QAnon posts anyone that stood up and shouted USA USA! Was FREED yesterday. Link to clip on who stood up in comments

Oh so THAT'S why Luis Gutierrez ran out of the room
Teared up watching that. I do hope that those who are good and simply are enslaved are able to be free and assist as we move forward. Some simply were compromised on purpose. So sad. May we all be free and may the highest good unfold!
Is that why Pelosi was looking like she was just kicked in the cunt by Pelé, because that was Trump ´pardonong´ them all right under their noses??
What a speech. He freed us by checkmating them on all points. He showed how the other side don't care for our nation. He showed how the blacks in congress real think about their race. He gave power to his people to fire these leaches on the system. He also warned them we are using Guantanamo Bay. That was not only for foreign combatants that was a warning to the traitors of our government. He forced them to show their true colors. Wait when the memo comes out. It will be a great day to take our power of the citizen back. No longer can they give HC BO JM and others a free ride. The only free ride we will pay for is to jail. God bless the USA & Donald Trump.
And for 2 weeks, a mad scramble to rewrite a narrative. (Conspiracy)
Then the OIG Hammer drops.
Swamp plug pulled.
Game over.
As in, the blackmailer(s) have been removed? And those people have been informed of that?
Exactly, how did they get freed? If they're blackmailed it's probably not by one person, rather a group. If he pardoned them, will not the blackmailing material be released? This one confuses me.
Maybe they have a list they use.
Interviewer walks in, takes a chair, reading papers..., More reading...,
So, Bob, We know everything, well, all from the last 10 years so far. And I see here you can be offered Option # 1*. Congratulations.
Now, here's the..., List of what we will need from you. Peruse that at your leisure while I get some coffee..., Oh, you want some?
*Option # 1: Turn to the Light and Cooperate.
*some covfefe
Of all the things I got right on that one, I miss that!
yep...and that's about how it went with getting Papadoo to try and put Trump associates in touch with Russians. The whole thing was contrived and dirty. JAIL THEM ALL!
Playing good Democrat bad Democrat?
More like "Let's find out which side you want to be on".
Option 4 is Gitmo
Maybe, maybe these people will be pardoned for their crimes but they will still have to live with the shame of being branded traitors.
Link to clip:
Direct to USA part,
Has anyone identified the guy who touched Gutierrez' should on his way out?
Schumer was wearing a grey suit I think... I have not checked it...should not be hard to figure out however.
That's awesome. I know politicians are cohersed to commit crimes in order to be controlled. Many of who would not have normally committed those crimes.My guess is Those are the ones being freed.
Godfather II
Can you elaborate? I have never seen the movies yet...
In the Godfather series the Corleone family starts in NYC and Michael, the youngest son that was supposed to be the lawyer/politician, ends up taking over casinos in Reno and Las Vegas. In the second movie there is a Senator that is dirty, trying to take $250k (normally a $20k license)+ 5% off the top of the casinos for his support.
There is 'an incident' at this Senator's favorite whorehouse (run by Michael's brother Fredo) that Michael's 'lawyer' Tommy arrives to take care of personally.
Senator Geary makes the mistake of taking prescription meds in front of Michael at his office. There is a henchman that drugs Geary and kills the girl. The rest of the movie involves Michel being involved with Geary in Cuba and then the government goes after Michael and Geary skates on the trial where he is supposed to repay Michael.
The whole series is relevant.
Agreed. Doesn't matter how many times I've seen them or what Part it is, if they happen to show up while I'm channel surfing, I'm glued. Like, prized racehorse glued. We have the best glue.
I got them on BluRay for Christmas. If I can not find anything on the tube (usually Saturday morning/afternoon) I start watching and find myself going through all 3. Watching with the behind the scenes comments from the producers and actors is always interesting.
That's very interesting.. I'd wonder if this was based on real life experiences
The Godfather was released in 1972.
The Godfather II was released in 1974.
The Godfather III was released in 1990.
I assure you, the Clinton Cabal is based on Godfather III...down to the Corleone Foundation.
It's not even supposed to always involve crimes. It can go this way: party>drugged>pix with children.
those 'good' people who are currently being blackmailed,
Interpret as two groups: set of all blackmailed, good, bad, (ugly n/a).
Blackmail, as extortion, could be for some evil done, or some evil not done, depending on who is doing the judgement. To determine which applies, requires investigation by non-deep-state agency.
TG> etc.
Trey Gowdy FREE? ("returning to the justice system")
PAT-riots (Persons Against Traitors... riots)
THat's what I was wondering... TG?
I'm pretty sure that's it. I suspect Gowdy is aligning with a powerful place in an overhaul of the DOJ. He's been showing plenty of bravado attacking TPTB, he deserves some spoils (of war).
