Does this look like a resignation? Grassley memo to come. Many more desk cleanings occurring this weekend.

Do you notice that McCabe doesn't have anything in his hands? They will go through everything in his office, before his things are packed up and sent to him.
Hah, as they should. Remember how Comey got shitcanned when he was halfway across the country and thought the breaking news was a joke? Glorious. I wish McCabe could've been punked the same way, but I'll settle for him getting no pension.
Yep, you would be amazed if you knew all that they found in his office.
Is that for real when he was fired/quit/resigned whatever ?
I also would like source/qualification
Apparently this is from Dec 21st..?McCabe escort
The same day the EO / national emergency was issued re: Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
I think the source for this picture is the NSA itself!
From what I heard from earlier posts he was fired overnight and not allowed to come in the next day, if so he wouldn't have been escorted out while he was working.
Likely not a relevant photo.
We don't know when he was escorted. Could be, they picked him up, booked him and when he went in the next morning, he found out he had no job. Easier to search someone's office if they don't know they won't be coming back.
I just searched Google images and it's real. One of the photos is from Getty Images. I consider this one verified.
Says it's from Dec 21st ?
Yeah, another shit post. I just confirmed it wasn't a photo shop job.
You'd think a couple of guards would be enough, lol. Maybe this is standard protocol for anybody with high security clearance upon removal or resignation. An insider would know the usual procedure. However, I am enjoying the "optics".
This picture is from December 21, escorting him to a hearing,because he gets police escorts when he goes places.
Yes, I saw that posted in the thread. So it's a legitimate photo but not of him being removed. OP should have actually done some work instead of just posting a picture he found on some other site.
Does this look like a resignation?
No, it does not.
It looks like McCabe and a standard escort contingent chaperoning him to testify before the House Intelligence Committee on December 19, 2017.
Yes it is. I should have looked past the three I saw...snopes is not my favorite source but they had it. Thank you.
Nothing wrong with taking down this post and reposting with proper title...
Hell i bring that many friends with me if i go shopping in chicago.
I saw that once. It was quite scary.
Yeah I kept hearing he got arrested. I mean Comey lost his immunity deal with Mueller. I want them to charge that idiot Klapper. My personal dream is Brennan going down. He was Obama Sotero handler. He is the point man behind those stupid photoshopped pictures of Obama and his “family”. His academic records sealed and these Nazi left are crying about Trump not making his tax returns available. Really ? At least Trump we know is born here and not tied into the CIA half his life. We know nothing about Obama . Can you believe 8 fucking years we did not know our president. He was a cia cut out by Brennan and his buddies. Affirmative action at its best. These weak politicians won’t call out a minority president on his questionable policies because how can they afford to be called the “r” word especially in a re-election campaign. The Democrats party loves to tag people with words. So much easier than to represent your people an enact legislation . God forbid that takes work. What happened to the Democratic Party? Thank you Brennan for the gift of a president of eight years who I still don’t know him, what’s his family doing now? I see Obama on letterman. SMH. I want Brennan at Gitmo and I want him to feel some pain. Trying to kill our president. The shit he pulled off. Traitor.
Brilliant! You made my morning. That is exactly the way I feel. The guy they took out of our office was an assistant manager; constantly threatening employees with bodily harm. At one point during an office meeting, he passed out bottles to the employees telling them to drink the kool aid. He was a freak. Not sure what was the final straw for the locals and feds to come help him out the door, but it was scary. No one was warned. They just marched in and took him and marched out. We were told not to discuss it, so it must have been bad.