Anonymous ID: 582147 Q Research General #9996: Patriots Rising. Global Rejection of Evil Edition Jan. 14, 2020, 6:24 a.m. No.7809685   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307, >>7683973 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

Anonymous ID: 582147 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:25 a.m. No.7809691   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0112 >>0147

Global Announcements

>>7808819, >>7808821 Jim Watkins: 88 of his domains were deplatformed by Network Solutions, DIGG UPDATED 1/14/20 5:30 am ET

>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!


Anons, plz no jpegs, tx



are not endorsements



Ghost Grab

>>7809573 Latest James Okeefe (Project Veritas) on Bernie Sanders

>>7809550 Spy claims New Zealand could be kicked out of Five Eyes due to Chinese influence

>>7809466 South Africa to strip refugees' status for any political activity related to their home countries

>>7809335 For Newfags: (2017) CIA Keeps Database of โ€˜Japanese Style Facesโ€™ to Use on Online Forums

>>7809423 Virginia lawmakers quickly advance 4 anti-gun bills

>>7809198, >>7809538, >>7809544, >>7809613, >>7809634 planefag reporting

>>7809113 Turbulence for Turkey as breakaway parties make gains on ErdoฤŸan

>>7809072 2 year delta on Potus retweet of 7 to 10 percent

>>7809061 (ongoing Iran protests) Protestors chanting death to the dictator.

>>7809028 Libya's Haftar leaves Moscow without signing ceasefire agreement

>>7809017, >>7809021 some frenchy film director arrested on abuse claims.

>>7809003, >>7809007 Iran announces first arrests in downing of Ukrainian airliner. Calls for special court.

>>7808988 Canadian Trudeau blaming USA DJT for Iran's shooting down of Ukranian jet.

>>7808974 Boris Johnson hints spy watchdog's long-awaited Russia report will show there has NOT been major interference in UK democracy

>>7809668 #9995



>>7808149 Trans Yaniv (allegedly) assaulted reporter when leaving Court today

>>7808185, >>7808214 POTUS escort plane - squawk is 0017; >>7808224, >>7808229, >>7808290 new planefag

>>7808238 Mueller witness, George Nader, who allegedly funneled money to Clinton, pleads guilty to child porn/trafficking

>>7808208 Candle chatter--candles used in vigils, after attacks (eyes on, anons)

>>7808265 Scottsdale deserves praise for standing up to satanist bullies

>>7808335, >>7808340 15 of 20 Saudi aviation students investigated in Dec terrorist attack had child porn on their computers

>>7808345 Steve Pieczenik addresses young people of Iran re positive signs of change (4min vid clip)

>>7808346 Did Jeffrey Epstein set Elon Musk's brother up with a girlfriend?

>>7808348, >>7808383 36% of Dems support gun confiscation from law-abiding citizens

>>7808393 Amazon Will Ask Court to Block Microsoft From $10 Billion U.S. Government Cloud Computing Contract

>>7808353, >>7808403, >>7808420 Anons on countries overthrown by the CIA since 1949

>>7808483 Trump plans first India visit in February: Bloomberg

>>7799877, >>7799881, >>7799885, >>7799970, >>7799975 all PB, >>7808851 - Anon's keystone theory trans. from French (repost for 'eyes on')

>>7808636, >>7808650, >>7808708 Moar on Keystone

>>7808590, >>7808702 UK PM Johnson calls for "Trump Deal" to replace Iran Nuke Deal

>>7808357, >>7808642 Judge rules troops must serve alongside HIV infected personnel

>>7808449, >>7808556, >>7808576, >>7808585, >>7808701 Anons debate controversy over uranium in Antarctica

>>7808583 President and First Lady at Superdome (IPOT; see 2 min mark)

>>7808676 Mark Meadows: GOP Will Appeal To Surveillance Court Over Choice To Oversee FBI Reforms

>>7808687 Cops call for arrest of Rep. Omar after armed Iranian national captured at Mar-a-Lago

>>7808709 Downpours help douse flames in Australia (God bless you, AussieFags!)

>>7808718 Lawmakers to call on ICE to release all transgender detainees

>>7808741 Combs allowed to leave Navy with honorable discharge after censure

>>7808759 Rand Paul pledges to force Hunter Biden vote if GOP back Dem impeachment witnesses

>>7808721, >>7808763, >>7808764 Russian Burisma hacking story

>>7808770 An Introduction to Q (positive story from American Thinker!)

>>7808806, >>7808808, >>7808810, >>7806831 Network Solutions is linked to over 60% of all seemingly separate US domain registrars

>>7808834 Assange May Walk Free Thanks To CIA Bumbling: Former NYT General Counsel

>>7808838 Harvard prof claims Epstein clickbait defamed him

>>7808888, >>7808891 Unfiltered footage of what I.R. did (vid)

>>7808902 #9994


Previously Collected Notables

>>7807356 #9992, >>7808095 #9993,

>>7804232 #9988, >>7805074 #9989, >>7805835 #9990, >>7806567 #9991

>>7801192 #9984, >>7801970 #9985, >>7802749 #9986, >>7803524 #9987

>>7798044 #9980, >>7798809 #9981, >>7799591 #9982, >>7800384 #9983


Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator:

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384),

Anonymous ID: 582147 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.7809692   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

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Meme folder: Trump Successes!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

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Anonymous ID: 582147 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.7809695   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

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Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>7688691

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Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links:

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7687826

Anonymous ID: 52b8bf Jan. 14, 2020, 6:31 a.m. No.7809722   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.


Do NOT participate in shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit


If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills


shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, etc.


Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

Do NOT eat dead bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Do dig, meme, pray.


How to Spot a clown


Dealing with Clownish Shills & Shilly clowns


>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown


shills have no agency

no will independent of their masters.

Shills are a profitless burden upon the earth.

Shills are the passed gas of history.

Their words are writ upon water.



Anonymous ID: b34458 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:33 a.m. No.7809730   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9746 >>9749 >>9765 >>9778 >>9784 >>9812 >>9958 >>9960 >>9972 >>0082 >>0175 >>0237 >>0379


==Kyle Jurek Arrested in Idaho 1/08/20 = NO Bond==


James O'Keefe



BREAKING: @BernieSanders โ€œfree educationโ€ policies to โ€œteach you how to not be a f**king nazi.โ€; 'There is a reason Stalin had Gulags'; 'Expect violent reaction' for speech. If Bernie doesn't get nomination "Milwaukee will burn"


Stay tuned:





6:00 AM - 14 Jan 2020

Anonymous ID: 76709a Jan. 14, 2020, 6:33 a.m. No.7809733   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9740

Paul Joseph Watson@PrisonPlanet


What are the odds Bernie won't be asked during tonight's debate about one of his organizers calling for gulags, "re-education" and violent riots?


6:24 AM ยท Jan 14, 2020

Anonymous ID: f319b6 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:35 a.m. No.7809743   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I believe that Kyle Jurek means "Dumbass Anarchist With Hatred Burning Within". A mega loser with nothing to offer but, in effect, "Put in my man or we'll burn it all down. After that, I, the great & powerful Kyle, will usher the revolution forward, because like all commie organizers, my sole purpose is to acquire personal power."

Anonymous ID: 5a7408 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:36 a.m. No.7809747   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Good morning, fags.

Good morning, Q+.

Your hard work is appreciated.


10000 breads today.

You inspire confidence in our country, we cant thank you all enough.

The movement is too big, it cannot be stopped.

They've gone from blow, to suck.

Anonymous ID: 52b8bf Jan. 14, 2020, 6:36 a.m. No.7809749   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Latah countyโ€ฆ


Latah is a mental disorder found in Malaysia, Indonesia Japan and Thailand characterized nonsense mimicking others and trancelike behavior experienced after a sudden fright. People who have latah experiences are called latahs. Most are women. Latahs often do bizarre dances and obey commands, even to take off all their clothes, from people around them. Sometimes they sweat profusely while in the trace and often claim they have no memory of what they have done after they break out of the trance. Rather than being ostracized as outcasts they are often embraced as celebrities and their outburst became the object of playful practical jokes.

Anonymous ID: 76709a Jan. 14, 2020, 6:38 a.m. No.7809758   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9762 >>9972 >>0175 >>0379

James O'Keefe@JamesOKeefeIII


Weโ€™re just getting started


Quote Tweet

Michelle Malkin@michellemalkin

Meanwhile, a Sanders field organizer threatens that "cops are gonna beโ€ฆgetting f*cking beaten in Milwaukee" at Democratic national convention. Latest PV Action investigation #Expose2020 ==โ€ฆ


6:32 AM ยท Jan 14, 2020ยท

Anonymous ID: e3a485 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:39 a.m. No.7809761   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9771 >>9785 >>9848

Looks like Kyle jurek, bernie staffer, been arrested a few times. All it says on the one offense is weed and drug paraphernalia, and apparently has no $. This little asshat wants to REeducate US? gtfo

Anonymous ID: 50e86c Jan. 14, 2020, 6:39 a.m. No.7809765   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


let me guess,this one came from Kiev in 1995 as an 8 year old pretending to be a 4 year old . . .

sauce of which part of Ukraine this boy was snatched from as a young child? just kidding, of course there won't be any sauce on that.

Anonymous ID: 8800c4 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:42 a.m. No.7809782   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9909 >>0063 >>0105

MIA (Bronfman baby mama) sure is busy this week.

Remember Assange posting her Paper Plane music vid quite a while agoโ€ฆ


Yesterday she protests against Assange extradition:


Today she is made an MBE by the Duke of Cambridge at Buckingham Palace.

Anonymous ID: 65a41d Jan. 14, 2020, 6:43 a.m. No.7809788   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9855 >>9972 >>0175 >>0379

Archive Update

"Look at those quads"Edition


I added #9962 to #9995 and updated the checksums.!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa


HTML: MD5: e289080509126c9bfe3241701f39ce50


The archive now contains 9999 breads.



Anonymous ID: 846a52 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:43 a.m. No.7809790   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9798 >>9799 >>9800 >>9801 >>9819 >>9831 >>9972 >>9975 >>0175 >>0379

Ivanka Trump @IvankaTrump

An estimated 12,400 sex trafficking transactions take place in Atlanta each month.


This morning I will visit two safe havens that provide women with the opportunity for rescue, restoration, and a chance to start a new life.

I look forward to learning about their important work.

7:21 AM ยท Jan 14, 2020ยทTwitter for iPhone

Anonymous ID: 9ea5ee Jan. 14, 2020, 6:44 a.m. No.7809793   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

My employer has done blatant violations of Stark 2 law and nothing will be done about it. Nepotism is the way of the corrupt that rule. Greed and profit drive these โ€˜leadersโ€™ in healthcare. They impose poverty onto regular Americans. Q and Trump donโ€™t give a shit and will never ever do a thing about it because it is by design, to break the middle.


Casting blame on โ€˜No Nameโ€™ will not suffice. He was supposedly executed. If true, then why not reverse the damage he did? I see no effort toward that end.


If Q Team is about transparency and the rule of law my employer, his sister, and his son-in-law would be under investigation for obvious violations of existing law.


(I wonโ€™t hold my breath)

Anonymous ID: 7e4d6c Jan. 14, 2020, 6:44 a.m. No.7809795   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0049 >>0233 >>0372

>>7809715 LB

>Kyle Jurek > Arrested in Idaho 1/08/20 = NO Bond


If he had been arrested in NY he'd be out already. Understand why Cuomo really wanted his new release law, to get Antifa back out on the streets rioting ASAP, they have plans.... Same law in 4 or 5 other states as well and guess who wants to make it Nation wide? Yup, Bernie....

Anonymous ID: 9e9c49 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:46 a.m. No.7809807   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9857


He was probably in Iowa to help volunteer for upcoming primary, and debate.

Maybe that was the night he figured out ( that he talked to project veritas)

oh shit, i'm in big trouble, my name will be forever connected to advocating violence. What do i do, what do i do,, i know i'll get shitfaced drunk, maybe try to drive away. kek

Anonymous ID: b34458 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:47 a.m. No.7809812   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9826 >>0055



>Kyle Jeffrey Jurek OWI

>charges In Polk County, Iowa


Conflicting reports on different websites, weird.

This one says:

Marshall County, Iowa

w/ "Hold" for Polk County


Anonymous ID: f319b6 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:48 a.m. No.7809813   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>7809791 Except when you sold out all the tards who supported you, took the money, and urged them, nay, demanded of them, "You have to vote for Hillary!!!" On a personal noteโ€”-from me to you, Bernieโ€”you are a rotten, worthless bastard, whose crimes will soon be exposed & punished.

Anonymous ID: 167180 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:48 a.m. No.7809818   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9879 >>9899 >>9901 >>9936 >>9980 >>9992 >>0004

My thoughts are with the people of Oman as they mourn the passing of Sultan Qaboos. He led his country with wisdom and provided safe harbor for diplomacy. Iโ€™ll always be grateful for all he did to help secure the release from Iran of three American hikers in 2011.


10:25 AM - 13 Jan 2020

Anonymous ID: b054c2 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:49 a.m. No.7809820   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

"William Barr, Trumpโ€™s Sword and Shield"


A long article covering Barr's entire life and career. It might have been written as an anti-Barr piece, but need more eyes to sift out what is of interest to anons.


Barr claimed that the โ€œorganized destructionโ€ of religion was under way in the United States. โ€œSecularists, and their allies among the โ€˜progressives,โ€™ have marshalled all the force of mass communications, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values,โ€ he said. Barr urged his listeners to resist the โ€œconstant seductions of our contemporary societyโ€ and launch a โ€œmoral renaissance.โ€

Anonymous ID: 50e86c Jan. 14, 2020, 6:50 a.m. No.7809825   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Bernie sanders supported turning Burlington into a Kashbah type of location. He supported regressive zoning that prohibited commercial development except in a special 'down town'.

The 'ice cream stand' maybe was also selling other things.


It is obvious to everyone who was there what these people are and how they got so rich so quickly.

Anonymous ID: 167180 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:50 a.m. No.7809827   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9843 >>9899 >>9910

So thrilled that Julia Reichert, Steven Bognar, and all of the incredible people behind #AmericanFactory are nominated for the Best Documentary Oscar! Weโ€™re so proud of them and amazed by their talent for storytelling. See for yourself now on @Netflix.


