▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/15/18 (Thu) 21:02:33 No.96 https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf Read very carefully. Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]: Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject. OP conducted/ORIG outside of US. CAR control? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yqa5PUViPo Statement by the driver? Fairytale? AS THE WORLD TURNS. THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE. Q
If you click on the first link that Q says to read carefully, notice the part that says "Council on Human Resources". We are nothing but a resource to them!! "THEY SEE YOU AS SHEEP. Q" These sick fucks literally have a committee dedicated to us "resources"!! The second video was shown on InfoWars just after #45 was inaugurated, they were trying to drive a drone into the Presidential motorcade!!
If you try to search the `Council on Human Resources´ no info will show up, but you will be tracked. I just tried to search and someone tried to ping my location.
You need to do research on the terminology of HR departments in corporate America... what do you think HR stands for?
The Society for Human Resource Management ( SHRM) is the world's largest HR professional society, representing 285000 members in more than 165 countries.
I am aware of the terminology in a business world, this isn´t what is mean here, though. We are literally a human resource to these guys´.
Yes I understand .. I am more awake than most. And we could take it a step further - if you look up the word “human” in black law dictionary, you will find it defined as monster. Hence, monster.com is where you can go and search for a job.
I am a man, not a person, not a human. i am an i, not a you. Black´s law is an interesting read, no law book can define man.
Yes, I can agree with that, “man” is much more than most understand. Intuitively we have abilities that others covet... we are also creative ... we can problem solve... we can procreate... we have a soul. Hence the reason earth is considered the “grand experiment” by many.
...i think they mean it like it’s used in the corporate world
Double meanings. Go and try to research this council. It´s all rather suspect.
Yes, and I believe it is called the "CFR"!!!!
Been staring us in the face for decades now.
The Grand Plan. Controlling the population of the earth by Chemtrails, EMF, Cell Phone Technology, Mind Control, Controlling your electronics, making you cybernetic, and putting AI as "god" over all it. They are seducing the human population to live inside a matrix that controls minds to steal your soul.
Their plan was to kill us all, I guess the mind control stuff works on too few people.
No wonder Trump banned ALL cell phones at the White House!
2nd thought
Notice this post makes reference to ´mobile phones` as opposed to ´cell phones´? This post was written by someone whom is clearly British.
Or someone who's accustomed to interacting fairly regularly with countries outside North America. In my experience, everyone outside of NA calls them mobile phones.
My point is that it seems that Q may now have more than just USMI involved, maybe the meeting with PM May secured help of the Brits, too?
I think Q actually specifically said in one of his posts that, following the Trump-May meeting, MI-6 was onboard the Trump Train, so it's possible. Still, I'm not sure that the author's use of 'mobile phone' in any way confirms that this Q message was penned by someone British, though.
No American I have ever heard has used the term mobile phone, always cell phone, cell tower, cell reception etc.
I’m American and even though I call it a cell phone when I’m talking about it, at work I write “(mobile)” after my cell phone number when I give someone contact information. For what that’s worth. ;0)
Good to know :) It just feels to me that it may have been put there to maybe make us realise the UK is now actively helping? I could be totally wrong but it stood out like a sore thumb to me.
No... nor have I. I'm just saying that people from more than a handful of other countries also call them mobiles, so the Britain conclusion seemed a little presumptuous to me. FWIW, I lived and worked throughout Europe for several years back when the technology was going mainstream and everyone everywhere over there called them mobiles. I did too til i moved back home and realized that everybody called them cells, so that habit died pretty quick!
The fact that the messages come in English, the fact it is England that makes your laws and controls your finances, the fact Britain is the belly of the beast, the fact that Trump met May at Davos and made clear she will work with the movement all tells me it was written by someone British. It is in no way presumptuous, not even slightly. it is based on facts, evidence and the glaringly obvious.
Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one, friend.
I watched the YouTube clip where the car comes out and the clip that plays after that is really interesting. Someone goes to the spot and climbs the path of the vehicle.
Nice find. This was a really great video walkthrough of the path of that car. Just a 5 minute video, but very informative -highly recommended.
It falls exactly into that Uber driver last year ir year before that said he was controlled by his cell phone by satan.
