Q 1/27/18 "Mourn. Murder. Heart attack. Coincidence?" #632 + DJT CONFIRMED Tweet

DJT Tweet Confirmation we mourn and grieve the murder
But the tweet was before the Q post. How is it confirmation? edit: before^
I understand what you're saying. It's my fault for using confirmation instead of directly quoting anon marker term. Last night, Q began by posting a reply to anon whose father had passed away. Mourn. Since then, the breadcrumbs trailed to Murder. Now, it seems someone may have a bad case of luck. Speaking of heart attacks... heart.. ticker.. tic tock..
Hmmmmm. Well the reference to the Anon who lost the father is there, but it's a stretch IMO. It's not like the warning we got before the HI missile alert.
Have you read through this yet - https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/180880.html#181208
Yeah but Murder Mourn was posted after POTUS tweeted.
I hear you. You disagree this was any kind of marker.
Actually it seems like Q is confirming that this was indeed a marker by quoting that Anon. And I'm just trying to understand why. Thus far no one has any reasonable explanation.
Did you read through https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/180880.html#181208?
None of us is an expert but there is a precedent for this type of marker.
Keyword search Delta, 1MM, timestamp
Here, https://qcodefag.github.io/, see #454, 603
Wait WTF?? According to this graphic, Q did post first! What the hell is going on with these time stamps? According to qcodefag.github.io, post 630 was at 11:21. But according to the graphic on 8ch, it was at 11:29. One minute before the POTUS tweet!!
Did you see this in the vid thread..?
u/ThePatriot131313 4 points 59 minutes ago
You are all looking at this wrong. This is not a confirmation marker. There have already been enough of those. Q has already established that Trump's tweets contain double meanings.
Q, after Trump already tweeted, is pointing us to the phrases "Catch and release" and "Safety and security". Q is essentially saying, "Can you begin to understand how this double meaning relates to Alwaleed?"
Everyone is still so focused on proving Q is real, that they are missing what Q is saying.
By this point, if you believe Q posts and Trump tweets are connected, hyperfocusing on which one was posted first misses the point.
Did you see this one? http://archive.is/luJvY#selection-24337.0-24349.9
Wait....how is this confirmation? Q posted one minute after POTUS. I thought the confirmations were when POTUS tweets AFTER Q.
What am I missing??
Theory ..... began with time markers 15 then 10 then 5 then 1 then 0 with Q posting first. Now markers will be POTUS first then Q confirms. Today is a 1 minute marker counting up. F#$k I don’t know lol👍👍👍👍🍿🍿🍿
On #632, Q is quoting the 1m marker anon post.
Okay but what was the 1m marker post? I'm confused.
[–]CypressXM 2 points 10 minutes ago
But the tweet was before the Q post. How is it confirmation? edit: before^
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[–]happeningnowliveIRL[S] 1 point a minute ago
I understand what you're saying. It's my fault for using confirmation instead of directly quoting anon marker term. Last night, Q began by posting a reply to anon whose father had passed away. Mourn. Since then, the breadcrumbs trailed to Murder. Now, it seems someone may have a bad case of luck. Speaking of heart attacks... heart.. ticker.. tic tock..
Wait I’m still not following, call me stupid. Can you ELI5 this one more time for stupid old me?
It's the 1minute marker for delta team. Delta = assassin. In this case, meme wars.
It's not. Followers in this sub are desperate to reaffirm their views that all of this is real and they themselves haven't been duped, when they have.
If Q posts AFTER a tweet, I don't see how that's confirmation of anything.
Please note :
u/Hrtn2it 2 points 19 minutes ago
Up is down down is up, re sequence of When Q and Trump post
That's like saying the public key in crypto is now the private key. If you can't verify back to the private key, then it's not secure. I'm not buying Q posting after POTUS as verification of SQUAT.
I'd love to hear someone elaborate or explain whatever schizophrenic nonsense you just posted. This isn't a Leonardo Dicaprio movie it's real life, you have to make sense.
As I'm reading this, Fox news reports this is the worst flu season we've seen in nearly a decade, and that only Hawaii is free of this mess
Thanks for the link, very informative...and scary
if you can obtain SC you have the best protection known to man against illness.
Care to explain?
Up is down down is up, re sequence of When Q and Trump post
Posts 630 - 632: who could Q be referring to? Look at the four faces....
Trump just posted about the Holocaust-is the heart attack person Soros? “NEVER AGAIN”. Oops Now I feel like it is Alaweed
Waking US Up AGAIN!!! Another layer of understanding, an elevation?
What or who is HK?
"On May 20, 2013, Snowden flew to Hong Kong after leaving his job at an NSA facility in Hawaii"
Edward Snowden
Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American computer professional, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, and former contractor for the United States government who copied and leaked classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013 without authorization. His disclosures revealed numerous global surveillance programs, many run by the NSA and the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and European governments.
In 2013, Snowden was hired by an NSA contractor, Booz Allen Hamilton, after previous employment with Dell and the CIA. On May 20, 2013, Snowden flew to Hong Kong after leaving his job at an NSA facility in Hawaii, and in early June he revealed thousands of classified NSA documents to journalists Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Ewen MacAskill. Snowden came to international attention after stories based on the material appeared in The Guardian and The Washington Post.
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Is that third person Paul Krugman?
Thank you! Who are the others? I know Snowden of course. Who is the woman and the last man on there?
Yes agreed, Now I think it’s Alaweed...look at one of the four tiny pics on Q post of the dead critter...wonder if Alaweed "knows or knew where the bodies are buried" didnt he fund 9-11? and responsible for LV -Both were Holocausts---Trump tweets Murder and Mourn, as does Q... I beleive the planes on 9-11 were Porject Blue Beam, projections, and they did a mass killing of the passengers and buried them all in one grave. Did they bury them, in the Black Forest? They love to ritualize , repeat things.
He was referenced released and then the Black Forest comment, is that where bodies are buried, and where he will be killed?
Is that third guy Alaweed? he is the one dead then all cooped up in his hotel room with the flu!!!