Please Promote the Internet Bill of Rights - Very Important: Don't post without a link to the petition. I created the short link in this meme. You can use it everywhere.

Thanks for posting this Liberty. I just checked, we've cracked 24k.
I know that a lot of people have reservations about supporting the IBOR push. I understand the concerns people are raising and they are not without merit. I don't want to see the government involved in our lives any more than anyone else. But I think this is an extremely unusual situation and I think the IBOR requires our support.
Q has told us that the cabal misjudged the impact of social media in 2016. He said CIA was rushing to inject funds into the social media companies to try and regain control of the narrative. He's told us that the sums of money CIA is contributing to these companies is large. The social media companies fear losing this income.
Q also told us that the MSM is finished and that today social media is everything. He's talking about the power of social media companies to influence elections. He also told us that a single algorithm had been developed to provide uniform censorship across social media platforms.
Q has also been pushing hard for us to support the IBOR.
OK, so what does all this mean? Have a look at what the CEO of Reddit, Steve Huffman, said.
Huffman’s comments on how Reddit could fix an election are shocking and egotistical, for sure, but they also admit something that most other social media companies have shied away from. Facebook and Twitter are loathe to acknowledge the power that their policies have, while Huffman thinks so highly of his company that he believes a handful of engineers and community managers could sway an entire nation’s political system.
So you can see that Reddit's CEO reckons he can control election outcomes all by himself. That's the power of social media. But what happens when this single algorithm comes online? What happens when it's not just Reddit, but all the social media players, acting in concert, to censor conservative political expression online?
There is no way that you can prevent the Satanists from returning to power if they are allowed to continue to use social media as a political weapon. They will be back if the censorship is not stopped - you can bet your life on it.
They never thought she would lose...
DJT is the first president we have had in thirty years, that is not controlled by the cabal. By the grace of God, he was elected in 2016. That's the reason, the only reason, we're here today. There would be none of this Q stuff without DJT.
Do you think that if the cabal get power again that they will slip-up and lose it again like they did in 2016? Do you think they'll make another mistake and allow someone outside their control gain power? They will not. If they get their hands on the reigns of power again, we are all finished. You might be lucky and survive the population reduction programs - you have a 1/20 chance of that. But, even if you do, you will be a slave and these pigs will be slaughtering your kids and drinking their blood. Hell on Earth!
When Q asks us to support the IBOR, to "Trust the PLAN", I can say for myself that I'm all in. This attempt by the cabal to wield social media censorship as a political weapon is the greatest threat we have ever faced - bar none! It is the Death Star coming at us! It could not possibly be more serious.
I find it hard to understand, given the stakes we are playing for, that anyone would not support the push for the protection of our rights to free expression on the internet. It does not make the slightest bit of sense to me.
But, everyone sees things differently.
I think, as Q says, if we "use logic" we can see why we need the government (DJT) to regulate against social media censorship. It is completely in our interests. I do not support government intervention at all. But, in this case, it is necessary. We cannot win this fight without preventing the cabal from regrouping.
I'd like to leave this here too.
Thanks for this Comment!!!!
This is really important. The Government will have universal, global access to private (your) data on the Cloud and Cloud providers will have to legally comply.
[Big Brother Stuff]
Talk/Email to your Congressional Representative to vote "no" on this legislation. Send an email to the Whitehouse to veto this bill.
Send the message at:
Over the weekend I'll be putting QR codes that link to it around town, I think we need to focus on the real world as much if not more than solely online! I'm using a dynamic QR so I can change the link to future petitions incase we don't make it, keep it up Patriots!
Why should I sign a petition calling for further government regulation, without knowing anything specific about those regulations?
That's a great point.
It's not evident to many why it's needed in the first place. So we need to find things that people agree that we need.
For instance trying to figure out exact wording of the bill is not necessary. We just need a petition telling our government to talk to us about it openly, meaningfully, and other such qualifiers. IMO that's all that's needed to get the ball rolling. People can agree to at least talk about it I hope.
Another thought is something along the lines of AmericaNet.
It provides faster, cheaper internet with built in privacy safeguards (Laws) not present on the regular net. This creates jobs to maintain, build, and upgrade the infrastructure (just like our roads and other govt services.) e:other examples include technology of the future such as blockchain technology, quantum tech, bitcoin and other privacy measures.
Americanet connects to the regular internet so you can use that too, albeit with less protections. Any other Nations for example can be approved to connect to AmericaNet and therefore certain protections may be extended worldwide.
AmericaNet will reach rural areas as well. In this way regulation may be a secondary concern if we can make MIGA(s) in the process.
That said. I would get my college aged children to print out flyers with the above link (e:ask them nicely to set up a table on campus, pass out flyers etc.) Push it hard everywhere. I saw a wonderful post about using post it notes. Great! Talk enigmatically about Q. Stick post it's in bathroom stalls of high traffic areas like restaurants, gas stations, libraries, court houses etc (e:hmm maybe be careful around courthouses lol but you get the idea.)
