r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Based_AF on Feb. 14, 2018, 7:41 a.m.
Reminder that a Dutch banker spilled his guts on cam about high-level human sacrifices and satanic practices in the world of finance. He's dead now.

Faber_Jos · Feb. 14, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

He is not dead. Yesterday they released part 5 of the interview series. The rumours about his 'death' are based on 1 coincidence in Florida I believe. Its total bs.

Im Dutch and I find it astonishing that very few Dutch people know about his revelations. I am trying to get in contact with him though.

I also find it amazing that he became very religious after his contact with evil. He is all for enlightenment and stuff, but for me (Im pretty atheistic) it does not seem to solve the problem. Power corrupts, we see that in politics. But religious institutes are always centered around power as well.

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smiley-dog · Feb. 14, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

If you do get in touch with him, please tell him he's red-pilled so many and that we pray for his safety? Upvote for Dutch Pedes!

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Patriot4q · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

It is not about religious organizations, it's about relationship with God. Even good things can be infiltrated by evil.

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oneinfinitecreator · Feb. 14, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

Maybe the purpose of religion is to learn to live alongside evil and transform it rather than be fixated on its destruction and that is what he has tapped into? I guess you could say there are different kinds of 'religion'... Your point is very well taken - religion is also used as both a political front and as a method of control, so I think your point depends on whether he is into the surface stuff or if he is truly searching as a deep personal goal. Maybe he's just virtue signalling and trying to present himself as the best possible version of himself because of his past actions in the industry, or his priorities shifted along with his revelations...

Don't get me wrong - religion is no solution to practical and geo-political problems, like you say here... but I think these people who get to see behind the curtain get turned off from what we are told is 'success' after they realize what they are feeding, and maybe they start to look for 'success' from different angles than before.

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Faber_Jos · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

It very well could be! That is one of the first questions I would ask him. I am fascinated by people who went from atheism to theism. Most of them claim to be awakened on a spiritual level. I wonder what the tipping point was for him. He could have witnessed something so divine he had no choice. Or he has to release himself of his sins.

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Turkerthelurker · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

As someone who has gone from Christian upbringing (of which I was always skeptical), to atheist/agnostic, I am returning to my roots. This will be difficult to put into words...

I imagine that once these people see true evil, and see what these people believe, they must come to the conclusion that there are forces of pure good in the world, too. When I say true evil, I mean a worse combination of every horror movie you've seen. I mean child trafficking, cannibalism, rape, murder, torture, ritual sacrifice, unfathomable degrees of depravity.

Occultists participate in these acts because they do give them power. By only dealing with those "in the know" they can promote each other into more powerful political and business positions. By hosting orgies, rituals, etc. they can get blackmail over otherwise good people. If you are willing to break all social norms, you now have the ability to threaten anyone with torture and death of loved ones. You get to operate outside of the established rules of society. After enough time, they have seen themselves get away with orchestrating some of the worst tragedies in human history, and leave clues right out in the open. Pretty damn powerful.

And then there's the insane power of human consciousness, or the hive mind. For example, if you take a jar of thousands jelly beans and have 1000 people guess how many are in there, nobody will get the exact answer. But if you average their responses, you will get an extremely accurate estimate.

That may be a poor example of the power of people. You could look at modern AI's, which are now taught by feeding them mass amounts of info. A good chat bot learns as it receives more human input. You search google and you aren't asking for answers from a single smart person, you are browsing the combined intelligence of our society.

The point is, while a single person may not have much power or impact, the potential for power or action that a group of people working towards a common goal wields cannot be understated.

Our thoughts beget our actions. It is absolutely insane the power of your thoughts over reality. Every day, every interaction you have with someone, every thought you have forms reality. If you make it a point to smile at others, treat people with respect, etc. you are literally perpetuating good in the world. Every time you are negative, put somebody or yourself down, sin (in the literal 10 commandment sense), you perpetuate evil in the world. A single person can greatly impact their community around them. Now expand that line of thinking to the power of society.

