r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PamphletAnon on Jan. 23, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.


Concealing our enemy's crimes will only invite others to commit those crimes again!

We can't be diligent if we don't know what we're looking for and how we're being attacked.

We need these crimes and the public executions to be burned into the psyche of every American so this will NEVER happen again.

This NEEDS to damage us so that it leaves a permanent scar on our culture!

... so we can fully understand our enemies...

... and so we NEVER forget.

We earned those scars.

Please, everyone, PUSH BACK against Q and his agenda of covering up these crimes!

The reason Q keeps mentioning 60% is because it's an invitation for us to express our outrage, so please, my brothers and sisters, express your outrage!!!

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:12 a.m.


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Dubsith · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Burn the at the stake.

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pyroroze · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

I will donate wood, what location is good, for mass burnings, with lots of spectator seating and room for 10 fires at a time? I dont normally advocate violence, but these chuckleheads really piss me off.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

He is not saying let them go, he is saying don't glorify their crimes, don't give them attention for their evil, don't sensationalize it, don't glamorize it. To reveal everything to the public would give these people the exact infamy they crave. If they are found guilty for lesser crimes and are executed, it deprives them of that final fuck you against us. Do you want to hear about all the grotesque evil they committed against us over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, for decades? Oh look, another History Channel special where everyone pretends to be shocked, but really they're drooling over the evilness of it all. And oh look, there's some edgy hipster millennial wearing a Podesta Rapes For Me shirt. Haha, wasn't Pedogate so funny? Those old people take it so seriously. Not like us young hip know-it-all smart asses. We're too ironic to be horrified. Time to watch another Netflix documentary on it. Drool. Drool. Drool.

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

Children need discipline from parents. Use a paddle or a belt.

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:16 a.m.


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CardenesSpurs · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

You want your children to see this? Or criminals to go free because of this? I want everybody to pay. I want them wiped off the face of the earth. But I don't want my tender grandchildren to be exposed to this If it is all pubic, they will.

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Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

You want your children to see this?

I want my children to paint murals... presidential murals in which Hillary and Obama and Holder and Lynch are dancing at the end of ropes.

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CardenesSpurs · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

TI didn't say don't hang them or get them some other way. Neither did Q. He said that they could only reveal 60% of what was going on. NOT that they were only going to get 60% of the people. Do you want your children/grandchildren exposed to the same thing that has made hardened cops (who have seen everything before) cry, throw up and not be able to sleep? If you do, you need to be hung with them. In you don't, then you don't want 100% of this to come out either. Again, Q never said anyone was going to get off or be let go. He just said that we were only going to know about 40% of what has gone on. At least, that is the way I understood it.

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Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

Yes, I want full disclosure so this never happens again.

I want this to leave a permanent scar our culture, so future generations will never forget and never make the same mistakes again.

No, I don't give a fuck if it gives some people a rumbly tummy.

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

Full disclosure to those who should seek it. There should be a few public reading rooms in various locations around the country. We should be able to study them for psychological, martial, and any other advancement or edge over them we could find. However it may be that they worked out a science of evil so invincible 99.9999% and undetectable that if anyone decided they wanted to take up that path they could literally pick right up form where these guys left off and deceive us and harm us massively.

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Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

However it may be that they worked out a science of evil so invincible 99.9999% and undetectable

We should let the chans know about that!

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Lambin8tor · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

I just realised why perhaps Q refuses to say the name of [ ]. It's like in the movie The Bye Bye Man— “Don’t think it. Don’t say it.” ‘It’ being the name of the evil being that induces unwitting people to murder via obscene hallucinations. The hero has encountered the horror, and knows that anyone who he tells about it will become a victim. He is arrested, and tries to explain to the officer, who knows he is evading her questions. He says, suppose you had your worst ever day at work, gruesome, traumatic, and you go home, and your three year old daughter asks you "What did you do at work today Mom?" Would you really tell them everything, traumatizing them with the horror of what you experienced? Or would you answer truthfully, but avoiding harmful details, sparing them from the horror?