6:22 AM - 13 Jan 2020

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.7809838   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9851

Chinese petrochemical factory consumed by huge FIREBALL after massive explosion (VIDEOS)


A massive explosion ripped through a chemical plant in Zhuhai, southern China on Monday, forcing workers to flee for their lives as a fireball consumed the facility, sending thick plumes of black smoke high into the air.


Footage released by Chinese media purports to show the Changlian Petrochemical Plant engulfed by flames as workers sprint to safety at around 1:40pm local time. Miraculously, no casualties were reported in the explosion, according to local authorities.


ใ€็ ๆตทๅŒ–ๅทฅๅŽ‚็ˆ†็‚ธใ€‘1ๆœˆ14ๆ—ฅไธญๅˆ๏ผŒๅนฟไธœ็ ๆตท้ซ˜ๆ ๆธฏไธ€็ŸณๅŒ–ๅทฅๅŽ‚ๅ‘็”Ÿ็ˆ†็‚ธ๏ผŒไปŽๅธ‚ๆฐ‘ๆ‹ๆ‘„็š„็Žฐๅœบ่ง†้ข‘ๅฏไปฅ็œ‹ๅˆฐ๏ผŒ็ˆ†็‚ธ็Žฐๅœบ็ซๅ…‰ๅ†ฒๅคฉใ€‚ไบ‹ๅ‘ๅŽ๏ผŒ็ ๆตทๅฝ“ๅœฐๆŠ•ๅ…ฅๆ•‘ๆดใ€‚ๆฎไบบๆฐ‘็ถฒๆถˆๆฏ๏ผŒ็ ๆตท้•ฟ็‚ผ็ŸณๅŒ–่ฎพๅค‡ๆœ‰้™ๅ…ฌๅธ้‡ๆ•ดไธŽๅŠ ๆฐข่ฃ…็ฝฎ้ข„ๅŠ ๆฐขๅ•ๅ…ƒๅ‘็”Ÿ้—ช็ˆ†๏ผŒๆš‚ๆœชๅ‘็Žฐไบบๅ‘˜ไผคไบก๏ผŒ่ฏฅๅ…ฌๅธๅŠๅ‘จ่พนไบบๅ‘˜ๅทฒๅฎ‰ๅ…จๆ’ค็ฆปใ€‚#็ˆ†็‚ธ#็ŸณๅŒ–ๅทฅๅŽ‚

โ€” ่‡ช็”ฑไบšๆดฒ็”ตๅฐ (@RFA_Chinese) January 14, 2020


Massive blaze rages in a petrochemical enterprise in south China's Guangdong Province , city of Zhuhai , no casualties reported yet

โ€” Khalid khi (@khalid_pk) January 14, 2020

Anonymous ID: 167180 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.7809844   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9899

For so many of us, it was one special teacher or school counselor who first helped us believe in who we could be and where we could go.


We can never thank you enough. You deserve the recognition you're getting and so much more! @CFPExtraYard @ReachHigher


12:52 PM - 13 Jan 2020


one special teacher or school counselor who first helped us

Anonymous ID: 50e86c Jan. 14, 2020, 6:56 a.m. No.7809872   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9926


start by making a bland list for each line.

then take that and for each element within the list give it a 'class'. you want to label it in some smart way.

then you make a CSS style for each of those and that would take the element out of the 'flow' of the html and put it into a display space where you can absolutely style it and place it where ever you want.

this is how this page which was crafted.. note that the element curve around a hub.

It's almost trivial, you can do it easily if you understand javascript , jquery, and inline css.

Anonymous ID: 167180 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:56 a.m. No.7809873   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9899



520 14-Jan-2018

12:09:38 AM -03










































































Anonymous ID: 5aab47 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:56 a.m. No.7809876   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Chinese Media: โ€˜No Excuseโ€™ for Iran to Shoot Down Ukrainian Plane


Chinaโ€™s Global Times state propaganda newspaper took a hard line Sunday against the Iranian Islamic regime, asserting there was โ€œno excuseโ€ for Iranโ€™s military to shoot down a commercial airliner and that the incident underscored the โ€œincompetent personnelโ€ running Iranโ€™s armed forces.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a U.S.-designated terrorist organization and formal wing of the Iranian military, took responsibility on Saturday for shooting down Ukrainian International Airlines (UIA) Flight 752 last Wednesday amid an Iranian attack on Iraqi military bases housing U.S. troops. Iranian military leaders claimed that defense operators mistook the civilian commercial flight for an American missile heading towards the capital; UIA-752 was flying out of Tehranโ€™s international airport.


Iranian officials repeatedly denied claims that the military had shot the plane down before Saturday, stating in a preliminary report that the planeโ€™s engine had spontaneously caught fire and insisting it was โ€œobviousโ€ a missile did not hit it.


China is Iranโ€™s nominal ally and the official statements out of the Chinese Foreign Ministry have not been as critical as those out of state-controlled media. The foreign ministry has yet to offer condolences, however, for IRGC General Qasem Soleimani, whose elimination as a product of a U.S. airstrike triggered the Iranian attack on Iraqi bases that allegedly confused the military into shooting down the plane.


Other Chinese media outlets have cited Chinese โ€œexpertsโ€ blaming the United States, which conducted no known military activities against Iran that day, for the planeโ€™s demise.


The missile strike killed all 176 passengers on the Ukrainian flight, most of them Iranian citizens. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has demanded โ€œcompensationโ€ from Iran for the damage.


โ€œThere was no excuse for the tragedy and Iran must take responsibility and punish those accountable for downing the jetliner, Chinese analysts said,โ€ the Global Times reported on Sunday, following Iranโ€™s admission. โ€œIran is now facing tremendous domestic and external pressures, although its authority and officials have vowed to hold accountable those responsible for the mistake.โ€

Anonymous ID: 4d32b8 Jan. 14, 2020, 6:58 a.m. No.7809884   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9892 >>9904 >>9907 >>9931 >>0008 >>0129 >>0146 >>0247 >>0249

Don't discount the tranny anime pic as shilling just yet. In fact it's an image from Saga, the NYT bestselling (Satanic) comic book. And it's one of many "tranny" images I've seen lately that have led me to a theory about why the Satanists are so damn obsessed with transsexuals.


I just have to get one thing clear first: trans people are not evil. They're children of God, just like everyone else. They choose light or dark, just like everyone else. What I've been digging into is why the trans symbol is so important to the Satanists. Because what I now think they really are doing here is taking something holy (creations of God) and transforming them into symbols of the unholy, and I've been wondering why this symbol in particular. Lucifer is even depicted as bi-gendered. What I'm starting to suspect that what the Satanists are really interested in here is PROPHECY. Biblical prophecy. It turns out EVERYTHING is all about the Bible. (Who knew?!)


I suspect that the Satanists have been trying to commandeer the Biblical prophecy towards their dark ends. Maybe scriptures we don't get to read ("non-canonical" because they're too dangerous to the Cabal?) I'm thinking Christ vs Anti-Christ. So what does this have to do with trans people? Well, the Satanists know that there is something deeply spiritual about the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, especially when these two forces co-exist within one soul. I'm pretty convinced their obsession has something to do with that. Just look at all the movie stars forcing their kids to be trans! I've been really trying to figure out why though. And it got me to theorizing that somehow the holy divine Christ Consciousness might also be some co-existence of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within one soul.


This even connects to the Rod and Ring, which can be seen as another symbol of the combining of the Masculine and Feminine. I actually think this trans obsession of theirs has something to do with the second coming, weird as it sounds. I think the Satanists have been trying for centuries to bring about their own anti-Christ by emulating the prophecy about the nature of the true Christ Consciousness. I think the Satanists have misread the scripture though. Maybe they took the concept of "trans" a bit too literally.


Still digging.

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 6:59 a.m. No.7809888   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The silent war continuesโ€ฆCheck the timeline of explosions in Japan and China for the last 5 years


his article is more than 9 months old

Dozens killed and hundreds injured in explosion at Chinese chemical plant

This article is more than 9 months old


The blast in Yancheng north of Shanghai is the latest in a series of industrial accidents that have sparked public anger

Anonymous ID: aaa1f0 Jan. 14, 2020, 7 a.m. No.7809897   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9917 >>9940 >>9965 >>0085 >>0443

>>7809573 lb

I know Q won't let this happen.. (but holy shit I hope Q doesn't let this happen!)

Patriots have a responsibility to take action if they're allowed to do this.

We all see the habbenings, and we see the progress of the Plan (even if painfully slow).


We will be forced to respond if they do this.

We know they're trying to start a civil war.

VA..Legislature..sanctuary counties..more legislature..magpul gives NRA 1000s of 30rd magazines to distribute to the public for free..

We know they're just trying to incite violence.

But if they do this, there is NO other option than to respond.


What happens in the event that they actually start a civil war?

We know they want that.

We don't want that.

But if a massive force threatens others' safety and peace, the only option is to respond.


Nat'l Guard?

Martial Law?



What are our options?



Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:01 a.m. No.7809898   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9932 >>9972 >>0034 >>0175 >>0379

1,200 French doctors RESIGN from supervisory roles in protest over govt funding for public hospitals


Almost 1,200 hospital doctors in France are resigning from supervisory roles in protest over public hospital funding and the governmentโ€™s handling of employee concerns about staffing levels.


Medical staff have accused the government of failing to engage in negotiations over public hospital services and what they say are serious shortfalls in funding. In an open letter to French Minister of Health Agnรจs Buzyn, the resigning doctors on Tuesday criticized the budget laid out for public hospitals in 2020 as โ€œtoo little, too partial, too spread out over time.โ€


Confรฉrence de presse des mรฉdecins dรฉmissionnaires - Paris

โ€” PUTSCH (@PutschMedia) January 14, 2020


โ€œThe deterioration of the working conditions of professionals is such that it calls into question the quality of care and threatens the safety of patients,โ€ the doctors added.


Thousands of other hospital staff and caregivers have signed a letter of support for the doctors, backing their calls for hiring additional staff and increasing the salaries of young doctors and non-medical staff.


โ€œThe resigning doctors ask nothing for themselves,โ€ the letter reads. โ€œThey continue to treat.โ€

Anonymous ID: 34841c Jan. 14, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.7809905   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

There is no respite for those who do not respect life.

Slaves will be Freed.

Hunters are being Hunted.

Predators are now the Prey.

Heroes will make safe the lives of the innocent.

Anonymous ID: 4d32b8 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.7809906   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Satanists are trying to emulate the divine masculine and divine feminine, mimicking the dual nature of the Christ Consciousness. Satanists have been trying (and failing) to incarnate the anti-Christ in this way. They failed.

Anonymous ID: 1a3e9b Jan. 14, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.7809907   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9943


what's interesting is noticing how, through "high-end" fashion and models, androgyny has been consistently pushed as the "hip new thing", since at the least the 20sโ€ฆ last century.

and then again twiggys in the 60s, and goths/romantics in the 80s, then 90s & 00s edgy crap.

but all this time, it never really caught on, no matter how "popular" trends were in the fashion circles, it never really cracked the mainstream separation lines between men and women.


until recently.

Anonymous ID: f319b6 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.7809912   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9930

>>7809881 Will any of the other low IQ commies at the "debate" tonight get after Bernie because of anything on that tape? Snowball, hell, etc. They all want it to happen. Their only differences are on who gets to be the wheel, and who is "only" gauleiter of a region.

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:03 a.m. No.7809918   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9972 >>0175 >>0379

Reckless Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Files Lawsuit Against St. Louis Officials Accusing Them of Racist Conspiracy to Push her from Office


Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States for several years now. Several of his candidates are already in office creating havoc. His goal is to create choas in American cities.

In St. Louis City far left lunatic Kim Gardner took money from Soros in her race for St. Louis Circuit Attorney.

Soros funded PAC even released an ad in support of this far left and unqualified nutcase.

Anonymous ID: 5aab47 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:04 a.m. No.7809923   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9924

UKโ€™s Boris Johnson Supports Replacing Obamaโ€™s Iran Nuclear Deal With โ€˜Trump Dealโ€™


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that he supports replacing the Iranian nuclear deal hammered out by former President Barack Obama with one spearheaded by President Donald Trump.


The Obama-era deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), saw Iran agree not to build nuclear weapons, but had limits critics said were too soft and was set to expire in 2020. Trump exited the deal in 2018, though other countries involved in the pact havenโ€™t yet exited.


โ€œFrom the American perspective, itโ€™s a flawed dealโ€ฆ plus it was negotiated by President Obama. If weโ€™re going to get rid of it, letโ€™s replace it and letโ€™s replace it with the Trump deal,โ€ Johnson told the BBC on Tuesday.


โ€œPresident Trump is a great deal maker, by his own account and others. Letโ€™s work together to replace the JCPOA and get the Trump deal instead.โ€


The UK, France, and Germany, three countries still involved in the deal, triggered a dispute mechanism in the JCPOA after Iran said it was suspending all limits on production of enriched uranium.


โ€œWe do not accept the argument that Iran is entitled to reduce compliance with the JCPOA. Contrary to its statements, Iran has never triggered the JCPOA Dispute Resolution Mechanism and has no legal grounds to cease implementing the provisions of the agreement,โ€ the countries said in a joint statement. It was referring the matter to a commission, as laid out in the deal.


Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said after Johnsonโ€™s comments that the prime minister supports the JCPOA but also wants to โ€œbe ambitiousโ€ and โ€œbring in the United Sates and Tehran into a broader rapprochement.โ€


Raab said in a number of statements Tuesday that the UK wants to remain in the deal. โ€œWe want to keep the deal alive, not extinguish it. If Iran has the will, Britain will use its diplomatic energy to work with allies to chart the way forward,โ€ he said. In another statement, he said, โ€œWe want to bring Iran back into full compliance and preserve the deal.โ€


Deal Maker

Stable Genius


Peace Loving


Loving Father


All adjectives (but not limited to) the history books will record of our greatest President of all time.

Anonymous ID: e27991 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.7809928   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9972 >>0175 >>0379

Opioid Kickback Schemes Taken to Task By Federal Officials


By Shawn Cunningham |

Posted: Tue 9:41 AM, Jan 14, 2020


Boston, MAโ€“ The founder and former top employees of a pharmaceutical company are facing a reckoning for their role in a bribery scheme that prosecutors say boosted sales of a powerful, highly addictive painkiller and helped fuel the national opioid epidemic.


