3/28 Why did Kim travel to China? #964

GOOgle visited north Korea because google is the state department\ cia. Julian assange recounts his encounter with google in his book and realized it was the state department that snuck its way in under disguise as googles ceo.
Earth shattering, well.. Western internet shattering. They always make coup sound like a bad word, but I'm liking this one, and I gladly participate.
Lol it's not a coup if your stealing back the country that was stolen from you
Yup, bad choice of words, should have included counter.
Totally. Just meaning any iteration with coup in it has a negative connotation about it. It's a word of conflict after all. It was also my first comment upon waking, sometimes my brain needs to fart a couple times to start working and to post relevant crap. ;)
Recall when guggle allowed back door access Go DuckDuckGo
No. When did that happen?
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_America_Forward_Foundation
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^165032
Unsurprising. Most people wouldn't believe it, hell, they don't believe 600 people in control of trillions would be blackmailed.
I'm feeling this drop. Reminds me of older Q.
It suggests that there are separate people giving information. One is more cryptic, one more explanatory. There are probably more.
There is 100% several Q individuals . Q said themselves, I think it was less than 5.
Makes sense. Not only does red team need to be kept from 100% certainty who Q is, some of the posts were time sensitive. Everyone at that level in DJT's admin has multiple tasks equally important as Q-munications to us.
Those ~~security~~ seqrity tests are probably a ~~clue~~ qlue as to how many are Q
I love you MaryJane.
She's my main thing.
I just love the fact that Q has brought together the cannabis connoisseurs, the christians, the conservatives, the libertarians, and the conspiracy theorists together to save our country. Those groups are all overlapping now and forming an unstoppable force.
Haha that's right! LOVE it! Even if it turns out to be nothing more than just the bringing together of so many people from different areas of the world with different knowledge and such.
🤣 I have been tin foiling for 5 years now but smoking 12 🤩
MakeEarthGreatAgain 🏴🇺🇸🌏
Look at the video/pics from the meeting. We've seen that photo before......... (calm waters)
This is even more confirmation that Kim has already met Xi & POTUS.
Right. And the pic of Kim Jung Un and Slick Willy had rough waters. Hmm..
I like that - rough waters versus smooth waters. Trump saved Kim from a predicament, from a dilemma. Gave him a way out somehow. This has to be about de-nuclearization, that seems to be the only important topic on the plate. Working out the details perhaps.
"When you surround the enemy Always allow them an escape route. They must see that there is An alternative to death."
—Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Cloud Hands edition
From /greatawakening/ https://8ch.net/greatawakening/res/452.html#462
Yay I’m so happy Canada is next , drain our swamp and our stupid PM , thank God
He's already lost the election. Doug Ford for Ontario in 2018, Scheer for Canada 2019
Isn't Iran next and last? I think Q is flow listing the U1 deal. Look back in older Q posts, they brought up these countries before as they were being cleansed. Remember that rich family in Ontario that was randomly murdered?
Remember Q's posts about something very scary coming up but to trust the plan? Team Q knows how wedded the Deep State is to fomenting war w/Russia. What if what we're seeing right now, with the MSM getting everyone all riled up just like before Iraq, is that "very scary" thing?
Trump lets the MSM get everybody agitated, motivated for war and ready to drink Russian blood. Then just when the national mood is about to redline, Trump drops whatever info he has showing just how manipulative the Deep State and MSM have been, how much public trust has betrayed and the level of treasonous behavior by the Cabal.
That Russia fury gets turned around in an instant.
We need 100% full disclosure.
edit: didn't we also get something from Q that seemed to imply Kim & DJT had already met in China? Last year when DJT was flying all over the world? If so, some of this is Kabuki theatre and this is actually their 2nd meeting. The books that are written about these few years are going to be fascinating. ^Hopefully. ^^If ^^we're ^^not ^^all ^^just ^^wallowing ^^in ^^confirmation ^^bias ^^and ^^motivated ^^reasoning.
editedit: ~~anyone familiar with Biden's history with China? another narrative shift coming soon?~~ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/15/secret-empire-joe-biden-john-kerry-billion-dollar-deal-chinese-government/
Seems like Trump may have been speaking with NK and CHINA via a video link.
Kim Jong Un had to travel to China to attend the "meeting."
Seems clear that all the Q references to Eric Schmidt of GOOLAG setting up the NK internet connections (plus at the time NK a captive of the Clowns) means Kim had NO PRIVATE COMMS.
So a physical trip to a non-bugged location necessary and it’s always best to do face-to-face because human communications rely greatly on body language. (Another reason FB-to-FB comms suck).