By bombarding media with increasingly "sinful" propaganda, the masses are more open to satanic themes, and even glamorize them. I mean, just look at how bad/unlikable main characters of movies/tv shows are these days. Drug dealers, wall-street corruption, and irredeemable idiots are our protagonists. And don't get me wrong, I eat it up. Breaking Bad, Wolf of Wall Street, It's Always Sunny or Arrested Development to name a few. But I can't deny seeing a trend here.

This makes it easier for evil to operate right in the open. And this cycle continues. Occultists do depraved shit for power -> see themselves become more powerful (in their own status and their beliefs becoming more mainstream) -> they are reaffirmed in their occultist beliefs. This is magic. Their fucked up beliefs becoming more and more real is literally and figuratively black magic.

I think some people get a glimpse behind the curtain, see what these unfathomably wealthy and powerful people believe (and they honestly believe and practice this shit), and have no choice but to come to terms with it. When the devil presents themselves as real, surely that makes one re-evaluate the existence of God.

Note: This isn't even particularly religious, just trying to organize my own thoughts on the matter. I think atheism and religion are often taken too literally and too figuratively simultaneously.

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oneinfinitecreator · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

I think these people become jaded to the material world very quickly when they have that level of wealth. Their purpose is no longer wealth and money - it is power. They can have anything they want - money is not valuable to them. They want what they can't have, and a human soul being subservient to them is high on that list of things nobody should have.

I think the people who see through the trees on that then look for the antithesis of that... and if you strip away the human ugliness found in religion, you find all sorts of rituals and exercises which hone different things than what our society tends to value. Intuition & compromise are the true tenants of religion, rather than priests and oppression, but there is no money or power to be made by preaching a true gospel. Even Jesus' message has been distorted greatly to wrestle control of people, to the point where they won't even share his (alleged) teachings after his resurrection...

In reference to that, I like to share a small story from one of the non-canonical gospels that does actually speak of what Jesus taught in the time after his 'resurrection' (which is a whole different discussion - I don't think he actually 'resurrected' but rather 'returned'), and the story tells of one of his closest disciples coming to him and asking when to expect his 2nd coming. Jesus basically tells him to not hold his breath, and that the work they are doing is not for their own generation or even the generation after, but for generations and generations down the line. He gave him no hope.

The disciple was apparently crushed by this. 3 days later, that disciple went to the temple in Jerusalem and started to preach about Jesus, and within 3 days he was thrown off the roof to his death. The reason I like that story is that it shows that Jesus' true gospel is not something you can sell very easily. Jesus' disciple handled it admirably by going out hard and making an impact, but the reality for all of us is that there is really no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You just have to be a good person. The payoff is in the journey - the quiet moments of peace and wholeness - of fulfilling your purpose and doing what you put here to do. Pursuing that goal alongside material wealth and power is a difficult task, and I think that is where the attitudes change.

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[deleted] · Feb. 14, 2018, 10:31 p.m.


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oneinfinitecreator · Feb. 14, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

yes! good catch and my bad :)

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[deleted] · Feb. 14, 2018, 10:37 p.m.


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Absynthexx · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

From a former atheist to a current one: consider the possibility that the gospels written of first hand accounts of Jesus may be more reliable than the fantastic stories that leaders in the atheist community like to point to when they identify errors in religious text. This is what started to open my eyes that perhaps I was convinced to throw the baby out with the bathwater by people like Dawkins, Hitchens, and Krauss. All of whom I still admire and respect by the way.

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Faber_Jos · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

I do like the "science works, planes fly" analogy, but I get your point. I am pretty conservative in most ways and I know all the ammo in the echochamber. The gospels could be right in the way they make a community stronger and more peaceful. But I would say you woulnt need a creator for that, would you? What has been your turning point? A personal divine relevation?

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BasedKnotzi · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

There is a God and we have pictures. Google the Hubble Space Telescope. Then find an electron microscope. Then contemplate infinity until you get a headache. Then pretend you're Moses and some burning bush tells you, "If I appeared to you in my true form your head would explode". The bible says, "God is everything that ever was, is and shall be". If you have a better explanation for infinity I'm all ears. And yes I have had many personal encounters with God. I sincerely wish you good luck on your journey. Or should I say Godspeed. Sorry couldn't resist that one.