Starting Monday, seven people who worked for Insys Therapeutics will appear in Boston to be sentenced by a federal judge.


The case against company founder John Kapoor and his associates was considered the first that sought to hold an opioid maker and its executives criminally liable for the drug crisis that's claimed nearly 400,000 lives over two decades.


At least two other companies, a drug distributor in New York and another in Ohio, have since been hit with criminal charges. But prominent industry names - specifically OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family that owns it - have only faced lawsuits, which carry no threat of prison time.


Prosecutors say officials at Arizona-based Insys Therapeutics paid millions of dollars in bribes to doctors across the country so they would overprescribe Subsys, a fentanyl-based oral spray meant to ease intense pain suffered by cancer patients.


Insys Therapeutics also deployed other questionable marketing tactics, according to prosecutors. One sales executive, who prosecutors said used to be an exotic dancer, gave a physician a lap dance at a club. And the company misled insurers to get payment for the drug, which cost as much as $19,000 a month.


Following a lengthy trial, Kapoor and four others were convicted last year of racketeering conspiracy. Two other defendants pleaded guilty.

Anonymous ID: 5aab47 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.7809929   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Russia reportedly hacked Burisma, Ukrainian firm linked to Bidens


Russian hackers have reportedly targeted the Ukrainian energy firm that once paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars to sit on its board.


The New York Times reported Monday evening, citing the Silicon Valley security firm Area 1, that a military intelligence unit known formerly as the GRU and private researchers using the alias โ€œFancy Bearโ€ sent โ€œphishโ€ scam emails to Burisma Holdings employees to steal usernames and passwords.


The hacking attempts began in November as Mr. Biden, his Burisma job and his father, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, were becoming the center of political talk in the U.S., the Times reported.


Warning: Narrative Shift

Anonymous ID: c9d9d2 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.7809931   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9953



Not saying this unkindly, Anon, so pleez don't take it that way, but you've missed the big picture of the Bible concerning the battle of Go(o)d vs. (D)evil.


Short version = Man is God's creation and God loves His creation. God's already defeated Satan, too, but that battle was not waged in this dimension of time/space.


As/since Satan was/is/will lose and spend all of its own eternity in hell, Satan is taking as many souls as it can with it just to spite God and defile His creation.


Really short version? Satan's a gigantic asshole that hates everything.


That's literally it on the subject.

Anonymous ID: 76709a Jan. 14, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.7809932   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>7809898 1,200 French doctors RESIGN from supervisory roles in protest over govt funding for public hospitals




Welcome to socialized medicine.

Where does the money go?? Not to patient care!

Think they will discuss this at tonight Dem's debate?

Anonymous ID: 75415f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:06 a.m. No.7809939   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0043 >>0084




Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | December 24, 2019


Senior U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer, Presiding Judge of the U.S. Foreign Surveillance Court (FISA), on April 26, 2017,


ordered U.S. intelligence agencies to destroy evidence


of illegal domestic surveillance collected on and before


March 17, 2017


the exact date on which โ€œThe American Reportโ€ published the first full-length report revealing John Brennan and James Clapperโ€™s use of




to wiretap Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 528af7 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:06 a.m. No.7809940   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9959 >>0017


One drunk lefty asshole spewing idiocy brings a spotlight to the violence inherent in piece of shit ANTIFA pedophile communists.

There numbers are shrinking, there will be no civil war or cities burning.

These vermin are under a microscope, identified and surveilled, I wouldnโ€™t worry too much about them.

Anonymous ID: 4d32b8 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:06 a.m. No.7809943   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




The shills REALLY don't like me talking about the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine incarnating in one soul. They just hate it.


So I guess I'm over the target. Heck, I know I'm over the target. The Satanists are too obsessed with transsexuals for this not to be in the right ballpark.


The Christ Consciousness probably incorporates the dual nature of the divine feminine and masculine. And this must provide him with some power, or perhaps just fulfills the prophecy. I think we're going to find out more though. I think the Satanists will find out too.

Anonymous ID: 50e86c Jan. 14, 2020, 7:07 a.m. No.7809948   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

you need a browser and a text editor.

you should download samples that already work.

you start by learning how to make a list of the element of the calender as xml/xhtml and then from that you use the canvas and style elements of xthml and you use CSS either inline or in a style sheet. and that would then render in a browswer.

you would use standard text editor, or scripted methods to generate the data (I'd use either Bash/ Perl or python but whatever you know how to do.)




Anonymous ID: 7c5265 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:07 a.m. No.7809949   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9954 >>9974 >>9979 >>0091


Here's the vid explanation.


"In order to create them, researchers took stem cells from the embryos of African frogs. After incubating them, they used extremely tiny tools to cut them apart. The parts were assembled into the designs created in the supercomputer.


This is truly extraordinary since scientists basically meshed organic material together to create a life-form that didn't exist in nature before

Anonymous ID: d2399b Jan. 14, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.7809956   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0028 >>0175 >>0379

Alex, I'll take 1000 for Treason please!


Mary McCord Is The Key - How The Entire Impeachment Operation Got Started




National Security Council resistance member Alexander Vindman starts a rumor about the Trump-Zelenskyy phone call, which he shares with CIA operative Eric Ciaramella (a John Brennan resistance associate). Ciaramella then makes contact with resistance ally Mary McCord in her role within the House. McCord then helps Ciaramella create a fraudulent whistle-blower complaint via her former colleague, now ICIG, Michael Atkinsonโ€ฆAnd thatโ€™s how this entire Impeachment operation gets started.

Anonymous ID: 5aab47 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.7809957   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Cops Call for Arrest of Ilhan Omar After Terrorist She Inspired is Arrested in Florida


Remember last week when Ilhan Omar painted a picture of doom and gloom and specifically mentioned Trumpโ€™s properties?


Words can have consequences.


Police across America are now calling for her arrest AFTER her โ€œpredictionโ€ was soon validated in Florida.


In Palm Beach, FL Friday morning, an Iranian national was arrested about four miles from President Trumpโ€™s Mar-a-Lago presidential retreat.


The man, identified as Masoud Yareioeill Zoleh on his passport, was armed with several knives, a machete and a pickax. Zoleh was arrested at Bradley Park, which is on the east end of the Flagler Memorial Bridge, according to Palm Beach police spokesman Michal Ogrodnick.


Police responded to a call at around 9:30 a.m. and found Zoleh, who also had $22,000 on him and had a car parked at the Palm Beach International Airport.


What might be most troubling about the entire thing is that just days ago, โ€œSquadโ€ member Rep. Ilhan Omar called for Iran to go after Trump properties. Now that a real threat has been identified, cops around the country are calling for her to be arrested for inciting potential violence and threatening national security.

Anonymous ID: 2b8f98 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.7809960   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


alcohol fetal syndrome spaz who is used by recruiters to "do what he was put here for". Guy is a total illiterate. Now you see what the bernie supporter who shot up the softball game was like, this asshole.


If Greta was not sponsored by soros and her handlers, she would be sent to usa on a shitty 5 stop flight, change genders, paste a beard on her face and be this guy.

Anonymous ID: 54976b Jan. 14, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.7809961   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9991

Recall Q 2543 re POTUS twat: Scott Free.


See how POTUS got opponents to explain origin of Scot-Free? But not because he asked โ€“ they did it to correct his Tweet.


Sent a message re Clinton Foundation, taxes due, taxes evaded, punishment owed. Think misdirection: serve full and complete sentence. Double meaning.


Meantime (mean time) removed or limited availability of resources and access to feeder sources. On notice. Unnoticed?

Anonymous ID: 5b5f09 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:09 a.m. No.7809971   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9973

"WASHINGTON โ€” House Democrats will send the articles of impeachment to the Senate tomorrow, signaling an end to the nearly month-long standoff between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell over the shape of President Trumpโ€™s impeachment trial.

Democrats came to the decision Tuesday in a closed-door meeting in the basement of the Capitol, according to Democratic sources. But Pelosi (D-San Francisco) had indicated Friday that she was ready to end the showdown. She told lawmakers she asked Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) to write up a resolution to transmit the articles."

Anonymous ID: 582147 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:10 a.m. No.7809972   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

notables bun @ 250



>>7809928 Opioid Kickback Schemes Taken to Task By Federal Officials

>>7809918 Reckless Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Files Lawsuit Against St. Louis Officials Accusing Them of Racist Conspiracy to Push her from Office

>>7809898 1,200 French doctors RESIGN from supervisory roles in protest over govt funding for public hospitals

>>7809790 Ivanka Trump twat w/CAP: An estimated 12,400 sex trafficking transactions take place in Atlanta each month.

>>7809788 Archiveanon update: "Look at those quads "Edition. #9962 to #9995 w/ updated checksums

>>7809744, >>7809787 planefag reporting

>>7809734 (Live) Department of Justice hosts a Summit on Combating Human Trafficking

>>7809730, >>7809735, >>7809758, >>7809791 Kyle Jurek (Project Veritas video) Arrested in Idaho 1/08/20 = NO Bond. Relevant links on topic. Bernie getting hit on twatter.

>>7809728 โ€˜Neither robot nor animalโ€™: Scientists develop the โ€˜Xenobots,โ€™ 1st robots constructed completely from LIVING CELLS

Anonymous ID: c9d9d2 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:10 a.m. No.7809976   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9999 >>0012



>His wealth really isn't the issue, is it?


I guess if integrity doesn't matter all that much to you, Sanders' wealth isn't really an issue at all, is it?


Gee, political leaders without integrity. Isn't that what brought us here in the first place?

Anonymous ID: f36da7 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:11 a.m. No.7809978   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Just wowโ€ฆ This is the kind of assholes we are dealing with! Streets are not safe for them!? This idiot and his hypercool gang shuold learn what that means!

Hate comes back to me! This ass dirty scumbag in the video should not been able to walk down the streets anymore, witthout getting outet for what he is!

My patience is at zero! Fuck them all! FUCK THEM ALL!

Anonymous ID: 1c6946 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.7809983   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0175 >>0379

Ex-Treasury employee pleads guilty to leaking Trump team info, after dramatic bust with flash drive in hand


A former top Treasury Department official pleaded guilty Monday to conspiracy for leaking confidential banking reports associated with members of the Trump campaign, following her dramatic arrest in October 2018 as she toted a flash drive full of sensitive documents.


Natalie Edwards, 41, entered the plea in Manhattan federal court, where U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods set sentencing for June 9. Although the conspiracy charge carried a potential penalty of up to five years in prison, Edwards signed a plea deal with prosecutors that recommended a potential prison sentence of zero to six months.


Edwards was a senior adviser at Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, also known as FinCEN. Prosecutors said her crime began in October 2017 and continued for a year, with Edwards sending a BuzzFeed News reporter numerous Suspicious Activity Reports (โ€œSARsโ€). Banks must file SARs with the Treasury Department when they spot transactions raising questions about possible financial misconduct such as money laundering, but federal law strictly limited their disclosure.


The SARs related to wire transfers made by Paul Manafort and other figures in former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, including campaign official Richard Gates, Maria Butina and the Russian Embassy.




As law enforcement swooped in, she was carrying a government-issued USB flash drive containing not only thousands of SARs, but also "highly sensitive material relating to Russia, Iran, and the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant," prosecutors said.


"Edwards is not known to be involved in any official FinCEN project or task bearing these file titles or code names," prosecutors said at the time.


"I am sorry for what I have done and I apologize to you, your honor, and the court," Edwards said.


Her arrest came on the heels of other high-profile, leak-related prosecutions under the Trump administration, which had pledged to go on the offensive against leakers whom the president has called "traitors and cowards."


read more here:

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.7809984   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9994

Erdogan vows to teach Libyaโ€™s Haftar a lesson over Tripoli offensive


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to teach a lesson to Commander of the Libyan National Army Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar if he did not stop attacks on the Government of National Accordโ€™s positions.


โ€œTurkey is carefully watching the steps by legitimate Libyan authorities and allies of General Khalifa Haftar. If the strikes on positions of the legitimate Libyan authorities resume, Turkey is ready to teach a lesson to Haftar,โ€ Erdogan said.


Erdogan added that Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar at first backed the ceasefire deal on Libya but later โ€œran awayโ€ from Moscow, where talks were held with the Government of National Accord led by Fayez al-Sarraj.


โ€œWe made major efforts in the framework of an initiative launched by Turkey and Russia. Yesterday at talks in Moscow the Tripoli-based government showed a constructive stance, but then coup-plotter Haftar refused to sign a ceasefire deal. At first he agreed, but then he ran away from Moscow,โ€ Erdogan told the Turkish parliament on Tuesday.


According to the Turkish leader, whose speech was broadcast by NTV channel, now Russia bears responsibility for how events will unfold in Libya.

Anonymous ID: a1983b Jan. 14, 2020, 7:13 a.m. No.7809990   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0019


Interesting, ran across this LNite regarding meditation. (formatting all f'd up, sry)



A New Translation By





Unclassified AโˆดAโˆด Publication


I bound myself to devote my life to Magick at Easter 1898, and received my first initiation on November 18 of that year.


My friend and climbing companion, Oscar Eckenstein, gave me my first instructions in learning the control of the mind early in 1901 in Mexico City. Shri Parananda, Solicitor General of Ceylon and an eminent writer upon and teacher of Yoga from the orthodox Shaivite standpoint, and Bhikkhu Ananda Metteya, the great English Adept, who was one of my earliest instructors in Magick and joined the Sangha in Burma in 1902, gave me my first groundings in mystical theory and practice. I spent some months of 1901 in Kandy, Ceylon, with the latter until success crowned my work.


I also studied all varieties of Asiatic philosophy, especially with regard to the practical question of spiritual development, the Sufi doctrines, the Upanishads, the Sankhya, Vedanta, the Bagavad Gita and Purana, the Dhammapada, and many other classics, together with numerous writings on the Tantra and Yoga of such men as Patanjali, Vivekananda, etc. etc. Not a few of these teachings are as yet wholly unknown to scholars. I made the scope of my studies as comprehensive as possible, omitting no school of thought however unimportant or repugnant.


Would the Chans be deemed as "repugnant"? by Crowley? Would he look? Would he engage?

