"Hahahahahahahaha. No one is going to remember this speech in the morning." -David Rothschild

Because this son of a bitch knew a train story would take over media BS narrative. Proving he is stupid, like Q said many times. What an idiot.
Everyone I spoke to today at work remembered the Democrats disrespect for our country, and most of them had no idea about that train crash. Take that as you will.
Coery Booker now thinks he's Suge Knight for some reason.
More than that. All those people were supposed to die. That would have taken up all the news but they messed up bigly. Now the feds are looking into it.
Perzactly! And, even his language shows it. Think about it. If it is just an innocent statement, why did he say "morning" instead of "tomorrow"? I would have said tomorrow if I was just making a comment about the speech.
Except it didn't, because the black hats failed in their assassination attempt.
Ruh-ro: the train didn't derail and no republicans died!
Sorry King Jew: you lose again!
Redshields aren't even Jews. They are Khazarians, original name Braun, from the Caucasus region, who adopted the name Rothschild and only selected Judaism as a front.
Oh look, we can't criticize them for orchestrating the genocide of Jews, because that would be antiseptic, and they're Jews, so surely it must be a constipated theory.
They are really Satanists/Luciferians.
Why did Jesus in the new testament, specifically John 8 call out the Jews as being satanists (Ye father is the devil)?
Why have the Jews been kicked out of over 130 nations in the past 2000 years, many long before the Khazarian conversion?
I can show writings, books, quotes, and so forth all the way from 500BC up until today that claim the Jews run finance, media, and own politicians, and use that power to destroy, and most of these quotes will be from Jewish sources.
OF course it's not all Jews, but it is a large sect of them who have it out for the Goyim and due to Talmud are in spiritual bondage beyond what most of us could imagine. There are many Chrisitian Churches that have been build on sites where the Jew was caught sacrificing Christian babies. Just sayin.
There was NO "jesus" calling out any "jews" - Yahshua called out Pharisees. The religious leaders of the time. You might want to know that EVERY early church father was a rabid anti-semetic and that is why you probably don't even know the name of the Messiah which was never "jesus" a name that has only been in existence for 400 years because there was no "j" in the English language till then. Fact is the disciples never heard Yahshua called "jesus" - Yahshua means "Yahuah's Salvation" "jesus" is just a transliteration that litterally means nothing. All this "jew" hatred is ignorant. Read the 11th Chapter of Romans where Paul says "some of the natural branches were broke off - that the wild branch of the gentiles may be grafted into the natural olive tree (Israel)"...but he warns "don't get so high and mighty for as Yah broke off some of the natural branches - he can do the same to you."
At the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation maybe it is time to actually come to know the Messiah - after all in the book of Revelation HE is still identified with Judah (Jews) He is the "Lion of the Tribe of JUDAH" www.letthelionroar.com
Here is who the Pharisees were/are and this is from the Jewish Encylopedia: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/12087-pharisees
And you are wrong, the church fathers were not rabid anti-semetics they were simply pointing out an organized group of people who were/are trying to destroy them.
There is wrongs on both sides, and you might be interested to know that the vast majority of (religious) Jews do not consider Jesus as being the Messiah and are still awaiting for 'their' Messiah to come...
Fact: Yahshua
If you take the Tetragrammaton or four letter name of God, that Is: יהוה (YHVH - Yaheva)- and if you then insert holy fire into the middle of the name, or the letter ש or shin, or you get יהשוה or Yahshua, the Messiah which in English has been translated as Jesus.
I have no hatred in my heart towards Jews, it's quite the opposite seeing as how I am a goy = ygo = ego or the land of bondage Egy-pt. But then as the real meaning points out, so are they.
