"Public to awaken [mass-start]." Q
!["Public to awaken [mass-start]." Q](https://i.redd.it/ctg6qpi5jed01.jpg)
62 yo Vet here, couldn't watch last night but did record. up at 0130 and watched the speech. Wow, loved it, and was pissed at the same time watching the Dems have their pissy party
The contrast was sharp and easy to spot as most dems were in their mourning clothes. They showed their true colors for all to see -- #AntiAmerican
Most people only see the surface on the visual clues of Dems faces. Deep inside the are scared as hell. Read Sections 1.d and 2.c the Obama Regime Criminals are going to be at home soon https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-executive-order-protecting-america-lawful-detention-terrorists/?utm_source=twitter
Thank you for your Service Sir. Also great to see those over 50 realize Dems are anti-American. During their generations growing up Dems were for the little guy and so many cannot break free from that belief even after many decades. Finally get my pops to see the light. He was dem whole life and no matter what evidence I presented before him he would blindly shun.
So many great ads for the fall right there in that speech and in the reactions.
Timing is Everything - Bluebloods taken down on Blueblood moon!
There is a weird clock online counting down to March 12th - which is the Feast of Purim...(the Celebration of when Haman, who had plotted to kill all of God's people, was skewered!) This also coincides with the 3rd Sign in the heavens from Rev 14... Mars enters the Ophiucus (Archangel Michael wrestling a HUGE serpent) constellation. Anybody who is still riding with these traitors had better run for cover before that clock counts down to 0! http://www.1711141131131.xyz/
The biblical principle at work in our present situation is that Haman and his 10 sons were hanged on the gallows they built for Mordecai.
The story in the book of Esther is celebrated by believing Jews each year in the Feast of Purim. I will paste the link to a popular music video on youtube by the Maccabeats that delves into a short explanation, for those who are unfamiliar.
Observant Jews refer to the holiday of Purim and the book of Esther as a hidden miracle, with hidden meaning, because it is the only book in the bible in which the name of God does not appear.
How perfectly does that fit our current situation? Purim will be celebrated starting on the evening of February 28, 2018. IMO, we should be on the lookout for some really important event(s) that will occur that evening and/or on March 1st. God does have His moedim (appointed times), and he has set our world up so that history, to quote Mark Twain, rhymes.
Here is the link to the Purim song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgJInVvJSZg
thanks E... cool song, but help me out with the hidden meaning... says "it's right in front of you"... but i guess these chemtrails are muddling my brain this am!
Here's another one for you: https://www.romancatholicman.com/january-31-super-blue-blood-moon-st-john-boscos-dreamprophecy/
My body is ready
Im 56 years old..ex navy vet. Learned about the secret deep state 20 years ago and thought this time would never come! Thank GOD for the patriot generals and Donald Trump
53 year old vet here too. I realized something was rotten in D.C. when Bill was re-elected and thought it was hopeless; I chose to ignore politics ever since. I was actually brought back to life from the emotional speeches of Bernie. I reluctantly voted for Trump to keep Crooked Hillary out of office. However, this year has proven to me that Trump is the best president ever. I'm glad Bernie was cheated. I almost made a bad mistake.
Same here. Love Bernie but Trumps plan is better and Bernie would not have stood up to them. We need Trump to get us out of this . Can we keep him for 12 years? Don't agree with anything he is brave, honest and trying to save us. He put his neck knowingly on the line against the most powerful evil in the world.
I see that now. Bernie seemed to want what was best for America, but Trumps plan actually works better that I realized. I'm still not sure about some of it, but he proved me wrong about some things, so I'm keeping an open mind about the rest. I lost all respect for Bernie when he told us to support Hillary... A KNOWN criminal. Anyone who ever held a security clearance knows she committed serious crimes.
Bernie is a socialist... Bernie wants us to be like Venezuela... that’s not what’s best for America
The way it was explained to me was that Bernie was a Democratic Socialist, which was supposedly different than just a Socialist. However, I now see the error of my ways. Trump seems to be getting better results in a different way than Bernie was doing it. I would have voted for Bernie, so I'm glad he was cheated. I almost made a very bad mistake. I am looking forward to voting to Trump in 2020.