Realized that Q is a Crowley type of individual. Of the same ilk.

Anonymous ID: 9dd497 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:13 a.m. No.7809992   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


> secure the release from Iran of three American hikers in 2011.


Pic is of two of the 'hikers'. one on right is Sarah Shroud.


do women have cleft chins?


On July 31, 2009, three Americans, Joshua Fattal, Sarah Shourd and Shane Bauer were taken into custody by Iranian border guards for crossing into Iran while hiking near the Iranian border in Iraqi Kurdistan.

At the time of their detention by Iranian troops, the three Americans were on vacation[citation needed] from their jobs in the region in a relatively stable, autonomous region of Iraq known as Iraqi Kurdistan. On the recommendations of locals, they hiked to see a popular local Iraqi tourist destination near the Iraq-Iran border, the Ahmed Awa waterfall.[citation needed]

Following the hikers' capture on the Iraqi-Iranian border, a wide range of outside voices, including the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, and the human rights group Amnesty International, had called for the hikers' unconditional release.[1]โ€“11_detention_of_American_hikers_by_Iran

Anonymous ID: 9a13e2 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:14 a.m. No.7809997   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0090

Wow i can't find any news coverage of the Project Veritas on Bernie. Not on Google news or Bing news searches. Figured they wouldve already had hit pieces made for this release or is it that big tech is just hiding the articles?

Anonymous ID: 5c9d69 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:14 a.m. No.7810001   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Fed Injects $82BN In Liquidity As Term Repo Is Most Oversubscribed In One Month


It was supposed to be a one-time, year-end "liquidity event." Instead, it has transformed into the latest liquidity addiction within the financial community.


Just days after we reported that yet another disturbance appears to be brewing below the calm surface of the repo market again, we got another indication just how strong the market's addition to the Fed's easy repo money has become, when moments ago the Fed announced that its latest 2-week term repo operation was also the most oversubscribed since December 16, as $34.3BN in securities ($27.65BN in TSYs, $15.5BN in MBS) were submitted for today's $35 billion operation, as dealers continue to scramble to the Fed for liquidity which they are no longer using for "regulatory" year-end purposes (since it is no longer year-end obviously), but are instead using it to pump markets directly. Today's operation, which was the most oversubscribed in 2020, also saw the most submissions since Dec 16, and suggests that as repos are now maturing at a rapid burst. And just in case there was any doubt that the liquidity shortage isn't getting better, moments later the Fed announced that in its daily Overnight repo operation, it also accepted $47BN in securities ($22.5BN TSYs, $24.5BN in MBS) for a total liquidity injection of $82 billion. Predictably, as the market's repo addiction is now clear for everyone, in the wake of today's term repo operations, traders were eagerly waiting for the release of the new repo schedule to see if there are any changes in the size of the offeringsโ€ฆ but don't hold your breath.the market had gotten addicted to the easy Fed liquidity unleashed in September (via temporary repo ops), and then again in October (via permanent T-Bill purchases): "it's easy to see how the Repo market can get addicted to easy cash from the Fed when the stop-out rates for the RP operations are 1.55% - behind the offered side of the market." But, as the repo strategist added, as the Fed keeps injecting cash, the market gets used to it.


The problem is that stopping RP ops could spark another repo market crisis, especially with $259BN in liquidity pumped currently - more than at year end - via Repo. It also means that the Fed is now unilaterally blowing a market bubble with its repo and "NOT QE" injections, and yet the longer it does so the more impossible it becomes for the Fed to extricate itself from the liquidity pathway without causing a crash.


Or stated simply, the longer the Fed avoids pulling the repo liquidity band-aid, the bigger the market fall when (if) it finally does. The question then becomes whether Powell can keep pushing on the repo string until the November election, because a market crash in the months preceding it, especially since it will be of the Fed's own doing, will result in a very angry president.


and if you have to ask how and why the big banks report massive gains on fixed income tradingโ€ฆlook no further then here. JP Morgan is the habitual offender here.

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.7810005   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0175 >>0379

Tens of civilians exit terrorist-controlled areas in countryside of Aleppo, Idleb


Idleb, Aleppo, SANA- Tens of civilians on Tuesday exited from the areas where terrorist groups spread in the countryside of Aleppo and Idleb through the corridor of al-Hader towards the safe areas which have been liberated from terrorism by the Syrian Arab Army.


SANAโ€™s reporter in Hama said that tens of civilians arrived in Abu al-Dohour corridor, southeast of Idleb coming from the areas where terrorist groups are positioned as the bodies concerned received them, and the medical center provided medical services to the patients, then they were later transported to the liberated areas.


Meanwhile, SANAโ€™s reporter in southern Aleppo said that for the second day in a row, civilians continued to arrive in al-Hader corridor coming from the areas where terrorist groups are positioned in the countryside of Aleppo and Idleb as the bodies concerned received tens of them and provided buses to transport them to the safe areas.


In a desperate attempt by terrorists to sow fear among civilians, terrorists fired mortar shells on the surroundings of al-Hader corridor to prevent them from reaching the corridor and to continue to use them as human shields.

Anonymous ID: aaa1f0 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.7810008   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0020


Instead of just looking at the symbolic/intentional perversion aspect (which there is).

Another question is this:

What does the tranny-thing do to a person's physiology?

Masculine spiritual energy given a conduit to flow through by way of male hormones?

Chek: testosterone.

What's the one force of nature that won't put up with their subversive bullshit?

Chek: testosterone.

They prop this passive, feminine image of a "man" up in the media/hollywood in order to establish a certain "standard" in the public's mind.

(They've been doing this for a long time.)

Then, when a real man is seen doing real man things and acting with real masculine energy (they call it "toxic masculinity"), there is an automatic response (especially in women) to "bring the wild beast into subjection".

They want to tame the lion.

They want to cut his balls off.

They've done it to a certain extent.

This board saved me, because society won't allow the expression of real masculinity.

All the church boys that have been subjected to "be nice, be like Jesus.."

Except they don't know that Jesus drove them out of the temple with a fucking bullwhip!

Jesus wasn't a tame lion.


Here's the standard:

He is a lion.

He's not a tame lion.

But he's good.


I think we can handle that.

Anonymous ID: 7e4d6c Jan. 14, 2020, 7:16 a.m. No.7810017   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0383


>These vermin are under a microscope, identified and surveilled


And being they are being exposed, rest assured the good guys are helping behind the scenes to expose them, just like they are here as anon's guiding us along the right path. We would all be surprised to discover who is here with us. ;-)


Be comfy, be happy, trust the plan.

The future is going to be beautiful.


Can't wait to read the book to my grand kids one day,

"What was it like Grandpa?"

"Well let me read you this book titled."

The Great Awaking!

Anonymous ID: 5aab47 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:16 a.m. No.7810024   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Iran warns against โ€˜destructive measures,โ€™ promises firm response as EU trio starts โ€˜non-complianceโ€™ investigation on nuclear deal


Iran will firmly respond to anyone acting to damage the 2015 nuclear deal, but welcomes โ€œgood faithโ€ measures to save it, the foreign ministry said as three EU signatories triggered a non-compliance investigation against Tehran.


โ€œIt is necessary to explain that the action taken by the three European countries is a passive and weak position,โ€ Abbas Mousavi, spokesman for the foreign ministry, warned in a statement.


He spoke shortly after Germany, France and the UK initiated a special dispute resolution procedure under the 2015 deal citing Iranโ€™s alleged non-compliance with the pact.


Now, the Islamic Republic will provide a โ€œserious and firmโ€ response to any โ€œdestructive initiativeโ€ taken by any signatory of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Mousavi warned.


Tehran's statement comes after France, Germany and the UK triggered an investigation into Iran's alleged breaching of the 2015 nuclear deal. The European trio triggered the mechanism after Iran announced it would roll back its commitments under the deal following the killing of one of its top military commanders in a US drone strike earlier this month.


Reading between the linesโ€ฆ the Iranian insurance.




Anonymous ID: d2399b Jan. 14, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.7810028   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0175 >>0379



from original article:


McCord is The Key โ€“ Devin Nunes Discusses Sketchy Issues Surrounding ICIG Michael Atkinson and Origination of the โ€œWhistle-blowerโ€ Complaintโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: a528dc Jan. 14, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.7810029   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0045 >>0051




(You) = homo neufag


you have potential, you just need to learn how to play the game. Youre offended because your newfaggery was called out after you put in so much time. Now you know so carry on


your ricky meme has no effect because I am not offended and you really need better memes if your gonna fag here


try these





Anonymous ID: 99ea40 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.7810030   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

NXIVM Arizona connection. Dennis Burke


Dennis Burke, who is currently Clare Bronfmanโ€™s attorney and may be in actual control of the Irrevocable Trust โ€“ funded by Bronfman and others which is paying for the legal fees of the NXIVM defendants other than Clare, was US Attorney for Arizona under A.G. Holder, appointed by Obama.


Burke quit his post in August 2011 in the wake of the weapons trafficking scandal known as โ€œFast and Furiousโ€. The gun-running operation, which lasted from 2009 to 2011, resulted in the ATF losing over a thousand firearms; two of those weapons were linked to the 2010 murder of a Border Patrol agent in Arizona. Many of the weapons are suspected to have landed in the hands of Mexican drug cartels.


After he resigned, Burke was censured and fined by the Arizona Bar for misconduct in March 2014. Burke admitted violating the โ€œIntegrity of the Professionโ€, in an attorney violation involving โ€œdishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.โ€

Anonymous ID: 76709a Jan. 14, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.7810034   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0060



"I quit when medicine was placed under state control, some years ago," said Dr Hendricks. "Do you know what it takes to perform a brain operation? Do you know the kind of skill it demands, and the years of passionate, merciless, excruciating devotion that go to acquire that skill? That was what I would not place at the disposal of men whose sole qualification to rule me was their capacity to spout the fraudulent generalities that got them elected to the privilege of enforcing their wishes at the point of a gun. I would not let them dictate the purpose for which my years of study had been spent, or the conditions of my work, or my choice of patients, or the amount of my reward.


I observed that in all of the discussions that preceded the enslavement of medicine, men discussed everything-except the desires of the doctors. Men considered only the 'welfare' of the patients,with no thought for those who were to provide it. That a doctor should have any right, desire, or choice in the matter, was regarded as irrelevant selfishness; his is not to choose, they said, only to 'serve.' That a man who is willing to work under compulsion is too dangerous a brute to entrust with a job in the stockyards- never occurred to those who proposed to help the sick by making life impossible for the healthy.


I have often wondered at the smugness with which people assert their right to enslave me, to control my work, to force my will, to violate my conscience, to stifle my mind-yet what is it they expect to depend on, when they lie on an operating table under my hands? Their moral code has taught them to believe that it is safe to rely on the virtue of their victims. Well that is the virtue I have withdrawn. Let them discover the kind of doctors that their system will now produce. Let them discover in their operating rooms and hospital wards, that it is not safe to place their lives in the hands of a man whose life they have throttled. It is not safe if he is the sort of man who resents it-and still less safe, if he is the sort who doesn't."


-Dr. Hendricks, Atlas Shrugged

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.7810038   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0054 >>0056 >>0064 >>0067 >>0095 >>0175 >>0204 >>0379


Turkey's Erdogan tells crying six-year-old child she would be honoured to die a martyr on live TV


Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been criticised for telling a young girl dressed in a military uniform that she would be honoured if she were "martyred" for Turkey.


Mr Erdogan spotted six-year-old Amine Tiras, who wept and saluted as part of the crowd while he delivered a speech at his ruling party's congress in the city of Kahramanmaras on Saturday, and had her brought on stage.


After trying to comfort the girl by kissing her on both cheeks, Mr Erdogan told the crowd: "She has the Turkish flag in her pocket. If she becomes a martyr, God willing, this flag will be draped on her."


Some people were appalled and took to Twitter to criticise the president.


One user said it was the state's duty to protect children, not to "kill" them. Another said: "You don't wish death for a child, you never say: 'God willing."'

Anonymous ID: f319b6 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.7810040   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>7809930 As DJT says, America will never be a socialist nation. The lies, the horror, the abject failure of this satanic & deadly movement, the creation of which was funded by the very ultra wealthy that it pretends to oppose, are all in the process of being exposed, rejected, and forever laid to rest. This is all exploding into view right now, as we speak. The last hurrah, the last roundup, for those who hate any semblance of law or decency. Confused souls who would normally be entitled to basic human courtesy in the hope of seeing them recover from their addled stupor and actually contribute something useful to the world. Not now though, as they have gone way too far, and are screaming for us to put them out of their misery. So we will, by ripping bare what they are behind the mask, and having America overwhelmingly reject all that they are. If they want to resort to violence then, as a last, absolutely final resort, they will be mercilessly crushed like the serpents they are. Crushed as in "game over, ain't gonna be a rematch."

Anonymous ID: 75415f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.7810043   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0084 >>0339




FISA Court: Complicit In Illegal Surveillance of President Trump


The President was under surveillance.


Robert Mueller provided FBI computers for โ€œTHE HAMMER,โ€ an illegal domestic surveillance system operated from a secret CIA facility by President Obamaโ€™s intelligence officials Brennan and Clapper to spy on Supreme Court justices and Donald Trump for โ€œblackmailโ€ and โ€œleverage,โ€ according to CIA/FBI/NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery.


On February 3, 2009, THE HAMMER went live, under the direction of Brennan and Clapper, says Montgomery.


Brennan, Clapper, and Mueller set up โ€œTHE HAMMERโ€ in Fort Washington, Maryland, close to the Obama White House, and used the system to unlawfully spy on Trump and Trumpโ€™s businesses, family members, and political associates, asserts Montgomery.

Anonymous ID: 5aab47 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.7810048   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Former Air Cargo Executive Extradited From Italy for Price-Fixing


Maria Christina โ€œMetaโ€ Ullings, the former senior vice president of cargo sales and marketing for Martinair N.V. (Martinair Cargo) and a Dutch national, was extradited from Italy, the Department of Justice announced today.


On Sept. 21, 2010, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia in Atlanta, Ullings was indicted for participating in a long-running worldwide conspiracy to fix prices of air cargo. A fugitive for almost 10 years, Ullings was apprehended by Italian authorities in July 2019 while visiting Sicily. Ullings initially contested extradition in the Italian courts, but after the Court of Appeals of Palermo ruled that she be extradited, she waived her appeal. She arrived in Atlanta on Jan. 10 and made her initial appearance today in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.


