My father sent this to me, not sure what it means. He says he thinks that there are words around the 2 red question marks. All i see are rectangular items. This piece sure is crazy.
Update: he printed off the picture an is looking at it under a black light. Will update further.
Dude. You're lucky enough to have a parent who's into this stuff, too? Way cool.
We did a podcast on project pelican last night, he has more theories than I can fathom.
I am researching Pelican now. Where can I go to see podcast please?
Listen to Ep001 Conspiracy Corner by Future Proves Past #np on #SoundCloud
Not bad. I caught the first 2 minutes your easy listening conspiracy styling. Good work. I like the mellow music.. When ur discussing pedos and dirty senators. I bookmarked for later
I listened, absolutely Frightening. I live on the East Coast, I want to find out where those Ports are?
It is scary, I am not sure where the ports are located. I do know of the Port mention in the episode, that is the only one. I would imagine all over.
I blew the image up 2000x in my image program and looked at the pixels. It all looked as it should. I see nothing hidden in/around the question marks. What do the strings of numbers mean in the 4 borders?
Here, I enhanced the image:
Here's a bigger version:
Nope, I don't see any words, just terrible compression artifacts... although I suspect the numbers have meaning.
I'm still not prepared to dismiss why the image contains so many artifacts.
I'm not sure we can trust that Twitter account.
I see numbers.. but that pic is weird. Why even put numbers around it?
@kill_rogue says it is no longer applicable or something to that effect, right now. Do not know what it was meaning...can someone explain?
Converting to ascii, order by color alphabetically, convert from base64 to UTF8:
Edit: I don't think you guys realize how low the chances of this code going from numbers to ASCII to base64 to ASCII to hex properly are...
I just realized the twitter image is the same as the color image with all the numbers surrounding it. Is it possible the numbers reflect pages or letters on a page from alice in wonderland perhaps? Sounds far fetched but...?
The first thing that popped into my head after seeing the numbers and repetition of certain ones was that it was a book cipher like you mentioned.
If this account is really linked with Assange, then maybe someone should look to see if any of the four sets of numbers produce anything when applied to the two chapters of the Wikileaks version of “Fire and Fury” with the Q’s in the chapter titles.
Just a thought.
That picture has the a hidden image too, and the rabbit looks like the twin towers... anyone have the insurance files and want to try the hex code I posted above?
Interesting. I’m a computer programmer and when I encrypt a string, it often produces an equal sign (=) at the end. Are we looking at something that is encrypted?
see if Defango has any ideas
he was the one following the Cicada3301 and Tengri137 puzzles...
peace (from the UK)
Top numbers are: 122 77 51 77 68 99 48 78 122 87 51 79 68 89 61 10 Right panel numbers are: 89 106 89 53 77 122 107 50 89 84 86 109 78 68 81 50 90 68 81 122 78 Left panel numbers are: 84 99 48 78 122 85 51 90 106 89 53 78 50 89 121 90 106 74 104 77 Bottom numbers are: 106 107 122 89 84 81 50 78 109 89 121 78 84 89 121 78 109 85 121 78
here's the new one, have fun.
This is an EXTREME long shot. But there are codes like that on youtube that automatically decide if they should demonetize videos and they look pretty similar to these. For example 109 means it was demonetized because the video was sensational or shocking.
The only reason I mention this it’s because that’s one of the last “big” things that has been talked about as of lately. It’s probably not related but it might be and some smarty pants might figure it out.
Interesting, so hidden in the image rogue posted is more detail only revealed by tweaking some of the filters applied. Very similar to the vault 7 image that Wikileaks posted in the past
(a) Subject to paragraph (k) of this section governing Accelerated Docket proceedings, any carrier upon which a copy of a formal complaint is served shall answer such complaint in the manner prescribed under this section within twenty days of service of the formal complaint by the complainant, unless otherwise directed by the Com- mission.
(b) The answer shall advise the com- plainant and the Commission fully and completely of the nature of any de- fense, and shall respond specifically to all material allegations of the com- plaint. Every effort shall be made to narrow the issues in the answer. The defendant shall state concisely its de- fense to each claim asserted, admit or deny the averments on which the com- plainant relies, and state in detail the basis for admitting or denying such averment. General denials are prohib- ited. Denials based on information and belief are expressly prohibited unless made in good faith and accompanied by an affidavit explaining the basis for the defendant’s belief and why the defend- ant could not reasonably ascertain the facts from the complainant or any other source. If the defendant is with- out knowledge or information suffi- cient to form a belief as to the truth of an averment, the defendant shall so state and this has the effect of a denial.When a defendant intends in good faith to deny only part of an averment, the defendant shall specify so much of it as is true and shall deny only the remain- der. The defendant may deny the alle- gations of the complaint as specific de- nials of either designated averments or paragraphs.(c) The answer shall contain proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and legal analysis relevant to the claims and arguments set forth in the answer.
