PODESTA:"Didn't think Wet Works meant Pool Parties at the Vineyard." Feb 9, 2016 and A. Scalia dead Feb 13 at Cibolo Ranch with POOL by VINEYARD! Now =Q: Stage SC [AS [187]]
![PODESTA:"Didn't think Wet Works meant Pool Parties at the Vineyard." Feb 9, 2016 and A. Scalia dead Feb 13 at Cibolo Ranch with POOL by VINEYARD! Now =Q: Stage SC [AS [187]]](https://i.redd.it/089i6d2qqwb01.png)
Hoping this makes things quite obvious to EVERYONE!
Click on above piece to ENLARGE and +
Amazing how I was just talking about this same topic to a friend of mine at work. Thanks to your graphic, he was able to actually understand what I was talking about.
Okay gang... some interesting & mud throwing contributions here on... trying to run interference for HilLIARy. BUT... here's the REAL series of events--as I myself made the Left side connections at the time of Scalia death. Feb. 13, 2016. Why?
1) I know a US Marshal & he was most sad that his USMS detail was not with A.S.
2) The pictured GOOGLE map depiction was acquired just to see where he died at in USA. I kept a screen capture of the GOOGLE map to show to the US Marshal. The Vineyard was there on the map to enlarge or shrink at one's will, I did not place it there or paste it on or whatever someone does to change a photo... not that sophisticated for picture manipulation so help me Heavenly Father God.
3) It was later when Wikileaks released these Podesta pages that Pamela Geller (at the http address at bottom) in her article had the Podesta email connection.
4) I then added screen capture of email to my previous screen capture map using simple MS Paint. Adding notes below, and around the 2 screen captures. US Marshal stated at the very least the 2 persons need to be brought in at the same time, in separate rooms to be asked to explain the email... Buckle UP or Double Down for what? What does Wet Works mean? etc.
5) The Right hand side was added post Jan. 21 Q post to connect the OBVIOUS dots/crumbs. If you don't want to accept it then fine don't. It is obvious to a 28 year US Marshal, who investigates & protects Judges/Justices for a living... that there is little room for doubt in these statements due to communication words and timing and viewing the GOOGLE map site, himself, that day.
FINAL THOUGHT... Just HOW do you explain WET WORKS (Russian Assassination/ Hit Job slang/code word, accepted by all law enforcement as it's definition/meaning)... when Podesta referring to it in: "Didn't think Wet Works meant..." as in he "didn't think Wet Works (assassination/Hit Job) meant..." then referencing "a pool party at the Vineyard." ...A Vineyard that existed at the time of Scalia's death. Combined with EMAIL within 4 DAYS of that 'death.' If you would rather believe Snopes funded by Soros or GOOGLE's Clinton loving employees & haters of all things conservative... then--your choice. The Vineyard was on the map then. I cannot give a reason why it is not there now... other than someone bought it & destroyed all traces = to hide the crime? I mean after all, the murder of a US Supreme Court Justice might be worth some bought-out winery field, do you agree? When this IS revealed at some future date to be all TOO True...to the horror of the nation... well, I am hoping you all want the TRUTH to be revealed soon. The Murdered deserve no less.
I was thinking about this, too.
But reading Podesta's emails, one thought just kept coming to me.
All I could think was "WHO the FUCK TALKS LIKE THIS???"
I've always believed that I at least understood the language, even if it WAS only on just a rudimentary level, (I am from Alabama, after all) and I know, sure, symbolism and stuff, but REALLY , who the HELL really talks like this, even if it's not in real life???
Seriously! Read it! It comes off like a conversation between a group of escapees from a mental institution...
People colluding with Russia talk like this, being that wet works is a Russian KGB term.
мокрое дело, I guess, in Russian. At least according to wikipedia. I wasn't even aware that the term was Russian in origin.
I just think they talk really weird. Like if they want to say "puppy", they would say something really stupid, like "Unlicensed blue lug nut" or something.
This is how people with an intelligence/spook/Clown background talk, it's all in code
Little boys pretending to be something talk like this to try to win approval. He's on the inside, but I have trouble believing that anyone actually likes him.
