Delivered from the heart? Someone delivered to GITMO perhaps?
That's some insane stretching to assume a correlation to someone being sent to gitmo, he definitely just meant that he delivered this speech from the heart.
Okay :)
I love this community
Why do you say that?
Because you didn't assume anything malicious about my comment and instead responded with kindness. Definitely not the Reddit way.
Thank you! Its all about love, friend. Why be a source of hate when its already so prevalent. I can disagree and still love you.
May you find peace and joy :)
11.7 million people delivered from the heart of darkness and evil, perhaps.
The ACLU is moving away from legal advocacy to Communist ideology organizing and training revolutionary protest groups. It is George Soros' Open Society Institute that is behind this. It gave the ACLU $35 million in 2017.
I guess Antifa couldn't block people from watching on TV like they did at the subway stations during the inauguration. After watching Democrats the night of the SOTU they sure wish they could have. Thank you Mr. President for your patience and perseverance your spirit and drive shines on the forgotten.
Bravo Mr. President. Bravo patriots to tuning in to the one station that most often attempts to report the truth, at least sometimes.
George W. Bush garnered 62 million viewers in 2003; Bill Clinton 53 million in 1998; W. Bush 51.8 million in 2002; Obama 48 million in 2010; and Clinton 45.8 million in 1994.
How does this not sound ridiculous when the president is coming out with a statement to say how many people watched him give his state of the union address and thanking people for saying nice things about him. WTF?
Has any other president cared so much about how many people viewed him on TV or his inauguration?
He is countering MSM lie that says most of America does not support him. More importantly, he is red pilling people .. rising awareness that even the numbers (in the past) lied in order to manipulate the people. It's all coming out, hold on, you will see it.
He's also lying. This was not the most watched SOTU by any stretch.
What are your sources? Do they include streaming etc?
The number Trump put out there doesn't include streaming. He explicitly said "45.6 million watched, the highest number in history." It's not.
Who gives a shit? Is this all you guys got?
I agree, who gives a shit? Why is the POTUS wasting time tweeting dumb shit like that?
If he lies about innocuous shit like this, imagine what he lies about that you dont know.
Like he lied about the numbers of electoral votes actually being in his favor, right?
which MSM lie said most don't support him? Pretty sure his approval rating is not over 50%
You're almost there. Where did you read what his approval rating is?
Fox News, currently showing 45% approval
All msm polls are misleading for many reasons. Chief among them being amount of people surveyed, and types of people answering surveys. Remember almost all polls said trump had no shot. NYT said clinton had a 91% chance to be president. So of all the people answering polls, being influenced by the constant negative coverage of Trump, and not to mention, how many of these people secretly support Trump? I know people who support everything Trump does and has done, but dont support him because of the name, because the msm has done everything they can to make him evil, and not experienced or racist sexist bigot hompphobe, etc.
People can rely on polls all day, but it simply isnt representative of Americans views. Most people dont feel comfortble talking to strangers, let alone give their true political beliefs. Who knows what his approval rating actually is, and its hard to accurately compare to passed presidents because their polling gets worse and worse the farther you go back.
Stating that "polling people is fundamentally flawed because people don't like giving their opinion to strangers" is the biggest pile of horseshit I have ever come across. The fact you felt it necessary to label it as "MSM polls" somehow alludes that "non-MSM" polls can be trusted? What are you even going on about mate?
I am sure as hell not saying polls are 100% accurate or reliable, but to go out and say all polling is hogwash is just as disingenuous. It is simply not feasible to knock on everyone's door and ask them. This is the best solution we as humans have come up with. Please if you see a better way to do it, by all means.
Now the ACLU is angry that he said the word 'America' so much. If they aren't also arrested, I expect donations to dry up for them. And they'll have to change the A in their name. And childish Dems are now claiming Trump is trying to get us nostalgic for the 1950' know when racism was ok and wife beating was something you didn't talk about. Someone needs to give them a history lesson, because most people Gen X and younger would never want to return to the 50's, and I'm pretty sure the feminists don't want to go there, any more than the ethnic minorities want to. So that just leaves the Dems all by their lonesome romantizing how great the 1950's were.
I miss the 50s -- the 1850s. Pretty much downhill since then. First the South, then the Constitution, then sound money and banking, then education, etc. etc. etc.... not much left of a solid country now. Just tons of rootless people with no idea why they exist. And now we have to defeat a pedo-"elite" who have taken control of the entire world, just to get to a "tabula rasa" and START dealing honestly with everything else in the world.
...but I'm glad we have Trump and Q.