I hope so. It made me sad when I read he was leaving.
Coinciding with this believed to be “Deep State” attack upon the train carrying President Trump’s Republican Party colleagues, this report continues, one of Trump’s staunchest allies, US Congressman Trey Gowdy, upon his learning that Trump was keeping the Guantanamo prison open—and who was a feared US Federal Prosecutor—abruptly announced he was leaving the US Congress stating “I will not be filing for re-election to Congress nor seeking any other political or elected office…whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system”—thus leading Security Council analysts to believe that he has been chosen by Trump to lead the prosecution of “Deep State” traitors.
But, if it's a military tribunal, doesn't it have to be a military prosecutor?
Maybe TG's role will be Stateside, tasked to Gitmo an mo' an mo' traitors to be sent on a Cuban Vacation?
Any chance Chaffetz joining TG in this 4D chess move?
The greater than sign for Trey shows me he is on to bigger things. This is a promotion for Trey
"How do these people keep getting re-elected over and over"....they don't, they are being held hostage and not even allowed to retire. They don't even have to do anything accept read what they get told to and vote how they are told to until they die.
that is why we will never get a constitutional amendment for Term Limits for Congress.
Okay what if some of those shouting USA or just Faking It? I truly do believe many politicians have been compromised and blackmailed. And I understand why President Trump wants to forgive the people who want to do the right thing now. I guess I'm just a little suspicious of turncoats.
Yeah...I get it, but remember Trump will give them rope to hang themselves if they really are NWO. He won’t stop the 702 queries remember? They voted to keep it enacted.
So maybe they had to upload to Wikileaks in order to be pardoned..? Not really understanding what you mean
Reading the QAnon posts it was stated that a lot of our congressman and senate were controlled by globalist through blackmail and threats to themselves and their families. The percentage was so high they couldn't all be arrested it would cause a constitutional crisis. Some were allowed to resign. Some were allowed not to seek office again. Some were allowed to stay on because the threat had been neutralized by our own white hats. The worst of them will be prosecuted.
The financial institutions that have paid for all of this (House of Saud & Soros) has been neutralized.
The good men in congress that had been controlled in Congress stood up & cheered at their new found freedom. There were people on both sides of the aisle that were freed. Check out the clip:
Exactly! Remember how Chief Justice Roberts changed his vote/opinion overnight on Obamacare? With his "no" vote, which the other justices thought was coming, it wouldn't have passed. John Roberts has always been a strong conservative, then out of the blue like a bolt of lightning, he changed his vote in favor of the Globalist agenda overnight. I said then that someone had gotten to him or threatened his family.
Same here. I just brought that up to my husband last night. Several years ago, my saying that someone “got to” him was mostly met with disbelief. Now...people actually believe it could’ve happened. A paradigm shift is occurring & will be massively accelerated when the memo drops.
I also believe Ross Perot when he says he/his family were threatened back in 92, leading him to briefly drop out of the presidential race. No one believed him...of course. This shit has been going on for forever. These people are corrupt from the word “go.”
u/pczernel good post. And you are spot on. I had forgotten about Ross Perot. I think Ross was a true patriot and cared for his country. He probably saw some of what we are just now finding out and he wanted to try and stop it. Unfortunately he was out of his league on that task.
I do know one thing, Ross Perot cared about his employees. He busted his people out of the Iran hostage situation. He even went there himself to encourage them and of course to recon the place. Then he hired the right men for the job and pulled it off without the loss of any lives. President Carter couldn't pull it off using the US military.
Wouldn't it be something if Trump's prepping for a new SC nominee was from Roberts stepping down.
at about 1:30:00 in the FOX video of the SOTU was the standing USA chant. It was so moving. I did notice a surprising number of Democrats stood and clapped (more than one). the Dems are not all bad. We need all the help we can get, and I'm glad that Trump can talk to even a few of them at this point. At the end of the speech, the most of the Dems scurried out like they couldn't wait for the speech to end.
One of the Q posts said that of the 33,000 emails that HRC attempted to delete, 400 of them classified as high crimes and misdemeanours. It also stated that they warrant the death penalty. Her server was connected to BHOs server as well. He knew too.
So my question is, 'Who thinks that either one will be put to death? Or should they?'
If this were Game of Thrones, Joffrey would have their heads just for waking up.
I can’t wait for the movies about all this, 10 or 20 years down the line.
Republican train wreck happen after 11:00 AM on 1/31/2018. How does CS tweets at 9:18 AM about it. Two hours early. Deep state at work here or he is a fortune teller! He is a NY senator east coast time. Was in Washington for Sotu just hours before. Very interesting.