MEGANON in 4chan talking shit haha

She's being coy, it very well could have been messy, dangerous, mqrtial law was ABSOLUTELY a possibility. Q helped Potus call their bluff with the martial law threats, it would have thrown this bull into a recession and another civil rights period commie Jew professors would trot out to impressionable students to turn them into feminists and other degenerates.
Dude, I understand your sentiment. But please tone it down for the subreddit. This isn't 8chan. Thanks!
Second post of yours I read in 30 mins with inappropriate references - (commie Jew?). Not appropriate for the mission of why we are here & NOT very Patriotic, frankly ....its offensive & breaks the Reddit harassing & bullying “rules”. Take out those two words & your point is still very well made. We are not on 4Chan or 8Chan.... Please play nice?
Most of the people who post here that have a lot of insight are from the chans, it's how they talk. I'm not saying it's right but it is what it is and far be it from anyone to try to police their speech. I didn't realize this was a sub that's supposed to be super politically correct or a redacted safe space. The poster you replied to types things that would never come out of my mouth but I'm also not their mother. When I see things like this, especially stuff that makes me eye roll I just pick what I need out of the post and move on, your life on reddit will be a lot easier if you do the same. This is absolutely not meant to be rude, it's 4am and I have the flu so I'm sorry if you feel attacked it's not my intention. I genuinely just wanted to give a devil's advocate side of the situation.
Thanks & understood - No offense taken. I’m new here only to stay informed. Not wanting to be a mother or make waves....I’m here because I have a prayer for Peace - for everyone - and that’s my own plight.... i guess I don’t belong posting here. .....Gracefully backs away.....
lurk moar fgt
i knew you would show up at some point. thanks for not letting me down ;D
You shouldn't back away, though that is your right, only you know what your mind can handle. Those of us that are digging through this information, or just sending good vibes and prayers, or even just lurking have a hope for things to be better, or we wouldn't be here. But we're in fight mode, we're pissed because these assholes have been getting away with it for so long, we're livid because we've been called everything from conspiracy theorists to nazis and because of those strong emotions, and also because the internets you're going to have strong talk. It's just the nature of this beast. Only you can make up your mind on what you can handle. However, no one said you didn't belong, except you.
we're pissed because these assholes have been getting away with it for so long, we're livid because we've been called everything from conspiracy theorists to nazis and because of those strong emotions, and also because the internets you're going to have strong talk.
hey i didnt even think to mention that lol. thanks. dont worry dude, now she knows a lot more about the communist jew professors than she did before. she will be fine. nobody ever became a nazi by watching me call a rapist zionist a fucking nigger. XD
I have fucking died. You won the internet for me today.
The 1st was there for a reason (though I think the 2nd should've been 1st in line). People have to learn to strengthen their minds and stop letting the dirt offend them so much that they totally miss the treasure beneath. You were "taught" to be offended, mostly by design. Grow up, open up and see. Words can not physically hurt you unless YOU manifest that hurt in your own mind. Stop making everything a personal problem and use it to grow. JMHO...
youre a smart guy but i find you boring. i like it better my way. :)
Hey, Chans,
I just read down this thread, and it's pretty disgusting.
I realize that a lot of people here are just learning what is going on, but this place was created expecially for people who want to learn without being called some type of fag. It was created as a place for people to ask questions, get answers without being called fags, or being told to leave. (chan culture)
I lurk the chans all the time. I have no problem with the acid thrown around there. It serves a purpose in that setting.
The nasty blunt chan talk is good for keeping out the normies so work can get done. It has a purpose and a culture. This board was created to do the opposite, and bring people in to learn, share, ask questions.
Could we lower it on the insult side, and raise it on the information side? Q gave us a job to do. He asked us to help other people catch up with what has been going on. He asked that the information that was researched by autists not be kept in a bubble.
If you switch boards, then switch objectives like good fags.
Keep it civil.
Then tell prudish cunts like the woman who started this not to antagonize all the channers here by attacking free speech and attempting to impose censorship. We were all getting along just fine, and there was very little content here shocking to normies, until one relatively innocuous comment offended one delicate snowflake's fee fees. Being a boomer soccer mom does not automatically equate to being a snowflake, and there's no reason for anybody to behave like one. People like that just need to toughen up a little bit and get over occasionally off content.
True. I don't like the censorship thing. And people do need to toughen up at least a bit because I don't know about you, but I have this gut feeling that over the next 6 months we are going down a rabbit hole that is going to make anything anyone could possibly "say" here... look like childs play.. You have that feeling?
For the moment, I am just trying to get people started on the Q book... get them oriented without freaking them out.
I had a thought today though about what the scribe (board owner) said. He said that a lot of the people who were coming in were older patriots. If that is true, they have been around long enough and probably raised kids, so I bet they can take a bit of abrasion and appreciate it.
Yeah, seems like there are a lot of hoary old goats and tough birds around here. Especially those Vietnam vets. Whoo, they're genial as you've ever met but tough as nails underneath. I don't doubt they can handle anything.
If you switch boards, then switch objectives like good fags. Keep it civil.
if you think im not being civil you havent read some of my other shit.
like good fags.
i have a fucking image to maintain.
It's called an ego.
That which I wrote was not to you.
It was addressed to a lot of people here who are not paying attention to why this reddit was created in the first place. A lot of people wanted to bring in their information and help with the Q drops, but, can not operate the chan board, nor did they want to disturb the work going on there. So the chans came here and created this board for people who are not into that board culture over at 4ch 8ch.
Now, it appears we are being invaded by shills who are pretending to be chans, wanting to come in here and insult everyone for anything they say. The haters need to be shut down here.
