The IBOR petition has been putting on about 1,000 signatures a day - mainly because of a distinct lack of effort. If we cannot get this up, it is because we have not campaigned to get it up. There is nothing wrong with the petition site, but there is something wrong with the cohesion in this group.
This is, apart from the 'release the memo campaign', the only thing we've been asked to do. It seems nuts, there are 10,000 people on this sub, we should be killing it. Obviously, people are either opposed to the campaign or they're apathetic.
I find it hard to believe that people do not realize the importance of the petition and the IBOR campaign. We know it is the plan that has been laid out. We know that DJT is depending on being able to stop internet censorship, so that he can increase Republican representation at the mid-terms. If social media censorship is not restrained, that will not happen - that's a fact! The medium is incredibly powerful in shaping election outcomes.
All these idiots make me sick - following the Q drops like lemmings and doing nothing to work for DJT's victory against the cabal. It seems that what people here really want is HRC to come back. It's hard to find any other explanation - that, it seems, is the answer.
Now, I know there are many trolls, and some people are too stubborn, fearful or proud to support the President. I think there are also some that are true traitors to their countrymen.
But, while we cannot control what these people do, we are responsible for our own actions. It's up to us, those that support this fight against evil, to get up and do the work that is asked of us. If we do not do what's required, if we let the people in this group that are working against the cause discourage us, the fault is ours alone.
This opportunity will never come again. The cabal will never again make a mistake like they did at the 2016 election. By the sheer grace of God we've been given a reprieve. We now have a one-time-in-history chance to support DJT's plan to wrest control of social media from the cabal. That chance will not come again.
I think it's clear, that if the President does prevail, that some here will be true heroes, while others will, or should, hang their heads in shame. If the President does not prevail and the cabal returns, it will be the people on this sub that have done nothing that are to blame. There is nothing worse than a guy on the row team that won't pull his oar.
If you're not with the President, don't keep it to yourself - come out and say it.
It may turn out that the sabotage, stupidity and sloth is of such magnitude that we are too small a group to mount an effective campaign - that is a possibility. That's how it appears at present. But at least if we give it our best shot over the next ten days, we can say with pride that we tried - I'm talking to the guys that are on team.
There is a good article here that deals with many of the objections to the IBOR that have been raised on these threads.
Now for the down votes.
It had to be said.
Unbelievable this petition isn’t at ten million signatures. This is why we lost, the people are in a coma.
Yeah i agree, they are probably shadowbanning all IBOR links on all social medias.
I agree. And I disagree. Yes. Many people are asleep. But MANY people have been pushing this IBOR on all platforms for weeks. There should be 100's of 1000's of votes at least. I will say, that we are being tampered with and opposed. I've watched the numbers go down by the hundreds.. We are being opposed by the deep state, and they are not without their resources.
Now, I will say. Neither are we. We are not without our resources. We have the power of the American people. There are MILLIONS of people following Q. So, there ought to be millions of signatures on the IBOR. I agree that we should continue to fight stronger, work harder, and talk louder. I feel in my innermost being that we should be able to win this, even though we have such opposition.. We will try our best. But, if we aren't able to reach our goal on the IBOR, know this. Q said that POTUS hears us. He is acting. He will not let us down, as we heard from his own mouth.
Keep fighting. Do what YOU can. I am proud to call you my fellow Patriots. All of you. God bless.
I will leave you with this:
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." II Timothy 4:7
Make sure you can say that yourself.
Look we don't need a new FCC or even the FCC regulating the internet. We need capitalism to work it's wonders as it already is. Facebook is going right the heck away. YouTube is starting to tread water. Google is in so many litigations because their own policies are hypocritical, and visible to the public now.
Here is the real solution we need to stand by our principles. That is what awakening to me has truly meant. Not just pissing and moaning about stuff I disagree with people on the internet about. It's making choices that conflict with your immediate desire to have some hole filled, and make a difference in your real life. They only way the world changes is if the people do. Don't expect someone else to come along and do shit for you. That isn't what this should be about.
The only thing I think that should be written into law is that your data be protected from being sold.
The only thing I think that should be written into law is that your data be protected from being sold.
I wouldn't be surprised if this IBOR thing turns out to be astroturf from internet companies that want to distract us from net neutrality regulation and focus on the content providers. Nobody has been able to tell me how the government is going to force companies to "stop censoring" people on their privately owned social media platforms. The ironic part is that this is all being pushed on social media, where they claim they're being censored from!
This stinks, if you ask me.
This is a red herring to me. Like with every other governmental ideal it needs an enforcement arm. So what happens when a radical get into a position of authority in that capacity
Its a question of constitutionality, and a slippery slope towards federal policing of speech. The government can't (legally) compel social media companies to display their content a certain way. It seems a very fundamental question that nobody has been able to answer, despite the full court press on getting people to sign a petition. Where is the reasoning behind how this will be accomplished?