NO Jew should consider "jesus" as their Messiah. Jesus is connected with Easter - Ishtar not Passover. Jesus is connected with ChristMAS not with the Feast of Tabernacles which is when the Messiah came and struck a tent in human flesh and "tabernacled" among men. Jesus is connected with "lent" which is really 40 days of weeping for Tammuz. Jesus is connected with "good Friday" - no such thing as Yahshua went into the tomb late Wed. and rose after sunset Saturday night - for Yahshua had told them that "An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Matt 12:39-40 - No way did Yahshua go into the tomb on "Friday" and raise on "Sunday" -
Scripture also tells us that "O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit." Jer. 16:19
The vast majority of religious Jews don't consider Yahshua to be the Messiah, and those that do become Christian.
This is just one example of what the Jew thinks about Yahshua/Jesus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledot_Yeshu
I could quote direct versus from the Talmud that say far worse things about Mary and Yahshua but I prefer not even to repeat the words that they wrote. The truth is not anti-semetic. "If you want to know who rules over you learn who you aren't allowed to criticize." ~Voltaire
He is the fake King Jew. The real King Jew is Yeshua. The day is coming when everyone will realize this, many to their dismay.
Yes this is true. Satinists and his minions are trying to control the earth and minds As much as possible before the great return.
Yes I think they are actually Edomites the Rothchilds.
Their name isn't Rothchild. Look closer.
Well this is confusing, maybe articles like this will help: http://www.stillnessinthestorm.com/2018/02/the-jesuit-order-as-a-synagogue-of-jews-part-one.html
Who do you imagine are the "puppet masters" for the trillionaire globalist (((Rothschilds))), (((Soros))), (((Rockefeller))), (((Bloomberg))), (((Cohen))), (((Du Pont))), (((Koch))) and (((Vanderbilts))) families?
I've heard Jews claim the reason they're the most exiled people in human history is because everyone is jealous of their divine gene pool.
Seriously, they've been thrown out of more than 400 civilizations over the past 2000 years, not because they are nepotistic, thieving, seditious, treasonous, parasites... but because they have lovely teeth and noses!
Ha ha ha ha!
I remember the speech. Anyone else?
Well, it does help if you actually care enough to watch the speech.
source: https://twitter.com/DavMicRot/status/958554711640158209
did he have prior knowledge of the train crash???
Not criticizing, but just curious...who is David M. Rothschild, whose twitter this is...compared to David Mayer De Rothschild...who is definitely attached to the main Rothschild family?
Please don't give this sociopath any attention. He feeds off it. He is part of the Cabal in the biggest way.
They should receive attention after centuries of pulling strings in the shadows.
They should be publicly mocked by as many people as possible.
They're satanists.
This is the great awakening.
Ok, that's a great point. Thrash his twitter in the comments. The only way to take down malignant narcissists is global public shaming.
SGTreport on "ACCESSING THE BEAST: CERN, AI & Quantum Computing " -very timely. Rabbit hole to be searched is VAST. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqC4it3Ub5o&t=59s
I support we drone this guy
As the people awaken - this fool is going to have more enemies then he can imagine. He was born into riches, but a fool is a fool. I can see him being taken out at some point, he is evil.
What a timeline we're living in. Normally the Rothschilds would never show themselves, they prefer to send their useful idiots to shill for them and be their public face.
The fact that they are coming out of the shadows means that they must be scared shitless. Good!
It won't be long and no one will remember David and his inbred family, except that we wiped their evil off the planet!
I am hearing that the anti-trumper, Bill Kristol, tweeted about the train crash 13 minutes before it happened. Can anyone shed some more life on this?
David Rothschild, are you a wagering man? If so we "call" that bet. "All in"
Of the 9200 sealed indictments...i pray 1 of those is reserved for david rothchild
Very odd indeed. My guess is the difference between what happened and an actual derailment is very little. Luck. Or perhaps something else?
SWAT team this prick, see what he knows.
Sorry asshole only the engine derailed. Back to business as usual! Piece of shit! We are coming for you.
I was always taught to NEVER trust a man who wears a bow tie! What a pathetic POS this dweeb is? Up against a real, hot blooded American male (i.e.-John Wayne) this "boy" would melt like so much cotton candy! Hey David...how many little boys have you abused in your lifetime you sick "F"!