU before MEPs take seats’

>>6419030, >>6419040 What's the Clinton/Soros connection to Estonia/sinking of ferry 24 years ago?

>>6419021 UK Defence Sec'y sacked for allegedly disclosing plans to allow Hauwei to help build 5G in UK

>>6418965, >>6419029 Fighter jets with missile-killing lasers take another step toward reality

>>6418764, >>6418948 HRC profit-making scandal involving Tyson atty from 1978 (was never resolved)

>>6418781 Interview: Catherine Herridge of Fox News withDonald Trump - May 2, 2019

>>6418822 Breaking News: Adam Sandler does funny OperaMan songs that cross Party lines–and audience CLAPS (Biden best)

>>6418758 Almost 12 million pounds of Tyson chicken strips recalled due to possible metal pcs (yuck)



Regarding >>6419057, >>6419059 >>6419091 GITMO Crash manifest

Appreciate anon's efforts to get sauce (best possible) but not comfortable making notable at this point; no original sauce, unless someone else has moar than I found

If you know moar, plz weigh in

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.6419183   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9224 >>9324

Anons, congratulations!

This is by far the fastest graveyard bread since CAPTCHA started. We're about 3 hours in. I'd like to actually bake this bread, but it has to be by 4 hours at the latest. No hall monitors, do what you want. But also check out what's happening in Europe or other places where's it's day. I found two new stories without much effort. Or post your best memes here and inspire your fellow anons. Let's really dance in the dark tonight!!

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 2:39 a.m. No.6419247   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9257 >>9345 >>9383 >>9409 >>9413


'''Police investigating disappearance of Madeleine McCann unmask 'German paedophile and triple child killer who targeted holiday parks' who matches e-fit of man seen shortly after she vanished

German officers have reportedly identified a new suspect and passed on details

Murderer Martin Ney, 48, is believed to be one of two 'persons of interest

The suspect is already in prison and was not previously known to investigators

The development comes almost 12 years to the day after Madeleine vanished

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 2:47 a.m. No.6419257   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9294


Notes at @520

>>6419245 De Niro Wishes Donald Trump Was ERASED From World Memory

>>6419239, >>6419247 Murderer Martin Ney is now a "person of interest" in McCann disappearance

>>6419223 US Navy: NTSB on the scene of Florida plane crash; has flt data recorder

>>6419067, >>6419120, >>6419136, >>6419154, >>6419165, >>6419206 , >>6419224, >>6419249 Anons discuss Captcha

>>6419116, >>6419135 Flt 293: Gitmo Miami on 5/3 (details)

>>6419130 Anon Q proof: Friday, May 3 at 9:45 (see mirror)

>>6419068 8chan Explained by VOX: "dark & toxic"

>>6419048 Brexit BUST-UP: Irish Deputy PM fires WARNING at UK - β€˜LEAVE EU before MEPs take seats’

>>6419030, >>6419040, >>6419221 What's the Clinton/Soros connection to Estonia/sinking of ferry MS Estonia 24 years ago?

>>6419021 UK Defence Sec'y sacked for allegedly disclosing plans to allow Hauwei to help build 5G in UK

>>6418965, >>6419029 Fighter jets with missile-killing lasers take another step toward reality

>>6418764, >>6418948 HRC profit-making scandal involving Tyson atty from 1978 (was never resolved)

>>6418781 Interview: Catherine Herridge of Fox News withDonald Trump - May 2, 2019

>>6418822 Breaking News: Adam Sandler does funny OperaMan songs that cross Party lines–and audience CLAPS (Biden best)

>>6418758 Almost 12 million pounds of Tyson chicken strips recalled due to possible metal pcs (yuck)


Some pretty good points made about captcha, too much to put everything here. But thx for all your comments. Sentiment seems to be running more against than for at this point. Tried to focus moar on captcha and not individuals–anons, BOs, BVs–for a more fact-based discussion.

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 3:09 a.m. No.6419310   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9313


Anon, I knew that whatever I included and excluded, it would not please everyone. The main thing I did not want to focus on were comments that focused on what we actually know and which did not ascribed negative motives to people, whether BO or anons, because we cannot know those motives. You may have a different opinion, which I respect but cannot support. Too much heat and not enough light. If you want to add something now, please do.

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 3:27 a.m. No.6419345   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Notes at @600

>>6419341 Taliban suicide bomber leads attack on Police HQ in Afghanistan (developing)

>>6419251 Busy May (including Ramadan starting on May 6)

>>6419254 Macron gp currently leads LePen by 3 points in EU election poll (time for prayer?)

