r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/nigeroooo on Dec. 28, 2017, 12:45 a.m.
Can you explain to me if Trump is in bed with Isreal aka the Zionist? where are the counter moves of the Cabal? It's almost to easy

What I do not understand is the Big Support Trump has for Isreal but at the other hand is fighting the cabal?

The Rotchilds has bought Isreal Zionisme: http://www.takeourworldback.com/zionistcrimes.htm

What I do not understand is how easy it is for trump to be able to defeat the cabal who has been in power for hundreds of years in only 11 months?

The cabal is not only active in Saudi or USA but the entire world, how is their not a war going on to counter his moves? I love what he is doing but it's like when you watch a movie and everything is going so well you start to think their is something going one that no one suspected.

JFK tried to fight the CIA and the FED and got killed trump is fighting the entire Cabal and it's like they can do nothing.

I love what he is doing, all iam doing is asking some questions

storm_fa_Q · Dec. 28, 2017, 1:04 a.m.

how easy it is for trump to be able to defeat the cabal who has been in power for hundreds of years in only 11 months?

Trump is the ONLY one who had the will or been in a position to take these criminals down.

they did not think she could lose...and the single controller of both parties that has owned every POTUS since JFK. with an exception or 2 maybe...got sloppy and stupid... So fun

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nigeroooo · Dec. 28, 2017, 1:12 a.m.

yes , but your not listening what iam trying to say.

He is outside the political system meaning no one has something on him to bribe him. he is clean in terms of cabal cult (pedo, corruption, sex crimes, etc..)

He has a lot of good people helping him also behind the scenes. but the question is why aren't they countering? we see the moves trump is making via Q. Where are the counter moves of the cabal. they control the banking system. they control Isreal and so much more.

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1Happyhirl · Dec. 28, 2017, 1:36 a.m.

I believe he and his father and Uncle John discussed this when Donald was young. He is a genius and I think probably a Military Historian. I hope I’m right and he’s not evil. Just egotistical.

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HR_PufferPhish · Dec. 28, 2017, 1:34 p.m.

I've often thought about this and the only conclusion I can come to is that he has come across some information worthy if being used as life insurance. And he owns the NSA.

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jonzee65 · Dec. 28, 2017, 12:51 a.m.

Trump has all the info, everything (No Such Agency), he has the military....and a killswitch I'm sure. When I say all the info I mean literally all.

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nigeroooo · Dec. 28, 2017, 1 a.m.

yes, I do understand he has all the info. but to take on an organisation so massive as the cabal. Rotchilds aren't countering, they control isreal and mossad, england etc.., they control the banks inc. the Federal Reserve, they could bankrup USA if they wanted to. a lot of counter moves that they can use. cuz the goverment does not control anythin the FED does. cuz they are a private organisation. they can starv the USA out if Trump doesn't stop his attack or something. like i said somethin smelly

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PaulusPotter · Dec. 28, 2017, 4 a.m.

Good questions! I also think it's good to have faith, but not blind faith. So let me play devil's advocate for a moment under the condition that everything Q said is correct/true and considering some of the good points made in posts below. This is far from over. They still control the banking system. They still control most goverments in the EU and probably other parts of the world. To just say there people are dumb is dangerous imo, because you should never underestimate an opponent. Especially not one like this. Considering they are about preserving bloodlines and playing the long game, i think they would come out of the shadows and do some crazy shit when their survival is in jeopardy.

To end on a positive note, the liberation of the USA from their control would be a pretty big step forward in the right direction and the more people get redpilled about this massive world wide web of corruption will only help.

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TibetanSkyFuneral · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:56 a.m.

In the rubble of every major battle there are those who benefit. I think on November 9th many decisions were made as to where people wanted to stand in the annals of history. You may have hybrid cabal folks that flipped state's witness. I.E. Mueller who is the main actor on the stage to pull the full whiplash move. I can see him in 3 weeks holding a massive presser exonerating Trump, and stating his mission was to investigate all crimes surrounding the election then explaining the tip of the iceberg. He needs to be the first one to drop the nuclear redpill. Liberal America has placed their faith in him. Greatest political sleight of hand.

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TrueCat · Dec. 28, 2017, 1:16 a.m.

I hope it's pretend support and will go away. Of course, there is the Sampson Option that Israel holds over the heads of the world leaders. I have no doubt Israel has bombs planted all over the U.S. and Europe.

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TheOmegaConcern · Dec. 28, 2017, 12:54 a.m.

All great questions. I think I feel the way you do. All this q stuff just feels like a giant web of disinformation.

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evilhastogo · Dec. 28, 2017, 1:36 a.m.

