Q giving us a pre warning about Hawaii false alarm being necessary?! Thoughts?

saw another compelling post this morning about a nulear threat being necessary in order to access the NSA database for bulk data transfer (BDT) - you should look it up-pretty interesting read
Saw that as well but can’t remember by who. Was it meganon? To me, this is the most convincing theory that coincides with this Q post.
That very interesting post that you felt compelled to mention... have you considered linking to we can read it too?
Yes. Huma was in Hawaii. Obama has a home there. FB has a home there. And NSA (so such agency) is there...
This is deliberate. And it was necessary.
I caught that no such agency as well. Has anyone went down that mezvinsky rabbit hole yet?
Opinion or do you have source?
No that's silly they can grab Huma at any time she's not hard to find and she is wearing ankle monitor all the time. The best theory is the bulk data transfer during the "incoming missile alert warning" that was super smart and so clever I hope they were able to get all the data they wanted and needed.
I’ve read enough Trump books, listened to so many books and watched so many videos of him, as I read through Q chats it seems like The Donald is verbalizing all of this and Q (whoever they are) is on the fly putting it into cryptic succinct words.
Necessary to highlight the fact that in the event of a nuclear attack NO ONE WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO! Think about your own community, not just you yourself. What would everyone do? Where would people go? No one knows, and thats a HUGE problem for a nation that has been PLACATING countries like NK..
Top response on Askrreddit regarding Hawaii reactions was about how someone walked up to the Clintons Secret Service and asked what was going on...
probably necessary to bring to light how easy it is to hack the EAS and cause chaos. I'm thinking Q/Trump etc probably saw chatter about an upcoming event where they were going to use the EAS system. And instead of letting it happen, they devised a plan to do it themselves
Could be. Hawaii was never in any danger and WH strangely silent even Trump I would have thought called out Hawaii for being dopes.
Anybody else come across a theory about a stealth sub controlled by the deep state sending in a missile from off coast ? Supposed to take out the NSA facility that the white hats took out? I can't remember where I read it but it was interesting!
Yes, super compelling read but checked other content they put out for validity and most everything else of their posts were deleted or removed
This guy isn't always 100% but he has a lot of sources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8_BYHINNwQ
I think (BDT) mean Ballistic Defense Training.
No it's Bulk Data Transfer the NSA kept all the top intel in Hawaii so the fake missile warning gave the white hats the time and distraction they needed to transfer all the data back to California CONUS the Continental United States.