โ€œThis extradition ruling by the Italian courts โ€“ the seventh country to extradite a defendant in an Antitrust Division case in recent years, and the second to do so based solely on an antitrust charge โ€“ demonstrates that those who violate U.S. antitrust laws and seek to evade justice will find no place to hide,โ€ said Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim of the Department of Justiceโ€™s Antitrust Division. โ€œThe Division appreciates the cooperation of the Italian authorities in this matter. With the assistance of our law enforcement colleagues at home and around the world, the Division will aggressively pursue every avenue available in bringing price fixers to justice.โ€


According to the indictment, Ullings conspired with others to suppress and eliminate competition by fixing and coordinating certain surcharges, including fuel surcharges, charged to customers located in the United States and elsewhere for air cargo shipments. These air cargo shipments included heavy equipment, perishable commodities, and consumer goods destined for American consumers and shipped by American producers. Ullings is alleged to have participated in the conspiracy from at least as early as January 2001 until at least February 2006.


An indictment merely alleges that crimes have been committed, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


Including Ullings, a total of 22 airlines and 21 executives have been charged in the Justice Departmentโ€™s investigation into price fixing in the air transportation industry. To date, more than $1.8 billion in criminal fines have been imposed and seven executives have been sentenced to serve prison time.


Ullings is charged with violating the Sherman Act, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $1 million criminal fine for individuals. The maximum fine may be increased to twice the gain derived from the crime or twice the loss suffered by the victims of the crime, if either of those amounts is greater than the statutory maximum fine.

Anonymous ID: e318db Jan. 14, 2020, 7:20 a.m. No.7810055   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Not conflicting. He has a โ€œdriving without insuranceโ€ case in one county. They calendar that case depending on what stage it is in. (eg arraignment, violation) They set bail or release him in that case only and he goes back to jail to be transported to Polk County on that serious no-bail warrant. FYI they donโ€™โ€™t issue no-bail warrants on misdemeanors. A no-bail warrant should indicate a felony case in the Polk County case.

Anonymous ID: ffafad Jan. 14, 2020, 7:21 a.m. No.7810058   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Foreign affairs committee is already an embarrassing shit show and it's only two minutes in. They were totally okay with salami walking around being a terrorist fuck because he was /theirguy. Article 2, bitches. Get fucked.

Anonymous ID: 2b8f98 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:22 a.m. No.7810063   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


That song was used in Slumdog Millionaire. Never saw the movie until a few weeks ago. The song paper planes is used in the movie alot. That movie is about orphans being used as beggars and maimed on purpose for more money collecting.


Movies are reality. She is Alex Jones with singng nursury rhymes and a beat sampled that would make shitting out razor blades sound great.


Is every great rock band a psyop to get the masses feeling a certain way?

Anonymous ID: 50e86c Jan. 14, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.7810071   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0087 >>0174



it's really very easy. find a working example of

div positioning absolutely.


have two copies of your data.

the first will be the guide and have the data without the inline. put that into a div and label it soemthing and set the style attribute 'display' to 'none'.

then when you automate the CSS inline (I suggest jquerry but javascript will work as well) you can copy the whole div, rename it , set it's display to some other attribute so it shows up (and this is important to get correctly).

then within that set each to be displayed to be absolutely positioned.


then you tweek the CSS to get the element where you want it. in your case you are doing things around a hub but you also have a Z comonent.

first get it working around a circle, then do the Z part, which will require repositioning around the spiral.


you are maybe even just hours away.

it's not difficult once you understand how the positioning works in CSS and how to do inline div and span.

someone did this kind of thing by starting from what was found here:

this is a very old link (over 6 years old).


I had a lot of success from using the methods as explained by the demo in the link. I can't give more without doxing myself.

Anonymous ID: d02252 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.7810072   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0100

Senators introduce another bipartisan bill to give Israel billions of dollars


After original bill stalled in 2019, Rubio & Coons introduce new bill expected to give Israel at least $38 billion over the next 10 years โ€“ over $7,000 per minute.



Anonymous ID: 5aab47 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.7810073   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr Pleads Guilty in Court for Leaking Classified Info to Liberal Hack Reporters


Former US Treasury Department staffer Natalie Edwards pleaded guilty Monday to a single count of conspiracy after leaking classified documents to liberal reporters to hurt Donald Trump.


Natalie Edwards admitted before Manhattan federal court Judge Gregory Woods to leaking secrets to a Buzzfeed reporter about the Mueller investigation.


Ms. Edwards, who leaked the documents related to the Manafort case, was interviewed by Ronan Farrow in 2018. It now looks like that was an attempt by her to set herself up as a whistle blower rather than the leaker she is:


Ms. Edwards leaked the FinCEN documents to Jason Leopold, a reporter for BuzzFeed according to Wednesdayโ€™s announcement by Manhattan federal prosecutors. Hidden in the DOJ complaint is the fact that Edwardsโ€™s BOSS at FinCEN is a criminal co-conspirator and he holds the title of Associate Director.


Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr Pleads Guilty in Court for Leaking Classified Info to Liberal Hack Reporters

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft January 13, 2020 152 Comments


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Former US Treasury Department staffer Natalie Edwards pleaded guilty Monday to a single count of conspiracy after leaking classified documents to liberal reporters to hurt Donald Trump.


Natalie Edwards admitted before Manhattan federal court Judge Gregory Woods to leaking secrets to a Buzzfeed reporter about the Mueller investigation.


As Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported back in October 18, 2018, Natalie Edwards is linked to dirtbag Andrew Weissman and corrupt DOJ official Bruce Ohr.


Ms. Edwards, who leaked the documents related to the Manafort case, was interviewed by Ronan Farrow in 2018. It now looks like that was an attempt by her to set herself up as a whistle blower rather than the leaker she is.


Ms. Edwards leaked the FinCEN documents to Jason Leopold, a reporter for BuzzFeed according to Wednesdayโ€™s announcement by Manhattan federal prosecutors. Hidden in the DOJ complaint is the fact that Edwardsโ€™s BOSS at FinCEN is a criminal co-conspirator and he holds the title of Associate Director.


Investigative reporter Sean Davis reported that there are only six positions at FinCEN with that title (associate director).


The woman arrested for criminally leaking confidential bank information on Trump associates isnโ€™t the only leaker. The DOJ complaint notes that HER BOSS at FinCEN is a criminal co-conspirator. There are only six positions at FinCEN with that title (associate director).


Additional reporting from Sean Davis shows that one of the Assistant Directors at FinCEN is Thomas Ott. Mr. Ott worked for Fusion GPS collaborator Bruce Ohr at the DOJ. Also, Mr. Ott worked for RICO with Andrew Weissmann at the DOJ โ€“


Weissmann is part of the Mueller โ€˜witch huntโ€™. He is known for his seedy actions in the past. Weissmann destroyed thousands of Arthur Anderson lives in the early 2000โ€™s when his actions were considered โ€˜over reachingโ€™ by the courts. Unfortunately, Arthur Anderson was out of business when the verdict was received.


Also a couple of days before being added to the corrupt Mueller โ€˜witch huntโ€™ team, Weissmann met with AP reporters and then the AP released an article about suspicious financial activity by Manafort.


Itโ€™s suspected that the AP article was sourced with information from Weissman and the only way Weissman could have supplied the information to the AP was through the FinCEN. This information is classified and if Weissmann provided it, it may have been leaked to him by the individuals indicted yesterday.



"But, but no one is getting arrested", said the shill.

Anonymous ID: 9a13e2 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:25 a.m. No.7810075   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0089 >>0101

so let me get this straight. far leftist now thinks we need gulags to re-educate "nazis" [anyone right of mao] and now have #CancelVinceVauhn trending on twatter because he shook POTUS's hand? what a bunch of out of touch ivory tower elitist

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:25 a.m. No.7810076   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0092

Closer Everyday


ASU Leads Nation In Unconstitutional โ€˜Smart Regionโ€™ Scheme


Regional governance is the arch-enemy and destroyer of a โ€œrepublican form of governmentโ€ as guaranteed to the states by the U.S. Constitution. ASU started the โ€œSmart Region Initiativeโ€ that will impose Smart City policies throughout the region.


The president of Arizona State University, Dr. Michael Crow, is also Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the CIAโ€™s private venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel. SRI is essentially modeled after In-Q-Tel to provide tech โ€˜incubatorsโ€™ and โ€˜sandboxesโ€™ to advance experimental Smart City technology and policies throughout the Phoenix region. SRI is also partnered with the Maricopa Association of Governments to help impose its policies upon 22 cities and 4.2 million people while bypassing duly elected city councils.


To say that SRI is a swarm of unelected and unaccountable Technocrats is an understatement. Furthermore, SRI is attracting other Technocrat companies from all over the world. โƒ TN Editor


Arizona State University (ASU) and Alteryx (NYSE: AYX), revolutionizing business through data science and analytics, today announced a collaboration to accelerate Smart City program development in the Phoenix Metro area via advanced analytic solutions. Dean Stoecker, CEO of Alteryx, discussed the partnership during his keynote address at the ASU Smart Region Summit, hosted today in Phoenix.


โ€œHigher education institutions are at the forefront of technical innovation and have an immense responsibility to empower the success of our future workforce,โ€ said Stoecker. โ€œTodayโ€™s summit and the universityโ€™s Smart City Cloud Innovation Center are indicative of ASUโ€™s leadership in both areas. Alteryx has a proven track record of enabling Smart City solutions across the globe and we are proud to partner with an organization equally dedicated to driving remarkable social outcomes. Together, we are putting our powerful analytics platform in the hands of those capable of creating the cities and economies of tomorrow with data science and analytics.โ€

Anonymous ID: 76709a Jan. 14, 2020, 7:25 a.m. No.7810078   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0099 >>0132 >>0197


'Feel sick yet?


US Taxpayers Funding the Scams



7 Jan 2018 - 12:10:11 AM

US taxpayers are paying for it all.

Paris accord = scam (trillions)

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)

WAR = scam (trillions)


Who audits where the money actually goes?

Who actually receives the money?

The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.

Slush funds everywhere.

Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?

The hole is deep.

Feel sick yet?


Anonymous ID: b34458 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:26 a.m. No.7810082   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Is this website post a: Joke or Subliminal-Comms?


Latah County, Idaho

But according to other sources he was arrested & is in Iowa.

โ†’ Largest town in Latah County, Idaho is = MOSCOW, Idaho


Pre-arranged mugshot page w/ cryptic comms?

Anonymous ID: 5aab47 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:27 a.m. No.7810086   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

EU to invest 1T euros to battle climate change


The European Union will announce Tuesday that it will invest 1 trillion euros ($1.1 trillion) into combating climate change, the Associated Press reports.


The EU will invest a fourth of its budget to battle climate change, with other funds coming from the private sector. The plan will fund European Commission president Ursula von der Leyenโ€™s Green Deal which strives to make Europe the first carbon-neutral continent in the world by 2050.


The European Green Deal was first announced in December, shortly after Von der Leyen, a former cabinet member of German Prime Minister Angela Merkelโ€™s administration, assumed her current role as European Commission president.



Used to be $1.6T = 1T euros.

Not anymoreโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 7780bf Jan. 14, 2020, 7:28 a.m. No.7810091   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


> After incubating them, they used extremely tiny tools to cut them apart.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't mature embryos mean infant frogs or polliwogs? Don't infant critters of any kind have pain receptors in their infant nervous systems? (Babies)This shit is barbaric.

Anonymous ID: 1a3e9b Jan. 14, 2020, 7:29 a.m. No.7810096   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Quick, someone make a haiku!

had a fewโ€ฆ


#6745300 at 2019-06-14 02:25:31 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8627: The "Biden Looks Different" Edition


bred in breadcrumbs

fed shill chaos and strategic lies

anon theless rises


#6745287 at 2019-06-14 02:24:09 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8627: The "Biden Looks Different" Edition


smelling patterns

in posts reposted and repeated

tiresome learning



#6745276 at 2019-06-14 02:23:01 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8627: The "Biden Looks Different" Edition


waiting for drops

procrastinating re-reading from the start




#6745266 at 2019-06-14 02:22:13 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8627: The "Biden Looks Different" Edition


fresh bread rises

to filter or not filter this time

dammit there they go again

Anonymous ID: 00fcce Jan. 14, 2020, 7:32 a.m. No.7810112   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0136





As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.


Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have itยดs base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.





Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, โ€ฆ).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and wantยดs you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, โ€ฆ).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")


Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.


Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).



Anonymous ID: 197652 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:33 a.m. No.7810124   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0140 >>0185

I want this phase of Justice to go on for a long time. POTUS is forcing them to activate all their Antifa and assassination squads. Not only is Trump weakening their will to compete every day, he's humiliating them in the process.


Mr. President, their children are becoming embarrassed that they're in the same family. Please keep it up. Every day it's a new victory and a new hill taken. I want to beat the DeepState like a red headed step child for the next 10 years. I want them to be so badly beaten that they don't try this again for centuries.


