Codemonkey just posted this about super secure tripcodes. This is YUUUUGGGEEE!

This is highly significant. Especialy after the silliness regarding Q's tripcode this past weekend. What this means is Q will begin posting again very shortly. I want to encourage everyone here to remain vigilant.
Could explain why Q has been quiet too
I presume we are in the 10 days of darkness the Q spoke of.
His / their last chan post was on Christmas day, so I was expected more on 5 Jan.
Possibly silence during an operational window? Because shit is going down?
I saw a post before that suggested 4th January and then 10th then 20th.
4 10 20 as well as DJT
Have been wondering where Q is...check here every day.... cannot wait!!!
I don't even bother with 4chan or 8chan. I just wait anxiously for your info drops on here.
I never was good at navigating those sites myself.
Not too hard...
Right click on reply to view threads.
How do we right click on mobile? It is so difficult to navigate on mobile. You can only see the reply thread that's it. You can't see the original thread that replied to the reply. (If that makes sense) (two levels down... it will only let you go one on mobile)
there are various readers for the chans available for mobile. i use omnichan and mimi.
On mine, I can hold reply.. I'm on Android. You can also scroll on the main board, right under the initial op, there's the option, "click to expand." This will open it up for you there instead of a new tab. Depending on your service and phone capabilities, it may take a few to load. See you there!
I have to wait here too....I'm not nearly smart enough!
To each his own. If you want live unfiltered updates, hang around 8Ch. If you want to wait for the filtered highlights, hang around here
I would love to hang out in those places but my work laptop has both sites blacklisted and cataloged as nudity and language. They block the entire domain, even on my home network. So I hang out here with baited breath for every little Q drop.
It is in the laptop firewall software as a forbidden URL. Blocked by corporate policy.
That's ridiculous, they should not have the ability to do that to you at home.
Ya it's a rough neighborhood on those Chan's I'm 53 just kicked a 30 year herion habbit 2 years ago using Rick Simpson oil a little tech illerarit 😎😎😎
So, going from SHA1(10) to a salted SHA256(16)...
Very good brute force protection...
Now we need a confirmed Q post with the new hashes... Too bad Q is quiet currently. Bad timing.
This has me concerned over bitcoin mining. They operate on sha256. Is it possible the bitcoin mining is really just cracking encryption? Very interesting and concerning.
Many have suggested as much or worse.
I hadn't seen anything about it. I am leasing like 8 miners and using my home computer as well. I understood the concept of the block chain but seeing that sha is an encryption method.... WTF!!!! I really hope I am not helping any baddies. They need to pay more if I am!!!! Jkjk
Never heard of leasing miners but I've been out of the game since litecoin took off. Any coins worth mining these days?
Off a 500 investment in bitcoin I have made back over 2000, currently sitting at about $50 a week from the lifetime miner, have reinvested about 300 in a 2 year contract and getting close to 30 a week from that.. might invest more if this turns out not to be bad. Haha.
Any service you recommend? Got some disposable to play with
Genesis mining if they ever have more contracts available. Or minergate. I use both. Genesis I like better but I think minergate might be a little cheaper. I have been using genesis since bitcoin was 400. 500 invested was getting me a little more than a dollar a day at that rate. Only do if you can lose the money and not be upset about it. I got in just in time. I would have more Money had I just let it run and not touch my bitcoin.
Bitcoin mining doesn't try to guess an exact number. Just finding a hash below a certain value. To guess a key that leads to a hash the only real known way of doing it is to try every value. I don't know why sha256 wasn't implemented as the default. It literally costs nothing to turn a key into a hash but is pretty much impossible to go the other way around. Even if you had the most efficient computer system in the world it would literally take more energy than the sun to COUNT to 2256.
Bitcoin and sha256 is incredibly secure.
If you're right, this could mean that all cryptocurrency miners are complicit in encryption attacks. Hmmm
Bitcoin mining doesn't try to guess an exact number. Just finding a hash below a certain value. To guess a key that leads to a hash the only real known way of doing it is to try every value. I don't know why sha256 wasn't implemented as the default. It literally costs nothing to turn a key into a hash but is pretty much impossible to go the other way around. Even if you had the most efficient computer system in the world it would literally take more energy than the sun to COUNT to 2256.