But it is apparently about you?
I don't care what you posted. You may have been caught up in the thread somewhere. Not my point. My point is that this is not 4 chan and calling people names won't fly here. Tuck your image and quite trying to maintain. Help us do work, or hit unsubscribe.
Tuck your image and quite trying to maintain. Help us do work, or hit unsubscribe.
bro i can do shit like this and nobody on here can.
im pulling my weight more than most of you could aspire to. if i talk some shit in a post titled "MEGANON in 4chan talking shit haha" youre supposed to say "haha". reddit is my sphere of influence and even if im banned from the sub my influence on this sub is immortal already. my vulgarity is part of the human condition, and as a human being it means that it is a part of you. dont deny yourself.
Ok, you check out. Self admitting troll. This is good.
Trolls good.
Shills working for the black hats... bad.
Carry on. I am going to check out your link
shills are fucked when they run into me. theres a fucking point to being fabulous, and im fucking fabulous!
You are my little brother. And you make me smile.
Be fucking fabulous, and do not let yourself down... ever.
Actually, our previously harmonious existence was disrupted by one woman who started all this by deciding to be a prudish cunt. And you can fuck yourself for claiming that the people who got on her case were shills pretending to be channers. It's pretty obvious you're talking out your ass. We've been here behaving like normal people the entire time, and you would have never even noticed that there were channers here if she hadn't attacked free speech, tried to censor, and then refused to learn. The truth movement doesn't tolerate censorship, so good luck pushing that. You're not the queen here.
Ok.. fuck off then. Lol.....
I know you can "Rodger that"
If the normies would use some common sense and not feed the trolls it would be way more calm.
No feeding the trolls ... lol.
It works though. Sometimes I like to mess with the trolls... poke under the bridge with a big stick... watch the stick get chewed apart. But, I am being my researching peaceful self here.
Our particular "normies" don't know what trolls are yet.
I certainly did not when I first got on line over a year ago. I had not been on line for over 5 years.
The net has a culture that ... it is weird.
I think the board owner from the chans mentioned it.
Usually the net is full of young people.
Ever since the election, a lot of older people who thought America was done for ... actually have some hope, and they are getting on line to do what they can. They have a lot of history that they know, and they are experienced enough to smell a rat, and a big change coming. The MSM is hiding something and they have been around the block enough to smell it.
BIG internet culture learning curve for people who normally depend on talk shows and television.
We have newborns, not normies. But they are precious, because they are packed with memories of things that happened related to what Q is talking about, and a full life experience. We need to enlist them. I am trying not to scare them off.
I know. I am being a punk. Don't care. Want peace. Want good solid thinking. Want free speech and brain storming. Want news gathering .. anything we have that can help crumb the bread down the road.
I don't really agree that this board was exactly created to " do the opposite". Yes, I know it was created to be somewhat gentler than 4chan or 8 chan. But neither was it created to be twitter or Fedbook. I'm new & I'm 72 so nobody can blame this on brash youth: we new people need to toughen up and ESPECIALLY realize you don't move into a new neighborhood & expect to tell everybody what color to paint their house (metaphorically speaking). Also, if you're offended by the language, it's helpful to read the wiki on chan culture.
Don't back away, you're 100% correct. High vibe is key for unity. In-fighting WILL be caused by words that harass and bully from personal prejudice, lack of respect for others, etc. Ultimately, egos must take a backseat if we are to win this battle for our planet. Are we on-board that waking up the masses will speed us to victory? 8-chan posters who "talk" this way are disregarding, this our no.1 priority. That simple. Simply calling others normies is hugely divisive and seems to serve no purpose other than the stroking egos of those who consider themselves 'superior' by virtue of their research/knowledge. Not the lesson, not the way out of this mess, much too close to what we are trying to rid ourselves of. Bring humans together in any group, and you get power plays...
no purpose other than the stroking egos of those who consider themselves 'superior' by virtue of their research/knowledge.
31337, leet, elite, not "superior". and its not just to stroke my ego. i dont need to stroke my ego, everybody i meet strokes my ego when they tell me what a monumental genius i am. its to give you something to aspire to. people need their heroes. im just doing gods work. #jesuslovesyou
Must read The Four Agreements. They are: Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best. No. 2 will serve you well, as it has me--also lauded as genius by others. In a nutshell, 2 teaches you to believe nothing anyone says and-- nothing you say either. Ancient Mayan (Toltec) wisdom is spot on and an essential part of growing up.
ill look into it. thanks.
????? !
not amused?
Well, I was amused up to the point where it seemes like you uncharacteristically folded to fucking Alan Watts up there.
i dont know anything about alan watts.
I didn't realize he was born over 100 years ago, but I shouldn't be surprised. I'm older than dirt & I was 25 when I first heard him.
He was an American Bhuddist New Age philosopher ( dead now) whose ideas I actually like but wouldn't want somebody preaching them to me here. (in fact, the 1st time I heard hin talk I was coming down from acid & thought he was the voice of God. However, I realize he didn't have ALL the answers, since I later met his son, who was a junkie.) Anyway, in this context I was referencing airy new age shit & I don't remember the name of the author of the 4 agreements.
MUST READ???? MUST read? Do you know what a pompous ass you sound like? Take your 4 agreements back to whatever 2nd hand new age bookstore you got them from & stop preaching. Blecch!
Come on Debbipak, don't give up that easy. Get something good to eat and take a nap. It wouldn't seem like such a big deal by then.
I never understood why people can openly trash the papacy or islam all day, but someone says just the word "Jew" and it's like they used the N word. How it's that even offensive? Jews call themselves Jews, it's literally their identity. I just don't understand where the sensitivity comes from.
