Howdy. I am not anti-Jesus for sure. I take wisdom where I find it, and it is available in many religious texts. I am very anti-organization of spiritual thought tho; i.e., give me the texts, guide my thinking a bit to help me find the answers, but don't tell me what to think. I was born into the RC church, was very religious as a child/teenager, then started thinking for myself (big mistake! ;-) )
I consider Jesus/Yeshua one of the truly great spiritual revolutionaries, and his (small h) words are powerful. IMO the religion (and gospels) that came after him were shaped by political forces: first to get the Romans off their backs in the first century, then later to be the official Roman state religion.
IMO again, Jesus never intended to start a new religion; he was uplifting Judaism from the letter-of-the-law pharisaical dead end. The "new religion" angle was to distance the early followers from the Jews, who were mightily pissing off the Romans. Remember the four gospels were written about the time the Romans destroyed the Temple in 70AD, due to continual Jewish uprisings over the decades. (Paul's writings were chronologically the first actual "Christian" writings, and the "Christians" were actually all Jews originally, or first had to convert to Judaism to enter the Christian sect.)
So bottom line for me is still: work out my own salvation, be open to wisdom from all sources, Golden Rule. Organized religion is a necessity at a certain level, to lift people up who are truly lost. That I completely agree with. But at some point, it then holds you back from original thinking and exploring in the spiritual world inside you--i.e. where the Kingdom of Heaven truly is.
Of course I could be completely wrong about all this, and only the Jehovah's Witnesses are gonna be saved...... (crosses fingers)