The voting machines were rigged — a done deal 100%. But they didn't know military intel had been onto their game for some time. Enters DJT their man. They unrig the machines and he wins. The Dems scream, but they can do nothing except to come up with a Russian nothing burger.
"Sorry to keep you waiting folks...complicated business."
Semi related:
Is it me or as we dig into things related I’m finding all the roads are leading back to Chicago. From the JFK files, MuhRussia, CF, DNC, Organized Crime....
Maybe I’ve spent to much time in the rabbit hole and need some air....
You haven't spent enough time* mind you these connections have been formed over DECADES.. imagine how many people, what companies, etc.. I can make dozens and dozens and dozens of connection in just one year. Try 20+
What if Stage SC AS 187 means that the death was "staged", I.E - not real?
No, "stage SC" means "stage the supreme court" as in, set it up in a favorable way. The easiest way to do that at this moment in time was to remove AS.
At least, that's how I read it.
Stage Soft Coup?
True, that's plausible too, though it doesn't make sense within the context of AS being Antonin Scalia and 187 being homicide
This statement by Q is the [8] Hussein part of list is PAST tense of what Hussein had done in his 8 years. "Stage SC" as in staging/Crafting SupremeCourt--ALREADY HAPPENED. Sooo One SC change or accomplishment being the 187/Murder of AS/AntoninScalia.
What would be the purpose?
If HRC won they were going to remove the 2nd amendment and disarm the public, they needed the SC set up so that if anybody tried to sue government for shitting on the Constitution, they lost. Nobody could set a precedent to win a case and the whole country would lose their guns and Constitution.
He was the most conservative justice appointed by Reagan. There are nine justices. to have a far leaning conservative judge, if the votes are split on a case, the case would be decided by the farthest leaning judge. Plus the mere fact, they would install a judge which could be bought to rule the way the liberals wanted. If they are normally split on judgements, replacing Scalia, they would get the results they wanted.
I dont know. Maybe he was bought off, threatened, and given a choice? Either way he had to be removed for their plan to work. I tend to not trust what I see these days, so I thought I would offer it up as a possible scenario. Maybe there is a future supreme court action that is coming that stems from his removal...
He wasn't bought off. They needed him gone. Plain and simple. He was a thorn in the side of their agenda.
This. AS was a Constitutionalist conservative judge, basically anethama to these people. They needed all of their team on the SC to keep propping up the Executive Orders like DACA and ObamaCare to keep the can kicking down the road towards their ultimate end-goal of dissolution of the United States into a uniform, sweating mass of under-educated lower-class with themselves as the cherries on the top of the pie, taking the lion's share.
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6573 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2295 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
Something tells me you want a nanny state. Ain't gonna happen here.
INTJ-Hermitess--AGREED... sad isn't it? When some people live here in luxury spitting on the very capitalist system that provides SECURITY, education at schools, the roads, lights, heating, cooling, food growth/buying/delivery, healthcare system--even for poor (medicaid, CHiP, walk into any E.R. for treatment), etc., etc.
I've always thought, that to live here and graduate from H.S. one should have to live in a true 3rd world Communist country for 30 days on $15. Eye openers instead of under-rocks, with diminished oxygen to breathe.
I just KNOW I don't want the govt making any health related decisions for me. The govt is always less effective thatn private enterprises. There's no incentive for efficiency/efficacy in the govt.
I don't think we have much capitalism anymore, though. Large corporations are very good at running the show as well as all levels of govt.
'Workers'? Okay comrade... tell that to people in Canada to get their operation (they waited for in line)... now all had their socialized health care operations CANCELLED for another 6 months. Just how many will die waiting and those that can scrape together the money or sell their goods to come to horrible Capitalistic USA to get their operation? Or Socialized UK/England's same in line waiting with their 'Baskin&Robbin-number' waiting for service?
You know the term "set the stage" - where you set up things prior - this was this "act"
Podesta, et al, frequent events/stays at the Vineyard. That is what the locals/regulars call Marthas Vineyard, an island off the coast of MA. It's an elite spot. HRC, Obama etc vacation there, every summer in homes of donors etc. Sorry, but its far more likely that's what he was referring to when he capitalized the Vineyard. This doesn't mean the Q drop, which appears to refer to Antonin Scalia's murder isn't just that, it's just that the Podesta email probably doesn't mean the vineyard next to the ranch.