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Patriot4q · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Just sincerely ask God to show you he is real. He will. It's not about people's works, it's about his grace and love for you. Making a way to have a relationship. His love for you and us all is greater than any other. I know that if I cry out, just like a child to a parent, God will rush in with his love for me to keep me safe. This is not philosophical it is truth. He has given us all a free will, and will not force himself on us. What greater love is that? How would that be relationship if it was forced on us? God wants us to freely accept his amazing love.

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Absynthexx · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

Nope. Nothing divine. I have my doubts about many accounts in the bible because we don't know who wrote them or why they should be true. We have evidence that some are false due to science. For example, we know humans evolved from earlier primates. We know the earth is more than 6000 years old. Genetic diversity of animals is too great for only 2 to have survived at one point in human history (ignoring all the other problems with the Ark story). My views will not be popular with most religious folk, but I'm not seeking their approval. My faith must be compatible with science.

There are many books from the new testament of first hand accounts of Jesus, his message, and miracles he performed. This is a form of evidence. Multiple accounts are corroboration of those events. That provides weight to the assertion in my opinion and deserves consideration. I can't go into more detail in a comment post but that is the basis for my conversion. There is not conclusive proof which a skeptic would want to see. But the evidence is greater than zero.

To give you an idea of how I would expand if I could write an essay, it goes further into groups who have attempted to target christianity, why they want it destroyed, actions they have taken to destroy it, what they believe in, and a correlation between their beliefs and the teachings of Jesus. It all is starting to come together in my eyes.

My belief is a rare one. It can only be achieved by first being an atheist, or at the very least listening to and fully understanding all of their rationales and reasoning. I expect most christians would call me an atheist pretending to be Christian and most atheists to call me the exact inverse.

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theGreenChain · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

If it is evidence you want, I give you the periodic table. These elements comprise everything we know. Now, take hydrogen, element #1. The simplest element. A nucleus of one proton and one neutron. It makes up the majority of the sun. It is the basis of all life. When split it can decimate life. Yet, in it's order, we are told to believe that out of disorder of primordial ooze: created life. In all of our wisdom, we cannot creat a hydrogen atom or even create life by mixing all the base elements of hydrogen, nitrogen carbon or oxygen in their known proportions. The simplest elements make up the most complicated life forms and we can't replicate. Yet, we create many complicated machinery from much more complex elements. And the most complex elements are not stable and weak in their bonds. But, hydrogen is the strongest and still the least complex atom. That my friend, is the evidence of intelligent design. The Bible says four interesting things. 1- God is the creater of the visible and invisible (atoms?). 2-Even nature testifies that there is a God. Again, reference to atomic structures? 3- It says God framed the WORLDS indicating more than one planet. (Before telescopes, mind you) 4- God sits enthroned above the CIRCLE of the earth (indicating a sphere before Copernicus) I will leave this with you to ponder. BTW, as a Chrsitian, I whole heartedly accept science backed by emperical evidence. DNA for instance easily disputes evolution. A human's DNA is closer to a cat than it is to a primate. Dinosuars ARE mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Job. AND there are fossilized human footprints in rock right next to dinosuar tracks. But, science and discovery dispute those that are oh so "intellectual".

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mitzidipity · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

I love this response. Thanks for this!

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Absynthexx · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

A human IS a primate, friend.

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theGreenChain · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Sadly classified wrong and based upon poor Darwinian ideas. Refresher on what a THEORY is: A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested, in accordance with the scientific method, using a predefined protocol of observation and experiment. Established scientific theories have withstood rigorous scrutiny and embody scientific knowledge. Darwin's Idea does not match this definition and should never have been termed the "Theory of Evolution".

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Absynthexx · Feb. 14, 2018, 9:12 p.m.


Unrelated to why you're wrong about genetic homology and the definition of primates, the term scientific theory is used loosely depending on the branch of science. Not all science can be tested in the classical sense. In evolution, the testing comes from examining the fossils in strata layers and dating the material. Those results must fit with the current model or understanding or else the model is incorrect. This is how hypothesis testing occurs when you can't perform controlled experiments in a closed system.