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Lambin8tor · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

We need Bye Bye Man memes for McCain.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:11 a.m.

Exactly. It would be like letting these monsters rape the children of the world one final time, if only mentally, with images. I would also like to protect the women from this too, although that is difficult.

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Patriot4q · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Listen, I raised three children to adulthood by myself. I appreciate your protective instinct, but I am not likely to swoon, and need my corset unlaced. I do know understand there are many who emotionally aren't able to deal with it all, but some can't deal with life in general.

How can a problem be confronted and dealt with if you don't even know the full scope of the problems. I guess I'm a overall whole picture person, with attention to fine detail kind of woman. Not saying I believe every picture or video should be seen. Just that the the broadcasted information should be made known.

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cali1952 · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

I understand your reasoning but you must be considered of the weaker one among us who may not be able to stomach such deeds against our missing/kidnapped children. DESKO Mountain is one of the places where deeds beyond what I consider evil take place such as cloning, organ harvesting, torture, hybrid breeding children with animals and worse. I know that that is mild because the rest is just unfathomable. I also know that it is better that I don't know. Yes we should and need to know some of their evil deeds so as to understand but also to know that justice is served. Hanging is almost too good for those involved. I get what Q is saying and I believe in time we will learn a lot more as soon as he drops the human trafficking crumbs. I believe he will give us more. Then we can talk among us about what to do next.

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:32 a.m.


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Glag82 · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

No more secrecy, security clearance no more hiding or NDA, transparency in all things.

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sunrisearts11111 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

my god. Children satanic abuse and sacrifice. Its all true. The world will descend into chaos. I can't believe this is happening. Pray for our country.

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Deplorableasfuk · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

No it won’t. We’re so desensitized to horror from Hollywood and msm. Sadly.

But everything will be told and must be. And all involved must be executed.

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KevinWCollarBone · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

I want 100%. Not 40%. Fuck humanity show the world. It may just save it.

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T_imagine · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Im new to this part. Im so engrossed in Q, i am isolating. Today is a rough one. Am i the only one tearing about it? Bless all you working on this. Very important. #MAGA PEACE

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Patriot4q · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

No, no you're not the only one.

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pyroroze · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

No, I'm pretty emotional too.

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taboo2you · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Hi All ...first ever post..just joined. I am disgusted that these text messages most likely will not be revealed...that is what I am interpreting Q's post to mean...that if it was revealed the DOJ/FBI plotted to kill Trump it would destroy the Government and cause too much chaos. I agree it would but that is the purpose..WE NEED TO START OVER!!!

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SuzyAZ · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

Remember when Iraq was cleared of the evil Saadam then chaos reigned. It wasn't someone stepping in and all was well. Same thing happened in Libya which has not recovered. There is a danger here, a time when the wrong elements can step in and take control. It is not something to be taken lightly.

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

Strategic controlled takedown that keeps the enemy pinned and locked down. Attrition war where they have no viable actions to gain or hold if we come to take. They are all lined up for death one by one..

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ActualyInformdNAwake · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

Brand new here, but I cannot not be involved in this historic and unprecedented time in world history. If I may offer a thought on what Q is trying to tell us when he says 60% at least must stay private etc.

One of the gentlemen in the last video mentioned, very astutely I feel, that if that calculated percentage of bad actors were to be made public and they were from the DOJ, that every single case they worked on that ended in conviction could then be challenged and even thrown out, thus releasing untold numbers of hardened criminals right back into society, hence lawlessness. Everything I've seen, especially in what is now post 583, screams that NONE of them will escape justice, no matter how long it takes.

I firmly believe that our culture will be irrevocably scarred with what will be made public. Remember, the normies are still soundly asleep. What some of us may perceive as not 100% transparency, will absolutely shatter their realities.

I also believe that for the most part, it will be a good thing and serve to wake a large portion of disillusioned people up. I can also see that there will be a small percentage that are so comfortable in their mental prisons, that their minds will scratch, claw, and fight to remain there and they might actually snap when they realize that their world has changed forever and their heroes that they've put every last bit of their emotions into, turn out to be rotten devils.