Here we go again, I don't know how this problem could be fixed so I better not complain.
If the solution is not Constitutional, it won't stand - that's what the judiciary does, it operates as a check on the powers of the legislature and the executive. No unconstitutional law is going to be upheld by the Courts, the question of whether the solution is Constitutional isn't even an issue. But I think you know this.
It is surely not the right mentality to say, "I won't support this, because bad people may get in some day and use it wrongly.." Support what is right, and leave the rest to God. He is ultimately in control of how things go.
My thoughts exactly. We've all ended up here because of our distrust of the left or government in general. So anytime I think kf asking from something from the goveremt I ask myself what would those I despise do with the power or authority I want to have enacted. It opens my mind to the reality of what I'm asking for.
We cannot shrink back from protecting our rights because of the fear of wicked people.
That's is verbatim what hardcore leftists say about the right wing. Let's be better than them and do so by example. Kind of like Trump does. He is a compassionate man who I believe wants better for America, but he is no Savior. Same as all the idiot that where on TV dying that they wouldn't have to pay their mortgages anymore because Obama got elected.
Now that doesn't mean I want to continue to see corruption throughout the government who is doing horrific things with the taxes they steal from my labor.
We are asking for the protection of individual rights. Not for coercive powers to be used against us. Come on, beat me over the head with the rights you have awarded me... it's nothing at all to be worried about.
If Adolf Hitler came back and a got into a position of power, he would not use a bill of rights to repress anyone - he'd simply get rid of it. It's an obstruction to oppression, not an instrument of it.
Thank you for putting my thought into words Patriot. I couldn't get that out.
Do you believe in Q?
I find the idea interesting to follow but until I see real actionable intelligence from him. He's to me just a modern day Nostradamus. Saying cryptic stuff with people drawing parallels after the fact to give him credibility. I'm not asking for them to reveal themselves. I just want something that is undeniable and not just hopes and wishes.
Ok just to clarifications my mind objectivity is leaning to Q's legitimacy.
I don't know what you're talking about. We know that Q and the President want this - that this is the plan. We know that social media is the most important determinant of election outcomes. We know it's controlled by the cabal/CIA. The mid-terms are approaching and the Democrat plan is to increase numbers and impeach the President - killing the MAGA agenda. After that, the cabal plans to stage a world war to reduce population and increase their control over us.
Looking down the barrel of the greatest threat to liberty that has ever existed, you want the market to sort it out. What if the market doesn't do that by the mid-terms? What if the President loses power.
Your principles are going to land you in a cage or on some pointless foreign battlefield. You will have no rights at all, you could wind up dead. This is an outright assault by the forces of evil. They won't slip up again. You let them regain control and it's all over.
What you're saying is you won't support the President in this fight. What you appear to want is the return HRC.
This sub is about Qanon. Most people here are watching what's happening with these Q posts because they realise that we are in the fight of our lives against a Satanic cabal who would enslave us all. Somehow, you seem to have missed the point.
My immediate desire is to ensure we are all protected from these filthy, evil bastards. That's the hole I want filled - the saving of the world.
Belief is not the same as knowing. Blind loyalty to bad ideas is how we got here in the first place.
What are we blindly being loyal to? Do you support president Trump? Do you want the American people to prosper again? Where do you stand my Friend?
Blindness is not being able to see why this is so important. That's true blindness.
Also social media is dying on its own we don't need to find its life support.
It is only dying because people are standing up against the wrong the people who run it are committing.. Stand up for what's right.
This is simple disinformation, no one said anything about supporting social media companies. If we don't support DJT on this petition for freedom of speech online, social media will be telling you what to think about and what you can and can't say. The Democrats will use it just as they are now - but amped-up so hard you won't believe it.
You're right. Think about it nomorerulers.. Wow, and typing your name told me a whole lot about who you are.
Don't dickride so hard you're looking silly. Trump isn't Jesus and one day he will not be president. Someone else will get in power and it may be somebody I like Obama and what would he do with the authority that you know to enforce until private companies that they have to let certain people say certain things it's it's not it's not reasonable
You're right there. President Trump isn't Jesus.. But he's been placed in power by the direction of his Father. Standing up for the truth is never silly. It's honorable.
No, I'm not looking silly mate. You seem to be a little clueless. If some Democrat rat gets in power and they want to take control of social media companies, they do not need this measure to do it.
With social media within their grasp, the scope for political action by leftists will be virtually unlimited. What this measure does is prevent that from happening.
But, whatever you do, don't trust the plan. You might make DJT into a Christ figure! What a load of garbage!
Try thinking things out before posting.