>>6419252, >>6419256, >>6419264 Moar on Maddie McCann DIGG

>>6419245 De Niro Wishes Donald Trump Was ERASED From World Memory

>>6419239, >>6419247 Murderer Martin Ney is now a "person of interest" in McCann disappearance

>>6419223 US Navy: NTSB on the scene of Florida plane crash; has flt data recorder

>>6419067, >>6419120, >>6419136, >>6419154, >>6419165, >>6419172, >>6419206 , >>6419224, >>6419236, >>6419249, >>6419264, >>6419298 Anons discuss Captcha

>>6419116, >>6419135 Flt 293: Gitmo Miami on 5/3 (details)

>>6419130 Anon Q proof: Friday, May 3 at 9:45 (see mirror)

>>6419068 8chan Explained by VOX: "dark & toxic"

>>6419048 Brexit BUST-UP: Irish Deputy PM fires WARNING at UK - β€˜LEAVE EU before MEPs take seats’

>>6419030, >>6419040, >>6419221 What's the Clinton/Soros connection to Estonia/sinking of ferry MS Estonia 24 years ago?

>>6419021 UK Defence Sec'y sacked for allegedly disclosing plans to allow Hauwei to help build 5G in UK

>>6418965, >>6419029 Fighter jets with missile-killing lasers take another step toward reality

>>6418764, >>6418948 HRC profit-making scandal involving Tyson atty from 1978 (was never resolved)

>>6418781 Interview: Catherine Herridge of Fox News withDonald Trump - May 2, 2019

>>6418822 Breaking News: Adam Sandler does funny OperaMan songs that cross Party lines–and audience CLAPS (Biden best)

>>6418758 Almost 12 million pounds of Tyson chicken strips recalled due to possible metal pcs (yuck)


Made it all the way to 600, almost home!!

Hope the captcha discussion it helps to get some of anons' concerns out on the table. Whatever happens, we are still here doing the work we have always done. Thanks for your input. And thank you for your service. It's an honor to work with you all. WWG1WGA.

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 3:49 a.m. No.6419383   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9389


>>6419369 Paul Serran: Admiral Mike Rogers thread

>>6419341 Taliban suicide bomber leads attack on Police HQ in Afghanistan (developing)

>>6419251 Busy May (including Ramadan starting on May 6)

>>6419254 Macron gp currently leads LePen by 3 points in EU election poll (time for prayer?)

>>6419252, >>6419256, >>6419264 Moar on Maddie McCann DIGG

>>6419245 De Niro Wishes Donald Trump Was ERASED From World Memory

>>6419239, >>6419247, >>6419356 Murderer Martin Ney is now a "person of interest" in McCann disappearance

>>6419223 US Navy: NTSB on the scene of Florida plane crash; has flt data recorder

>>6419067, >>6419120, >>6419136, >>6419154, >>6419165, >>6419172, >>6419206 , >>6419224, >>6419236, >>6419249, >>6419264, >>6419298 Anons discuss Captcha

>>6419116, >>6419135 Flt 293: Gitmo Miami on 5/3 (details)

>>6419130 Anon Q proof: Friday, May 3 at 9:45 (see mirror)

>>6419068 8chan Explained by VOX: "dark & toxic"

>>6419048 Brexit BUST-UP: Irish Deputy PM fires WARNING at UK - β€˜LEAVE EU before MEPs take seats’

>>6419030, >>6419040, >>6419221 What's the Clinton/Soros connection to Estonia/sinking of ferry MS Estonia 24 years ago?

>>6419021 UK Defence Sec'y sacked for allegedly disclosing plans to allow Hauwei to help build 5G in UK

>>6418965, >>6419029 Fighter jets with missile-killing lasers take another step toward reality

>>6418764, >>6418948 HRC profit-making scandal involving Tyson atty from 1978 (was never resolved)

>>6418781 Interview: Catherine Herridge of Fox News withDonald Trump - May 2, 2019

>>6418822 Breaking News: Adam Sandler does funny OperaMan songs that cross Party lines–and audience CLAPS (Biden best)

>>6418758 Almost 12 million pounds of Tyson chicken strips recalled due to possible metal pcs (yuck)


baking early, around 650, plz stay and finish out the bread

''Any lurking bakers? Plan to go GHOST as soon as I set up the new dough''

Blessings to you all, anons. Have a good Sunday.


Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 4:01 a.m. No.6419409   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>6419369 Paul Serran: Admiral Mike Rogers thread

>>6419341 Taliban suicide bomber leads attack on Police HQ in Afghanistan (developing)

>>6419251 Busy May (including Ramadan starting on May 6)

>>6419254 Macron gp currently leads LePen by 3 points in EU election poll (time for prayer?)

>>6419252, >>6419256, >>6419264 Moar on Maddie McCann DIGG

>>6419245 De Niro Wishes Donald Trump Was ERASED From World Memory

>>6419239, >>6419247, >>6419356 Murderer Martin Ney is now a "person of interest" in McCann disappearance

>>6419223 US Navy: NTSB on the scene of Florida plane crash; has flt data recorder

>>6419067, >>6419120, >>6419136, >>6419154, >>6419165, >>6419172, >>6419206 , >>6419224, >>6419236, >>6419249, >>6419298 Anons discuss Captcha

>>6419116, >>6419135 Flt 293: Gitmo Miami on 5/3 (details)

>>6419130 Anon Q proof: Friday, May 3 at 9:45 (see mirror)

>>6419068 8chan Explained by VOX: "dark & toxic"

>>6419048 Brexit BUST-UP: Irish Deputy PM fires WARNING at UK - β€˜LEAVE EU before MEPs take seats’

>>6419030, >>6419040, >>6419221 What's the Clinton/Soros connection to Estonia/sinking of ferry MS Estonia 24 years ago?

>>6419021 UK Defence Sec'y sacked for allegedly disclosing plans to allow Hauwei to help build 5G in UK

>>6418965, >>6419029 Fighter jets with missile-killing lasers take another step toward reality

>>6418764, >>6418948 HRC profit-making scandal involving Tyson atty from 1978 (was never resolved)

>>6418781 Interview: Catherine Herridge of Fox News withDonald Trump - May 2, 2019

>>6418822 Breaking News: Adam Sandler does funny OperaMan songs that cross Party lines–and audience CLAPS (Biden best)

>>6418758 Almost 12 million pounds of Tyson chicken strips recalled due to possible metal pcs (yuck)



Anons plz stay and finish out the bread, thanks.

Anonymous ID: f15c93 May 5, 2019, 4:03 a.m. No.6419413   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9441


>>6419369 Paul Serran: Admiral Mike Rogers thread

>>6419341 Taliban suicide bomber leads attack on Police HQ in Afghanistan (developing)

>>6419251 Busy May (including Ramadan starting on May 6)

>>6419254 Macron gp currently leads LePen by 3 points in EU election poll (time for prayer?)

>>6419252, >>6419256, >>6419264 Moar on Maddie McCann DIGG

>>6419245 De Niro Wishes Donald Trump Was ERASED From World Memory

>>6419239, >>6419247 Murderer Martin Ney is now a "person of interest" in McCann disappearance

>>6419223 US Navy: NTSB on the scene of Florida plane crash; has flt data recorder

>>6419067, >>6419120, >>6419136, >>6419154, >>6419165, >>6419172, >>6419206 , >>6419224, >>6419236, >>6419249, >>6419298 Anons discuss Captcha

>>6419116, >>6419135 Flt 293: Gitmo Miami on 5/3 (details)

>>6419130 Anon Q proof: Friday, May 3 at 9:45 (see mirror)

>>6419068 8chan Explained by VOX: "dark & toxic"

>>6419048 Brexit BUST-UP: Irish Deputy PM fires WARNING at UK - β€˜LEAVE EU before MEPs take seats’

>>6419030, >>6419040, >>6419221 What's the Clinton/Soros connection to Estonia/sinking of ferry MS Estonia 24 years ago?

>>6419021 UK Defence Sec'y sacked for allegedly disclosing plans to allow Hauwei to help build 5G in UK

>>6418965, >>6419029 Fighter jets with missile-killing lasers take another step toward reality

>>6418764, >>6418948 HRC profit-making scandal involving Tyson atty from 1978 (was never resolved)

>>6418781 Interview: Catherine Herridge of Fox News withDonald Trump - May 2, 2019

>>6418822 Breaking News: Adam Sandler does funny OperaMan songs that cross Party lines–and audience CLAPS (Biden best)

>>6418758 Almost 12 million pounds of Tyson chicken strips recalled due to possible metal pcs (yuck)


third time's the charm