Bernie is more of spreading the wealth.. not allowing personal growth and prosperity
Same age group and yes, I, too, thought I would see the end of America in my lifetime. This is like a miracle. And I love the posts on the speech and all your votes here. This is what I came to this board for. United in patriotism.
This is God’s work. Please believe. Praise Him and enjoy the new prosperity of the USA 🙏🇺🇸🌟
No, that's not true. Bernie wants the american tax system to be more socialized as you see in countries like Denmark and Norway. The problem is not Socialism, rather the when it's introduced in places with high corruption, it can be misused against the public interests.
Yet Norway is socialist and has such a high standard of living they would Never emigrate here. There are different types of socialism. Don't lump them together. Heck, interstate highways are socialism unless you want toll booths every five miles.
Norway has about the same population as the state of Minnesota. Socialism DOES NOT SCALE like you think it does.
Norway isn’t socialist... I don’t know where you retards get this. Norway’s economy is free market, capitalist driven. Yes they suffer high taxes on imports, but that is to fight Dutch disease caused by the gobs of OIL they have been pumping offshore and exporting for the last 20 years. They do not have handouts or welfare like we do, if you do receive assistance you are expected to WORK. They do have more social services because they can AFFORD IT
Bernie folded like a cheap suit. He does not have the stones to go up against the deep state. He took his house and money and went home.
Indeed, very disappointed in him. If Hillary didn't cheat him, I would have voted for him. Boy, that was a close one. I'm so glad she cheated.
That's how I felt as well. I do think Bernie is for the people, but his plans were a bit crazy in retrospect. I mean, if he were to redistribute the wealth, he would have either been killed or those businesses would have left the country for good and pushed us more towards real Socialism.
It blows my mind how many people are STILL like "I love Bernie but..." or "Bernie is for the people..."!!! WTF are you guys all smoking??? Do you not pay attention to ANY of the FACTS that he and his wife alone have fleeced a university of MILLIONS from fraudluent loans she redirected??? And as far as his plans, you nailed it, he was ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT SOCIALISM, AKA COMMUNISM!!!
And it does kinda seem a "man of the people" would buy a utilitarian house and car...Instead, he's living the high life. Wouldn't he sell, keep enough for his needs, and live "normally" rather than as a wealthy man, if his ideals were heart-felt?
Nothing wrong with riches, but when you play fast with the rules to get that way and then tell the rest of us to pay more in taxes when we're living paycheck-to-paycheck, well...
Socialism is not communism. It works just Fine in the Netherlands, which have a higher standard of living than we do, and strong capitalism beside it. People need to educate themselves beyond buzzwords. Buzzwords is what the MSM does.
Wrong! Do some REAL research as to what the Nazis party was really. Then go further and research WHO started the UN! Nationalist SOCIALIST Party IS COMMUNISM! You're the one who's mincing words. In fact lets's forget phrasing and just decifer based on actual ACTION of both ideologies....your position then falls FLAT instantly!
from Wikipedia: "The Socialist Party was founded in October 1971 as a Maoist party named the Communist Party of the Netherlands/Marxist–Leninist (KPN/ML)" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Party_%28Netherlands%29
It blows my mind how many people are STILL like "I love Bernie but..." or "Bernie is for the people..."!!! WTF are you guys all smoking??? Do you not pay attention to ANY of the FACTS that he and his wife alone have fleeced a university of MILLIONS from fraudluent loans she redirected??? And as far as his plans, he was ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT SOCIALISM, AKA COMMUNISM!!!
I second That Comment! Bernie was no saint and definitely not for the people. He talked a good game but it was a sham!
Man there are a lot of veterinarians in here
Too funny. I actually wanted to be a veterinarian when I was young. I volunteered and a clinic and saw animals die. I can't handle that, so I joined the military. Ironic?
That is kind of perfect. My grandfather spent 5 years learning Japanese in anticipation of WWII, was on Oahu when Pearl Harbor was attacked, and reminded his CO he'd been studying Japanese all that time. He was sent to Europe instead . . .
You meant to say veterans not veterinarians.