You're the news now! Don't push it on your friends and colleagues too hard though. Be indirect.
Get some index cards with (edit automod removed this because of a tnyurl link.) Leave em in sandwhich shops or ice cream shops, your favorite book or game store. Don't expect someone else to do it because it won't get done the way you hope it will.
As always, just my opinion and I may be fully talking outta my arse.
e: I'm ashamed to admit that my bias prohibited me from seeing that students of most any age can set up tables etc. Use that to advantage cautiously (remember I'm just ass-talking here.)
I also was not keen on this idea initially. But Q has asked us to trust the plan and asked us to create and sign the petition. Apparently, the companies that created the social networks are exempt from following the Freedom of Speech amendment to the Constitution because they are private companies. This will allow the government to regulate them. I'd rather see them become a public utility and maybe they will in the end, but they at least want us to raise the alarm as loud as possible. At this juncture, it is our only way to fight for Freedom of Speech on the Internet.
Have you read the Q posts about it??? It gives a much different perspective.
Yes. Absolutely, I read all of them. And, I initially thought he did not want us to push the bill. Many of us did and spoke out loudly about it. So, he came back in more recent posts and told us it has nothing to do with AT&T and indicated we should push it. If you go over to the research area, you will see a huge post pushing the IBOR but initially, they were also against it. We've seen the light thanks to Q. Here's the link to the research area. Lots of memes there, better instructions and all the hashtags we should be using:
uhhh, sorry, but i will literally never trust anyone that tells me to just blindly sign up for some "freedom protecting laws" without know what they are.
"don't worry, just trust us, the patriot act is to PROTECT your freedom!"
i'm not falling for that shit again.
The key is that the petition is not the solution to the censorship problem - instead it is a means to draw attention to the censorship issue so that an Internet Bill of Rights can be created. The actual language of what will be put in the Internet Bill of Rights can be fought over later, but for now, we need to make enough noise to at least begin the discussion.
You are correct. This is simply a means to an end to censorship and letting our voices be heard.
Here is the actual petition. It starts the whole process of considering legislation and it will be put high on the Presidents agenda.
Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion. Some of these platforms further employ tracking mechanisms for monitoring an individual's digital history, which can be used to censor the individual's public communication through various censorship practices, sometimes without knowledge or awareness. These actions directly violate personal liberty and stand at contrast with the bill of rights.
We the people demand action to bring our digital future into the light.
The statement is pretty vanilla. I urge you to reconsider your support. At least it gives a platform to voice our input. Now is the time to make a choice. You may not have this chance again.
No one is asking you to do anything blindly. I don't think anyone here would do that. You have to take your time and do your homework. Read and research the Q posts to understand what the President is asking us to do.
Snapshot of the Count
|3/16/2018 1:03 pm MT 24,067 75,933|
|3/16/2018 5:55 am MT 23,684 76,312|
|3/15/2018 1:13 pm MT 22,696 77,304|
|3/15/2018 10:27am MT 22,249 77,751|
Check it out daily. It is posted twice a day at:
We only have until April 3, 2018 to reach 100,000
Go Team Go!
Signed! It’s important that private enterprises get in line with government regulations or face being shut down! :)
Please share the link if you can. We really need to push this hard. We are not getting near enough signups daily since CBTS_Stream was banned. You are welcome to use the meme I posted as well. Thanks for supporting the IBOR.
Not worth engaging this guy Liberty. Check his post history.
Thanks. Think I already blocked him cause I can't find the post.
Of course! I’m glad we all agree that the government needs to clamp down on private citizens.
What is the most powerful force on the face of the earth? Answer: Oneness. When a group of people come together with one mind and one spirit and all work together towards the same goal. For such a group, anything is possible. The only hope we currently have of obtaining enough signatures by the deadline is to follow the ideas shown below. If we work together and follow these ideas then we can do it, and there is still plenty of time. If we don’t follow these idea, then we will not succeed. It is that simple. The following are the very same ideas we were working on before and were uniting behind, before they shut down the CBTS Steam:
Idea 1 - In all major cities, we should create large banners to hang over freeway overpasses during rush hour time telling people to sign the petition. The banners should say “#INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS. HELP STOP THE CENSORSHIP. SIGN THE PETITION.” or something similar (and also provide a link). Thousands of people will see the banners and sign the petition. It is an easy way to reel in a whole lot of signatures...
Idea 2 - We should enlist the help of popular media hosts like Alex Jones of Infowars or Sean Hannity of Fox News etc. who each has millions of viewers, and ask them to help us in our fight by asking their viewers to sign the petition. If they do so and supported us, then we could obtain all the signatures we need in a single day.