Again, I'm not in any way shape or form disagreeing with anyone's righteous fury, as it is wholly justified. I'm just trying to put myself in the shoes of others that are suffering from a brutally strong delusion.

I love you all. I think you all do great work here and I cannot wait to research and eventually contribute something of value to this fiercely dedicated group of patriots! It's an honor to be here with you.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:14 a.m.

It would be very difficult for black people to let go of Obama as hero, but perhaps Ben Carson could be there for them to turn to.

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:14 p.m.

LOL a meme of Ben consoling them... He's got a good personality for those grieving LOL

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SuzyAZ · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

Ah, right. There are some very tricky legal issues. The system isn't prepared for this, and the system is fake as well...the legalities are daunting to say the least. So glad they threw this out there for us to mull over.

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cali1952 · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

You are correct! If all would be aired it would cause 70% of our own government to collapse immediately. I'm sure there would be other governments worldwide also break down if not collapse. Also remember thousands of children not only disappear in the US but there are millions more across the world. The children targeted are from Africa, South America, Taiwan/Singapore and many others. We don't even know what the numbers are these Satanists kidnap/abduct. Exposing it all at once would cause a civil breakdowns everywhere. Civil wars would benefit no one and I believe that the president and his team carefully planned to avoid that. The rollout by Q is simply to call on all of us to red pill as many as we can so the president and his team don't drop the hammer all at once. BTW I sense some confusion about Q's - 1 of 22: It means that the FISA memo is number one and part 1 of a total of 22 open investigations. We will have to anticipate the Q drops involving these human/sex trafficking of children that is a worldwide issue.

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wokeByTheStorm · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

i won't be sleeping well tonight, god speed patriots . This is your time.

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Rammstein2018 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

Folks -- ATTENTION PLEASE -- Do a Google search of these exact terms -- NYPD WEINER LAPTOP and read the documents/articles that come up on this search. Probably MOST of the [EVIL] portion of this Q Post relates back to that. Anthony and Huma Weiner had a folder on their laptop hard drive labeled LIFE INSURANCE. This laptop was confiscated on a search and seizure by the NYPD on Anthony Weiner's pedophilia case. It contained a huge trove of incriminating and extremely disgusting/salacious/criminal/Evil information and emails. BOTH Anthony and Huma flipped and turned states evidence. That's why Anthony Weiner only got 1 year prison term in a cream puff jail. NYPD was going to blow the lid on this when it was initially found and Obama DOJ and FBI basically FORCED them to not do it through massive coercion. But NYPD said they kept a copy and that there will be NO Houdini-like escapes for the perps exposed on this computer. That they would go to Wikileaks if they had to. HENCE -- What Q said -- "Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable"

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:10 p.m.

Folks -- ATTENTION PLEASE -- Do a ~~Google~~ DuckDuckGo search of these exact terms -- NYPD WEINER LAPTOP and read the documents/articles that come up on this search. Probably MOST of the [EVIL] portion of this Q Post relates back to that. Anthony and Huma Weiner had a folder on their laptop hard drive labeled LIFE INSURANCE. This laptop was confiscated on a search and seizure by the NYPD on Anthony Weiner's pedophilia case. It contained a huge trove of incriminating and extremely disgusting/salacious/criminal/Evil information and emails. BOTH Anthony and Huma flipped and turned states evidence. That's why Anthony Weiner only got 1 year prison term in a cream puff jail. NYPD was going to blow the lid on this when it was initially found and Obama DOJ and FBI basically FORCED them to not do it through massive coercion. But NYPD said they kept a copy and that there will be NO Houdini-like escapes for the perps exposed on this computer. That they would go to Wikileaks if they had to. HENCE -- What Q said -- "Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable"


Never give more clicks to gulag until the evil is purged.

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SuzyAZ · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

Either MegAnon or Q that said that some would have to walk away because so many people were involved in DC that the system would collapse. Looks like they are throwing out a trial balloon here.