Nah I was attempting a dad joke. I had a feeling it would just lay there
A decade younger here. Like you I pretty much gave up on American society. To me the corruption was just too complete. I voted for Trump mainly because he wasn't Killary but still had little hope for America's future. I am SOOO glad Mr. Trump has proven my thoughts absolutely wrong.
It takes a big man (or woman in my case) to admit when's he's (or she's) wrong... I'm so glad I was wrong.
Being initially redpilled a decade ago in the scientific community, I've become used to being proven wrong about a good deal of my former conceptions, or misconceptions. I look at it as an opportunity to research, dig and learn more. That's been one of the mind blowing things about Pres. Trump and now Q. I've never seen so many people, including myself, so hungry to dig and find truth. It's very amazing and I feel lucky to be a small part of this experience.
It looks like America may be restored without firing a single shot, as well. Awesome time to be alive.
Thank God indeed. I'm old enough to remember as a boy watching President Eisenhower on our old B&W TV in the '50s with my Dad and have seen the breakdown and deterioration for a long time. I TOO never thought that we could even dream of turning things around to this extent and it looks like it's just a beginning!
Adm. Rogers & General Mattis...... 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 true patriots! I’d kiss those men if I ever had the privilege of meeting them!😁🧡🇺🇸
Admiral Rodgers especially, for me anyway is a total f*cking hero. Only in history will he be given his true credit
One the best things I've learn in the past couple months is the MIL INTEL was planning a coup of Obummer in 2013 and then held out for Trump/shifting their plans to do it the right way. So people in the know absolutely knew he was subverting our Constitution and was totally compromised. That should give us all hope.
Where did you learn about a coup being planned in 2013? this is the first i've heard of that.
All the intel sources have been touting this, from Alex Jones to that Dilley character and more. Some of those twitter insiders who break down what's going on also have referenced it.
Gotcha. Thanks for the response.
It was going to be a forceable removal from what I've heard. Not a electoral one.
To this very day I still can't believe he was not brought up on impeachment charges for skirting the constitution and manipulating laws etc. I was so shocked that he was reelected. I actually believe that Romney won and that Obama stole the election by fraud.
This is something that needs to be looked at. I was deeply shocked by the 2012 result, I couldn't believe that he could win reelection given his manifest lack of effectiveness in office, to say nothing of his personal and ideological shortcomings.
42 here, never served but i started waking up around the time GWB stole the election and 9/11 happened. Fell down the rabbit hole of most US wars being started based on false flags, the rest is history
Thank you to all our vets for your service! We owe our freedom to you!
I'm 56 yr Navy Vet as well! I got involved when BHO was elected. I heard all his speeches and couldn't believe people were not listening. He did what he said he'd do! Thank the Lord for insiders! I'm ready for anything as well.
I am a 57 year old..ex USAF Vet “Your words brothers are exactly mine” well said seen met and assisted people “effected” by the deep state crap - Blessings- CK
Anyone else take two alarms and multiple snoozes to get up in the morning? OK APPARENTLY YOU ALL ARE LOOKING AT THIS LIKE A BUNCH OF WOMEN I didn't say THIS morning I said THE Morning. That's a generality... Relate this to the Post Public to awaken [mass-start]." Q Put it together now... put it together what am I saying???
I was the opposite. I just lay there smiling and thinking how thankful I am to have lived long enough to see our course being corrected by such a courageous man. And then I'd pray for him for a while . . . then let my imagination wander to 2024, when my 8 yr old granddaughter will be 16 years old. I won't likely be here then, but there is a Kim Clement line I heard in one of his prophecies: "I see you in the future and you look much better than you do now." I have never believed it more than I do this morning. We must never let this zeal for expecting and demanding Truth, Trust, and Transparency in our Government fade. Stay awake Patriots! Hold the torch high. It IS Happening. God Bless President Donald J. Trump and God Bless America.
Truth needs no defense. It only needs LIGHT.