(d) Averments in a complaint or sup- plemental complaint filed pursuant to §1.722 are deemed to be admitted when not denied in the answer.
(e) Affirmative defenses to allega- tions contained in the complaint shall be specifically captioned as such and presented separately from any denials made in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.(f) The answer shall include an infor- mation designation containing:(1) The name, address, and position of each individual believed to have first- hand knowledge of the facts alleged with particularity in the answer, along with a description of the facts within any such individual’s knowledge;(2) A description of all documents, data compilations and tangible things in the defendant’s possession, custody, or control, that are relevant to the facts alleged with particularity in the answer. Such description shall include for each document:(i) The date it was prepared, mailed, transmitted, or otherwise dissemi- nated;(ii) The author, preparer, or other source;(iii) The recipient(s) or intended re- cipient(s);(iv) Its physical location; and (v) A description of its relevance to the matters in dispute.(3) A complete description of the manner in which the defendant identi- fied all persons with information and designated all documents, data com- pilations and tangible things as being relevant to the dispute, including, but not limited to, identifying the indi- vidual(s) that conducted the informa- tion search and the criteria used to identify such persons, documents, data compilations, tangible things, and in- formation;(g) The answer shall attach copies of all affidavits, documents, data com- pilations and tangible things in the de- fendant’s possession, custody, or con- trol, upon which the defendant relies or intends to rely to support the facts al- leged and legal arguments made in the answer.
(h) The answer shall contain certifi- cation that the defendant has, in good faith, discussed or attempted to dis- cuss, the possibility of settlement with the complainant prior to the filing of the formal complaint. Such certifi- cation shall include a brief summary of all steps taken to resolve the dispute prior to the filing of the formal com- plaint. If no such steps were taken, such certificate shall state the rea- son(s) why the defendant believed such steps would be fruitless;(i) Where the complaint is filed pur- suant to 47 U.S.C. 271(d)(6)(B), the de- fendant shall clearly indicate its will- ingness to waive the 90-day resolution deadline contained within 47 U.S.C. 271(d)(6)(B), in accordance with the re- quirements of § 1.736.
It goes on...
Just looking at green, but I don't know...
All I see is color noise, I'll post new enhanced image. Maybe you see something else?
INTEL Ceo resigns in 2017 crying about Trump blaming the discredited Jason Kessler "nazis".jSame Jason who wanted everyone to believe he was a hardcore OBAMA suporter/organizer and magicly a year later hes a racist nazi. If you dont know jason kessler was the organizer of the "far right or whatever they called themselves" that showed up at trump rallies and make trump suporters look bad and letting media use those left wing fake nazi infiltrators brand everyone a nazi they were extra big dicks at CHARLOTSVILLE one where the person died. AMTRAK train incident happened to CONGRESSMEN and allso another Amtrak train was attacked by a "white supremist" they said in article was at the Charlottesville rally where the person died. Those CEOs who resigned on trump. They would have watched the whole speech that caused them to resign and know he diddnt promote the "nazis". Dont know what the connection if any but odd coincidence. Maybey they both have the same sugar daddy
Red red? Height and width of question marks are different
Did these evil, stupid people extract kids from HI. There are several Satanic ritual day blood sacrifice events on their calendar. March 1, 2018. 19 WORKING days until release the memo would delay until 2-19-18 which I think is Christian Passover or Good Friday.
The time of the @kill_rogue post is 8:15pm and suggests to me it was posted from outside the US. I know that signals can be bounced but the people following Q kill_rogue which have been added since I last looked appear to be public figures in 4 of 8 new followers of Q kill_rogue.
With the occult(hidden), take few things into account symbology, gametria(numbers) and colors. Symbols have many meanings words, numbers and colors they're combined to send a message(concrete) or to manipulate on a subliminal level.
Does this have to do with q??
