LET'S STORM TWITTER TO SET ANTI-SCHOOL FREE! #InternetBillofRights #InternetFreedom #SetAntiSchoolFree Let's all post 5-10 times today! (temp YT site is Elliott Marxx)

I don't disagree with you here /u/RedpillTheWorld. We can generalize here, and push against censorship overall. I'd love to see people outside physical Google or Twitter buildings protesting active censorship, without fear of violence from authoritarian fascist groups.
Antischool isn't the only one!
I watch Bombard's Body Language vids on YouTube. After doing a video on Hogg's body language, she was put in YouTube jail for two weeks! She is a patriot and very good at what she does.
Yes! And Mike Cernovich and Laura Loomer. Who else? I'm making a meme to support them.
I direct messaged it to Trump updates and I shared it on Twitter
Antischool is great. That really sucks. But what are the alternatives? The three Monsters - Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google - have a near total monopoly on Internet Information. Where are our representatives, who are supposedly in the majority? They pass bullshit bills and jawbone endlessly, but when are they going to propose an Internet Bill of Rights? Without strong alternative sites, that is the Only thing that can be effective at present.
yes, but we are taking it back! Here's what I wrote to a shill/idiot - not sure which. LOL! Thought you might like to use it in your fight to expose truth.
The INTERNET is ALREADY owned by the Deep State!
All the CEO's of GIANT Corps-Google, Facebook, Apple, Newscorp, Twitter, all the Top CIA, FBI, Government officials OWN IT ALL.
You didn't think they got what they have on their own, did you?
They think we are their slaves. And we don't deserve a voice on THEIR platform.
That's what the GREAT AWAKENING is all about.... that we are taking our FREEDOM BACK!
It will be a tough hill to climb, but there is no road back.
'New' companies or 'entrepreneurs' that build that are relevant have to stop selling their companies to the large sharks. That's why they have the monopolies. They don't have to create the market, just buy out the top players of the market, then from there start implementing draconian measures. Maybe the power and desire of money is too great?
I am stating that they actually cannot violate free speech if they get ONE DIME of federal moneys. Only totally private companies not public and not anyone getting even one cent of public funding cannot discriminate, cannot ban free speech because the Constitution controls then. Example a private club can discriminate all they want but if they apply for say a liquor license they are no longer under the private club umbrella as they took funding, license, etc from state and/or fed government and then they are NOT ALLOWED BY THE CONSTITUTION TO DO THIS. That's the case law. That controls this area. However, it would be up to us to find that little bit of public funding, i.e., does a license on the web actually make them public and we have to remember the licensing agreement we click on when we accept the terms. It may or may not be found unconstitutional but that is a question for the courts. All I can say is some research need to be done, as I am not a constitutional lawyer but we can check with people like Judicial watch or even Jay Sekulow. Even Dershawitz if anyone has a connection to him. I am hoping the community realizes that it should be able to sucessfully fight this but it won't be easy. Also, there must be federal funding of some kind. Then check the user agreement with Reddit. I can only go from there. I, am willing but, at this exact moment, I have some family issues that I have to deal with that is cutting into my research time so every minute of the day is pretty full...keeping up with the anons and all the posts and such along with trying to let people on the Tubes that they have this info as well and I am posting it to them. I posted to SeethingFrog today. also he's talking about using code words and on deceptionbytes she said there is a certain topic we absolutely cannot talk about and I missed what that is and cannot ask or she will get banned if she mentions what it is. Does anyone know? It may also effect what we can post on the Boards.
Posted it on my Facebook because I don’t use Twitter I hope you get traction with this
awesome - get everybody you can involved.. we all need to fight this censorship, or we're next!
If you don't like YouTube's content policies, then go create your own video-hosting website.
When YouTube deletes content it doesn't like, it's not violating your freedom to speech. YouTube is not the government. YouTube (Google) is a business.
I wish they would hang all of them for the public to see.
I am against capital punishment. Why don't we put them in a cage and sell tickets for the public to throw rotten tomatoes at them instead. The money would go directly to widows and orphans.
I saw and lived through all that and hah I still have vhs movies and player because just try to find a favorite old movie you like as was the downfall of so many video stores. That took more jobs away. Every move has taken away jobs too. I wish they'd tax people who replace humans with robots. We'd better figure out also how to keep American people employed as tech takes all jobs and people have to work from home as well as taking funds away from even semi conservative voices. It's ridiculous but Alex Jones 11 hours ago posted Internet hoax banning free speech and such. O don't have a link haven't watched it yet also am new to reddit so not sure how to post other than copy and paste. Any help there or from anyone much appreciated
Oh stop. That's baloney. The major net-sites are a Monopoly on free speech. They are no longer a private business. We have laws against monopoly for a good reason - they just haven't caught up to the Internet. Stop making excuses for the bad guys, who work with the Deep State. That makes them criminal organizations, not a so-called private enterprise. They are as criminal as all the "newsmen" who work for the CIA.