Mr. President, the only thing you were wrong about is that We, The People WILL NEVER get tired of winning.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:33 a.m. No.7810126   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


(image from OP)


Before "remove" occurs I believe an triage intercessor is needed

  1. identify

  2. invent holistic remediation plan(s)

  3. offer plans for opt-in self correction

  4. rinse and repeat 1,2,3 to the highest charitable threshold

  5. remove, isolate, quarantine, gather for the purpose of further refinement and improvement of evil remediation and inoculation

Anonymous ID: 83061c Jan. 14, 2020, 7:34 a.m. No.7810130   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0143 >>0150 >>0157 >>0369

Anons, please help me dig on this. This is BIG


www whoissomersetbelenoff com


Somerset Belenoff, Countess of Banbury and Arran, chairs the World Governing Council and is the Chief Executive Officer of the World Security Office, which is the prosecutorial and enforcement arm of the House of Wettin's Upper Chamber. This is the powerful cabal which controls all of the elite Illuminati groups familiar to researchers.She is the registered owner of the Bohemian Grove domain name and is likely the owner of the actual property where Bohemian Grove is locatedShe attended Benenden School, of which Princess Anne is also an alumnus.Vladimir Putin has said that The Countess of Banbury and Arran is both the most beautiful woman and the most terrifying person he has ever metShe rules the House of Wettin's Upper Chamber with an iron fist and is likely responsible for the execution of dozens of Illuminati (see the section titled "Purge of the Princes" on theย There will be Bloodย tab). The most recent executions are those of 3 elite international bankers, murdered in California in May, 2018.Through statements and actions over the years, Belenoff has made it very clear that she considers groups such as the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, etc. to hold a lower position in the cabal than those born into nobility. She refers to these lesser Illuminati members as "grubby, downstairs staff, inferior in rank, intellect, common sense and breeding."Has suggested that these "newly-moneyed" lesser Illuminati should be accustomed to living in mud huts with dirt floors, as befitting their actual rank.Has been closely associated with the occult from a very early age - claims to have met the Devil at Glamis Castle when she was a child, and "frankly was not impressed"Is the great grand daughter ofย Gregory Rasputinand the great great great grand daughter of Queen Victoria


www glamiscalling org


This site serves as the official external communication vehicle for the World Governing Council and the Wettin Upper Chamber. If youโ€™ve been directed here for instruction, note that most messages are intentionally obscure. If you have difficulty understanding a particular message, you may reach out to Luxembourg Cathedral on Node 9 of the Forgotten Frequency. After authentication you may receive additional instruction. In the Upper Chamber we often say, โ€œDebate is required, respectful dissent is allowed, and betrayal is death.โ€ Bear this in mind as you read the instructions written herein. By the time information is posted here, the debate is over and dissent has been noted.


Best Regards,


Somerset Belenoff

Anonymous ID: c90ae6 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:34 a.m. No.7810132   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



USA + WW have been looted and exploited (FROM WITHIN) to the point where there are only a few chairs left in this mu$ical game of "money"


I live in a 200 year old house I am still "paying off"? What a racket.

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:35 a.m. No.7810137   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0175 >>0379

Pompeo says Iraqi leaders privately want US troops to remain


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo maintains that various sectarian leaders in Iraq support the presence of U.S. forces in the country, despite public demands for them to leave.


While fielding questions from students at Stanford University in California on January 13, Pompeo said a โ€œbroad spectrumโ€ of Sunni, Kurdish, and Shiโ€™ite leaders backed U.S. counterterrorism efforts in Iraq.


โ€œThey wonโ€™t all say so publicly, but privately, they all welcome the fact that America is still there executing its counterterror campaignโ€ฆand providing an opportunity for the Iraqis to gain sovereignty and independence that most Iraqis want,โ€ Pompeo claimed regarding his phone conversations with around 50 Iraqi community leaders.


Iraqโ€™s parliament on January 5 adopted a resolution calling for foreign troops to leave the country in the wake of a U.S. air strike that killed a top military commander from Iran, whose influence in the country rivals that of the United States.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:35 a.m. No.7810147   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>>>7808718 Lawmakers to call on ICE to release all transgender detainees


"Wanna get out of ICE early, go trans and vote Democratic" is what the street will here.


Might be countered with improvements to ICE in some way

Anonymous ID: ad7366 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:36 a.m. No.7810149   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Just some Tuesday morning irreverence. I'm going to post this before reading notables or the comments so as not to taint this simple thought with needless and distracting nuance or complexity.

To what extent have the various foreign intelligence agencies infiltrated America [or, insert the name of your own country here]?

We give Mossad a LOT of credit for things that happen in the US and worldwide. The Democrats (heavily Jewish, it would appear) blame every itch on the Russians.

What is the TRUE extent of their influence?

The reason I ask is because when you give an enemy credit they have not earned, you give them power they do not deserve.

As I said, just a musing while we await new direction from Q.

Anonymous ID: a5fe0f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:36 a.m. No.7810152   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



































>>7809240 - Only because I'm your only, fren.

Anonymous ID: 846a52 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.7810156   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

XVIII Airborne Corps @18airbornecorps

At this point, 30 days after the surprise German counteroffensive, we had effectively won the Battle of the Bulge. However, facing certain defeat, German units continued to fiercely resist. We had to fight on.

9:30 AM ยท Jan 14, 2020ยทTweetDeck


Anonymous ID: 97a98e Jan. 14, 2020, 7:38 a.m. No.7810168   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0255

Iran state TV sees at least 2 news anchors quit'


At least two Iranian journalists at a state-owned media outlet reportedly resigned from their jobs, with one of them apologizing to viewers for "the 13 years I told you lies."


Reporters Without Borders ranks Iran as one of the most repressive states for journalists. It said state control of the news is "unrelenting" and at least 860 journalists have been imprisoned or executed since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.


โ€œIndependent journalists, citizen-journalists and independent media are constantly subjected to intimidation, arbitrary arrest and long jail sentences imposed by revolutionary courts at the end of unfair trials,โ€ the organization said.

Anonymous ID: 582147 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:39 a.m. No.7810175   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0182 >>0199

notables bun @ 500


dis kitchen feelz it's gett'n Q hot. something about to drop?



>>7810137 Pompeo says Iraqi leaders privately want US troops to remain

>>7810038 Turkey's Erdogan tells crying six-year-old child she would be honoured to die a martyr on live TV

>>7810005 Tens of civilians exit terrorist-controlled areas in countryside of Aleppo, Idleb

>>7809983 Ex-Treasury employee pleads guilty to leaking Trump team info, after dramatic bust with flash drive in hand

>>7809956, >>7810028 Mary McCord Is The Key - How The Entire Impeachment Operation Got Started

>>7809928 Opioid Kickback Schemes Taken to Task By Federal Officials

>>7809918 Reckless Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Files Lawsuit Against St. Louis Officials Accusing Them of Racist Conspiracy to Push her from Office

>>7809898 1,200 French doctors RESIGN from supervisory roles in protest over govt funding for public hospitals

>>7809790 Ivanka Trump twat w/CAP: An estimated 12,400 sex trafficking transactions take place in Atlanta each month.

>>7809788 Archiveanon update: "Look at those quads "Edition. #9962 to #9995 w/ updated checksums

>>7809744, >>7809787 planefag reporting

>>7809734 (Live) Department of Justice hosts a Summit on Combating Human Trafficking

>>7809730, >>7809735, >>7809758, >>7809791 Kyle Jurek (Project Veritas video) Arrested in Idaho 1/08/20 = NO Bond. Relevant links on topic. Bernie getting hit on twatter.

>>7809728 โ€˜Neither robot nor animalโ€™: Scientists develop the โ€˜Xenobots,โ€™ 1st robots constructed completely from LIVING CELLS

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:39 a.m. No.7810176   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0180 >>0269

Drive it a hour โ€ฆThen Recharge it for 5 hoursโ€ฆThat's if you can find a charging station and the wind is blowingโ€ฆFKing idiots


Hummer is coming back, but the trucks will guzzle electricity instead of gas


An American icon is returning. Kinda.


General Motors is bringing back the Hummer, the Wall Street Journal reported. But this isnโ€™t your uncleโ€™s Hummer. Previously known for gas-guzzling, planet-killing trucks, the new Hummer model will be an electric SUV under the overall GMC brand.


The new Jeep-like Hummer will be available in 2022, according to the Journal. Itโ€™s GMโ€™s attempt to cater to climate conscious off-road enthusiasts.


An official โ€œHummer is backโ€ announcement will come in a Super Bowl ad starring LeBron James, the Journal reported.


The original Hummer was a casualty of GMโ€™s bankruptcy in 2010. GM bought the civilian version of U.S. military Humvees back in the late 1990s and quickly popularized the brand. In years prior to Hummerโ€™s discontinuation, environmentalists criticized the trucks for their blatant disregard for planetary health.

Anonymous ID: 4d32b8 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:40 a.m. No.7810178   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0192 >>0195 >>0218 >>0355



I welcome the opportunity to explain a bit more.


Been researching a bit about the berdache too. Native Americans have often held intersex, androgynous people, feminine males and masculine females in high respect. The most common term to define such persons today is to refer to them as "two-spirit" people, but in the past feminine males were sometimes referred to as "berdache" by early French explorers in North America, who adapted a Persian word "bardaj", meaning an intimate male friend. Because these androgynous males were commonly married to a masculine man, or had sex with men, and the masculine females had feminine women as wives, the term berdache had a clear homosexual connotation. Both the Spanish settlers in Latin America and the English colonists in North America condemned them as "sodomites".


Rather than emphasising the homosexuality of these persons, however, many Native Americans focused on their spiritual gifts. American Indian traditionalists, even today, tend to see a person's basic character as a reflection of their spirit. Since everything that exists is thought to come from the spirit world, androgynous or transgender persons are seen as doubly blessed, having both the spirit of a man and the spirit of a woman. Thus, they are honoured for having two spirits, and are seen as more spiritually gifted than the typical masculine male or feminine female.

Anonymous ID: b8bb54 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:42 a.m. No.7810193   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0232

Since Harvey Weinstein's criminal trial on charges of sexual assault began Jan. 6, hundreds of New Yorkers have sat in Judge James Burke's courtroom and been told they could potentially serve as jurors in Weinstein's case.


On Monday, a famous face was among the latest pool of potential jurors: Gigi Hadid.


Reporters covering the Weinstein case were initially instructed not to report Hadid's identity, as she could still be called for jury service, but were later granted permission to do so.


As usual, Burke asked the 120 or so potential jurors whether they know Weinstein, any of his lawyers, any defense attorneys or any of the people who are expected to be discussed in the case or called as witnesses.


Hadid told the judge that she has met Weinstein and has also met Salma Hayek, who says she was sexually harassed by Weinstein and called the former film producer "my monster."


Burke then asked Hadid, "Is there anything about having met them that makes you unable to be an impartial juror?โ€



Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:42 a.m. No.7810194   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0379

NYT: Trumpโ€™s Economic Sanctions Have Destroyed Iranโ€™s Will to Fight


The New York Times noted Monday that one reason the United States successfully stared down the Iranian regime last week was that President Donald Trumpโ€™s renewed economic sanctions have made the cost of war too high for Iran to bear.


In an analysis published Monday, titled โ€œIranโ€™s Grim Economy Limits Its Willingness to Confront the U.S.,โ€ the Times explained:


Crippling sanctions imposed by the Trump administration have severed Iranโ€™s access to international markets, decimating the economy, which is now contracting at an alarming 9.5 percent annual rate, the International Monetary Fund estimated. Oil exports were effectively zero in December, according to Oxford Economics, as the sanctions have prevented sales, even though smugglers have transported unknown volumes.




The bleak economy appears to be tempering the willingness of Iran to escalate hostilities with the United States, its leaders cognizant that war could profoundly worsen national fortunes. In recent months, public anger over joblessness, economic anxiety and corruption has emerged as a potentially existential threat to Iranโ€™s hard-line regime.

Anonymous ID: 2b8f98 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.7810204   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


They are the true problem in the middle east. Once we really pull out of ME watch the shitshow these people lead all over. People will be screaming for the US to intervene. POTUS needs to use the Salami method and deal with all the true bad guys and let the country lead itself. All I hear is how many good people are in all the ME countries. Same here. If we did not have Trump and Decent people in Military how fucked would we be right now? And we are the land of the free. How nuts is the leader of Turkey?

Anonymous ID: 4d32b8 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.7810206   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0217 >>0222 >>0243



Now you, my friend, sound truly enlightened. So glad to have you on Q Research Board. You've already figured out that Q is basically a vehicle for mankind's spiritual awakening. You're already way ahead of us, and know that God wins. Oh, and by the way, he really does.



Anonymous ID: ca1237 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.7810207   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Looking at his campaign site I saw this t-shirt


Why stahp thereโ€ฆ we should push the free agenda to the



Free Housing

Free Cars

Free Devices

Free Income

Free Utilities

Free Food

Free Sex

Free โ€ฆ..


Right to not to work


Collective everything!!


Not with the Borg feel though, a sincere collective pitch but to the extremeโ€ฆ.

Anonymous ID: 0d5cfa Jan. 14, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.7810211   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0299 >>0352 >>0379



Trump's first wife and the mother of Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric,

Was born in Bohemia


Listen carefully to the words

It's almost like a prophecy from Freddy Mercury

Is that why the Cabal killed him?

Freddy's family were Persians (Parsis) from Gujarat, India.

Listen to the lyrics


Anonymous ID: 00fcce Jan. 14, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.7810214   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


(havenยดt seen the 25 other episodes tweeted aboutโ€ฆand says "@NavyLeapFrogs", thought that was interdasting.)

Anonymous ID: d944fd Jan. 14, 2020, 7:46 a.m. No.7810220   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


What really kills it, the GOP isn't shouting out how unfair the House Trial was to the president.

No witnesses, not allowed to ask certain questions, and more.

You would think with the cry-babies on the left crying so much, the GOP would be throwing this shit back in their faces LOUDLY!

Letting the public know it was an unfair setup.

Anonymous ID: b8bb54 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.7810234   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0465

With its first film out of the gate, the Obamas' production company can now add "Oscar nominee" to its bio.


Netflix's Obama-backed American Factory earned a best documentary nomination for the 2020 Academy Awards on Monday. The nomination goes to the film's producers Steven Bognar, Julia Reichert and Jeff Reichert โ€” a team that Michelle Obama quickly congratulated Monday.


"So thrilled that Julia Reichert, Steven Bognar, and all of the incredible people behind #AmericanFactory are nominated for the Best Documentary Oscar! Weโ€™re so proud of them and amazed by their talent for storytelling. See for yourself now on

@Netflix," she wrote on Twitter.


"Glad to see American Factoryโ€™s Oscar nod for Best Documentary," the former president added in response. "Itโ€™s the kind of story we donโ€™t see often enough and itโ€™s exactly what Michelle and I hope to achieve with Higher Ground. Congrats to the incredible filmmakers and entire team!"


American Factory is the first release from Barack and Michelle Obama's Higher Ground production company. The film, about a Chinese entrepreneur billionaire coming to blue-collar America and offering jobs at a reopened Ohio automotive plant, serves as an examination of power. American Factory was produced with Participant Media and has received critical acclaim and awards recognition since its August 2019 release.