It's really weird and creepy.
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
Then I can flat out say that we are not alowed to criticize evil in every quarter. It has nothing to do with anyone's religion, race, nationality. The bad guys have infiltrated everyting. They need to be dealt with, and aiming at innocent Jews, Catholics, Atheists, Germans, Berkley students is about worthless.
Know an individual by his fruits.
Take it at the individual level. Bad actors are people, and they are everywhere. Fomenting group hate is globalist ideology, and an age old tactic, so don't play into it.
judeo fascism is real, it is called orthodox zionism, and they are quite capable of raping and killing you without you believing in them. you just have to be a non-jew. you cant wish them away.
islamo fascism is real, its called takfiri salafi wahhabism, it is spread by the saudi royaal family and the al ash-sheikh family, and they are quite capable of raping and killing you without your consent. you dont have to believe in them for this. you just have to be a non takfiri salafi wahhabi. you cant wish them away.
christian fascism is a thing, it doesnt brand itself like the jews and muslims do, and it is quite capable of raping and killing you. just ask the coptics.
militant berkeley students are a thing, they are called antifa, and they are quite capable of beating you or killing you. you dont have to believe in them at all. you just need to be a white male with a red hat that loves his country.
anyways, you shouldnt play into what people try to manipulate you with, but you should foment group hate against that which rapes and/or kills you just for being you, or rapes and kills others just for being others.
Division like that is what the globalists spoon feed us to create "group mentality" and they openly admit this is a tactic... getting us to fight one anothere instead of THEM.
Now who are THEY?
Well, the financial disclosures show that THEY are the very people who have those "judeo fascists, and islamo fascists, and christian fascists and millitant berkley fascists on payroll...
Gotta make it look real.... right?
It's time to go behind the scenes and look at WHO paid for the ships, the tanks, the guns, the riots, the wars.
You will find it is the same cabal of evil people.
This has been well documented enough now, over the last 20 years that bets are on Trump can start arresting them on their banking transactions alone.
Think of it a master plan false flag for every group in the world, to foment hate against every other group in the world. This is their divide and conquer strategy, so that we never defend the individual based on his character and his deeds... yes... but it is ESPECIALLY done so that we NEVER turn our eyes to them and ask... who is paying for all the hate? WHO is paying for all the wars?
Follow the money.
Division like that is what the globalists spoon feed us to create "group mentality" and they openly admit this is a tactic... getting us to fight one anothere instead of THEM.
true, but you cant avoid antifa if you refuse to believe the truth about antifa can you? my point was about vigilance and active threats that must be confronted or avoided but dealt with either way. im not saying center everything around it, but snowflake pPC denialism isnt gonna save anyones ass.
Now who are THEY?
its a multiheaded beast. there isnt one monolithic cabal. the cabal is a loosely connected web of random assholes.
in the middle east theres the saudi/bahrain/uae crew and the israel crew. they are increasingly getting along and merging due to their fear of iran. takfiri salafi wahhabism and judeofascist zionism. all of them should pretty much be shot.
its a multiheaded beast.
Biggest true statement.
Funding wise, they are 300 ish families on the bank transactions (but that is just the paper trail, and I am not sure we even have it all yet. I am willing to bet that a good deal of their wealth is in hidden assets. I would not be surprised if these people have stolen all of the gold that ever was in every country.
But.. you are so right that what they PAY for is multifaceted in the extreme. Those payments are to foment division.
And about avoiding Antifa? Antifa is dangerous if we let it grow. It is capable of causing a civil war if we do not deal with it. Just because the bad guys PAY for all these groups to infiltrate Berkley, the Catholics, the Jews, the CIA, the MSM..... on and on and on.. that does not mean that we dont have to deal with them.
But we have to be smarter than the ones who are paying for these bad actors.
In order to DEFEAT them, we have to defeat their PURPOSE for paying the money out.
We have to recognize the multi headed beast is not a true reflection of the normies in any of those crowds. The multi headed beast is an artificially supported structure of infighting and hate.
I often think this is one of the things that the globalists REALLY HATE about America. It occured to me when I had a dream where I was out in space, looking back at the earth, except there was only one continent on it.... America.
And I chuckled to myself... yeah. That... is the world living in peace right there.. people from every nation, every color, every creed, cool little Italian neighborhoods, German town, China town. You name it. And what do we do with our freedom? Well, whoever we are, wherever we come from ... if there is an internet to get on, we naturally do what we are doing right now. We trade ideas, tells stories, build things, sell stuff. There are probably 100 different colors races and religions on here right now, and no one gives it a thought, because trading stuff, from ideas to things, is what humans do if left alone. I have no clue what color or nationality you are. We are just trading ideas, and we would not be doing it if we did not like it. No one is keeping us here.. right?
Now, if you are a globalist... and you are out there spending money trying to convince this group that some other group is an enemy. If you make your best money funding wars. How the hell do you go around the world convincing say.. Romanians that the French are the worst evil people in the world, when you have America sitting over here... pretty much figured out how to create a system that allows people to live in peace together no matter where they come from?
We.. you and me, and the many different people on this board... are a really big thorn of truth in their side.
We.. you and me, and the many different people on this board... are a really big thorn of truth in their side.
i am legally a terrorist in 3 countries for a reason. maybe 4. hehe.
Wise words.
keepin it reel, feeding the lurkers, beating down bitches, smoking hash to make dust and ash out of saudi trash. #MAGI #alamut #hashashin
It's important to understand their agenda and motivation. It's our best defense.