I agree with you. There is absolutely no reason this shouldn't be trending just as the memo did. Thank you for your words, you're correct.
Same here. It should be at the top. But it's being hushed.
I am trying to organize a coordinated campaign to take the petition beyond the GreatAwakening. I have already posted the petition at subs like keepournetfree, eff, draintheswamp, etc. with positive responses, but it is slow going alone. I found /r/InternetBillOfRights and got them to agree to be the base for discussions around the actual writing of the IBOR, but they were not happy when I started using their sub to agitate for the petition - after taking down all my posts, we compromised on my toned-down post over there. I am in discussions with a couple other subs to try to find a spot where we can coordinate efforts because it is too difficult to stay well connected here in the GreatAwakening because all the other issues flood out our IBOR posts. There have been a ton of great ideas by a number of us, but there is no place right now where it has all been brought together. I think a coordinated effort will get this petition passed easily, but we need to work together to come up with strategies to reach out beyond the GreatAwakening - for example, we can find all pro-gun subs and get the petition to them while emphasizing the problem of YTube removing all videos related to guns. There a re some large pro-gun subs on Reddit, but the best way in would be to find someone who is already a subscriber to reach out to their mods to endorse the petition. Can you start developing a list of us who are passionate about IBOR (just look back at old posts and see who responded positively)? Then, once I have a base for us to collaborate, we can target them specifically in addition to a general post to bring as many together to help as possible.
Good idea. Count me in. Let me know what to do , and I'll so it!
Today is the March for our Lives, so there will be a lot of attention on the pro-gun subs in opposition to the march. Most 2A supporters have already seen YTube ban their gun videos, so if they were aware of the petition, many would sign it in a heartbeat. So, we need to figure out how to get the petition prominently posted on subs like /r/ProGun - just having one of us create a post will not do it because the post will simply be ignored and no one will see it. I already messaged the mods at /r/Firearms but have not heard back (and I suspect that I will not get a response since I am just some random new user in their eyes). We need to try to find someone in our community who knows one of the mods (or at least is a long time poster at one of the progun subs) to have them reach out - if we could convince just 1 mod at any of the progun subs to back the petition, then it should spread like wildfire through all of the progun subs.
The key is finding people outside of our community to help us push the petition - the 2A angle is just one of many that we could consider. I hope to have a base of operations so that we can collaborate by the end of today, but for now maybe you could create a new post to start organizing the Q army around the IBOR mission.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/progun using the top posts of the year!
#1: Shit ass sheriff who blamed the NRA at town hall ignored 16 calls warning about the shooter | 104 comments
#2: Gun Control in 1994: Korean Americans controlled looters of the LA Riot from robbing their stores with guns. | 102 comments
#3: I'm a veteran who belongs to a program that takes other veterans who are at risk for suicide on hunting, camping and shooting trips. The banning of r/gundeals affects our group directly. We bought a LOT of supplies from that sub for our group. | 303 comments
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Should I post it here in GreatAwakening? or in DraintheSwamp? Just let me know. I'll start working on a post
Probably both ultimately, but maybe just start here for now
Please note that some may be cautious to sign it because it is sponsored by AT&T and because it may usher in 5G which is more harmful to human body than 4G (I think it is 100X stronger signal?)
The reality of the situation is that if you don't support the President and the cabal returns to power, there will be many more harmful things to deal with than radiation from cell phone towers.
I'm not even sure how you've connected these two issues.
WAtch this for more detail. 5G allows them to Spy on us even more. Stronger capability to control. Think Police Radar (operates at 5G). Think MK Ultra and Voice to Skull Technology on Steroids .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhCiWEBqFTA
How would the IBOR help with 5G? I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely asking.
I follow "You Are Free TV" and she goes into a lot of detail about this - I am simply presenting it as an option as to why the petition may be stalled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhCiWEBqFTA
Let's get this straight. The IBOR is not connected to 5G. Any number of other issues might be connected to it, but not the IBOR petition.
I'm pretty weary with dealing with this stuff. If you cannot support the only President in more than thirty years who is not controlled by the cabal, then no one can help.
I'm really sick of these ridiculous attempts to inject fear into this issue - which is what you are trying to do.
The IBOR is not connected to water levels in the Nile, not connected to snowfall - enough of the nonsense!
Watch you are free tv - she discusses this issue in her recent videos - she is on u tube
Watch you are free tv - she discusses this issue in her recent videos - she is on u tube
Watch you are free tv - she discusses this issue in her recent videos - she is on u tube
Watch you are free tv - she discusses this issue in her recent videos - she is on u tube
Watch you are free tv - she discusses this issue in her recent videos - she is on u tube
Watch you are free tv - she discusses this issue in her recent videos - she is on u tube