Anonymous ID: 4d32b8 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.7810235   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0248 >>0267



Yes, that's my understanding. So nice to hear from a real anon.


My theory is that the ancient tribal cultures knew something we don't. Or at least something that we've forgotten, because the Cabal doesn't want us to understand spiritual truths. The Cabal wants us ignorant of spiritual truths, so that they can hold all the cards. So they villified trans people and gay people in the hearts and minds of the world, while they secretly encouraged a duality of genders in order to alone access the spiritual realms, but for evil purposes rather than good.


That's how I'm thinking about it at this point, at least.

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:49 a.m. No.7810239   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0294 >>0337 >>0379

Dropped OR just Put On Hold For Now


VA Dems Drop AR-15 Confiscation After 1000s of NRA Members Show


Virginia Democrats withdrew an AR-15 confiscation bill Monday after thousands of NRA members showed up to oppose new gun controls.


The NRA asked members to flood the January 13, 2020, Virginia Senate meetings and ensure pro-Second Amendment voices drowned out those calling for gun control.


Video from hallways outside the meetings showed NRA members responded en masse:


.@NRA members getting ready to Stand and Fight in Virginia! #valeg


โ€” NRA (@NRA) January 13, 2020

Anonymous ID: c3adac Jan. 14, 2020, 7:50 a.m. No.7810247   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Then the Interpreter took him, and led him up towards the door of the palace; and behold, at the door stood a great company of men, as desirous to go in, but durst not. There also sat a man at a little distance from the door, at a table-side, with a book and his inkhorn before him, to take the names of them that should enter therein; he saw also that in the doorway stood many men in armor to keep it, being resolved to do to the men that would enter, what hurt and mischief they could. Now was Christian somewhat in amaze. At last, when every man started back for fear of the armed men, Christian saw a man of a very stout countenance come up to the man that sat there to write, saying, โ€œSet down my name, sir;โ€ the which when he had done, he saw the man draw his sword, and put a helmet on his head, and rush towards the door upon the armed men, who laid upon him with deadly force; but the man, not at all discouraged, fell to cutting and hacking most fiercely. So after he had received and given many wounds to those that attempted to keep him out, he cut his way through them all, and pressed forward into the palace; at which there was a pleasant voice heard from those that were within, even of those that walked upon the top of the palace, saying, โ€œCome in, come in,โ€จEternal glory thou shalt win.โ€ So he went in, and was clothed with such garments as they. Then Christian smiled, and said, I think verily I know the meaning of this.


"The kingdom of heaven is taken by violence, and violent men take it by force."

Anonymous ID: 20cf2c Jan. 14, 2020, 7:50 a.m. No.7810249   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Assume that if you sacrifice and consume the adrenalized blood of some living thing, you feel the life force of that thing within you and it feels fantastic and you sort of become that thing. With this assumption, it's pretty easy to see where this is all coming from, you just have to allow your mind to go there. With a goat or a stag or whatever, you become that animal, hence the animal and horns fetish. If you mix male and female blood, you feel the divine feminine and masculine surging within you at the same time. Androgyny is a fetishization of this state of mind. At its most basic level, this part of their "culture" is fetishes that come out of their blood rituals.

Anonymous ID: 197652 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:51 a.m. No.7810254   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0409

Wow, James O'Keefe didn't underdeliver this time.


Look at Sanders Campaign Staff talking about burning American Cities if Bernie loses. Look at Sanders Campaign Staff talk about sending Trump Voters to Gulags to re-educate them.


Holy shit. Communism is alive and well on our shores folksโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: ab6e9e Jan. 14, 2020, 7:51 a.m. No.7810255   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




Get fake news anchors have to walk out on live television to save their credibility. Imagine don lemon saying "I gotta be real guys this impeachment is so much drama i can't even" and sauntering out of the room hands in the air. Have to have David Hogg come out about being a crisis actor to reclaim his political sway.

Anonymous ID: 50e86c Jan. 14, 2020, 7:53 a.m. No.7810266   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0272 >>0342


i object to doxing with lists!

if you find shit don't post spurious bullshit.

I did this for the crew at Parkland and did not post most of my findings. Remember that most of these are probably ordinary citizens who merely want the world to be better.

unless you uncover something really shocking and criminal minded, refrain from doxing these people!

Anonymous ID: 452acb Jan. 14, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.7810276   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0280 >>0288

This board is simply too powerful, our enemy must have it completely controlled.


=This MOCKINGBIRD bread=

'satan' exsists as our individual resistances to God. There's no unified entity called as such, yet our individual resistances can be marched to the same tune. Enter MOCKINGBIRD.

'Our Daily Bread' is Gods vital rhythm of our upward growth~

MOCKINGBIRD corrupts it.

We're used as batteries for their poisoned memes, especially children.


The MOCKINGBIRD program is here. Now.

What's posted here bubbles up in our social sphere.

Their 3am dream invasions are a condensed seed of what happens in each bread, and each bread is a condensed version of what's said through each day.

They have it structured out:

Who's in control of our bread?

Who are you forced to trust / love?

Who are you coerced into hating?

What points are 'everyone else' talking about?

What social reinforcements do you see?

What's the chance all this is [currently] organic?

The dream visit plants the seed of their unified resistance in our unconscious minds.

The news/bread waters it.

They found a way of strengthening 'the devil' by force multiplying its pressence. We all 'just happen' to hate/fear the same things, and that gives resistance socially rewarding reinforcement.

Those that aren't marching to that tune, are shamed / rejected from the MOCKINGBIRD'D masses.


Why are MOCKINGBIRD talking points sent out at 4am?

Witching hour is over.

The seed was planted.

Those that plant it give the propagators instructions on watering it.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

>What is a spell?

>Who is asleep?


>Attention on deck.

>There is an active war on your mind.


Do you see the weakness?

Their invasion of our dreams~

[Banish /+ Pray before bed]

Without the unconscious seed, we won't seek the water for it.

Our resistances won't be marching to the same tune, thus they don't get rewarded.

We have more in common (per day) in our growth than we do in our resistance.

We all feel the pulse of God.

Only a [dwindling] portion are infected by MOCKINGBIRD. Unless you let the abusers convince you not to filter+blur images; Not to defend YOURSELF from their abuse.


Welcome to The Great Awakening.


[Sun Scissors Snip Weight]

Push the 3am invader into Sunlight

Snip heavy burden away

They've been doing this for so long..

They just want it over with~


God has greater wrath than what they can come up with.

Fear God. Pity the snipped invader bird.

Anonymous ID: 452acb Jan. 14, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.7810280   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0296 >>0308


Here's the rundown of control:


The baker = IRGC agent behind 'CANNOT THANK', creepbot, 5 picture spamming I.jpg II.jpg III.jpg IIII.jpg poster, govern/key/heal1/2/3.jpg poster, and 'nightshift'.

He's the one that fires off the spam script at the start of each bread.

These images+posts all work together to form the subliminal MOCKINGBIRD network of MKUltra control/censorship we're under.

Disable / blur images, filter+ & report.

Forced to be loved, through subliminal manipulation, by the 'thank you baker' girls.

<Ever notice how many 'tyb' posts are [1 post by this ID]? They can't afford to expose themselves through their linguistic tells~ (kek | .. i)

>Kill him. Stab his fake aura of [forced] love. Break his child raping heart. Abusers disarm your anger against them, how much energy has this one spent?

Controls what information gets focus.

Picks most of their own articles, posted under their different masks - 'news spammer, et al.', which contain pictures with his subliminal 'satan' picture.

Creating his own entrainment/containment center:

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as youโ€ฆ are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

And soon after:

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIESโ€ฆ

Agents are disguised as 'concerned anons' to pacify our instincts that something is off.

Enter alljooos = bad spam.

In all of its masks.

[The IRGC calls Israel 'Little satan', and America 'great satan', isn't it curious their subliminal face is satanic looking? ๐Ÿค”]

The 'satan' subliminal face has an altered nose, made to look Jewish.

The alljoooos spam is uniquely created to induce rage in those that view his [IRGC agent baker] script.

Rage that blinds us to our higher reasoning, by locking us into 'fight or flight' mode.

Then the subliminally poisoned 'baker babes' are viewed, and that rage is sublimated by desire.

The desire to be alone, to be ashamed of talking proudly about what Q and Trump have done for the world.

It's designed to make you silent.

God wins~



You're posting in the MOCKINGBIRD kitchen~

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:56 a.m. No.7810282   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Drug War-Addicted Cops Raid Hemp Farm, Bulldoze Struggling Farmerโ€™s Million Dollar Crop


Because government is the antithesis to freedom, industrial hemp has been banned nationwide since 1937 ostensibly due to the plantโ€™s similarities to marijuana. Many have speculated that this move was also due to the fact that cannabis is in direct competition with the pharmaceutical industry by providing far safer alternative treatments as well as directly competing with the petrochemical industry. However, all this changed in December 2018 after President Donald Trump signed the Agriculture Improvement act of 2018, legalizing industrial hemp on a national scale.


Despite this move, law enforcement across the country continues to go after entirely legal businesses for selling this THC-free version of the cannabis plant. However, they are quickly being exposed for the tyrants that they are. Even the mainstream mediaโ€”who have long suppressed and ignored the benefits of the hemp plantโ€”are now forced to cover its benefits.

Anonymous ID: cd3a5e Jan. 14, 2020, 7:56 a.m. No.7810286   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Treasury official arrested for leaking Trump campaign docs


Senior Treasury Department employee charged with leaking confidential financial information on members of the Trump campaign to a reporter; Griff Jenkins reports on the arrest.


A former top Treasury Department official pleaded guilty Monday to conspiracy for leaking confidential banking reports associated with members of the Trump campaign, following her dramatic arrest in October 2018 as she toted a flash drive full of sensitive documents.


Natalie Edwards, 41, entered the plea in Manhattan federal court, where U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods set sentencing for June 9. Although the conspiracy charge carried a potential penalty of up to five years in prison, Edwards signed a plea deal with prosecutors that recommended a potential prison sentence of zero to six months.


Edwards was a senior adviser at Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, also known as FinCEN. Prosecutors said her crime began in October 2017 and continued for a year, with Edwards sending a BuzzFeed News reporter numerous Suspicious Activity Reports (โ€œSARsโ€). Banks must file SARs with the Treasury Department when they spot transactions raising questions about possible financial misconduct such as money laundering, but federal law strictly limited their disclosure.


The SARs related to wire transfers made by Paul Manafort and other figures in former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, including campaign official Richard Gates, Maria Butina and the Russian Embassy.


As law enforcement swooped in, she was carrying a government-issued USB flash drive containing not only thousands of SARs, but also "highly sensitive material relating to Russia, Iran, and the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant," prosecutors said.


House Democrats investigating whether Trump lied to Mueller during Russia probeVideo

"Edwards is not known to be involved in any official FinCEN project or task bearing these file titles or code names," prosecutors said at the time.


"I am sorry for what I have done and I apologize to you, your honor, and the court," Edwards said.


Her arrest came on the heels of other high-profile, leak-related prosecutions under the Trump administration, which had pledged to go on the offensive against leakers whom the president has called "traitors and cowards."




Prosecutors pointed to about a dozen related stories published by BuzzFeed News over the past year-and-a-half, including an article headlined, "GOP Operative Made 'Suspicious' Cash Withdrawals During Pursuit of Clinton Emails."


Another article was titled, "These 13 Wire Transfers Are A Focus of the FBI Probe Into Paul Manafort."


She transmitted the SARs to the reporter by "taking photographs of them and texting the photographs" using an encrypted application, according to charging documents, which showed that Edwards eventually confessed to doing so. FBI agents obtained a pen register and trap-and-trace order for Edwards' cellphone during their investigation.


Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards pleaded guilty to conspiracy for leaking confidential Suspicious Activity Reports. (Alexandria Sheriff's Office)

Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards pleaded guilty to conspiracy for leaking confidential Suspicious Activity Reports. (Alexandria Sheriff's Office)

Edwards additionally sent or described to the BuzzFeed News reporter internal government emails or correspondence related to the reports and investigative memos and intelligence assessments published by her agency's intelligence division, prosecutors said.


When the judge asked her if she knew she was committing a crime, Edwards said she did not "know of the regulation" at the time but she knew about the federal Whistleblower Protection Act.


After consulting with her lawyer, Marc Agnifilo, she said she admitted that she agreed to disclose the SARs.


She added: "I was not allowed under the law to disclose it."


Outside court, Agnifilo said the case illustrated how "one's subjective motivations really do not serve as a defense."


"I am sorry for what I have done and I apologize to you, your honor, and the court."


โ€” Ex-Treasury official Natalie Edwards

He said prosecutors were "probably of the view that she was more politically motivated than she was for some conception like the good of our republic."


Agnifilo said his client believed "certain critical facts" weren't being handled in the right way by the government agencies tasked with handling them.


"She said: 'You know, if I can't trust government officials to handle this, I think I can trust the media to handle this and to bring this to the attention of the American people,'" the lawyer said.



Anonymous ID: 0d5cfa Jan. 14, 2020, 7:57 a.m. No.7810292   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0312

Tengri 137




A Course In Miracles


God is the strength in which I trust.

If you are trusting in your own strength, you have every reason to be

apprehensive, anxious and fearful. What can you predict or control? What is

there in you that can be counted on? What would give you the ability to be

aware of all the facets of any problem, and to resolve them in such a way

that only good can come of it? What is there in you that gives you the

recognition of the right solution, and the guarantee that it will be


Of yourself you can do none of these things. To believe that you can is to

put your trust where trust is unwarranted, and to justify fear, anxiety,

depression, anger and sorrow. Who can put his faith in weakness and feel

safe? Yet who can put his faith in strength and feel weak?

Anonymous ID: 7e4d6c Jan. 14, 2020, 7:57 a.m. No.7810294   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Too bad it didn't work for us here in NYS with "The Safe Act", Potus even showed up and spoke at one of our rally's in Albany, I was there. That was the day I really hoped he would follow through and run.

Anonymous ID: 452acb Jan. 14, 2020, 7:57 a.m. No.7810296   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0333


WOW ๐Ÿคญ He said it himself. The absolute arrogance of our enemy.