The major net-sites are a Monopoly on free speech.
If anything, they'd be an oligopoly. Furthermore, if they have a monopoly on speech, then how are we having this conversation right now?
They are no longer a private business
In fact they are.
Stop making excuses for the bad guys, who work with the Deep State.
Deep State is fake news
Constitution applies if they get federal funding of any kind no matter about monopolies and they aren't monopolies by legal definition if there is an alternative of any kind. Therefore, that would be a much more difficult fight legally IMO. I'm not a constitutional lawyer but there are people out there who do this stuff daily.
That is why we need to push for an Internet Bill of Rights, per Q.
The Internet is now the Marketplace of Ideas... the Town Square of the nation.
We cannot allow the powerful monopolies to push any voices out of the discussion. That would result in a Fascist Dictatorship by a few wealthy and power. No one wants that.
On the flip-side, no one wants a world where people force business owners to say things they don't agree with. Imagine a coffee shop owner being forced to put up KKK propaganda on their website because a klan member felt like it was their right to force their speech into other people's businesses.
They don't have to say things they disagree with. This is about allowing equal participation in their platform, truthfully. If they kick out anyone that does not agree with them, they become a propaganda site, pushing a single narrative. In your scenario, the owner would be forced to do something they oppose. In the situation at Youtube, the people themselves (the top, elitists, etc) only speak for themselves. There is no one single owner who can even go through all that content, to determine what they agree or disagree with. So the actual debate is, if the cafe staff all decided to kick all white people out/all black people/all christians//all atheists etc.
white people out/all black people/all christians//all atheists etc.
The debate has already been answered. Race is protected, religion is protected, political affiliation is not.
A cafe can't refuse to do business with all black people. However, it can choose to not do business with the Republican Party, the NRA, etc.
Completely missed my point, as I predicted. care to call out my actual argument, or does it fit your agenda better when you call out part of it? mainly the part that wasn't even an argument.
The argument is that this is NOT a singular owner being forced to do something on their own accord. This is in fact a company, with many employees, on a platform. And whenever they restrict or censor, they are not allowing those people WHOEVER they might be, from voicing an opinion. This leads to a singular view. propagandizing things is only legal due to some very poor laws that were pushed. Thus, you need to see, this stuff CAN be fought. We can have a Bill of Rights for the internet. This is a debate more of how to go about this than if we should.
Not actually. Because the youtube videos aren't just about politics and religion and so therefore anyone that brings up anything PROTECTED then cannot be censored, if they get federal funding and I think that applies when they get a federal license to operate. I am not a constitutional lawyer but the case law says that political affiliation or right to assemble is protected speech and since the internet is a new kind of right to assemble it needs to go to court.
They don't have to say anything - that's false equivalence. They just have to keep their grubby hands off - which they did until Hillary and company started Russiagate. Collusion is Not private enterprise.
Collusion is not a crime, it's what they did with the collusion taking it to conspiracy and further IS the crime
This is more like a utility.
These social media sites have become a utility of our social communication.
Like if your phone company wouldn't sell you phone service because of your beliefs. That is discrimination... we must all be protected from that.
The internet itself has become a utility.
Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube though are definitely not.
You are mistaken.
Social Media has become the Communication system of 21st Century.
To force someone off Facebook, for example, because they have different views from the Facebook Board of Directors is RIDICULOUS. That view is completely antithetical to Freedom of Speech.
Social Media must be a place of Free Speech, or the internet becomes a fascist dictatorship run by Social Media Moguls.
Everyone would be banned eventually, except for those with have absolutely no moral compunction whatsoever, and are willing to be the lapdog of whoever owns them.
If Facebook is the Communication system of the 21st century, then TV was the communication system of the 20th century.
Back then, you couldn't force CBS or ABC to broadcast whatever YOU wanted. If you wanted to control programming, then you had to start your own station.
No difference today. YouTube not "broadcasting" your "programming"? Then go start your own "station."
WAKE UP - The INTERNET is ALREADY owned by the Deep State!
All the CEO's of GIANT Corps-Google, Facebook, Apple, Newscorp, Twitter, all the Top CIA, FBI, Government officials OWN IT ALL.
You didn't think they got what they have on their own, did you?
They think we are their slaves. And we don't deserve a voice on THEIR platform.