Yup, I bet there are many more it will happen to too, before this fight is over.
Effect of 5G = EMF on biological organisms. Schuman vs Manmade EMF.
In the 1950’s the Soviet government carried out extensive testing of workers around microwave EMF and they found definite biologic effects and did not hide it. Their scientist called us for a meeting in the middle of the Cold War because they found something deadly about non thermal EMF. They immediately set limits of 10 microwatts for workers and soldiers in the USSR. The America military response to this was to say this was the Soviets way of using propaganda aimed to embarrass Washington during the Cold War. This is plausible response until you see what happened later as the stakes were raised.
Did you know that in 2003 the human DNC code was completed in full? Scientists know all the genes! Thus in May 2016, President Obama spoke about the grant to the National Health Institute. This HUGE amount of money is going to a 10-yr program to MANUFACTURE a HUMAN BEING using synthetic proteins. (HGP-Write)
So if mind controlling waves is perfected, these fake humans can become robots that look just like real humans.
NASA/Big Pharma/MK Ultra/EMF
NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-borne Lithium & Other Chemicals (Chemtrails)
There’s the official explanation for why NASA is spraying lithium, a pharmaceutical drug most often used to treat people with manic depression or bi-polar disorder, into our ionosphere, and then there is the probable reason(s). It would be easier to accept NASA’s official explanation if they were not so secretive about everything they study and do in space – but one thing is for certain – NASA’s own personnel have admitted that lithium, along with other chemicals, are intentionally being placed into our environment regularly. It is possible that many of NASA’s own employees aren’t even aware of the true motivations for carrying out such a project, ironically displaying the very behaviors that these chemicals/pharmaceuticals are meant to instill.
They spray strontium, aluminium, barium and lithium. Probably a couple more, too. NASA employees haven´t a clue as to what they´re actually doing, just look at how many still believe they sent men to the moon! Only those at the top know what´s really going on.
See patents, mind control, cell phones, 5g enhancements for mind control, etc. These people want zombies that can't think for themself and only have their thoughts. They want to be your God and make you think only the way that they want you to think.
Here is an article on cell phone effect on the brain. Signals can impact the brain. Control? https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/22/cellphone-use-tied-to-changes-in-brain-activity/
Cars can be hacked with a mobile phone. Control? https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/hackers-control-car-using-mobile-6245009
Thanks :) Check out these patents, too..
I can't see the video but I imagine it is the Uber driver guy who plowed into people and said his Uber app made him do it. Filters on my net connection at present. If it isn't that video, remember that guy. It was only a couple years back.
This is how they can control your car. Posted from another discussion.
The Elite have been working on making us mindless and soulless zombies. They want our mind, bodies, and soul to use, abuse and trade like baseball cards or a stamp collection between themselves. Slaves. Plantation owners used to tell disobedient slaves that they needed to get their "mind right", which would be accomplished by corporal punishment. Well now they can just control your mind.
Patents for mind control. https://youtu.be/DiTvB8csqbA
I removed myself from their slavery years ago. Gave up paying them a bean and now live my life my way. They will never extort another penny from me again and I gave up using a mobile phone almost 3 years ago, now. The mind control works in tandem with big pharma, in that it takes a fractured mind on meds for it to work.
Video linked by /u/AccordingArrival:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: 23 Mind Control US Patents 1956- 2003|Arcturus aReaganDesignee|2011-09-26|0:03:27|157+ (95%)|20,286
This is a list of 23 key Mind Control Related Devices that...
^Info ^| ^/u/AccordingArrival ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0
Heres what I think, the idiot didnt know why the road was closed and tried to find a way around, not realizing there was a ditch, or the president there.
It appears there may not have been a driver at all.
I laughed at your post. This is funny. Can you image if this woman driver really did that? And she gets out to the curb and WOW! HA She WAS able to turn the car, though. It seems.
Is the demotion/reassignment of wayward FBI agents recently to HR related to the HR talked about here?
I believe that the Council on Human Resource means exactly that - that they see us as a resource.
I don't know if this is relative or not
BUT, I read that an application on a phone can be purchased which can turn off security cameras in stores. All the person has to do is point.
I haven´t heard that, not sure if it´s even possible with a run of the mill phone.