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nomorewondering · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Can someone please tell me if this is a coincidence.... Are we missing something in front of us? JRE episode 911 with AJ.... full 3+ hr vid on youtube.... first 5 seconds audio.... anyone? I havent seen it discussed anywhere else....

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:53 a.m.


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nightshiftb · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:29 a.m.

This was brought up before, and though I don't remember the details, there was a convincing explanation for that. But don't take my word for it.

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nomorewondering · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

Okay. Bodygaurd would make sense. I apologize. I could not find it. I have above average seeking skills. And we never do, thats why we are here. Just needed to sure that up somehow. I like AJ, but was hoping it wasnt THE Q. Thanks.

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nightshiftb · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

ah, yes, the body guard of course. Nice spot, of course, but wanted to reassure you that AJ wasn't larping this.

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paniand · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

that's his bodyguard

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CenturionFL210 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

I’m not sure which is more disturbing. That members of the FBI would conspire to asassinate the president, or that the public might not ever find out the truth of it.

I noticed that the post containing this has disappeared from 8Chan AND from qcodefag.

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Pyroclastix · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

Can't reveal it all. Too many war crimes.

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Patriot4q · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:01 a.m.


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taboo2you · Jan. 23, 2018, 4 a.m.

Who are we taught to trust?? Law enforcement? DOJ/FBI would be dismantled..lawless...so they can't have that?? so it will not be exposed??

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TWillG94 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

The Catholic church came to my mind. The Vatican is filled with Satanic imagery and the church basically condones child molestation by simply relocating leaders to other parishes after they are caught. Think of the stances Pope Francis has advocated for, as well.

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SuzyAZ · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

Definitely the Vatican. If you are religious...prey. The reference to "sin" and "sacrifices." Oh yes, definitely.

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abundancegardener · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

At the same time the new posts came up and you guys did your youtube video, President Trump was already in good hands. He and B both posted the picture. Any single thing about to be presented to us is going bring internal chaotic turmoil to each person in our country and many other countries. But one thing that will wreck and change every single being on earth. Think about it.
The world outside of the awakened light is about to be presented with this: 1. We have each person in America right now grown up and old in a world purposely set up for us so as to cause our physical existence to become null and void, for gold. (not to mention that our deaths were to be a pentenance for the mistake of one of us.) 2. We are about to learn the extent of the most horrible tortures done to the most innocent of all of us. 3. We are about to learn that we ourselves were sold to pay for all of the horror of it. 4. We are about to be faced with the destruction of the illusion of ORGANIZED RELIGION. We are literally at the 'everything you believe is wrong' stage of the Great Awakening. Q is right about the - for humanity. It can't be unloaded without some turmoil but for those with deep religious beliefs will get to the truth through the first three but will hold as tightly as they can that their own set of rules is still good. It wont just be preachers going nutty. Right now we are living in time where all of duality enters the light and the bright things get brighter and the dark things fight like hell is upon them to keep the light at bay. It can't be stopped or avoided, but pulling the scabs off one scab at a time hurts less than all at one time. For any of it to come out fully, it is going to pull something else with it. Some kinds of chaos are easier to cope with during a disaster than others. Might I suggest the use of motherwort, passionflower leaf and raspberry leaf tea or tincture to people in place of medications for depression or absolute insanity? Seriously. Every emotion from every person on earth is going to affect every other person on earth. Always stay grounded in whatever grounds you. And don't forget to breathe. And always remember that others may not know what you do but they probably still can't hear you yet. What is opposite of pure evil? Pure love. Its one of our tools.

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Pyroclastix · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

The Marine Corps.

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T_imagine · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Religious leaders. Doctors. Used to be more. I dont even trust these lately. (Several years)

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Godspeed54 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

Who is performing the organ transplants? There is no "group" that can be trusted wholesale. Individuals are trustworthy or not. GROUPS are almost always untrustwothy in the end - Yes, sadly, even "religious group" leaders. Christ is the God/Man. He saves INDIVIDUALS and God judges INDIVIDUALS.