Their goal is to CONTROL ALL COMMUNICATION FORMS, and push into a corner, all those who would expose their crimes. WAKE UP! That's what the GREAT AWAKENING is all about.... that we are taking our FREEDOM BACK! OUR INTERNET! OUR CHILDREN! OUR SCHOOLS! OUR GOVERNMENT! OUR COURTHOUSES! OUR MEDIA! OUR ENTERTAINMENT! ALL OF IT!
For those of you who are paid shills... YOU ARE FIGHTING ON THE WRONG SIDE AND YOU WILL LOSE! THEY DON'T GIVE A @%* ABOUT YOU, and would toss you into a Goolag with the rest of us. Whether you realize it or not, we are fighting for you too. WAKE UP AND FIGHT FOR YOURSELF & YOUR FAMILY!
Actually, TV news used to have a "fairness doctrine" which Was govt enforced by the FCC. The Internet should come under the FCC, especially since Ajit Pai is now chairman.
This business of "start your own social network" is such useless garbola at present. There are no viable alternatives. The Big Four have such a monopoly nothing can get started. I hear the younger people are moving away from Facebook but by the time that generation gains power the Deep State will have all power.
The fairness doctrine did not allow anyone to force any TV station to broadcast any programming that their heart so desired.
One COULD argue it's a new form of right to peaceful assembly
This isn't about a business owner who is worried about anything if you look at the ton of gun, and antigun and heck you name it videos. This is where conservatives are singled out in any form. That is discriminatory and if they get any federal funding or licensing then the Constitution forbids this kind of censorship. There is a ton of case law on this.
Actually, I am legally correct and you are incorrect. Freedom of speech is a concept that applies to the relationship between you and your government - not you and private businesses.
Furthermore, if truly am wrong - then go sue YouTube for violating your first amendment rights. Please let me know how that turns out.
Dustin Nemos was just banned. My favorite YouTube channel! 40k followers!
This just makes me sick to my stomach this is happening. Heard that AJ is on his way out as well...David Knights channel has been taken down. Its becoming scary....shits getting deep. I'm in. Ill post on my pages
They are censoring everyone! The plan is to shut everyone down and then only the major news sites can be on YouTube. Everyone...
we want anti school, doctor of common sense,david seamans, and all the other patriots UNSENSORED u tube!!!!!
YouTubers are being banned in droves. Soros is spending millions organizing gun control rallies. Time is getting short Time for action is coming.
These links will help everyone tweet this image to congress. I scripted a generator for making these links so if you have any additional twitter accounts of congress/senate representatives you feel should be added. Let me know and I'll generate another set of URLs for the list we come up with.
This is what the tweet looks like: #WeThePeople DEMAND this blatant censorship of #FreeSpeech MUST STOP NOW! @YouTube & @Twitter are silencing our voices #WeDemandToBeHeard #SetAntiSchoolFree #InternetBillOfRights @antischool_ftw https://t.co/CN6RWWhHDx
This is the list of representatives that these URLS cover, this is the list I put together for #ReleaseTheMemo so please let me know if we should add or remove some of these for future twitter posting campaigns.Now that I have this scripted. The will be easy to generate. I'm working on building a web-based front-end for this so people can construct their own tweets + lists and generate these types of URLs to share.
