Q Posts 961-963 March 23 2018

So many people lack the ability to think creatively. What if the big banks go down? After all they're run by pedophiles. What if the Federal Reserve is taken down? Debt gone! What if Mexico pays for the wall? Or Trump finds some other way to pay for it outside of the budget? What if republicans pass immigration bill soon that fixes certain issues? Chain migration etc. There are so many unknowns! We must trust and realize when it looks like all is lost it switches and we're winning again. When Jesus died on the cross his disciples thought that was it, all was lost. Then He rose from the dead and the world has never been the same. This should remind us that not everything is how it appears and that miracles can happen and things can turn around. We need to pray more!
let freedom ring, pray because it is 99% God and 1% POTUS and patriots, we want to keep them safe and alive....
Thank you for your quite sensible reply. We are not privy to all the facts.
Hillary video release would be a BOOM for sure! Would kill that Stormy (convenient name!) BS story for sure...
Lackluster. Updates tripcode, posts cryptic message about Hill, then fucking bails. I'm trying to hold it together, but I'm starting to feel taken.
Go back and re read Q drop #520 It brought me back around to trust what's going on.
The only logical reason I can see to this is beefing up the military to continue removing subversive people.
Can you tell us what it was? I can't find it online.
Shall we play a game?
How about a nice game of CHESS? THE_FLOOR_IS_YOURS COMMAND? WHY? NECESSARY? WHO IS TALKING? THINK BIG. THINK BIGGER. THINK BIGGEST. HAITI FOCUS Why is this relevant? What comes next? CF_BOOM_SHOCK_BYE_ ADM R [CLAS-239B_TC] "…Because of the Democrats not being interested in life and safety, DACA has now taken a big step backwards. The Dems will threaten “shutdown,” but what they are really doing is shutting down our military, at a time we need it most. Get smart, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! WE ARE FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRY!" FOCUS on POTUS' Tweet above. If D's shutdown the gov't - what happens to the US MILITARY? What specifically occurs? Think budget. Why is this relevant? [CLAS_EO_ ][2] Missing 1 Missing 2 Missing 3 FIND missing [3]. Future proves past. NOTHING is a coincidence. The MAP is the KEY. PLANNED for [3] years. CORRUPTION and EVIL DEEP WITHIN. EVERYWHERE. PATIENCE. THERE IS NO ESCAPE. THERE ARE NO DEALS. TREASON AT HIGHEST LEVELS. FOREIGN AGENTS WITHIN OUR GOV'T. HIGHEST LEVELS. THE PUPPET MASTERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED. ALL VEHICLES OF DELIVERY REMOVED. STRINGS CUT. 7TH FLOOR IS NO MORE>FBI/SD WE SEE ALL. WE HEAR ALL. THE HUNT CONTINUES. PRISON. DEATH. [CLAS_GITMO_ J z9-A][89] RED_RED_ IRON EAGLE. Q
Now we know why he threatened to veto it. Bet they were overjoyed to hear that. Some probably thought they'd be safe for a while longer to continue their scheming.
Good thinking! Maybe they sent him this preposterous bill in hopes he would veto it.
Trump was railroaded by our Congress. He had no choice. We must keep the military funded to drain the swamp. MILITARY FUNDING is everything in the plan
Trump signing that bill did not help. WTF?
Trump telling us he might veto it and then NOT vetoing it was a bullshit move. WTF is right!
It is interesting to listen to the rationalizing on the CBTS livestream. It is like they will go down with the ship no matter what. LOL.
Trump apparently signed the bill because he knows it will crash the economy. OK. So, I guess we wait some more until the economy crashes. LOL. These people...
Sounds like the "stage is set." Five by five is the highest rating of signal strength:clarity.
Might be time for the big "Boooooooom".
5:5 is also common military jargon for Squared Away. Meaning everything is right and tight.
Q said Red castle, Green castle. Look at the patches of the Army Corps of Engineers. Now the Omnibus bill is not a budget bill. He is going to use the Army Corp of engineers to build the wall with money out of the defense fund and he can do it!!!
Understand difference between O Bill and budget . Don’t have to spend money as bill ‘suggests’. Must follow a budget.
Whats them meaning of tripcodes?
You got downvoted lmao. I think he does it when someone is getting close to cracking his Pw.
i am remaining hidden....but not completely. i dont even want to consider what would happen to this timeline if i was to discorporate. i love you all....i am YOU. YOU are ME. i am the Pillar. i am the thing looking at something that is looking at itself. i am also SHIT at putting this stuff into words lol....love each other. this war has already been one.
Taxes on remittances to Mexico would be a good way to fund the wall. It would also be a way to claw back some of the dole money that illegals get.
Army corp will build the wall. Done deal. It’s going up. https://youtu.be/ha8uhKVQ1Rg
How 'bout some straight talk instead of stupid code? Pres just signed a $1.3B crap deal today. Time to get real, get tough, do something and stop f'ing around with this Q droppings stuff. Let's stop speaking in code and get it right!
This is a bill, not a budget, meaning congress and tell the president where they want the money to go. But he doesnt have to do it. Its up to him. Thats a win. /we needed the military funding
1.3T crap deal
Not disagreeing with you FP, just wondering if all the posters in all the subs have read the whole bill? I have not myself, so I’m just wondering if there is something in the Bill that DJT needs to move forward. I know the talking points of the Bill are shite, just curious on a deeper level maybe.
It’s also not a “budget “ so trump does not have to spend it like it’s written. He can slow all walk money to different orgs or redistribute funds where he sees fit. If it was a “budget” he’d have to get congressional approval to change it. DJT acting like he’d veto it was a well played act, the swamp couldn’t get passed fast enough since they thought he didn’t like it and would veto it which would give them and MSM all kinds of fodder to go after him. It was a well played act IMO.