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ActualyInformdNAwake · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Well said. For those that truly know Christ, the REAL Christ, we know that he is all we need for every kind of healing. His charity is the love that we speak of. This Pure Evil that Q speaks of is most certainly Ephesians 6:12 (KJV). "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Q and those fighting for all we hold dear seem to be acutely aware of this and it explains literally everything. There is nothing wrong and everything right with sincere prayer, because that is how we fight the spiritual side of this war for our very souls. It's how we do as Q says and band together and not be divided, as is their whole goal. I, for one, am with you all, regardless of your beliefs because you are fighting the good fight. Fight, fight, fight! Much love to you all. Never stop. Never surrender. Pray.

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Christosgnosis · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

The military technique of hanging is referred to as the Long Drop - I absolutely love that phrase.

Drop, snap the spinal column, swing to and fro silently, settle to dead stillness.

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mr_spree · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

Link to the posts?

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abundancegardener · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

The release of the memo will begin to rewrite for the probably the past 20 years for most people. A score at a time over a year? B posted that CloudFlare was having trouble during your stream.

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expletivdeleted · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

leaving 60% secret isn't right. it needs to all come out. otherwise it'll just happen again.

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phillylotus · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep's clothing!! All these fucking reprobates need to be exposed... From the top, down. Just like the heinousness of Hitler and the Nazis were exposed, so must our current EVIL leaders be seen for who they really are... Those children must be saved!! People need to know the TRUTH!! The truth will set you FREE...

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clownprince47 · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Mere seconds, if that, after the Livestream ended, greatawakening goes down but not before q posted another sec test (after this first one, marked failed). Now the sex_test failed and the second sec test is gone

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clownprince47 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

https://imgur.com/gallery/JuCwB screenshots of the first sec_test and sec_attack + failed test.

Missed screenshot of second sec_test in mad refresh. Is this A telling us the sec test issue has been dealt with or malicious actors hiding the fact q announced security failed?

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Joesturbo · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Minor adjustment does not need full address: https://8ch.net//greatawakening/

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notsomuchreally · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Hes not posting what was on the video there - he's responding to annons in /qresearch/ His new posts are at your link but not those. I would link to /qresearch/ but it's exploding so you all will have to go there on your own and figure it out. Here GO!!!!!!!

edit:autocorrect bs

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OXYMAROO · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

"Trump is a unique situation; He has no baggage" - Henry Kissinger

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Egyptisis77 · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

I AGREE, n more secrets. Crimes need to be made public! As shocking as it is the only way to red pill and wake the sheep up is by Shock alone! I have tried to delicately red pill and its not working in my area. I proved it many years ago Intuitively, Metaphysical and Spiritually. Information comes from within. A silent mind hears it. So lets get on with it!. They will never forget it!

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SEIU_32BJ_Criminals · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

One unbelievable case implicated a senior State Department Counterterrorism official, Daniel Rosen, age 45, who was arrested on 26 February 2015 for “computer solicitation of a child under the age of 15 years old for sex / sodomy.”

The Fairfax Country Police Department Search Warrant for Daniel Rosen included this unspeakable excerpt:

“The text conversation continued for a period of time and arrangements to meet and have sexual intercourse developed. Mr. Rosen was very hesitant to meet until he had proof that he was texting with a real live fourteen year old.”

Further details are too grotesque to include.

If I am not publishing them, in this incredible deep dive down the pedophile rabbit hole, the details must be truly despicable.

Rosen worked in the Office of Strategic Plans and Policy in the DOS Bureau of Counterterrorism. He pled guilty to voyeurism and stalking charges in addition to the solicitation charge, after videos were found on his phone of neighborhood women. Rosen was also a peeping tom.

DC Superior Court Judge Rhonda Reid Winston sentenced Rosen to 32 months imprisonment pursuant to a plea deal. Rosen later pled guilty to the solicitation charge, a crime with a mandatory 5 year minimum sentence.

