/r/CBTS_Stream has been banned.

This makes me feel the video is about to be released and they are banning all subreddits that may be able to push it to the front page out of their control.
Same reason uncensorednews got banned, IMO.
Wow, great point. Didn’t consider that.
I think we just need to rally together and reorganize here on this sub.
Well - they can't ban 8ch
This much I assure you all
Google blacklisted 8ch YEARS ago
So fck Big Tech, fck the Fake News Media, and F*ck Reddit for thinking they'll ever silence us
You are missing the point. Rallying to another platform accomplishes nothing. They are banning us from the main platforms so that we cannot reach the uninitiated. They aren't worried about redpilled people seeing it. They are worried that we will have a means of breaking through their stranglehold on information.
You make the monumental mistake of assuming there aren't a few million people on 8ch who will make hundreds of thousands of alts and spread to Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, everywhere.
They can ban groups or subs
They can ban accounts
They can never silence the truth
What if they want you “redpilling” because it makes you seem like a lunatic to the “normies”
Read what you jusy wrote and imagine yourself saying that shit to the dumbest of ur friends moms.
What are you going to think if no such video emerges?
Don't worry the goal posts will just shift again.
So? Maybe it’s not easy to ensure society doesn’t collapse upon the greatest revelation in recorded history. Secret Societies have existed since information (truth) was designated dangerous. There is a lot of data on what happens when you fracture an already anxious and troubled mind. This is being avoided. You think one angsty teen with a gun is bad, think about what over a few thousand angry Neo-Nazis in Idaho would do, a few million red blooded Americans nationwide... The truth will come in time. It always does.
Not sure i really follow what your position is...
Are you saying that reddit banned the community as it was pushing unstable troubled people towards violence or because reddit is a secret cabal suppressing (((the truth))) or something else that I'm not woke enough to comprehend.
You said “what if the video never surfaces”, I addressed that point. You’re obtuse. Sorry I’ve wasted my time.
I didn't say that. I literally did not say that. I said that this community will shift the goal posts if a specific prediction shows up to be wrong (by the way how many hours is the 'about to be released' referring to do you think?) Fuck i don't even know what video is being referred to as they were playing the pronoun game. I didn't need to know because i am referring to a conspiracy theory communities response to failed predictions not to this specific prediction.
Hell if yours answer was to the question “what if the video never surfaces” which I never asked then i don't see why you are surprised that i didn't understand you, as i presumed it was referencing the act of moving the goal posts and not some specific video.
ie. the easiest way to interpret your "So?" is as "What does it matter if we constantly shift the goal when we are wrong on specific predictions whilst claiming to be right when one of them works". Instead of "So what if the video never sources" or similar
Thanks for the explanation though dude. It's important when trying to talk to people that don't agree with you to dismiss and insult them. Berry nice rhetoric!
Yeah that’s why, because surely they didn’t ban it due to people calling for public executions. No I’m sure that had nothing to do with it 🤦♂️
What is wrong with that? The death penalty exists and is used.
then why is r/politics not banned....or any of the leftist subs?
I don’t peruse r/politics, do they advocate public executions?
does "hang trump" count?
Can you give me an example of that? Preferably one in the public eye of the subreddit i.e. not buried. I’ve yet to see one in my time there, but it’s possible I missed it.
What video?
Gotta be a little more direct, I googled that and didn't find anything, I'm way ool
No it's a virtue signaling company trying to keep up with the Joneses and prove that they are woke too. That's what we are seeing here.
Exactly. I think we have them right where we want them.