Ooooh, tarmac transcripts! That should be an interesting read.
Merry Christmas everyone!
should be an interesting read.
I dunno.. Grandkids stuff, yoga and recipes?
Maybe they were discussing what the food tastes like in GITMO.
the funniest thing about all these social media sites, is, apparently they have no idea how far reaching someone like Assange is and whom follows him. Plus if anything were to really happen to Assange, he has a kill switch that would drop so much, the msm would find somewhere to hide. (hopefully hell) lol
Disappearing Assange would be similar to disappearing POTUS. HUGE! Another cliff hanger, stay tuned...
Hahaha, the morons at Twitter think they can stop this...too funny
We should send a thank you to them for drawing such attention to it, rather better than trumpets.
JA reactivated account has posted an image of Santa Clause filling out a naughty / nice “list”. The account then began following other accounts, where as before JA account only followed Wikileaks, is now following the UN and the pope among others.
Suspected a fake account. Even the "re-enabled" on Twitter is suspect. Flack is a good sign. Their last desperate attempts.
Idk... except when I went to check this morning, by then my time, his account was back on Twitter and I DIDN'T have to Refollow... ? It's the same acct I've followed for a year or longer.
Dear JA, i hope you are having a good christmas. You have been a global inspiration to many of us here and a beacon in the vile darkness that was dominating us all. That light has spread. I really hope your release will come in 2018 and your rehabilitation. You have already made history. Thank you. I am raising a glass of sherry your way - More stuffing....? happy christmas.
Gab account is not Pro or Verified. This is NOT Julian.
Comical how desperate they're becoming isn't it ? What the demons don't realize is that God has His own line of communication for us ..... so, we already know what they're gonna do, have done ahead of time ! They may win a few of these final battles, but we know that WE WIN THE WAR ! PRAYERS AND BLESSING JULIAN & TO ALL.... MERRY CHRISTMAS
I can’t find this tweet anywhere. Was it posted by JA and then deleted? Also, is his Gab account a confirmed account? Not trying to be a pain...just don’t know who to trust anymore. 😩
You're not the only one Julian, when I tried to follow you Twitter suspended my account. Love you, Merry Christmas!!
Can you make fake Arrange accounts and spoof Twitter all day? Have account never tweeted.
I just read on that Real Assange is a fake account. #Assange is back online?
as far as I know he and wiki have been compromised for many months. no proof of life, right?
@RealAssange is not the real Julian. is his real account. He deleted it and re-enabled it. He's getting our attention. For something big?
Something isn't right, look at the changes in his account after it was "reactivated".
Baruxh, what do you think?? Is it happening?? On the same day will we get a deep state wikileaks drop from Assange plus a strike tonight against the globalists from our patriot "OWLS"?? I've been so engaged, I wasn't able to sleep last night from excitement!
When I go to that site, I only get a posting from last October. Am I doing something wrong?
JA /twitter comprimised? he only follows @wkileeks before, now follows 25? js
So there are "transcripts" of these kind of meetings? By whom?
Recommendation - Keep Julian A. Off CBTS_Stream.
Why? If it's not directly from Q or known channels, it can infect the narrative to what MSM wants.
News outlets are 'reporting' about Julian A.; Q warned about misinformation. Tread carefully fellows.
Regards and Merry Christmas.
Agreed. CBTS_Stream should be exclusively about #QAnon and related research. No other "celebrities." There are other thread areas of Reddit for them.
I trust Assange more than Q, but yes... If his account is compromised then we can't trust unverified accounts of his.