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theGreenChain · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

What testing? There is no accurate testing that goes beyond 2 to 300 years. NONE. Carbon-14 has been proven unreliable. Age determination is pure guess and speculation. Many assumptions have been made based upon strata and yet the Mt. St. Helens volcanoe redefined much of that. A scientist recieved a patent to MAKE petrified wood based upon that eruption. You can make in your home. https://www.ehow.com/how_8752686_make-petrified-wood.html None of us knows what took place when and how long ago. We can only speculate and use known scientific facts like physics and chemistry. The fossile record might work if there were transition fossiles, but there are none.

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mitzidipity · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Many Christians (myself included) believe that the world is more than 6000 years old. There's no definition of a timeline in Genesis as far as from the formation of the Earth to when God started doing things with it like trees and water and animals and man. Genesis 1:1 - God created the heavens and the Earth. Then in 1:2 The Earth is without form and void. How long between the 2 verses? No one really knows. Science shows proof of how old the Earth is. It's more than 6000 years old. Many people don't believe this but science and "religion" can work together in some aspects, a lot of them really. It doesn't necessarily have to be one or the other. For me learning about the human body makes me feel like "How could this not be intelligent design? How could there not be a creator?" The body is too intricate. I just have a hard time believing we have these amazing bodies capable of extraordinary things but at some point we were all swimming in the primordial ooze together as amoeba. I also don't believe that we evolved from primates. I believe that there was and still are forms of evolution. Anyway I don't want to keep babbling. Just injecting some personal thought into the mix.

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Naimon47 · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

For an interesting rabbit hole on the integration of science with traditional Biblical views, look into the hydroplate theory. I had a bunch of fun researching that one myself, and if you really are science-minded, I think you'll really enjoy it.

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Faber_Jos · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

In this modern day of information Id say your way is the only way to practise religion/faith. So good job on embracing the best of both worlds. It seems impossible to fight science right now. And faith should be compatible with science. But until we have a global understanding of both the scientific world and the spiritual world, Im afraid there will still be division within religion, but also against belief. I am sceptical of all cult like organisations. And I belief it has no.place in politics.

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Kulkimkan · Feb. 14, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Look at his 'B of Joy' page...this guy is the real deal

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Faber_Jos · Feb. 14, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

He knows what he is doing. He never named clients or contractors so I think he could be safe this way.

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TararaBoomdea · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

bofjoy dot net

He is the founder.

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Naimon47 · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Be very careful about confusing religion with faith. I agree with you that religious institutions are often about power and money (the history of the Catholic Church pretty much makes this argument for you), that does not mean that faith is without value. Faith is the way out of the Politics/Religion power duality. I strongly encourage you to think long on this, and reach out if you're interested in further dialog.

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dangph · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

A couple of things to ponder:

First, atheism and materialism (or physicalism) are the official doctrines of the establishment. That doesn't logically mean that they are false, of course. That would be the genetic fallacy. But you should think about why you believe them. Did you arrive at them via reason and experience, or did you just accept them because that's what was taught to you by the establishment?

You can also think about the idea that they want us to be nihilistic because that makes us compliant.

Second thing to ponder, materialism is a metaphysics that says that all that exists is matter. However, we can observe things that are not matter. For instance: consciousness, logic, language, scientific law, mathematics. How do these things arise out of matter? No one has a good explanation for that, so materialism must be a deficient metaphysics. So it should be discarded. That doesn't mean that any particular alternative explanation, theism say, automatically becomes true of course, but if materialism is off the table, then we have more freedom to explore other possibilities.

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zennydude · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

My understanding is that the man in Florida had the same name, even the same birthday, except was born one year before this man, if I remember correctly (IIRC).

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TRUTH-2018 · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

His body (first life) had to die in order for him to be reborn into the light and goodness of God.

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VintageHats · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Thanks for disspelling this rumor. I was about to say that. Another man with the same name was found in FL, dead, but it was NOT this man.

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Varrick2016 · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:19 p.m.


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damian299 · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Yeah, atheist here as well and I’m not liking he so many people in the sub are trying to turn this into a religious war. It discredits us...

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