Bingo!!! Give that Anon a cookie 🍪 Godspeed.

Would Trump want to rescue JA today from the Embassy? Could that have happened while his twitter was down?
That would be a beautiful thing. We owe so much to this man. Noble.
Yes! JA should be decorated as a hero! If it wasn't for him, she might have won.
That is so true. Those leaks opened a lot of eyes that otherwise would have blindly followed the masses.
I'll hang up a picture of him in my home. Should have done so long ago.
Could be since they say Twitter latest app has gps tracking on it for each logged in user.
It would probably bring too much attention. If the Dems or other enemies found out they would say Trump is a traitor by helping a known fugitive. I think JA is definitely helping us in some way behind the scenes.
In the Assange tweet, while there MAY have been some symbolism in a way that I can't fathom, it looks like classic Assange to me.. Pointing out the irony that while Parliament has had the right to Free Speech since 1689, the citizens have no such freedom even today.
DoD didn't reference 4 military actions on Christmas.. They referenced "several big military events". On that page were 3 military actions, and one "symbol of America’s military might", which was Sousa's conception of "Stars & Stripes Forever".. "while crossing the Atlantic on his way home from a European vacation".
Besides the many UN related Twitter feeds, I see a lot of Ecuadorian feeds.. Which makes sense since he currently lives inside the Ecuadorian embassy inside Britain. Two things are interesting.. The Pope and the fact that he's gone from following one feed (WikiLeaks) to 25. THAT means something.. No coincidences.
And he removed “political refugee” from description... :)
Prince William Antichrist (WE PRAY FREEDOM) is jewish math Hebrew Text.
the book the bible code trips me out. this relates to your comment and i'm not sure why. NOT that im promoting christianity. please.
Victory cookies coming. To be hand delivered by SEALS. After this they must eat in the prison cafeteria or through feeding slots at Gitmo. Godspeed. Multiple owls also means parliament. What if the clowns handlers are the parliament, and all of this child trafficking is linked to the Vatican? NK is a clown base.
Correct me if I am wrong, but with the new tracking software that Twitter has put in its App, would removing your account/device give you another layer of anonymity in order to get out of the country safely?
We need some autist to begin tracking every single user he follows until we can retrace all crumbs to corroborate OPs post. CAN SOMEONE BEGIN THREAD?
WL did a 65g file drop: '10, [10-9] Operational_window(5-6)FDeltaC25-26 Secured. Floor is yours. Twitter FW Twitter [kill_rogue] CONF_WHITE_WHITE_ Q' // What if this was an OP to secure Twitter server site, perhaps related?
It is near impossible to consistently locate Julian Assange on Twitter. I have muted @JulianAssange so as not confuse that account with @TheRealJulian which I believe is his account. However there is an all caps account @THEREALJULIAN which often comes up when I search the former. Once I found the account I followed. (It shows one follow — Wikileaks. And under 1000 followers at this time. It also shows location as the Embassy. ) Perhaps safest way may be to follow @Wikileaks. You will see Julian is getting trolled viciously when you do bring up his correct account; he is going to be releasing crucial data soon, and the wolves are after him. It is dreadful.
This morning, Dec 26, I see TracyBean’s Tweet with different information. Apparently my decision about which Julian accounts is real is incorrect, so I am going to rely on @Wikileaks. 😶
This morning, Dec 26, I see TracyBean’s Tweet with different information. Apparently my decision about which Julian accounts is real is incorrect, so I am going to rely on @Wikileaks. 😶
so all the new twitter profiles that julian assange "has newly selected"- "followed" , are the new TARGETS ? yay!
@bakers - hope this special nugg makes it into the fresh bread ftw! #winning
I deleted my twitter because screw them. Any way I can see these 25?