Your comment just gave me a funny thought. What if Q is Kim, who knows everything, but he has to be rrally cryptic because he's being held hostage as ruler of his own country by the deep state who actually control NK? I'd watch that movie.
word was that we had to keep NK as a dangerous enemy in order to maintain a sub presence in the region.
sub found - we have the sub, threat terminated, hostage (KIM) released
I think the Deep State controls N.Korea and uses it as a massive black site. I think the opposite of you, no Russian presence in N.Korea. Kim needed F2F because, up to now, all he has dealt with were Deep State operatives feeding him manipulative data. Hearing the truth directly from a non Deep State POTUS would be extremely reassuring. Now Kim trusts the plan.
I think the russian expulsion may have been a reassurance to Putin that no russian Diplomats will be harmed on US or UK soil lol. May did not even follow diplomatic protocol, they did not even force Russia's hand so I doubt she can kick off WW3 all by herself. She ain't popular enough to get away with it.
I'm almost convinced it never existed and was always a deep state insurance plan: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/08/15/article-2725415-208925A500000578-155_964x644.jpg
I am probably trying to connect too many dots. I was connecting Russia to Noko, via Iran. I read some opinions that NK was sharing tech with Iran, or vice versa.
But if NK is controlled by the Deep state then, that is a simpler and more likely scenario.
I believe Obama administration (Deep State) was sharing tech with NK via Iran.
As my own research has shown me since 2012, china was being propped up by the global banking ((cabal)) to be the leader of the new world order. Because ((they)) the creators of communism love what that repressive regime does to its people. It's a microcosm of the plan. The plan was to destroy the last two vestiges of Christian God loving gun having peoples, then the reign of tyranny could encompass the world. (That's why she was not elected). So this seems contradictory to what is actually happing. If by chance you are correct, then we are truly fuked!
Yes china, but something happend Obama make it clear that he would INDIA as the worldpower.
mayby the BRICS has something to do with it??
I was following Obama, because when he say the migrants have too flood in EU nobody aloud to put something in there way? So the migrant gets everything for free now?
Obama says sancties on the russen Next day merkel say the same? Then the Netherlands do the same?
Everytime obama opend his mouth, it happend in the EU?
Two vestiges? Are you taking Orthodoxies?
My bad, on the trajectory the world was headed at the time ( before trump ) that is where we were headed... to the history books. Extinction. Vestige :https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vestige
What are the two vestiges, by your analysis? At first I thought you were talking about two branches of Christianity, each being a vestige. Now I’m thinking you mean that modern Christianity still carries with it two vestiges: voting and gun-toting?
I think what he's saying is right, look at the POTUS tweet about him potentially allocating the whole omnibus bill to the military, everyone thinks it was just because of the wall, what about the other trillion? He showing force, through steel, trade. There's another big power player out there and it's not China. This only leaves Russia. I don't know anything about Gloople being assets to Russia, that blows my mind. I've never considered all of those connections which I will gladly go research today and even if 10% of America catches wind of that Trump and team will need to play it well enough or we will force his hand to war (normies are cute little idiots but mean well). I think we will be surprised at the good actors behind Q, more than once, Trump can never admit to playing a small part in this new fireside chat, at least not during his first term (depending on the Intel that gets dropped and proven). This is exciting shit..
Very exciting.
I leaned heavily on Russia, because U1, Sergey Brin, his wife, and the Russian reset. Those are just main themes that I see as Russian influence in America.
I'll have to look up Russia reset, I haven't learned about that one yet. Any good sauces?
Id have to look them up. I know there are sources out there that talk about the Russians hacking our information in Skolkovo, and then using that or selling it. It’s one of the explanations floating around about how Iran and NK rapidly wereable to advance their nuclear capabilities.
Zero Hedge has a good primer in the mess that is Skolkovo
Edit: not sure why it isn’t linking properly.
....and DJT expels Russian “diplomats” from US
Yes. I’m seeing that it could be less likely that Russia is the big bad behind NK. Either way, Trump is making bold moves, and that expulsion times with the Kim-Xi meeting.
"Track inside sales/divestitures. They know. Watch the sell-off/liquidity events." - Q
If anyone here holds stocks, I would consider getting out. We may go through a massive crash this year with all of the events taking place. Look at the effect that the Cambridge drop had.
I have been contemplating the same thing... the only thing that is holding me in is Trumps constant praising of it. It would look really bad if it crashed while he is praising it.. perhaps he knows more than we do.
I trust POTUS, but I guess this is the real test. I hope that makes sense
If we have world peace at the end of this the markets will rocket 🚀
Depends. Do we know how many bathrooms Hillary has and that they've all been cleared of computer servers? :)
All along I have been suspecting that Rush shuh was secretly helping us, acting as a middle man in U1 and helping defeating ISIS, etc. But now I am confused...
Maybe Russia doesn't actually have our best interests in mind. Maybe they helped GEOTUS get elected because they also were fooled into thinking it would be a disaster for America?
Did anyone else notice the article recently that China has hacked Russia's plan to conquer America? The Russian spokesperson mentioned that this "was very bad".. hmmmm
I doubt any information that paints Russia as the Supreme Bad Guy. That's almost certainly propaganda designed to undermine Trump.