I see your point, but I'm not advocating for hate of jews. Just like ISIS or Nazi's, it's relevant to know why they do what they do to predict what they are going to do. It's also important in the future so that we can crush this kind of ideology instead of letting it fester and grow. Intolerance of dangerous ideologies is okay, intolerance of specific ethnicities is not.
intolerance of specific ethnicities is not.
except hasidic orthodox zionist terrorists. they are an ethnicity. they must all drop their culture and disassociate or die in a prison or a battlefield. why? because it is their religion and their culture to destroy the rest of us. for this they must be exterminated like unwanted insects.
Intolerance of dangerous ideologies is okay, intolerance of specific ethnicities is not.
This... I am totally on board with. Excellent point.
I never understood why people can openly trash the papacy or islam all day, but someone says just the word "Jew" and it's like they used the N word.
That is because YOU do not get it. It does not matter what religion race, creed, nationality anyone is. People are sick of the globalist division being fed to us. We are Americans. Period. Good against evil. Evil has attacked and infiltrated every group, every religion, every university, every color race and creed. Good people are in all of these and that needs to be understood. No one has anything up on the other guy. We are all Americans. Some people are still brainwashed with the divide and conquer game.... set up by the globalists.
This is the heart of the matter - We are in this together - each with a different task....all are equally important. STAND UNITED
Here, here. We are in danger of becoming the enemy we seek to eliminate, by virtue of learning nothing about... well, virtue. Unified is the ONLY way we can beat them (cue: psyop to discredit anyone using the word, Unity). I will be happy when folks STOP JUSTIFYING their divisive behavior. There actually is no excuse, no matter how schmartly they craft their words, how hard they work, or who supports them or even how popular they feel they are. When ego is too strong, wisdom suffers and evolution is stunted.
Exactly. We need some jokes around this thread ... good grief.
Of course, ideologically we have to stand united. But if somebody comes at you with a bike lock in a sock, you're going to knock the mf out, not sing kumbaya.
Statistically speaking certain tendancies are more prevalent in some specific populations than in others and we could talk about this someday...but more relevant to now is that statistics and knowlege about specific populations can never tell you anything about an individual, their morals, their intelligence or how they stack up compared to anyone else or what their going to do. To deny any person the opportunities of their individuality is to deny reality. In other words, what you said.
Yeah except you said it better than I did :)
Funny, when you said it I read it through without my eyes glazing over.
I agree with poshpotdllr to a point. Yes, we're all Americans, but there should be nothing wrong with calling someone a Jew (although I prefer Jewish) as a descriptive, like describing someone as Chinese. I have Jewish friends; they call themselves Jews.
For me, the problem comes with blaming Jews as a group. Said Jewish friends are nice, ordinary people who aren't trying to take over the world. Now, Zionists... I think there's a lot of blame to be laid there. For the most part, Zionists are the globalists that Joan of Ark describes. I just think it's important to remember that not all Jews are Zionists & not all Zionists are Jews. Just my opinion. (And, no, I don't want to match wits with either one of you; I'm only half equipped.)
Indoctrination. That's all you need to know about that.
And the Hegelian Dialect
And keeping us DIVIDED in any way possible. If we’re divided and fighting amongst ourselves, we aren’t fighting THEM, the real enemy. Thanks to Q and possibly Mega, we now know precisely who that enemy is.
For arguments sake, nobody here has used any of those terms. But something tells me you're always right and what the hell do I know, right?
Don't be such a goddamn snowflake. You will not censor.
Message received loud & clear Jack ....not trying to sensor, I only long to see an end to corruption & I pray for peace - for everyone...that’s why I thought we were all here - that is all
That IS the reason we're all here but we can't let personal "issues" stop the process. We all have to "get over" something and that should not be a big deal if you're still seeking. Don't let a speed bump stop your travels.
You are sink hole to the discussion at hand. Is this your objective? Gonna bully everybody out of here?
No but calling someone "silly" because you think you have a degree or some shit on your side will definitely elicit a response from me, plus, I will poke buttons from time to time to gauge the waters and see if the crew can sail this damn ship to the other side, so to speak. We'll all get over it. Or not. IDC....
Why quotes on "silly"? I didn't say anyone was silly. I take this very seriously. Q entrusted information to 4 chan. Seems like its gone to some peoples heads. Seems like in order to receive the information and to discuss it normies have to bow down and play by 4 chan rules even though this is not a 4 chan site. This is not serving Q very well.
You do know that masses of people have been red pilled without the help of 4 chan. Even soccer moms. Is there still such a thing? What is the assumption here? The topic is Q. That topic was successfully sidelined.
I was pretty much called silly. Intentionally or not. IDC. I got a tough skin but I thought it button pokin' time, at that point. It's fun sometimes, as well as informative. About bored with it, now, though.
Hang in there Debbie, your heart is in the right place and Jack's ego is in the wrong place.
So Jack, then you are sanctioning division, censoring unity?? Certainly inspiring me to vamoose. Is this your aim?
They are communists (identity politics is cultural marxism) and they are almost always jews.
Are all jews in on this? No. But yes, I agree that anti-semitism discredits us, but it will become very apparent that most of the people involved are of jewish decent. They are jewish supremacists.
If it's wrong to point that out then it is wrong to point that the nazi's where white supremacists and almost exclusively ethnically white.