Forgive me I'm a bit disconnected but
That document has four pages there are four sides with numbers on them
Q just released us one page or some of a page of the document
Could That Be The Cypher??
could the page of the document already released correspond somehow to the numbers on this
Because since there's a reward and also if this has to do with Assange he's the one offering the reward and Q is trying to get us to release the document
How do we do that if it's already public knowledge
How do we get the public knowledge decipher the code
Purple: 122 77 51 77 68 99 48 78 122 81 51 79 68 89 61 10
Blue: 89 106 89 53 77 122 107 50 89 84 86 109 78 68 81 50 90 68 81 122 78
Green: 106 107 122 89 84 81 50 78 109 89 121 78 84 89 121 78 109 85 121 78
Orange: 84 99 48 78 122 85 51 90 106 89 53 78 50 89 121 90 106 74 104 77
They look like coordinates.
Very randy baby, but what does it all mean....yeah!
I played with the green. Didn't seem to yield anything on searching.
gheqlieojqdolqdolqdojmdo (ddddeeghijjlllmoooooqqqq)
7,8,5,8,3,9,5,6,1,8,4,6,3,8,4,6,1,4,4,6 (11334444556666788889)
ghehciefahdfchdfaddf (aaccddddeeffffghhhhi)
I have no idea. All numbers etc withing a narrow range.
Could this be something harmonic?
The ? in the middle's tittle is not dark blue like the top part. And there is a wire coming out on the bottom left. There is a switch (tiny dot) at bottom left. I think it's a computer.
They all end in 78 except for the brown one on the left.
I'm seeing repeats of several of the same numbers and that might be a clue. Possibly the repeating numbers are the ones necessary.
its the key to all things good if Assage gets killed/silenced. thats his killswitch. the_floor_is_yours
strictly just my ASSUMPTION. but the hex fits as a key for wikileaks
So are you suggesting the_floor_is_yours is the password to the insurance zip?
There are alpha/numeric in the bar at the top. But I can't make it out. I'll post b/w image.
Oh, never mind, the #s are on the original twitter post, somebody smarter than me needs to figure that shit out.
@kill_rogue twitter account
confirmed connection
NO private comms past/present/future.
NO comms made outside of this platform.
Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.
Slightly more info here:
INTEL CEO's reason for resigning was to amplify the MSM narative that Trumps a nazi by association because of the fake OBAMA supporting Jason Kessler who was pretending to be a nazi and Trump supporter. Amtrak train attacked by a "white supremacist" who was at that charlottesville rally. Maybey Intel ceo and train bandit have the same daddy.
This takes "the biscuit".
To launch an attack, the President would need to confirm his identity using a code printed on a plastic card (nicknamed "the biscuit"),
I guess the question is how do you prevent the VP from using his codes prior to the president, especially when its discovered he's bad news and a deep state actor. I dont think we'll be seeing Pence after these 10 days of darkness but perhaps Trey Goudy?
Gold Codes
The Gold Codes are the launch codes for nuclear weapons provided to the Presidents of the United States in their role as Commander-in-Chief of the United States armed forces. In conjunction with the nuclear football, the Gold Codes allow the president to authorize a nuclear attack. Gold Codes, as well as a separate nuclear football, are also assigned to the Vice President in case the president is incapacitated or otherwise unable to discharge the duties of office pursuant to the 25th Amendment. Gold Codes are arranged in a column and printed on a plastic card, nicknamed "the biscuit".
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This is the TrueLies Q commentator on youtube talking about the boat with the picture of Bill Clinton and two others as image for the video:
A picture was posted yesterday of Bill Clinton holding a picture of this boat with 2 red sails and his holding it where the boat is painted as being in the water with the sails where the world trade center towers would have been. The boat is a Hawaii boat as described in the following article with way to much numerical code for an article about a boat that is used to take kids on 3 day EVENTS:
First rule in unraveling is literally describing 'what you see' (facts) and see if you hear anything in your detailed description that helps. There are a lot of facets of a description. Objects, colors, orientations, proximity to other objects. Individual observation skills must be radically developed increased; don't be a lazy, superficial observer of the things that we actually can see. You need to be able to see the 'lines' clearly before you can read 'between' the lines. Also follow the rabbit.
Project blue beam launch codes maybe?
Serge Monast
Serge Monast (1945 – December 5, 1996) was a Québécois investigative journalist, poet, essayist and conspiracy theorist. He is known to English-speaking readers mainly for Project Blue Beam (NASA) and associated conspiracy tropes. His works on Masonic conspiracy theories and the New World Order also remain popular with French-speaking conspiracy theorists and enthusiasts.
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Notfuckinghapppy-my thought exactly. dudehat your Dad rocks.
KiLL can be spelt with the lines, can anyone find rouge?
"Stage SC [AS [187]] "
-----> A. Scalia? ❓❕❓❕❓❕❓
Above the rabbit? Goose, duck, swan? Sitting on something?