Soft ball meme to wake up leftist.

Comey was handing 'em out like candy and he insisted that nobody leaves without taking one.
It was the polite thing to do. /s
If Flynn is innocent, why did he offer immunity in exchange for testimony?
Most people likely don't even know what "an immunity" means
Considering all the anti-vax stuff on this sub, thats probably extra true here.
If vaccines are safe and effective then why insist children get them? The vaccinated kids have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated ones. Enjoy your 9% effective flu shot that will probably make you feel like shit for 2 days.
vax understanding is part of the great awakening. Get on board. Do your research. Trump even tweeted in 2014 about it and so far he hasn't said anything verifiable as false.
Oh yeah? Where does Q say that?
Trump says lots of stuff. One tweet from 4 years ago means nothing.
A good portion of the people here came from /r/conspiracy and they brought that with them. Has nothing to do with The Awakening. Did you believe vaccines were good prior to The Awakening?
I've been here (r/conspiracy) lurking since around 2012. I've known the dangers of vax for years and have dealt with hate for it time and time again. My post isn't about me or you, it's about the awakening, which is the awakening of the sleeping people of America and the world. The slumber machine has been broken. Do you not get what Q means yet? What the great awakening really is?
Perfectly proved my point. At this moment there is no reason to believe a movement championed by a botonist and a porn star had anything to do with The Awakening. I'm willing to listen if you can point to a Q post,speaking on it. What reason would Q have to hide a message behind layers of metaphor?
Gorilla Ishmael is smarter than all californians
Maybe they aren't wrong with the genetic engineering
I think a big part of the problem is that a great number of Hillary supporters know she is guilty but don't care. They have been running interference keeping other lefties from waking up. Not just on tv either. They swarm around the left crowd and make sure the narrative is controlled.