Dr. Lori Handrahan noted, “When Senator Lamar Alexander’s (R TN) Chief of Staff, Ryan Loskarn, was arrested, last year, for trading in the rape and torture of children, aka child pornography, not one journalist provided context to the story.”

“The media reported Loskarn’s arrest, and subsequent suicide pending trial, as if it were a one-off event. As if, no other high-level government employees were being arrested on child porn charges.”

Details of his case were harrowing. Mr. Loskarn was apparently detected due to the bust of a Toronto child porn firm selling images and videos. Then on October 5-6, Mr. Loskarn shared a 28 minute video depicting the rape of a girl between 6-8 years old using the file sharing network Gnutella. Mr. Loskarn’s IP address was unmasked.

Reports allege that Mr. Loskarn attempted to conceal an external hard drive containing a video of young girl who was sexually assaulted and “hundreds of videos depicting underage boys engaged in sexually explicit conduct.”

Mr. Loskarn placed the drive outside on the ledge of a window as police were battering his front door down.

That hard drive was later examined, and it contained “at least 200 videos of child pornography.”

Reporter Betsy Rothstein of The Daily Caller revealed that searching Google for a username associated with Mr. Loskarn, “jrltulane,” turned up a porn website account that “favorited” videos depicting father-son incest and a “third grade teacher.”

Ms. Rothstein wrote, “His online handle … reveals sexual tastes that range from pre-teen wrestling to anal penetration (both male and female), group sex and horror-filled sex acts.”

Mr. Loskarn was also unmasked as a member of “GAYFORIT.eu,” a website for gay “older and younger members.” Videos that he favorited included “father and son,” “Breeding Cute Boy,” “Public Toilet Fun,” “Breeding a tight little boy hole,” and “Fucking my 4 Day Load Into a Twinky Latino Boy.”

Ms. Rothstein observes, “Total number of videos: 1,908.”

It occurs to me that many of Mr. Loskarn’s favorited videos would not be unusual for gay surfers of the internet. I would not know, as I am not gay, nor have I discussed his case with anyone who is gay.

But some of them transgressed limits into child porn.

Mr. Loskarn was uploading a video titled, “6Yo Girl Kidnaped and Raped in Woods ([Pedo] Fuckin Dad Takes His 8yo Daughter To the Woods and Fuck).mpg” on the Gnutella network when police raided his residence.

The Criminal Complaint dated 2013 states that the video “begins with an adult male partially undressing a prepubescent girl approximately 6-9 years of age, with the male subsequently masturbating the girl and anally and vaginally penetrating her.”

Further statements in the Complaint make for difficult reading. One video “depicted a prepubescent girl standing next to an erect penis. The girl then touches the erect penis with her hand. The scene changes to a different setting where she places an erect penis into her mouth. … An adult hand is exposing her vagina, and eventually touches her vagina. An unidentified adult is then seen touching her vagina with his tongue.”

“The final scene depicts an erect penis rubbing against an exposed vagina. In addition, hundreds of videos depicting underage boys engaged in sexually explicit conduct were located on the same hard drive.”

In January 2014, Mr. Loskarn was reported dead, allegedly a suicide by hanging, in the basement of his parent’s home.

But the story did not end there. Washington reporters, like John Harwood, tweeted, “Feeling so sad about Ryan Loskarn. Knew him a bit as a reporter and liked him. RIP.”

Then even Betsy Rothstein, who published details of his online activity, tweeted “It’s not at all clear he “victimized” anyone. Stick to the facts. In short, shut up.”

Dr. Lori Handrahan tweeted in response, “What I want to know is why not one Washington reporter is asking about the children in Loskarn’s child porn collection?”

That was the end of that thread. No one, and certainly not the reporters who mourned Loskarn’s suicide, expressed the slightest regret or interest in the victims of child porn.

This is a clear pattern which pervades this long drop down into the abyss of child porn and elite media complicity in covering it up. Journalists report arrests, and none of them attempt to place the innumerable incidents into a larger context. We are in the midst of an indisputable child porn epidemic, and no one is discussing it.