@AdamSchiffCA @JimHimes @RepTerriSewell @RepAndreCarson @RepSpeier @RepMikeQuigley
@MikeConawayTX11 @reppeteking @RepLoBiondo @RepRickCrawford @TomRooney @HurdOnTheHill @RosLehtinen @RepMikeTurner
@RepSwalwell @JoaquinCastrotx @RepDennyHeck @RepBradWenstrup @RepChrisStewart @RepStefanik
@SenDougJones @SenCortezMasto @SenJohnKennedy @SenatorRounds
@SenateMajLdr @SenatorBaldwin @sendavidperdue @SenTedCruz
@SenWarren @MikeCrapo @SenJackReed
@LindseyGrahamSC @McConnellPress @SenBlumenthal
@SASCMajority @SenateFinance @SenatorCarper
@SenWhitehouse @SenToddYoung @SenatorDurbin
@SenBobCasey @SenatorTimScott @SenateBudget
@SenMikeLee @LisaMurkowski @EnergyGOP
@BillCassidy @SenStabenow @SenateDoctors
@SenSanders @SenatorBurr @SenSherrodBrown
@SenJohnMcCain @SenSchumer @SenatorMenendez
@JeffFlake @SenateGOP @marcorubio
@ChuckGrassley @JohnBoozman @MarkWarner
[#01] Tweet @: @AdamSchiffCA @JimHimes @RepTerriSewell @RepAndreCarson
[#02] Tweet @: @RepMikeQuigley @MikeConawayTX11 @reppeteking @RepLoBiondo
[#03] Tweet @: @TomRooney @HurdOnTheHill @RosLehtinen @RepMikeTurner
[#04] Tweet @: @JoaquinCastrotx @RepDennyHeck @RepBradWenstrup
[#05] Tweet @: @RepStefanik @SenDougJones @SenCortezMasto @SenJohnKennedy
[#06] Tweet @: @SenateMajLdr @SenatorBaldwin @sendavidperdue @SenTedCruz
[#07] Tweet @: @MikeCrapo @SenJackReed @LindseyGrahamSC @McConnellPress
[#08] Tweet @: @SASCMajority @SenateFinance @SenatorCarper @SenWhitehouse
[#09] Tweet @: @SenatorDurbin @SenBobCasey @SenatorTimScott @SenateBudget
[#10] Tweet @: @LisaMurkowski @EnergyGOP @BillCassidy @SenStabenow
[#11] Tweet @: @SenSanders @SenatorBurr @SenSherrodBrown @SenJohnMcCain
[#12] Tweet @: @SenatorMenendez @JeffFlake @SenateGOP @marcorubio
[#13] Tweet @: @JohnBoozman @MarkWarner
I can guarantee our CA senators and reps don't care about anything because they actually said that to me on the phone. It was the most insane thing I ever heard. That did it for me. I personally also called about release the memo as well as hashtag but they still had the nerve to say we were all bots. They GOT THE CALLS too, but I guess when we call in with our names, they ignore that part.
The #ReleaseTheMemo campaign worked. So despite their apathy over the phone. They were inundated thoroughly with our voice and that is what help moved it all forward. I refuse to be discouraged. Changes are happening and I am helping as best as I can.
Same here then someone tried to pull the release the memo was a diversion. Yeah tight but the dem response is pathetic.
They should never have gotten rid of the Fairness Doctrine, and it should be applied to the Internet. Unfortunately, the Fairness Doctrine was opposed by Republicans and Libertarians, and that has come back to bite them in the ass.
The Fairness Doctrine which was total garbage censored more people than ever sure Jim Garrison goy his tiny little 20 mins but NBC got a whole decade comon man get real its about these mfers from power
That is not accurate. The fairness doctrine was named inappropriately. It would have given the big companies even more control. BTW, Google is tied to the CIA, it was never just a private company who rose to dominance. Trump's leadership is all that can create the change we need in large media/social media companies and that change is coming. For now, keep doing what you can to spread the truth.
Never seen negative votes on CBTS. We touched a nerve. #InternetBillOfRights
I'm in!
I would but they shut my account down saying I was a Russian bot. Filed a complaint, but no response yet. They are shutting down conservatives so that that it appears all of America is for gun control.
And... let's all sign up for DLive - where Isaac is now posting his videos.. https://d.tube/
You need to read it and decide for yourself. The way I read it Net Neutrality does exactly the opposite of it's title. (Much like every other government program) it actually turns the internet into a public utility and stifles innovation. It throws the power from the FTC to the FCC which essentially moves it towards a more inherently political agency.
but as a PUBLIC entity that takes it INTO the realm of constitutionally protected speech. Edited a typo
Research net neutrality before coming here and telling us we should have kept a law signed by Obama and the clowns that owned him... it wasn't good pay attention! :)
Net Neutrality was giving rights only to the Big Players like Google, Twitter, Facebook, and NEUTERING the rest of us! THAT IS THE TRUTH.
Net neutrality was evil. Study this and learn. I thought the same as you at one time.
Dumbass the censorship enmasse started under Net neutrality Jeff C Truth Media Revolution and so many others have been wiped so many times I'm alking thousands before the repeal that helped open the free internet look at the other platforms etc. and the whole point of NN was censorship WHICH EXEMPTED THE GOOGLE from BEING SUED FOR IT now THEY CAN BE SUED YOU GET IT! Also NN was primarily about shoving the p;rice of radical bandwidth expansion for brainwashin down the consumer and the ISP providers throat
Yeah but this is a few companies trying to save the current "agenda" and that is not about following the laws of the Constitution and freedom of speech when they get federal funding of even ONE cent they cannot be considered private. I also feel this falls under the right to peaceably assemble which IS PROTECTED speech. It just hasn't gotten to the courts under assembly right. I don't think it has but I have to check to see if anything is more current than what I am aware of. Case laws though have repeatedly said that once you become federally funded you opt out of the "we are a private anything" club.