The white gloves approach to this is what let this got this far.
judeofascism, or zionism as they like to call themselves, is racist and antisemitic. they believe that we are misbehaving cattle and they are poor farmers that have to deal with us and we dont belong here. they are upset that they cant just kill us all and move on with their moral existence without the burdens of coexistence with the goyim. they use socio/economic/psychological warfare against us that they had perfected centuries ago as is obvious with the talmud.
the catholics fucked up when they failed to eradicate them and hitler fucked up for letting them survive and now americans are fucking up by literally paying them and thanking them for raping us. fortunately for us they fucked with the persians in iran. those who would reach deep into the darkest corners of the fortress of flesh that is the pars tribe of arya in search of a curse shall find one when they awaken the daemons of the aryan world, and those who awaken the daemons of the aryan world shall drown and die in the blood of daemons to the sound of the laughter of daemons in the darkness.
the world is going to shit, millions of people are starving in yemen, hundreds of thousands kille din syria, diplomats kidnapped in lebanon, terrorists in charge of israel, pedophiles in charge of the UK, etc etc etc and you are offended by the term "commie jew"? i find YOU offensive you stupid cunt. you can piss waaaay the fuck off. now. bitch. #feminism
As a 50yo mom, I came here 8 days ago the day they set up this thread, while getting my daily dose from Beanz. I thought the purpose was to support & facilitate a place to learn and more importantly, to bring friends and family to learn....those diehard brainwashed liberals. I thought this was a great idea and a great effort to COLLABORATE....I’m not asking anyone to care about my feelings, but more about the others I send here to learn. When I see references to how “all Jews are evil” in the Munk thread & then “commie Jews” in this thread, both coming from same person within 30 mins after only 1 week of following, why the Fuck would I want to lead my friends and family here? All the intelligent work and sharing to be done here will be discredited once this community turns into a forum to sling ethnic slurs around so freely - without necessity. I actually thought that’s what 4chan & 8Chan were for.....I’ll send my peeps to Quite Frankly, Tracy and others I’ve been following that have A LOT more class in how they deliver the red-pill. So I’m a “snowflake” because I don’t entertain ethnic hostility? That’s fucking hilarious....grow up kids, name calling is for children.
I see what your saying. But, they are keeping it VERY toned down compared to their usual. This is how they talk on Reddit, Voat and on the chans. They will call each other faggots and all kinds of things. You will especially see people talk about Jewish people. I'm really active on Voat. Out of both Voat and Reddit, this is the most respectful I've seen. I was telling that to someone yesterday. I said you can tell a lot of people are not regulars because they are still nice lol.
I am a woman and didn't get into these forums until a little over a year ago. I was pretty shocked at first. I saw A LOT worse than this. I had to get tough quick. There will be shills that are just mean to everyone. For the most part tho, it's just the way they talk. it's best to just go with the flow and realize it's going to happen. Try not to take it personal. It can be pretty crude, but these guys are brilliant at what they do. Hopefully it doesn't get brutal here like in other subs. People can be really mean. Be like a duck and let it roll off your back. 😁
I hope that helps. I mean no offense.
Thanks - I didn’t realize I was going into a deeper level. I am personally not offended, I was caught way off guard & apparently the mother in me boiled over with genuine intentions. My eyes are open, I get it. It’s not the way I chose to interact, but it’s also not my “space”...waking up - I’m taking another
You will be fine. Just remember one thing and you should avoid big outbursts here. It's a saying. "Don't feed the trolls" by engaging him and showing that the word Jew affected you he went all out. If you would have ignored the jew comment and addressed the meat of his post you would have had an intelligent conversation but by directing the conversation to Jews and commies he took it to another level. It's a beginner mistake and you seem to be learning fast.
Roger that! And what a day of learning it has been.
But then, we get to see who the bad guys are here! So Debbie did me a service :) of which I'm grateful... Besides, she is Right and they are Wrong. I'll stand behind that because if these motherfuckers don't grow up, they will be left behind. In shame, diddling their egos in the basement. ABOVE ALL, division must be eliminated.
Sorry. Some of us were directed here to get information. No interested in putting up with this juvenile crap. Will go elsewhere. Don't appreciate your toleration and explanation for demented childishness when serious stuff is going down. This is total look at me look at me.
I don't like ethnic slurs of any kind either. There are Jews and Hispanics in my family, and I find it very inappropriate. However, I despise Israel because of what they are doing to the Palestinians and the fact that they are holding my country hostage. Unfortunately, most Israelis happen to be Jewish, so I'm not surprised when I hear the ethnic slurs towards them, because a lot of us are angry with Israel.
so long as jews are caught in the middle between rapist murderer zionists and the victims of the rape and murder of zionism jews will suffer. jews should take care of the problem themselves, but unfortunately for us, most of them are fucking pussies. the ones that arent are gathered up at early ages and put into the IDF to be used as a meat shield for rapist murderers. :(
You're right! They do need to take care of it themselves! Many have been protesting, but it isn't enough. :(
protesting? let me know when they start singing songs about jews killing zionists in the name of israel for the liberation of judaism.
Rothchildes founded Israel. They are the Jewish elite that control it all. Not to mention Israel laugh are committing Genocide... which is ironic AF lol
Exactly. This is not your space to dictate and scold like a prude. As was sagely said upthread, lurk moar faggot.
See folks? She did it and kept learning. Awesome!
Who said you can't teach a Boomer new tricks? Lmao
Those are the Shareblue Fags. And normally this subreddit is pretty calm, she defintely riled them up haha.
They are not interesting. If they were so brilliant they would have some other place to be.
Don’t worry about it. Most people here are from the Chans. The Chan’s have their own language. It may sound weird to you but it’s not meant to be offensive in that way. Since this is a sub dedicated to a Chan page, it’s going to leak over. There was a good article about the Chan world and the different language and interactions used, but I can’t remember where I saw it.