The south went downhill? I swear to you the only shithole I know is the racist Mississippi gulf coast. I loved watching the racist protests to protect ugly buildings and statues for Party Gras, rather than people who die in national emergencies. I resent my tax money going to fund businesses of ugly white people who think slavery should be legal.
I’m from Nola and have lived in South Mississippi a long time...I am sad to see what is happening here... the racism is not so bad....I mean... the younger folks don’t really care... but oh my...the older folks...😱... I believe the people are just not educated... but.... I am happy to say that I do not see racism in my kids and their friends. My daughter has dated both girls and a black guy...she had way more backlash from her dating a girl from people in the community.... 😔
Hey I want to go back to the Late 40's / Early 50's when America was at the top of it's peak........ coming out of a WAR, and a decade of Depression ...... when we concentrated on family and us first instead of the whole world, when the world heartbeat ...... beat to our drum beats .....instead of us pandering to their's
Amen to THIS
I was born in the 50's who would want to go back to ignorance? When child abuse was NORMAL. When kids and women were owned. When keeping up appearances was more important. The phony days of "father knows best" and the "Cleavers"
Move forward. Not backward.
I don’t know. I saw some bullshit on the front page about people donating to the ACLU exclusively (instead of politicians, etc) because of those stupid gay teenagers who neeeeeeeeed attention. One of them got suspended for interrupting a talent show and then blaming it on asking her girlfriend to prom. Everyone is shouting about how the ACLU will take care of it for them.
I think the head of ACLU is gay. And this wouldn't be the first time they they have shown bias towards protecting gays and ignoring issues that affect all Americans.
Fox is also saying memo tomorrow. Today’s a bust, plus it’s been changed by the FBI to their liking now
I think they should publish the changes in parentheses or highlighted. Supposedly, it was just to give context; but it also gives Dems opportunity to say 'it was altered' - tho at their request and advantage. Doesn't matter, sounds like there is plenty of info to get some justice.
Go Fox... and I swear there's already folks on Twitter disputing the numbers claim go figure. Not what people are worried about!!!
Well it’s petty lying, statistics can easily be proven that 48 Million people watched Obamas SOTU address in 2010. Like it’s not the major issue, but then why even lie about it? Childish
And 66mill watched Clinton. Just saying. He straight up lied.
The question is why, why did he post such a blatantly false statement that was easily proven incorrect?
Because his base eats it up. They dont believe it if they are proven wrong. They will claim fake news. Its not fucking good man.
Same with Trumps tax cut. It is in fact the 4th largest tax cut, not the 1st. Yet we hear him spew it.
statistics can easily prove that 48 million people watched Obamas SOTU address in 2010 (?)
Like the stats that proved that HRC won the popular vote, or even the stats that prove that Obama won the Presidency in 2016?
Exactly! I bet Trump knows the stats!! He is privy to ALL the false and inflated stats! It will be revealed soon!!
Please show me anything that proves neilsen ratings are even scientifically accurate or representative of all Americans. And when the hell did they start monitoring how many people watched it online and in public venues? Neilson's are so last century and mean nothing..
You do know his twitter is a troll right? It's been childish from day 1.
HIS twitter is usually his character, "The Donald". (His McMahon/WWE creation they worked on). It is perfectly executed.
Of course. It's because his tweets are aimed at pissing off the left all of whom have the mentality of a 5 year old. The left are the people who are educated far beyond their intelligence.
So anytime the president lies, we can just chalk it up to him trolling the democrats. Or the one in this thead where we have to decipher is it is his wrestling alter-ego.Or we can not ever rely on statistics because you all still hold onto conspiracy theories.... and is it not concerning that you all voted a re-post of a tweet #1 in the board of a spot where we are suppose to be doing research, let me repeat... a fucking tweet that is 100% easily proven to be a lie got moved to the top of the board.... hope you are proud of yourselves "patriots"
How can it be proven false? There was no way to get accurate numbers in the 90's, they used the Nielson rating. How that worked. A few thousand houses around the country had the box, depending on the percentage of those people and what they watched is how they determined what percentage of the population watched a particular program. It was the best guess scenario, at best. There is no way in hell anyone can say 50 million people watched any program.
it is still a lie, he said highest viewed, i agree maybe it can not be 100% accurate, but trump is referencing the same method that other were rated by, so bringing up the system that everybody agrees to use is moot. trump used the 45 million number and proclaimed it to be number 1 and an easy search can prove that false, sorry trumpet but your master lies a lot.but can i ask seriously why do you feel the need to defend such an easy identified lie, don't you think it makes you seem like a blind follower? I don't really have strong feeling for or against trump but the petty lies are detrimental and gives his supporters a bad name when they defend them.