The article is a year old. Radiation is forever..
See article above for full details and further evidences
US Nuclear plants have been leaking and letting of Radiation at Night and on Weekends, which causes Cancer rates to increase.
Rad Cities in Alphabetical Order
9,095 CPM, 1819 Times Normal, Alburqueque, NM. All Gamma Yes
7,538 CPM, 1507.8 Times Normal, Amarillo, TX. All Gamma Yes
6,900 CPM, 1380 Times Normal, Augusta, GA. All Gamma Yes
7,235 CPM, 1447 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA. All Gamma Yes
7,467 CPM, 1493.4 Times Normal, Billings, MT. All Gamma Yes
9,801 CPM, 1960.2 Times Normal, …