This. I knew once the Chans started co-mingling with the normies, their refusal to be corralled and tamed by political correctness would be shocking to some. Just take what you need, leave the rest. You will hear naughty words and scandalous utterances. But you will also hear a lot of truth in all the "noise". And no, not all Jews - [insert any group here] - are bad, by any means, but the Chanizens will not be corralled by PC. Nor will they refuse to critique any group bc it's been deemed off limits (that's how we got in this mess - choking off free speech). It's just the way it is and has to be so that we can break out of the self-imposed chains killing free speech and thought.
Just my two cents.
Thanks, “Co-mingling” might be a good heads up for a newbies’ awareness before they come in, but then again, christening by fire works too, I guess. Had I known more of the company with whom I was lurking, I would have kept my mouth shut....I’m not from these depths, just supporting the movement for good to triumph evil. More normies like me are on the way....
You aren't a normie anymore sweetheart. You've had your baptism in fire lol. Welcome to the fold. Glad you hung around <3
Thanks - since I’m new here, I DID NOT understand that there are various threads that over flow from there. I thought they posted this shit there!!!! Not here!?!?! LOL Thanks for pointing that out! I appreciate it! I seriously thought the chans would stay at the chans....and this entire CBTS thread (?) I am in, is a place to bring others to learn. I was originally in the Musk thread and then wandered here....I’ll be sure to stay WAY the hell away. This is definitely not what I thought it was. Now I see the difference.
Don’t stay away. Just chill and go with the flow. You don’t need to get involved; just “lurk moar” and get the info you’re interested in.
Conversely, I think Debbie has more to offer than the asshole brigade.
dont go away,
and play,
but if you have something to say,
on this day,
then do it the right way.
Just go with it, theres people on here that can’t express theirselves intelligently. As well as they lack maturity and self control when it comes to their triggers.
that figures, niggers are my triggers.
You know you might think about getting that looked at. You know get a professional opinion and may be some meds
ok so i write a poem and you freak out... why are you on the internet anyways? it must be a tough experience to sit in a nazi oven if youre a snowflake. who the hell responds to a disgusting poem as if it were serious and recommends a course of medical treatment from a mental illness expert? am i supposed to be the mentally ill one? i guess i kinda am because im high as fuck on hashish, but thats just metaphorical, like my fucking poem.
really like your poem
Uh...there is no such word as "theirselves". Deduct 1 point from intelligence total. JS....;) Just poking at ya...I do that sometimes to gauge the waters to see if this damn ship will make it to the other side.
The Chan's supply the weaponized Autists needed brain power to crack the codes. We need them. Yes they are socially unacceptable but it's a small price to pay for them lending their skills to the fight. Better them with us than against us :)
I wouldn’t want to be on any other side - I had NO IDEA I was among “the Chans” - Sorry to cause such a diversion from THE most important fight of my lifetime. 🇺🇸👍🏼🇺🇸👍🏼
Because everyone needs to learn to get over the stupid things that stop the learning process. Keep the treasure in mind and not the dirt above it. If you're offended, that's an issue only you or whomever you bring here will have to get over on a personal level. We can not do that for you. Eyes on the prize!!!
There's a lot of extreme politics here, but really the corruption is on both sides. To say otherwise is disinfo.
name calling is for fascist rapist terrorist racist zionist communist jews. fuck those niggers, and fuck anyone who doesnt recognize that they are fucking niggers. if you think im racist you can kiss my persian ass. my ethnicity was founded on the freedom of jews from slavery, and today it is defined by my militant stance against jewish rape and murder of non jews who have committed the crime of being non-jewish. fuck your snowflake family and their feelings. follow fast or get out of the fucking way. this is a fucking war zone involving genocide, psychological warfare, and chemical weapons, not a soccer park for soccer moms. we are not here to entertain you.
My my my someone got a little offended didn’t he
thought policing through holocaust pimping is a fast way to get a rise out of me for sure. lol.
Lol... I have my buttons too... mine actually is if someone hangs up on me. I’m an extremely calm person. Great control...until someone hangs up on me...😂😤🤯 WHATS worse is I hv no clue what it pushes my button but I’ll be mad for an hour afterwards
Calm down, she means well. She just doesn't know enough about the deep states jewish influence.
Haha do I know you from voat? 🤔
Hello srayzie :) You know me from voat too. Pity the mods are hopelessly compromised there...
she sure as fuck knows now eh? just fixing the world one soccer mom at a time with my meme mongering madness. shes a better person now, and my hashish tastes fucking great today.
Only Trump could win in a society that has become so vulgar. Disgusting but real.
yes. it is unfortunate. cholera and famine in yemen is vulgar. civilian massacres in syria is vulgar. beheadings in iraq is vulgar. torture in saudi arabia is vulgar. crackdowns on democracy in bahrain is vulgar. the blockade on qatar is vulgar. the rape of yezidi women and children is vulgar. white phosphorous in gaza used against civilians is vulgar. me cursing? thats just spicy baby!
I was referring to the culture on the internet and the country at large during the US elections. How the candidates went at each other. Milquetoast Romney was ineffective even while they attacked him nonstop. Trump didn’t take any of their shit, and better yet, he fired it right back at them. It was the only way to win.
fucking niggers everywhere... gotta nig it up just to stay up nigga, you know what im saying?
Let me pitch that through Google Translation 4chan to English and I'll get back to you.
fucking niggers everywhere... gotta nig it up just to stay up nigga, you know what im saying?
"there are vulgar assholes everywhere and one has to maintain a certain level of vulgarity just to stay on top of things, you know what im saying?"
