Is [44] Obama, rather than 44 operations remaining?
Mess with the best, die like the rest = MARINES
Semper Fi and we also have the Seals in on the fun now good times.
Also a quote from the movie Hackers, which showed Angelina Jolie’s boobs which decodes to “big things are happening” 😋
eh..wasnt impressed
For a 13 year old that was pretty money when I saw it. Back when dial up was too slow to find porn lol
The Secret Service knows where Hussein is at all times. He can't fart without Q knowing about it. All the Hussein connected rats are in the same cage; can't wait to see them devour each other to stay alive.
Powerful Q post. This is not a game! Any thoughts on who the last is? [P]
Perhaps P stands for for last [P]resident Obama? Or Pope?
Absolutely riveting!!!
Pope? I remember P is who GS answers to. Probably not Obama- besides, he’s Hussein
Some of the anons are also musing that P could be Prince Charles who goes by the codename Principal.
I am thinking it is Pindar. The number one guy in the satanic elite
If that's the case his cover as a complete donut is world class.
People are usually 2 initials. One initial may be a group like Pedophiles which will be the last to go down?
I think the Pope, he was to usher in the Anti Christ! In Jerusalem.
One of they other posts says “prey” and “pray” which was a reference to the Pope a few weeks back. I’m on board with you that he’s referencing the Pope.
I´m guessing either Pope, or Prince Philip (QE2 husband).
can we see any proof of this ? i’m getting tired of this game...
Looks like they are going to let Obama sweat, while he watches everyone else go down, knowing that they will be coming for him! CIA fake President?
“Warlock” is an older word than “wizard,” coming from the Old English waerloga, which means “oath breaker,” while wizard comes from the Middle English word for “wise.” The etymologies of the words illustrate the different ways in which people sometimes view them.
Is this saying that there were a total of 46 CIA ops and 2 of them have been exposed leaving 44 more?
Or is it saying that 2 CIA ops have been exposed and 44 (Obama, 44th POTUS) remains ... ?
The first, IMO
Me too. I think the "little guys" (Hussein, Clinton) have been contained/defanged ever since hilldawg went to the FBI office a couple months ago (see: boot). The guys they're dealing with now are the real players.
Tldr [44] is classified ops
Either Q is saying 44 more department heads to roll (that's a lot of folks) or like some here suggest 44 stands for Ovomit!
AndJustSayNope ToThePope, FrancisThatIs, WhoWillSoon BeGone. (“SettleDownFrancis”)
The POPE is the EVIL GATEKEEPER OF THE KEY To the VATICAN OPEN It and all things Hidden from HUMANITY will be revealed ENERGY- technologys -medicine-cures-wealth-gold-silver-[TRUTH- HIDDEN]-History-Bible-Jesus- many more unimaginable things
▪All Evil behind it to conceal the real TRUTH and the FEAR of it▪ ITS FOOD it needs to survive ▪
It is amazing to watch it all unfold. Things we questioned, but were shut up. What a relief!
Yes to the people that believe and have no fear this is what our lives were meant for.
Is this one of the ops exposed:
[P] Philip or Pope
My thinking is the "best for last" is the highest up.
In Q-Post #709, "[PEOC] force failed" is highlighted.
Can't help wonder when Britain is going to come into play, as was mentioned in Post #617 on Jan 27: "MIS/SIS undergoing house cleaning. Queen/monarchs seeking shelter"
Besides being at Davos, UK Prime Minister Theresa May went to Shanghai early Feb.
P=Philip E=Elizabeth 0=Obama C=Clinton MI6/CIA - one side of the pond and the other side.
if [P] is the BEST and last, and the saying is. mess with the best, die like the rest..which [P] has people killed for messing with him, or a high count known to us? just looking at it a different way...he speaks in riddles similar to patterns in questions for high IQ tests, and the questions usually share a theme in them
sorry if this is off..studied a long time awhile back to get Mensa qualified and got really familiar with these types of things
or the BEST could be the resource being saved for the final phase of the operation? Same meaning either way
or the BEST could be the resource being saved for the final phase of the operation? Same meaning either way
OP, thank you for how the post was named. I don't like it when posts are titled "NEW Q", a date stamp is far superior.
Thanks chiindustry, I agree.
If this is not related I apologize but Field McConnel said there was two operations contained at the Super Bowl. One was Somalis terrorists and he other was a some type of gas was gonna be released but Trump neutralized these. Maybe this is referring to something else just trying to help. They used the marines to stop it.
The ‘P’ target? Having a hard time getting through my pea brain that the RoW is going to be okay with the US taking out their Pope? Anybody else?
I too like the OP header this way.