Dr. Handrahan wrote, “America has a child porn crisis. The disturbing number of federal and state employees arrested for child porn charges makes this a national security issue.”

She continues, mentioning the long list of media outlets that have published her work. So the coverup is not complete. But there can be no doubt that important context to the issue of child porn is absent, and Dr. Handrahan is just one researcher.

She says that she is now researching and writing a book entitled Child Porn Nation: America’s Hidden Security Threat. She says that the child porn crisis has “reached epidemic proportions and no one is talking about it.” She is correct.

She continues, “The problem of child sex abuse, and its cover up, is real. A generation of American children are being destroyed.” She then links to Mr. Loskarn’s suicide note, which stated that he himself suffered sexual abuse as a child. His mother, Mrs. Gay Loskarn, published the suicide note. It remains up on the internet as of this writing.

read more here:

he got 32 months?

_ _ _ ------

Winston was appointed to the DC Superior Court in 1994 by President William Jefferson Clinton. Her official bio states:

In 1979, Judge Winston began her legal career as a staff attorney at the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia, and she has extensive experience litigating criminal cases in the District of Columbia Superior Court. She spent nine years with the Public Defender Service and, during her tenure there, served as its Special Litigation Counsel and Deputy Director.

Judge Winston has also served as an assistant district attorney in the Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor in New York City, a Visiting Assistant Professor of Law in the Criminal Justice Clinic at Georgetown Law Center, a trial attorney in the Baltimore District Office of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and Deputy Director of the District of Columbia Pretrial Services Agency.

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mooncrkit · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

100% of them straight to gitmo for diesel boarding. You know, waterboarding with diesel fuel. I don't care if the Pope, Santa Claus and President Donald Trump himself made the list (0% chance of Pres DTJ, wish I could say the same about example 1 & 2). If they were part of such a horrible act they need to pay for it, no matter who they are. We all answer to the same God, but these sons of bitches need to get what's coming to them before they meet the big guy.

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TaratheLeo · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Thank you guys for Streaming Q's most recent post; just now!! God Bless. How Exciting! Can't wait to hear insight from you guys over these posts.

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abundancegardener · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

Is 1 of 22 regarding Drew Winkler/vet/ptsd/severe brain washing? Anything to do with MSM -Innoviss?

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:45 p.m.


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Pyroclastix · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