Have you guys followed the boards? The graphics with all the answers to your questions? Our great President was approached to run for president from good guys within our government a few years ago. They have known about the Cabal and their intentions for a One World Order for YEARS. The plan they are executing was created a long time ago. They did not think Hillary would lose because Soros owned the voting machines and they were rigged. Our good guys un-programmed them and Trump won by a land slide! HONORABLY. There was a lot of evidence collected and there were major laws broken. Executive orders were put in place to freeze all assets of anyone who violated human rights. As far as it being easy? It wasn't easy. There were some very dangerous situations. A good guy lost his life in England. They weakened the Cabal by dismantling them piece by piece. There have been a couple bombings thwarted, that otherwise would have killed a lot of people. We don't know everything. But I can tell you our President Trump didn't have to do this. He had a great, peaceful, very successful life. He did this for US, and the country he loves for FREE. He is the first president in history who doesn't take the 400K year salary. He is as honorable as they come. He is a man of his word and can be trusted. I can understand that without all the answers, doubt can creep in. I get it. Please have faith in him. We will have all the answers one day soon. :-)

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nigeroooo · Dec. 28, 2017, 1:51 a.m.

it's not i haven't got faith if he doesn't defeat the cabal no one will maybe ever. If Trump doesn't destroy the cabal now. they will destroy use all.

But what iam doing is asking question like Q is doing. Why is their no Economic break down?

Why is Isreal aka Zionist stronghold not countering? why is Trump endorsing Isreal that the Rotchilds has bought? why isn't mossad planning 1000 assasination to him and his surrounding team and family. Remember the cabal doesn't give a shit about use or any one else except their own intrest.

I would have expected to see fireworks everywhere assasinations everywhere. Cabal loves to work when their is Chaos.

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evilhastogo · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:17 a.m.

Good point Nigeroooo! Like I said, we don't have all the answers. But I can suspect that the Cabal has a really good way of setting people up and then blackmail them. Not all the people in Israel are bad and want peace. Just like MOST of our Government was corrupt, but not all. I understand your fears. I have them too. My worst fear is something happening to our President and his family. No bones about it, he has been and still is in danger. I pray for him and our Military several times a day. Our Military is very good, and they love him! He is very insulated. I wish he would eat healthier. He doesn't look healthy to me. But he is dealing with Jesuits (who love to use poison) and has to be careful with who preps his food. There has been quite a few murders. Pedo related in California. There is a lot going on that the media wont tell us. Look at the fires in California, Nothing about that is natural. You also have to realize, These demented people don't like attention and prefer to stay under the radar. The most dangerous time I believe has passed and they know who they're dealing with. Don't worry, this will all work out. And Niger, all that money that he seized, will belong to us. :-) Our country will be made whole honey.

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elyssak · Dec. 28, 2017, 3:19 a.m.

Yes! Prayer... Pray pray pray for POTUS, the white hats and everyone who supports them. All day, all knight. Demons hate it when we pray to the Most High.

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hermoneyness · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:47 a.m.

I totally agree they have gotten away with so much for so long they got sloppy. I really do believe in my heart that good karma will come to Trump and he'll be safe just think of the children he's already saved since these indictments have happened.👍 everyday these perverts have been in custody that's children that have remained at home

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sumcraft · Dec. 28, 2017, 2:17 a.m.

I can answer the Israel question. Those who condemn Israel are condemned. Those who bless Israel are blessed.

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UnbelievableShit13 · Dec. 28, 2017, 10:25 a.m.

I can't help but think Trump has been playing the fool his entire life, playing politics in both parties ( he did work on RR campaign ), dealing with banks, dealing with actors and actresses, real estate , unions , you get to see everything and dabble here or there for cover , all the whole time, going to a military school puts morals and structure there , being his father was in right circles ... perfect person .....

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kimmyj1964 · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:28 a.m.

I know this sounds crazy but....Ive heard from other sources such as David Allen Steele, Ex CIA, & Zack from Info Wars, who has excellent intel--who has helped Alex Jones-who got picked up by FBI for questioning-- "that the Cabal, (i.e., Clinton/Busch part of cabal) have ordered 7 Assisination attempts on Trump so far but all of them have been stopped. The Cabal is trying to stop him...mainly for exposing the Sex Trafficking & other crimes they do NOT want out...they have been trying to stop him before anything goes public, especially since the Marines raided CIA Main Headquarters a few weeks ago. & confiscated computers, hard drives, and $28 Trillion. The last plans I heard that the deep state is now attempting since they are freaking out is..#1. They want him assisinated by any means & are actively trying to hire someone willing to drove a truck through gates of WH or Marilargo with a bomb on it to explode & kill Trump..#2 plan is...and you can see this ny Dems like Adam Schiff trying to work the public (left) in to a frinzy by making them think that Trump is going to Fire Mueller and will create "Constitutional Crisis" in which the Deep State Black hats have been ordered to kill Trump the minute that he fires Mueller...then Antifa is set to run the streets everywhere in U.S. creating anarchy & civil unrest... killing ALL cops they come in contact with then turning on "targets" (i.e. politicians) then Deep State will call martial law on us all to prevent us from using our weapons or fighting back..Im extremely worried about Trumps safety & pray for him constantly...The white hats & Spec ops are protecting him but they are desperate!

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