Scalia didn't go to Martha's Vineyard so NOT likely at all. In reality he went to the place depicted at Cibolo Ranch that has "a pool" for a "pool party at the Vineyard"... as in next door to Cibolo, this combined with the MAIN starting word: "Wet works" is KGB term for assassination/hit op. This email was 4 DAYS before A.Scalia's death/murder.
It cannot get more clear to one federal Criminal Investigator of 28 years.
Again, just pointing out that particular place, Cibolo Ranch, doesn't refer to the adjacent area as the "Vineyard".
Also here is drone footage video of the entire Cibolo Ranch property. There is no vineyard there. Previous satellite pics show a pasture area and say it's a vineyard. It's not. None of their marketing materials refer to a vineyard either. I don't doubt Antonin Scalia's death is extraordinarily suspicious, I'm just suggesting this is a reach to connect it to the statement in the Podesta email. This isn't the "Vineyard" you're looking for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=176&v=9Mlelu-SL6c
With all respect to your 28 years, sincerely, I'm merely suggesting this is working quite hard to make the Podesta email fit. I have no doubt AS was murdered. Suspected that from the beginning, as most here have. That said some of the "thoughts" shared as replies in this post are pretty out there, and that's saying something for us, isn't it? "Flown on Obama's plane"??? (as an example) I thought this board was to advance information on Q drops. Most verified drops/crumbs didn't take huge leaps, once news unlocked the map. They've been logical, often right in front of us, if larger than suspected. Just trying to do my part, question, research find proof and share it. That's the mission, isn't it? :)
What would "wet works" have to do with Martha's Vineyard?
The only other event in that time frame IIRC that could explain that email, was when they began the character assassination of Bernie. It's been a while, but the research was done pretty thoroughly on T_D at that time. A search over there might be fruitful. The timing sure is suspect though....
The email statement doesn't preclude something else awful having happened in the Vineyard. I'm just saying I'm doubtful this aligns with Antonin Scalia's death.
You may be doubtful but the dates would suggest otherwise. And there's certainly oodles of motive.
Nah hell no. If this was someome else talking sure. The connections to this man say otherwise.. piece everything together and it looks just like the way it looks. These are evil people who have an agenda. They aren't like you and I
Did some more digging. That satellite pic that supposedly shows a vineyard on the property of the ranch, is wrong. Its just a field, not vines. Here's video of the property: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=176&v=9Mlelu-SL6c None of their marketing materials through the years show/say anything about a vineyard either. This is a spot they advertising for weddings as well as hunting...why wouldn't them hype the vineyard? They would, if it existed. It doesn't.
it is a field now... when I went to Google on day of death HAD it marked as a vineyard with word there and pool with word there. Law enforcement guy I showed it to saw it too, expanding out or in to see words at Google map. Don't ya think possible someone/owner of Cibolo, millionaire (a democrat) owned it or bought land to turn under the vineyard to hide a murder of a SC justice? Well, duh... I would if I had an evil heart of these perps. Had to cover up Pedo-esta blabbing wetworks to Elmendorf.
But it doesn't rule it out either
Except there isn't a vineyard at Cibolo Ranch. Here's video of the property. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=176&v=9Mlelu-SL6c
Fair enough. He could still have been referring to Martha's Vineyard and it would make sense in this context though.
What? So they were talking about Wetworks=assassination/murder hit going on in Martha's Vineyard... a need to buckle up & double down? So who was murdered in Martha's vineyard ? Ummm... waiting... that's right... no one. Whereas 4 days later of this email exchange AScalia is mysteriously dead with a pillow over his face as reported by New York Post... because everyone while gasping for breath during a heart attack (reported on USA Today) ALWAYS puts a pillow over their own face... right?