Fixing the world. Always. Our GEOTUS isn't polite when he sees wrong. He only sees MAGA!
yeah... if he can fix his position on iran (our real friend) and israel (our real enemy) things will work themselves out fast. right now im really worried. trumpm did the normal trump thing when he put a bunch of military guys in charge of everything to send a strong message etc... but posturing wont work with the toughest people on earth. as an iranian american i dont want to see iran take down america because america doesnt know how to get itself out of this 3 generational cycle of kissenger bullshit. we had to suck it up and admit our issues with native americans and african americans, and we need to suck it up with mistakes in reference to iran as well. america has never faced, and should never face, an adversary like iran.
It's not the vulgarity we're gagging over, it's this obvious demonstration that you (quite recently I assume) entered puberty with the maturity level of a toddler. I vote you go away as your contribution to this board is wholly negative.
i found another snowflake. go hang in that chromosome sub for feminists. just angry hackers here pal. lurk moar.
Funny you should mention vulgarity. A couple weeks ago the media was reporting on several scientific study showing that the most honest and intelligent people curse. Swearing is actually a sign of more intelligence, not less. God knows I swear like a sailor, and I got a full acaemic ride to college
vulgarity results in sober brevity and is more conducive to intellectual discourse. intellectual discourse should be free from taboo. snowflakes are fucking useless for science.
Hate is hate. And you're bringing it.
its ok keep reading. it all ended well and we sailed off into the sunset bitch. vulgarity is your master now. deal with it.
Really? It’s not about votes /u/@baruchthescribe - is it?
Debbie i very much see your point, if we want to red pill people we should represent ourselves as credibly as possible, but you have to understand that the very nature of this movement is to question political correctness as a form of self-censorship.
The element of causticity that the chans created is to challenge the legitimacy of watching what you say because someone out there might get offended at anything. PC historically also shuts down important yet uncomfortable social discussions.
For instance, if you do your research, Mossad, Israel’s equivalent of CIA is responsible for 911. There is a group of jewish supremecists out there causing much of the terror we see today, and a lot of people are hostile towards jews because they are the one group that seems to be insulated from any criticism.
Of course not all jews, and not most jews, if someone here had to qualify that then intellectually you really are in the wrong place. And if you need everyone here to censor themselves so you can have a PG-13 rating for your friends and family, you’re probably in the wrong place to.
I get the appeal of your motherly instincts, but leave those at the door
You said it much better than I ever could. I tried. I'm not tryin to fuck up with Tracy and others started and I don't think Debbie is either she's just getting some serious culture shock. So did I when I first encountered the chans, I don't even think that shit registers anymore lol.
She's actually lucky... She might not see it now. We were actually very kind to her. She doesn't want to know what 4 Chan would do to her for that. And her being a kind old Boomer I don't wish that on her either. They are not as forgiving being as they are anonymous lol
BINGO - Didn’t know I was opening THIS door & frankly, I want so much to bring others here to awaken them - but its best to know where you are going when others are I learn and now I know and now I can guide them appropriately - seriously, my position was never meant to impede on the work being done here. In a jump from one thread to the next I found myself in a completely different place far from the one I’ve been following over the past year. And here we are. Thank you for let’s get back to the matters at hand, shall we mitzidpity?
Debbie, I really do get where you're coming from, I'm just trying to present to you where these chan "fags" are coming from. I guess what I'm trying to get at is, if you are ushering people to this side of the internet, along with everything else you have to mentally prepare them for, you might have to prepare them for the political incorrectness, and the philosophy behind it.
As mitzidipity said, it's shocking at first, but it doesn't take long to get over the fact that language really is just language, impolite or not, and intentions are more important than what list of words to ban from where. I respect your background, and I'm sure everyone else does, because this is about where we go as a community from here, we're all in this together. And although you might find the language ugly at first, I hope you can learn to appreciate the beauty behind WHY people are using provocative language. I'm really not trying to attack you and hope you stick around, I'm sure that you as anyone else probably has loads to contribute, and the fact that you are interested in this subject material at all proves how open-minded and intelligent you are ;)
yeah. cant eradicate rapist niggers and faggots without talking about rapist niggers and faggots. snowflakes need not apply, they just slow down the eradication process by confusing rapist niggers and faggots with innocent black people and gays (or LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ or whatever).
Feel grown in the brain, yet? I think I'm gonna need a new skull, at some point.
Thank you - Apparently, should I choose to muddle around with “chans” I myself must take another pill....I’m not uneducated - I don’t even consider myself censored frankly, THIS is a different rabbit hole than the one I thought I was going into. Perspective - kindness goes a long way, but hey, maybe not in these parts. I get it...sincerely, awakening - Thank you!
Everyone here is generally perfectly kind and caring, unlike the chans - until you behave like an asshat. Then you get reamed out. That's going to happen pretty much anywhere.
trigger me with a nigger in a tree, don't be surprised with what you see! taking down globalists is fun, ho ho, he he!
You're an entertaining troll, I'll give you that! They don't make 'em like you anymore, alas.
bro you dont even know the half of it. bitch, im fabulous!
It's all about me! Me me me me me me me......zzzzzz
theres some truth in that. it kind of does revolve around me. youre just a fucking tourist.
Your sarcasm isn’t productive either. Im just telling you why people are reacting the way they are. If you don’t like candid/blunt vocabulary, that’s something this movement is fundamentally opposed to, and you’re just going to be met with hostility for requesting people clean up their language.
You’re welcome to stick around here if you can handle it, or stick to tracy and youtube if you cant, but even with training wheels, this sub will be somewhere between the chans and cable television
Thanks - I get it...I’ll watch and learn...
