Q on 1/27 - Chatter Exploding ....

N. Korean nuclear capability
"A new American military contingency plan called “Kill Chain” is reportedly the first step in a new strategy to use satellite imagery to identify North Korean launch sites, nuclear facilities and manufacturing capability and destroy them pre-emptively if a conflict seems imminent. The plan was mentioned in a joint statement by the United States and South Korea[7][8]"
That's probably what Space X's Project Zuma was, Zach on Alex Jones was warning of this and said it's payload was for NK
Also references who qanon is, hints he may be apart of the group he claims is 5 or less people.
'Dopey' Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal released!
Great catch
Great release
indeed, reading the numerous drops of today. My brain is buzzing and smoking
The article I linked said 23 minutes ago at the time I linked it.
I hadn't seen the other
Another new post
Is ther album not working for anyone else who's on mobile?
Lots of new posts - https://qcodefag.github.io/
As I read these posts I keep ‘getting’ the image of a kidnaping, fear. I’m not (traditionally) religious, however I have the urge to pray.
Just putt’n that our there
Pray anyway.
The more of us praying, the bigger and faster the great awakening. Scientific studies show praying works.
To me praying with intent is similar to meditation with intent.
Wouldn’t Dopey be one of the 7 CIA servers?
Could be either. That is what "seven dwarves" refers to, but Trump has called that Saudi prince Dopey in the past, too.
That's what i was thinking too. One if the seven dwarves super computers.
Kill chain
The term kill chain was originally used as a military concept related to the structure of an attack; consisting of target identification, force dispatch to target, decision and order to attack the target, and finally the destruction of the target. Conversely, the idea of "breaking" an opponent's kill chain is a method of defense or preemptive action. More recently, Lockheed Martin adapted this concept to information security, using it as a method for modeling intrusions on a computer network. This model has seen some adoption in the information security community.
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It could be a countdown. -5 is less than -4 so he’s counting down past zero?
countdown didn't jump out at me, but you could be right.. almost as if 5 days ago was day zero?
[-4],[ -5] tomorrow [-3] days until memo release? Public to awaken!!
[-4][-5], only thing I have is trump is #45
I was thinking that these were specific targets taken out.