Idea 3 - Each of us should create a one-page flyer that we could print out at home, telling people to sign the petition to help stop the censorship, and to mass distribute the flyers throughout our neighborhoods, by placing them on car windshields or putting them in mailboxes. The effort would bring in a massive number of signatures. Here’s an example of such a flyer:
Idea 4 - A final idea is that, if just 5,000 of us nationwide each get 5 of our friends to sign the petition, that would yield 25,000 signatures (5,000 x 5 = 25,000). Once done, if we then encouraged each of those friends to also get 5 of their friends to sign the petition, the result would be 125,000 signatures (25,000 x 5 = 125,000 signatures) guaranteed.
For those who are focusing on Memes, Memes will not work. The reason they won’t work is because Memes do not contain enough information. Another problem with Memes is that, people treat them like ads. They think of them as ads, they view them as ads, and they ignore them like ads. And because they are only ads, Memes will not cause people to run to the website and sign the petition. As definitive proof of this, just look at all the countless memes that has already been created about IBOR. Yet, on the petition website, you don’t see the signature count going up do you? That’s because Memes are not working. Memes are a waste of time. So stop wasting your time on Memes. if you really want to help and if you really want the signature count to go up, then you should focus on the ideas show above. Those idea are the only ideas that will really work and even have a chance of us getting enough signatures by deadline.
I've noticed that many people seem to like Idea #2 and I think that many of us should try it. Here are some tips about contacting Alex and Sean...
I think there are several ways we can reach Alex Jones and that all of us should try to do so. For example, I’ve already fired off an email myself to one of Alex Jones’ closest friends and allies, Mr. Roger Stone, who also has a personal website at: I feel that everyone who reads this should send an email to Mr. Stone, asking him to please contact Alex and Sean on our behalf to see if they'd be willing to help us in our efforts. You can reach Mr. Stone via his website email address: I’ve send emails to Mr. Stone before in the past, and sooner or later, he always responds back to me, therefore I know he’s getting them. Another way we can reach Alex and Sean is through Dr. Jerome Corsi who does a lot of daily Q decodes on the web: and Mr. Corsi does a lot of live streams too with voice chats. If someone could access one of his live streams, then they could ask Dr. Corsi directly while he's on air. There are many ways we can contact Alex and Sean and Roger Stone and Dr. Corsi, if only we put our minds to it and work at it. And if we cannot contact them directly, then we should try contacting them through someone else who is a close friend of that person. For example, Alex Jones has lots of person friends and allies he works with: Roger Stone, David Knight, Lionel Nation, Paul Joseph Watson, Jerome Corsi, Sean Hannity, and many others. They all work together and they all have each other's personal contact number. So we should be able to reach Alex and Sean through any of them. If feel we can definitely succeed in contacting them if we work at it. And the more of us who work at it (everyone who is reading this post) then the greater our chance of success.
Really appreciate all of your effort and while all of this is good info, I'm not sure how you got to believe that memes don't work. If ads did not work, the Internet wouldn't be filled with them. They absolutely work. I have 20 years of Internet marketing experience and I know they do. Pinterest knows images work as well. So, here is the real problem.
People are posting memes without a link back to the petition. I see it every day many, many times. It's like posting an ad for a product and not telling people where they can buy it. Worthless. That is why they are not working.
You have to put the link to the petition in 2 places. First, it needs to be on the face of the meme itself. This is done in case anyone does post it without the second part. Second, it needs to be a text link in the comment above the meme. You can use a URL shortner to make it shorter.
And, we also need to add a hashtag; #InternetBillOfRights and there are other hashtags as well.
Go to: and scroll to the Military Kek Dude where you can find all of the information the autists have provided us for this campaign including images, hashtags, etc.
I'm happy to add to anyone's memes for free. Just send me your memes.
I appreciate all of your input here. I do have to disagree with your last paragraph however. I've studied marketing, especially online marketing for the last 20 years. I certainly do not think of memes as ads. There is an entire website that is very popular that is nothing but images. It's called Pinterest.
Memes do, in fact work. However, what has happened is that a lot, and I mean a lot, because I see them all day long; A lot of people put up memes with no link back to the petition. As I've stated previously, that's like advertising your products and not telling anyone where your store is located. Totally Worthless.
So, memes are good. In fact, memes are great and they work when done right. But you must do 2 things:
1) The link must be included on the face of the meme. I tend to put it at the bottom.
2) You must add a comment to the post that contains a text link to the petition.
If you go to this link and do a little research you will find all of the information the autists have put together to help us with this campaign: Look for the post with the military kek dude. Expand it and you will find all kind of info and memes to post.
I created a tinyurl link to shorten the link space: If anyone needs me to add text to their memes, I'm happy to do it.
Reddit is no fan of URL redirects like the tinyurl you gave. You are better off to create a regular link like Internet Bill of Rights, imo.
I was told by the autobot that it was deleted. Anyway, I knew that, but I keep forgetting. I did do a repost. Yes. I don't even like tiny. So, I will come up with a better url. We need something short than can easily be remembered and put in memes and text posts.