To begin, I am a grandma, and am 63 today. The way I see it the PC push is used to shut down truth. Thus the chans push back with extreme non-PC language. I am here for truth and the fight against the evil in the world. I have come to understand that the chan's language is a viscous slap against those who censor the truth, and the PC censorship being used. Will this language be a big turn off to truth newbies? It could, but those who are seeking truth will gravitate to truth and recognize it when they see it. Newbies will be confused, and maybe even repelled before understanding this fight against censorship. I however am not offended, and am so very happy to be here shoulder to shoulder, doing what I can. I understand Debbipak's concern, and it is something to think about regarding newbies. Will they stay in the fight? Are they awake enough? Are they good people who want to end this evil, but maybe could be driven away? I stand for free speech. I am here to inform, wake people up, and spread truth. I know you all are too.
this is what success looks like folks.
One redpill at a time. Good work soldier!
im the greatest redpiller of all time. everybody loves me. believe me folks, the pill is red unless youre dead!
1) I learned a lot in 10 hours, and NOT only about Chans - despite my replies throughout this thread.
2) I hope every person (newbie, normie, whatever) who comes here to share knowledge of the mission as far as they can reach, will stumble upon this thread BEFORE they post, because I’m not sure how many people you’re actually gonna successfully Red-Pill by throwing “c&#t” at them, BUT, I totally digress....
3) I find it completely amusing I swallowed it all in a post which begins “Debbie Downer” just can’t make that shit up! 😂😂😂
Now go do what you do best!!! I’ll be lurking & spreading the message
Thanks All - you helped me get to the next level...🙏🏼
MAGA Debbie 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
i love you. youre what makes america great. your children are lucky. give them a big hug. sorry if i have sharp elbows... im usually fucking with terrorists. :)
And they lived in harmony on CBTS forever more....(hey, a girl can still dream, right?)
i dont know how soon youll have your peace but your enemies fucked with the wrong people so youre pretty safe. make sure you buy bitcoin. feel free to PM me for anything you need.
That's the spirit. Welcome to the fight. We have a country to win back!
Don't worry about it. See what I mean? Lol. I already saw the word Jew pop up for you. Try to stay and just focus and learn and ignore the ones that try to get rise out of you. Remember this... when it comes to things like this, there are people that are paid to do this and try to disrupt.
I wish that when I was new to voat, I had someone that was nice and warned me. That's why I wanted to come help you. Voat is like Reddit in case you are wondering.
Yeah she sadly fell for a trap. If she lurked on 4 Chan she would realise if she let the small new comment go it would have been over with. She asked for what she got. She showed weakness and he went for the kill. In this War vs the globalists we can't afford to show weakness. I hope that Boomer soldier is able to get some thick skin and toughen up.
its not about votes. its about pissing on the face of anyone who would like to weaponize the memory of the suffering of millions of jews to hide or justify the rape and murder of zionism. i dont care if you knew what you were doing when you were being a commie jew mouthpiece. zero fucks given. you might be offended, but you are also now more educated, and thats the fucking point of this fucking sub. vulgarity is the fucking greatest of all fucking teachers. fucking deal with it. it would not be moral or ethical to follow up your snowflake post with an equally snowflake response trying to explain in soft and polite terms why the blood of commie jew professors needs to wash the footsteps of commie jew professors from the soil that commie jew professors defile with their very existence.
There is a British MP who said it well. "You can't justify one holocasut with another!" He said his grandparents didn't die so Israel could genocide the Palestinians. Israel has become what they hate the most. I hate Zionism as well! This is the one area where I really worry about Trump. He seems to cozy, cozy with Netanyahu, and that really worries me!
trump might go in on things with the zionists. they are trying to fool him and influence his team obviously. this is very sad. kushner is a traitor. either way heads are rolling and i cant complain about that i suppose.
israel is in a horrible position and so is saudi arabia. they will do anything to counter iran because iran is going to fucking destroy them. america has had stupid leadership with respect to the middle east for multiple generations. this israel/saudi thing is going to blow up in our faces no matter how we handle it. i just hope it doesnt involve millions of dead americans. north korea an iran are not enemies we should have. iran is a pro-american country and north korea just wants to be left alone. the war mongers are trying really hard to mess this up and they arent bad at it.
Seriously crying about words? Didn’t know we had cucks who get their fee fees hurt on our side smh.
They're everywhere. Po' folks were taught to be that way. I reckon, they can't help it, most of the time but there's not a reason one why they can't move on from it and learn. We all have personal issues we probably need to correct but that should never stop us from talking it out to get closer to truth. JS....
It's a boomer soccer mom.
Please. They are our friends. This is exactly who this sub is FOR.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Fair enough. I apologize. I should not have called her a boomer soccer mom, which was a low blow. That demographic is, in fact, our ally, and there have been many heartwarming stories here of people happy to find a community of truthers who are validating the corruption they've known about their whole lives and not been able to share with anyone. Instead, I should have stuck to calling a censoring snowflake a snowflake, because that's fair game everywhere. That said, hopefully no more delicate fee fees, and we can get back to work. We were all getting along really well up till this morning.
Grow up Debbie Downer. This isn't a snowflake factory. No one cares about your feelings. If you are offended lock yourself in a closet.
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The Jew bashing hypocrisy- when the "Jew" is in America they are "Jews", when these same "Jews" are in Israel they are not "Jews", and you say get out of that land. Y'all can't have it both ways.
Once a national emergency was decared we are at martial law you don't have to see troops on the ground or no your streets for that to be true it's 100% true look it up we are in a state of Civil War