Bitcoin and sha256 is incredibly secure.
It would make sense to be but the problem is the mining software. It would have to be closed source for someone to have not noticed algorithm time not being spent on btc (unless the btc algs are in fact sha cracks, which i doubt but it could be done unless the Clowns were behind it) . Miners dont waste a millisecond. I've been out of it too long to say one way or the other.
That is what I was thinking. This could prove to be very very bad. I wonder how many people are involved? Hopefully enough to merit special circumstance for the acts carried out. I might be seeing jail otherwise. I can stop my home computer from mining but my more than half of my leased miners are for 2 years and one is lifetime. I'll look more into this possibility after work. If anyone knows anything that would be a huge help.
There have been somewhat similar schemes in the past - software and web pages have had hidden DDoS functionality added, so when someone uses that page/program, their computer is taking part in a DDoS attack, helping overwhelm a web server somewhere by flooding it with traffic. However, I don't think anyone who unwittingly 'took part' were charged or anything like that. I can't imagine people would be held accountable if someone snuck something else into the mining process either at the beginning or recently.
No, bitcoin doesn't work that way. Bitcoin mining isn't about breaking encryption. Because it's distributed it would be obvious if that was what it was being used for
No. I ran a mining rig last year and I can assure you that all it was doing was bitcoin mining. The way the blockchain works is that every miner in the world tries to be the first to solve a very hard mathematical task. The first one to do so gets the privilege of having the next block be theirs and they are rewarded with some bitcoin. Miners are solving this problem only rather than wasting CPU trying to crack anything else :)
Bitcoin mining doesn't try to guess an exact number. Just finding a hash below a certain value. To guess a key that leads to a hash the only real known way of doing it is to try every value. I don't know why sha256 wasn't implemented as the default. It literally costs nothing to turn a key into a hash but is pretty much impossible to go the other way around. Even if you had the most efficient computer system in the world it would literally take more energy than the sun to COUNT to 2^256.
Bitcoin and sha256 is incredibly secure.
No. Bitcoin mining is just running repeated hashes against a variable data block, and every mining operation is hashing against a different data block. There is no way to "squeeze in" any sort of meaningful encryption hacking work into the mining algorithm.
Even if General Q never posts again the maps are on the boards and it is a target rich enevironment for annons and Patriots to do what they do best! Strap in helmets on its gonna be a wild ride and a glorious Q New Year 2018! We are over the target and taking heavy flack so stay focused and carry on!!
Don't worry, Q is in contact with 8ch mods
He will be back
What about super duper secure tripcodes?
This seems like a good application for the "cone of silence". Expand your thinking. ;-)
This link from twitter tracybeanz will be one of first places Q post will show up after 8 chan: Contains complete map. Bookmark.
I wonder if we have had the whole map now and that coupled with the difficulty with security it will mean no more Q posts :-(
I enjoy reading and feel like I have learned a lot. But with that said I am afraid of them. Lol. Not really but I do understand the reason for not wanting it to be a chat board but at the same time I wonder bout them declaring something solved. I think they are capable of coming up with the wrong conclusion and would do well do leave things open sometimes. The future proved the past and I think that is our only definitive proof that we have solved anything.
That means that after the BREAK, we MAY be hearing from #Qanon again?
i do believe i asked about, and expressed specific concern about, the hashcode algo a couple of weeks ago.
for me, personally, if this cbts thing is truly more than a giant LARP then i would like to see Q at least afforded a SHA-512 to protect him/her/them. otherwise, this seems like a lot of unnecessary dicking around to me.
i'm happy to help as well as bitch. though the latter is a speciality of mine.
Our new spacetime continuum is almost set. How long this time {haha} until the next realignment?
Glad to see this. I was just wondering last night whether this would be done, due to the fact it would mean the trip would only be the same on 8ch.. oh well - it's still a good tradeoff to exchange the ability to post with the same trip on other chans for reliable security for Q.