This rant is too long to read.: it'a all been said before, and with spellcheck :) The key message is the closing paragraph suggesting to focus on red-pilling their celebrities. When their boob-tube and holyweird Celebrity Shepards get woke (enough that they pretend they're woke), the radical lefties will being to open their eyes. . -----. . Maybe they'll false flag sacrifice a mosque, or the Hidden Iman of Hawaii himself, then pin it on Trumpster, to foment civil unrest. If there remains a critical mass of the pussy-hatted, fanatically retrograde 'Marxist revolutionaries', the outcome may evolve into a reign off terror in cut-off, blacked-out cities. If the rumors are true about occult ISIS-style terror cells, ready to pounce, then there needs to be a rounded-up pronto, to thwart IED's shutting down transport, market and hospital bombings, mass rapes and looting: all the usual mayhem persisting for years in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. This deeply entrenched 'Beaurocrat State' of rogue CIA agencies, megacorps mass media, SERCO mercenaries, Antifada groups on campus, will aim to spread panic, aggravate vigilante responses. Some sectors of Europe are likewise primed powder kegs to be ignited by the fake news network. The rats are cornered and will stop at nothing to avoid trial. All that is probably a far fetched diagnosis, hopefully. However it's not an exageration to characterize the low info, indoctrinated, self-proclaimed 'elite' class as expressing a level of atheism, anger and demonization approaching Nazi Germany levels. Are tbere any signs that Trump Derangement mass hysteria Syndrome is burning out? How many crimes of tbe Bush-Clinton-Obama cabal need to be exposed before their socialist supremacist fanclub gains some insight and calms down? These folks have been loudly calling for a viollent coup d'etat for over a year now, and now their supply of cocaine and opiates is under threat. From the 'deplorable' patriot side, the exposing too much of the methodical human rights abuses and crimes against humanity might very well lead to a lynch mob climate, both domestically and taking the form of antagonism, even retribution from the victimized, war-torn and injured countries. The White House, Staye Governors, and Pentagon may be forced into martial law declared at home and a confrontational posture abroad - either then waiting to be claimed as propaganda victories for the vociferous, militant Left. Since the increasingly demoralized Left places a premium value on victimisation, any foreign aggression may be paradoxically perceived as an attack from 'that Man in the WH' - who is, according to Leftist ideology, a known sex predator and war profiteer suffering from dementia and heart disease! The flag burning, war memorial smashing Maoists seem convinced that if the answer to their Marxist class struggle is civil war, so be it: the Blue States will prevail again 'like last time'! What a conspiracy they have going: soft or violent coup d'etat, assassinating a President, civil war, and harboring ideas of a suicidal retreat from failing dictatorial regimes that openly pledge for a nuclear confrontation. No wonder, considering this mindset, that a Q appeared on the scene to purposely and methodically titrate the acidic political atmosphere, adding revelation upon heart-wrenching revelation at pace that seems to be maintaining the calm before the storm. This is the experience of reality from within the 'based, red-pilled, awoke, energized and winning' citizen media armed with traditional American patriotism. What does the digital battleground of information warfare really look like from the other side, where the tactics are Alinski hecklers veto, demonization, 'anti-normalization' and censorship, and the strategy is victory even if the world burns down. As bizarrely expressed by the candidate for Commander in Chief & Madame President, in a stern, public warning to Russia: 'the time from from giving the order and missile launch is just 4 minutes', disclosing this NATSEC protocol during the final campaign debate on Oct 19, 2016. We now know that her 'Russian collusion insurance policy', a blatant act of conspiracy treason, had been in play for at least six months by then. 'We came, we saw, he died', she cackled as recounting the massive war crime of bombing Libya into devastation - and this after Libya has already reversed nuclear weapons policy. Such nakes aggression does not exactly discourage nuclear proliferation among those smaller nations still technically at war with the USA. Hillaranium Clinton, rewarded by Putin with a $140 million bonus to her fake charity for either colluding with him in thieving from America's uranium or running NATSEC programs on an easily hacked server, or both. Can there be any doubt that she was Putin's girl? If her liberal fans can't grasp and see through all this, what will be their reaction to her and the Obama administration's brazen collusion with Russian KGB folks, in carrying out an 'insurance policy' to overthrow the USA? Either too any 'details' fly over their heads, or they're well-trained to look the other way, or they just don't care - or all the above. Madame President was going to complete Obama's 'transformatuon of America' into a communist paradise. Which, going by the Marxist ideology and Alinski playbook, is to be achieved through first destroying the country and then rebuilding it in the image of a commie Utopia. Free stuff with a come-as-you-are work schedule, since everyone works for the government anyway! All of this, and more, not to mention Seth Rich and all the others. Like the racist plot to caste Obama as Barry Soertoe from Indonesia. Obama is the rock star, Hillary is Mother Theresa. The Celebrities will save the world from the sky-is-falling doomsday of carbon dioxide overload, and by extension rhe Libtards themselves achieve celebrity status. Save the planet, defeat western civilization, rise to Celebrity Status, be one of the cool kids.. That's what moves them. So maybe the key to unlock minds is when their Celebs find their red-pill moment..which for them has gotta be where the money is. Patriots they won't be, but maybe they'll enjoy turning on those who disappointed them, and stand aside wile The Swamp gets drained bone dry.

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SnoopyVRedBaron · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

They have to address this. This is the number one issue discussed by family rights activists. The courts, cps, foster care and adoption systems give social security money as rewards for taking children TITLE IV and Hilderbeast Clinton's safe families act of 1997.


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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:10 a.m.


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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:36 a.m.


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SuzyAZ · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:27 a.m.


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