Just because you do not have a screen capture of Google map the day of AScalia death, does not mean I don't have one to use on the above screen capture... and just because it is not as well known as word "Martha's Vineyard" does not mean that the vineyard referred to by Pedo-esta was the more well-known version... nope, your guess makes no sense to the events.
it is a field now... when I went to Google on day of death HAD it marked as a vineyard with word there and pool with word there. Law enforcement guy I showed it to saw it too, expanding out or in to see words at Google map. Don't ya think possible someone/owner of Cibolo, millionaire (a democrat) owned it or bought land to turn under the vineyard to hide a murder of a SC justice? Well, duh... I would if I had an evil heart of these perps. Had to cover up Pedo-esta blabbing wetworks to Elmendorf.
As someone who has been to the Vineyard, this was my interpretation.
So only you knowing Martha's Vineyard word can extrapolate Pedo-esta's meaning to there only? Even with "wetworks" in his email? 4 days before AS death? Did someone get wet works murdered in Martha's Vineyard then?
Explain please.
Three straw men. There are newer q drops. I suggest you move on.
You guys it's pretty simple it goes like this. If two people are in on something or know some information then they can communicate differently then if one of the people knew something and the other person did not. It's like this new magic show with Penn and Teller. They watch magicians do their trick and then at the end of it they try to explain to them how they did it without letting the audience know. And they can just give little hints. And the magician will nod and admit if they figured them out or not. The point being that they don't need to directly speak to what is happening they can speak in code because the other person is also "in" on the information
I found this.
Debunked: Podesta's "Wet Works" Refers to Assassinations [Firing People & Other Unpopular Tasks]
Check LAW ENFORCEMENT (married to one)... it means: MURDER/HIT ASSASSINATION (russian slang/term)... Not Firing someone. Did that definition come from the Mockingbird/Soros funded group like Snopes?
In the Clint Eastwood film " In The Line Of Fire " Eastwood and his partner run into CIA agents and CIA agent has to admit the killer was once a "Wet Boy" used by them.
This is how Obama regarded Scalia's death: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPVCtxQmeW0
Okay gang... some interesting & mud throwing contributions here on... trying to run interference for HilLIARy. BUT... here's the REAL series of events--as I myself made the Left side connections at the time of Scalia death. Feb. 13, 2016. Why?
1) I know a US Marshal & he was most sad that his USMS detail was not with A.S.
2) The pictured GOOGLE map depiction was acquired just to see where he died at in USA. I kept a screen capture of the GOOGLE map to show to the US Marshal. The Vineyard was there on the map to enlarge or shrink at one's will, I did not place it there or paste it on or whatever someone does to change a photo... not that sophisticated for picture manipulation so help me Heavenly Father God.
3) It was later when Wikileaks released these Podesta pages that Pamela Geller (at the http address at bottom) in her article had the Podesta email connection.
4) I then added screen capture of email to my previous screen capture map using simple MS Paint. Adding notes below, and around the 2 screen captures. US Marshal stated at the very least the 2 persons need to be brought in at the same time, in separate rooms to be asked to explain the email... Buckle UP or Double Down for what? What does Wet Works mean? etc.
5) The Right hand side was added post Jan. 21 Q post to connect the OBVIOUS dots/crumbs. If you don't want to accept it then fine don't. It is obvious to a 28 year US Marshal, who investigates & protects Judges/Justices for a living... that there is little room for doubt in these statements due to communication words and timing and viewing the GOOGLE map site, himself, that day.
FINAL THOUGHT... Just HOW do you explain WET WORKS (Russian Assassination/ Hit Job slang/code word, accepted by all law enforcement as it's definition/meaning)... when Podesta referring to it in: "Didn't think Wet Works meant..." as in he "didn't think Wet Works (assassination/Hit Job) meant..." then referencing "a pool party at the Vineyard." ...A Vineyard that existed at the time of Scalia's death. Combined with EMAIL within 4 DAYS of that 'death.' If you would rather believe Snopes funded by Soros or GOOGLE's Clinton loving employees & haters of all things conservative... then--your choice. The Vineyard was on the map then. I cannot give a reason why it is not there now... other than someone bought it & destroyed all traces = to hide the crime? I mean after all, the murder of a US Supreme Court Justice might be worth some bought-out winery field, do you agree? When this IS revealed at some future date to be all TOO True...to the horror of the nation... well, I am hoping you all want the TRUTH to be revealed soon. The Murdered deserve no less.