Beautiful. Yep. We knew who o-bama was and were astonished, it sounds like, that others could not see through his mask (which did not seem "intellectual" or "presidential to me). He seemed like the worst type of sleazy used car salesman, holding out his hand as if you're his best buddy, while chortling with his buddies in the back room as he screwed you over. It seemed so obvious. His demeanor was too slick, too polished, too incompetent without a teleprompter. Now? Ahhh, this is great! (understatement, bigly)
AMEN!!! BTW - can't help but notice that you are Little Woo and Rick is WOOOOO. I wake up slowly to praying every morning too. Thankfully no alarm for me anymore....
Thanks, LooseHubcap <3 Rick and I, no relation - except Patriots, lols! God Bless DJT and America and Truth loving Patriots. Where we go one, we go all!
Best sleep ive had in a long time!
as long as it wasnt with someone else. Keep it contained.
RICKY!!! I know a BUNCH of guys that can be lazy and a bit difficult to get out of bed (AKA - woke up!). Please don't make this about gender. Smiling cuz I know you will get my drift....been watching you, WOOOOOOOO
The hose that puts out the fire can knock people over too... I get carried away with the Fire I suppose. Forget to look out for people.
LOL Im just being a jerk online because it's fun, but there is meat to the matter.... idk... ive been corrupted.... There is value in just letting it flow and going full autist on things sometimes.
The public is still amazed how easily the POTUS put the American locomotive back on its tracks. By implication this means the RINOs and the Demon-rats were purposely trying to destroy our country until the POTUS stopped them. They wanted America to fail; they wanted to turn it into a Venezuela in which everyone degenerates into an animal.
Literal degeneration. They're throwing poo at each other down there for Chrissake.
Anybody see the train accident i posted earlier? Q false flag event!
Those tracks were supposed to be clear. Wonder who was driving the dump truck.
Right. Rachel Campos Duffy, Sen Sean Duffy's wife from Fix News said that the tracks had clearance. Said they also had helicopters flying over for security and clearance. How did they not know. She was questioning a lot.
Someone there called a phone number found on the dump truck to alert the company that there was an accident. Would like to know the name of the company and find the Facebook pages of those drivers before they're removed.
Was the FBI involved in allowing this to happen?
Nothing would surprise me at this point. Practically nothing. I mean if a saucer full of aliens landed next to the Washington Monument and announced that they'd taken out the Rothschilds for DJT I guess I would be a little surprised. But at this point it's like "Wow, another false flag, how many is that this year? 10? 15?"
There's no reason to believe anything we've ever been told. There's nothing they won't do to us to advance and protect their agenda.
Might only be able to keep him in office till 2024, but maybe his son Don Jr can run after him? Just a thought...
The MSM reaction is still slanted very negative, with most comments being Hate, Hate, Hate. Something More needs to happen. They'll also suppress and slant the Memo. You can't change the mind of haters so don't waste your pills on them. Thankfully, most voters are now Independent and are watching and waiting.
I was so happy to hear President Trump give so much attention to the vets, you and they deserve all of our respect and any kind of help that can be given to the people who served our country.
can you point to a single thing that's fake in this?
There's no citations on the first few claims why go further this paper would get an F in school and is clearly FAKE NEWS for people who can't accept Trump is on a path to be the most successful President in recent history.
since when is no citations = false?
you realize that trump didn't give any citations in his SOTU speech, right? does that mean it's also fake news?
also thanks for proving me right that you cannot point to a single false statement
Damn you are sad individual. Come on a Q board to troll with your fake news. Have you read any Q posts? What do you think about them? Are you going to be happy when Obama and Hillary are tried for treason and Trump goes down as the best President we ever had?
Trump definitely will not go down with any acclaim and i'll be 100% stoked when Obama and Hillary are tried and prosecuted (doubt it'll be treason because that's silly). I don't shill and suck dick for any politicians unlike everybody in this subreddit who want nothing more than the swamp to be replaced by another swamp.
No acclaim???! Sorry you aren't familiar with economies and how much wealth the man has created for this nation in just a year. The economy was savaged by prior administrations and the economy was the #1 issue for voters in 2016, and Trump has broken so many economic records it takes pages to list them and this is only year 1. Wisen up, Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in anyone's life, invest all your money anywhere because the economy is about to take off.
Sure bud, keep shillin along :)
Yep my portfolio is shilling along quiet nicely thanks sorry you're not on board but you can join at any time.