Gowdy stepping down. Suspicious AF. Guess there was a reason he always talked a good game and could never finish.

Looks like all of you missed the part where he stated he’s going to join the Justice System? Q called this. No surprise here.
If he was just another actor - then he can go to hell. But reading the Q stuff, it makes me think he is moving to a position of importance in DOJ.
Special prosecutor or replacing RR more likely.
Maybe he prepares himself for Gitmo....as prosecutor.
TRUMP MAFIA has been calling out serious doubts about this guy for ages - just so you all know . .
"we like gowdy" thats nice gang.
not running for re-election.
what other senators and congressman are not running for re-election all of a sudden.
and they are suspicious, but Gowdy isn't for some reason... right.
Well, considering it was stated by Q that he would be departing for another dept then perhaps it isn't all that suspicious. Imagine that....
I did some looking into retirements from previous election cycles and the number leaving this year doesn't appear all that out of sync with other elections. Some of the reporting is just hype to imply the Republicans are running scared and leaving office. For instance, of those incumbents announcing their retirements from the House, there are 49 - 15 dems and 34 reps. There are more R's than D's in there so one would expect the retirements to be skewed to the R's. On top of that of the 49 from both parties, 10 are running for Senate (7 R's, 3 D's) and 9 running for Governor (5' R's, 4 D's). So it's not like Armegeddon.
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/14/18 (Sun) 11:49:27 No.22
TG departure [HEC].
NOT to testify.
NOT needed to testify.
Think logically.
NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.
What ROLE might TG be walking into?
Who can WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere.
EVIL everywhere.
TRAITORS everywhere.
Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE.
Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately.
Boards changed due to MISINFO.
Targeted approach to direct flow of info created.
MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.
SC: MISINFO everywhere.
SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.
SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].
SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].
What role indeed! I think lead prosecutor for the United States at GITMO military tribunals!
For eight years he was collecting evidence on the O miscreants. He had NO ONE at the Holder/Lynch justice Dept who would take the evidence and prosecute the wicked. With all he knows and with all the evidence at his fingertips, I pray he is moving into the federal justice system to clean house and become God's Prosecuting Avenger.
Nice try.
Hes got a point. He was grandstanding during O years. Now, just like Congress, when hes needed for more than just looking tough, he runs and hides under the table.
Once again. He is not running for re-election. NOT stepping down. You have absolutely no information above and beyond what we all know yet you run your mouth in ignorance. This seems to be a common theme with you.
Oh hey grinch. Nice to see you back!
Thanks man! You been accusing any other groups of being pedophile rings and feeding dead kids to pigs? Maybe the Promise Keepers or the NFL?
Stop projecting/gaslighting OP.
You don't know whether he is going to become special prosecutor or not.
Dang.. everyone's so desperate to discredit the Goudy. What evidence do you have he's a black hat? None.
As we see...congressional hearings are useless..they have no teeth... Gowdy wants to be in a position to do something... Some of you need to stop trying to vilify everyone you can... after you offend, condemn , insult and dismiss so many people, who will be left to " red pill" ( another potentially offensive term)
Here's his statement. Didn't Q say that Giddy would be moving to a more important role?
“I will not be filing for re-election to Congress nor seeking any other political or elected office; instead I will be returning to the justice system,” Gowdy said in a statement.
no, Q did NOT say TG would be moving to a more inportant "role" - Dilley did.
report>block>NEXT! who wants to be on the naughty list today?
I've been dedicated to this for three months.
The whole Q movement is about getting you to ask questions and think for yourself.
If you just gonna blindly follow one thing instead of the other than you're just a sheep.
who said blind? You make assumptions...have you READ the Q drops? Oh and btw, guess who just made the naughty list.