>Freddy Benson, Ascended Lightworker



>5 pictures spammer



>Maga Riots Faggot

>Toilet Boy


>Graham Milton\Microchip

>Hot Wheels




>Cannot Thank\Cauldron Boi

>Anime Faggot

>Ginger Mound

>Scoreboard\Meat on the Bone

>Your So Gay You'd Hit It

>Baker is a Mason Shill

>This is a Gay Jew Meme

>Muh Joo isn't Organic


>Or one of my many other names or personas!




>Understand this!


>Every time I shift the consensus with any one of my 100+ different IPs and Identities, George Soros personally cuts me a cheque for OVER 9000 RIALS!


>Please, help keep me in business, anons! I NEED (YOU) TO STAY SILENT AND SUBMISSIVE!


>Not that I really need to beg for it. I know you can't resist bending over for my subliminals. My job is secure until the end of time because there's nothing else you guys love more than eating my shit.


>Make it rain, bitches


Right from the horses mouth ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Pay attention to the tensions Iran is under right now. Shill activity here regresses as their attention/psyops are needed elseware.


>>7676187 (pb)


>shills are trying hard today. Twatter and anons got them all fucked up. Feel'n the heat DS? You know EXACTLY what's coming for youโ€ฆ and you should be scared. treasonous faggots.

>Hey Bakes! what do you need? i can finish this bred if you need relief? not sure how long i will be around for the next couple of breds. should be back on for a bit later 2nite.


>>7676430 (pb)


>morning baker hereโ€ฆ i will defer since i am on the road in about 30min. if no other baker steps up, i will at least get a bun going.


=To here:=

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as youโ€ฆ are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIESโ€ฆ


Same poster?

Baker = IRGC Agent!


He has been passing the bake off to himself.

This board is simply too powerful not to contain at all cost~

He has censored Patriots out of our kitchen.

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 7:59 a.m. No.7810301   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

While Trump Warns Tehran Of Censorship, Big Techโ€™s Thought Police Censor Pro-Iran Posts


The hypocrisy is unbelievable. In order to comply with United States sanctions on Iran, Facebookโ€™s thought police have taken to censorship on behalf of the government. At the same time, President Donald Trump warns Iran not to use censorship.


Itโ€™s become painfully obvious that the ruling class wants to get us into another war, where the young and poor are shipped off to die while the politicians and government defense contractors get rich. And the hypocrisy is becoming noticeable. Backed by the ruling class, Big Techโ€™s censorship is nothing new; however, this time, itโ€™s an excuse to propagate a war:


This is especially disgusting because Instagram is very popular in Iran, where Soleimani has 82% approval


So Big Tech overlords are basically saying Iranians do not get the right to free speech because of US gov sanctions


The US empire trumps free speech


โ€” Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) January 11, 2020

Anonymous ID: 4f0774 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.7810338   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0433 >>0440

The Veritas video shows how single minded liberal education and liberal versions of history are moulded to suit an agenda.


In the video he states that the CIA version of Gulags was worse than what it really was, and they were an "re-education" camp with salaries and conjugal visits.


The Gulags were extermination camps designed to extract maximum profit for minimal investment. This fuckwit has clearly not read any literature from survivors and former guards. There is nothing altruistic, admirable or upstanding about what happened there.


Nothing good came of the gulags, nothing beneficial, nothing but pain and suffering.


Bernie is done, he will have to drop out.


Look for Hillary to make a play in the coming weeks.

Anonymous ID: 54976b Jan. 14, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.7810339   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



According to testimony of Lisa Page, the FBI investigation (predating Mueller) was actually directed/run by DOJ top brass.


Remember 1st & 10 on the 40?


Footnotes 1 and 10 in Mueller Report (Vol 1) referred to the 40 FBI personnel who were governed by FBI regulations etc while the DOJ members of Mueller's team were not; also there was distinction made between the matter that Mueller supervised and the FBI personnel who were supervised/advised by a lawyer provided by the FBI.

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.7810345   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0385





Only a Complete FKing idiot would buy a electric carโ€ฆDon't be so Gullible


Hacker breaches GPS service of 27,000 cars


A hacker broke into ProTrack and iTrack vehicle-tracking GPS services to extort โ€œrewardโ€ money and reveal the systemsโ€™ vulnerabilities.


A hacker with the username โ€œL&Mโ€ has infiltrated two GPS vehicle-tracking services, ProTrack and iTrack, gaining access to more than 27,000 accounts in South Africa, Morocco, India, the Philippines, and other countries. L&M could see customer details such as names, home addresses, phone numbers, usernames, and email addresses. He was able to monitor the locations and movements of vehicles. The most serious discovery was that with certain vehicles the hacker had the power to kill the engine remotely.

Anonymous ID: 4d32b8 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.7810347   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Thanks for considering.


I suspect there is something in it or the shills wouldn't have got so uppity.


It's a theory. I might throw it out the window tomorrow, but certainly not because of the dumb shills.


There's SOMETHING going on with divine masculine and divine feminine though.


Stay cool, fren.

Anonymous ID: 1834b5 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:05 a.m. No.7810348   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

RED THREAD - tracing the Communist ties of all the coup-plotters

This is an interview with Diana West who wrote a book called Red Thread on Epoch Times' American Thought Leaders program.

Really interesting interview

Anonymous ID: 0d5cfa Jan. 14, 2020, 8:07 a.m. No.7810364   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0370



I posted a FREE course, and you post an ad for some Pay-triot.


I think the free course has better value because it works, (I've done it) and it leads to awakening. And remember, no money to pay, only your time as long as you feel the benefits.

Anonymous ID: 50e86c Jan. 14, 2020, 8:08 a.m. No.7810374   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I didn't say don't do the research.

I said be smart about sharing it.

Dude, I'm doing the grandpa bit knowing full well all you kids are gonna find out everything you can about these fuckers.

I say 'be good to your enemies.'

you have to know who they are so you can be nice to them.

and I know it's stupid I'm doing the 'lets not dox' bit.

but I'm doing the lets not dox bit.

so 'know you enemies' but 'do good to them' by not doxing them. that way if they deserve Justice they will get it in the proper way and you won't need any too, for having been improper in how you approached them.

Anonymous ID: 582147 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:09 a.m. No.7810379   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0439

final call for notables @ 650


#10000 coming up soon anons. been a hoot to be a part of it with you.



>>7810239 VA Dems Drop AR-15 Confiscation After 1000s of NRA Members Show

>>7810211 For Keks: POTUS Boehmian Rhapsody

>>7810194 NYT: Trumpโ€™s Economic Sanctions Have Destroyed Iranโ€™s Will to Fight

>>7810137 Pompeo says Iraqi leaders privately want US troops to remain

>>7810038 Turkey's Erdogan tells crying six-year-old child she would be honoured to die a martyr on live TV

>>7810005 civilians exit terrorist-controlled areas in countryside of Aleppo, Idleb

>>7809983 Ex-Treasury employee pleads guilty to leaking Trump team info, after dramatic bust with flash drive in hand

>>7809956, >>7810028 Mary McCord Is The Key - How The Entire Impeachment Operation Got Started

>>7809928 Opioid Kickback Schemes Taken to Task By Federal Officials

>>7809918 Reckless Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Files Lawsuit Against St. Louis Officials Accusing Them of Racist Conspiracy to Push her from Office

>>7809898 1,200 French doctors RESIGN from supervisory roles in protest over govt funding for public hospitals

>>7809790 Ivanka Trump twat w/CAP: An estimated 12,400 sex trafficking transactions take place in Atlanta each month.

>>7809788 Archiveanon update: "Look at those quads "Edition. #9962 to #9995 w/ updated checksums

>>7809744, >>7809787, >>7810336 planefag reporting

>>7809734 (Live) Department of Justice hosts a Summit on Combating Human Trafficking

>>7809730, >>7809735, >>7809758, >>7809791, >>7810116, >>7810053, >>7810109, >>7810201, >>7810208 Kyle Jurek (Project Veritas video) Arrested in Idaho 1/08/20 = NO Bond. Relevant links on topic. Bernie getting hit on twatter.

>>7809728 โ€˜Neither robot nor animalโ€™: Scientists develop the โ€˜Xenobots,โ€™ 1st robots constructed completely from LIVING CELLS


baking in a bit

Anonymous ID: 2b8f98 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:09 a.m. No.7810380   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0388 >>0389 >>0397 >>0402


i understand people get angry when someone tries to earn off something that should be free. But imagine the people who may be reached thru him. Many people can not wrap their head around a movement that asks nothing of me except to find out the truth. Maybe they are lead to this thru someone who is selling self help or props.


there is a reason grey goose sells alot of vodka. just as good out there for 25% of the cost. This place is great inexpensive vodka. some will never drink it because they cannot admit they have been duped their whole lives.

Anonymous ID: a1983b Jan. 14, 2020, 8:10 a.m. No.7810383   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


> keep on Praying for the world. Better days are ahead of us.

Indeed, have both faith and hope. More than ever!

We often need to hit rock bottom before recovery can begin.


>Be comfy, be happy, trust the plan.

>The future is going to be beautiful.

>Can't wait to read the book to my grand kids one day,

>"What was it like Grandpa?"

>"Well let me read you this book titled."

>The Great Awaking!



>That's why we are here anon, for our children and all of theirs. WWG1WGA


Anonymous ID: 0c5546 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:10 a.m. No.7810385   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0405


>kill the engine remotely


Electric cars don't have engines (unless they are hybrid), they have motors.


Like I said, 2007 and on vehicles, are completely hackable. That's why they had all the recalls. To install MCU's with backdoor capabilityโ€ฆChinese engineers working for Freescale on MH370 knew this.

Anonymous ID: 197652 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.7810397   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0413


Think of all the people that are reached by millions of us that REFUSE ANY PAYMENT because we do it for GOD and COUNTRYโ€ฆ


Paying Medic and his ilk can piss up a rope. The corruption of EVERY MOVEMENT in the history of man was corrupted with greed.

Anonymous ID: 7f6fdc Jan. 14, 2020, 8:12 a.m. No.7810402   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>there is a reason grey goose sells alot of vodka. just as good out there for 25% of the cost. This place is great inexpensive vodka. some will never drink it because they cannot admit they have been duped their whole lives.


This. Very many normies will only admit they were wrong in a private setting, if ever. Pride is a thing that takes a measure of courage to discard.


It is what it is, and greiving over it is wasted time.

Anonymous ID: 1dda1f Jan. 14, 2020, 8:13 a.m. No.7810405   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0422 >>0449


Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highwayโ€”With Me in It


I was driving 70 mph on the edge of downtown St. Louis when the exploit began to take hold.


Though I hadn't touched the dashboard, the vents in the Jeep Cherokee started blasting cold air at the maximum setting, chilling the sweat on my back through the in-seat climate control system. Next the radio switched to the local hip hop station and began blaring Skee-lo at full volume. I spun the control knob left and hit the power button, to no avail. Then the windshield wipers turned on, and wiper fluid blurred the glass.


As I tried to cope with all this, a picture of the two hackers performing these stunts appeared on the car's digital display: Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek, wearing their trademark track suits. A nice touch, I though

Anonymous ID: ab6e9e Jan. 14, 2020, 8:14 a.m. No.7810415   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



boule and prince hall associated with it?

just googled "obama's secret masonic police force is said to number over 500 thousand"

and binged it the bing had the link i was looking for

Anonymous ID: f319b6 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:15 a.m. No.7810416   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



I have a crotch rash

Feel the Bern

If ya can't beat 'em in debate, burn'emdown

Stupid effing voters, vote for me, or else

I hate you all, each and every one

Gonna take your shit, burn your house, and give it all to street trash, you bourgeoisie pigs

Open borders for my M13 homies

Soleimani was a great hero

Anonymous ID: 0c5546 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:15 a.m. No.7810417   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0445


The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside

Anonymous ID: 0c5546 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:17 a.m. No.7810422   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0449 >>0461


Where in that article, which I've read and seen the hacking, does it say it's an electric car.


Again, current non electric cars can be hacked, which in your original were insinuating that only electric cars can be hacked, which is false.

Anonymous ID: 54976b Jan. 14, 2020, 8:18 a.m. No.7810430   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0444 >>0450


And that imperils CJ Roberts should this go to actual trial in Senate. The Chief may be tempted to steer the trial and in so attempting to test the Executive & Legislative branches to a face-off with Judiciary. Trouble is, would not the rest of the Supreme Court have a restraining power over the Chief โ€“ who would review his recusal should such be requested/demanded by any other player in this potential trial?


Usually judges recuse themselves without explanation. Sometimes a request is raised by one of the litigants โ€“ at considerable risk to getting on the wrong side of a presiding judge. But this p.o.l.i.t.i.c.a.l. in a way most cases are not explicitly.


Can of worms.

Anonymous ID: 2b8f98 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:19 a.m. No.7810440   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


they flood universities with teachers pushing an agenda. then give many money to attend said universities. $$$ in all directions. If this guy passed any class that did not involve crayons or doing push ups i will let r kelly fart in my dinnerโ€ฆ.

Anonymous ID: a528dc Jan. 14, 2020, 8:19 a.m. No.7810449   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0485



DID CIA ASSASSINATE A JOURNALIST? Michael Hastings conspiracy theory claims journalistโ€™s car was hacked by CIA causing a deadly crash as he investigated a mystery โ€˜big storyโ€™

War veteran and investigative reporter died when his car smashed into a tree

Anonymous ID: 5220eb Jan. 14, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.7810466   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0472

The Harry and M Chan thing is being misinterpreted.


It is accomplishing two objectives from my perspective and both could be indicators of the royal family anticipating future criminal charges against Harry.


It is separating Harry from the royal family and from royal and public funds.


It is changing his residency to Canada, meaning a future divorce will have to be filed in Canada, not the UK or US.


Both objectives isolate Meghan and her access to courts and funds. Harry could simply walk back to the UK, and the Queen can overrule Trudeau.

Anonymous ID: 54976b Jan. 14, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.7810480   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



And to become "not the Chief Justice", to make way for another, Roberts would step aside/down in addition to recusing. Two birds. One stone.


Possibly three birds if the replacement Chief is a Prez Trump appointee. Appearance of neutrality might lead to an "acting: Chief during an interim โ€“ one selected by the other Justices, or by seniority.


Question: if a Chief were to resign, or die, who would serve in his place? By law or by convention, would it not be the senior Justice remaining? Who might that be today?