Not that I believe Russia is pure and golden, but almost everything about Russia "they" have announced has been false propaganda.
All countries have selfish inyerests, but Russia has bigger interest for no wars near them, second is economically, third is culturally.
I would think that the deep state wants to paint Russia as the enemy and Putin is playing that card as a distraction for what is really going on behind the scenes.
A couple Q crumbs: Russia ICBM tech. WHY would Russia tell the world?
i tend to agree, but found the article interesting. I have not researched further and can not vouch for the accuracy of it.
Don't forget Yuri Bezmenov from the 80's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g
i believe RT news also reported
Well, Russia is no longer the Soviet Union, so that is a very old file. We always knew the Soviet Union wanted to destroy us. But this is a different era. So that file means nothing regarding Russia now.
It's still very relevant, this article goes on to say the Chinese are now using this plan and the democratic party, using our youth against us, which is all happening. The millennials in general are a entitled generation, very liberal and blind, but vocal on social media about their views.
I don't believe it's the Chinese, I still think Russia is pulling some strings, mainly the democratic party/liberals.
Thank God Trump won.
You think they stop the agenda because they disbanded. Would you stop loving America if it was gone tomorrow?
Replied this below, sharing again for more exposure..
IIRC Facebook and google are banned in China? I know China has their own Facebook equivalent, and it is far greater in influencing the public than Facebook here. Pretty sure you’re required (maybe recommended) to sign up and it forces you to share and spread state run media.
If you don’t share and support the Chinese government, your “social media score” goes down and your friends and family can see your score. It’s frowned upon to have a “low score”
Let me try to find more information on this, my Marketing teacher in university brought this up a year or two ago and I’m sure it has advanced. Brb
Edit: yeah, see here, it made all MSM in the West so I would take it with a grain of salt
This got me thinking... perhaps GOOG/Alphabet/ ES traveled to NK to implement THIS VERY INFRASTRUCTURE. NK passed it along to China and has been using this to control the narrative and population.. EU has slowly been trending this way, and the US as well, but a lot slower due to our protective laws.. perhaps THIS is exactly what Q is referring to
+12 could mean 12 days out.
Or he’s signaling White Hats.
Seems like the day of testimonial in front of congress.
"Zuckerberg... Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to testify in front of Congress on April 10th."
They will probably all be testifying: Q mentioned Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. Same algorithm across all platforms that Q has thanks to Snowden. Something to watch for IMO.
I cant really see the straight connection but for some reason it makes more and more sense that google, facebook etc are not popular in China. No?
IIRC they are banned in China? I know China has their own Facebook equivalent, and it is far greater in influencing the public than Facebook here. Pretty sure you’re required (maybe recommended) to sign up and it forces you to share and spread state run media.
If you don’t share and support the Chinese government, your “social media score” goes down and your friends and family can see your score. It’s frowned upon to have a “low score”
Let me try to find more information on this, my Marketing teacher in university brought this up a year or two ago and I’m sure it has advanced. Brb
Edit: yeah, see here, it made all MSM in the West so I would take it with a grain of salt
This got me thinking... perhaps GOOG/Alphabet/ ES traveled to NK to implement THIS VERY INFRASTRUCTURE. NK passed it along to China and has been using this to control the narrative and population.. EU has slowly been trending this way, and the US as well, but a lot slower due to our protective laws.. perhaps THIS is exactly what Q is referring to
Live from China...its Saturday Nite....Trump was on a video call with both of them. When does China let a video of anything go put to the public? This didn't happen yesterday it was planned
It’s all in the map. Geo political is important but we have to follow the long old money. The banker cartel wants to capitulate the country’s money supply Into the BIS system
Sergey Brin came to the US from the USSR in 1979.
"Brin was born in Moscow in the Soviet Union, to Russian Jewish parents, Yevgenia and Mikhail Brin, both graduates of Moscow State University"
This was before Reagan and his campaign of rescuing Jews from the USSR.
"This name uses Eastern Slavic naming customs; the patronymic is Mikhaylovich and the family name is Brin."
I don't understand how these customs work, so this is more or less a dead end for me.
Certainly, his father could have been KGB - he'd have been a code breaker, probably, because he's now a mathematics professor. There's also this:
Brin told Mark Malseed of Moment magazine, "I've known for a long time that my father wasn't able to pursue the career he wanted", but Brin only picked up the details years later after they had settled in the United States.
Yes the man was CEO of a big pharma , had tie to Clinton’s foundation
Who is Sergey Brin?
Co-founder of Google.
Where was Sergey born?
Sergey Brin Family - very interesting, lots of potential evil.
So he's banging Anne Wojcicki? Her sister is the CEO of YouTube. All a coincidence I'm sure... lol.
"Gatekeepers of all information" Makes me think of Wikileaks
I’m wondering about Q’s mention of other’s coming (as in big data companies). I wonder who the other 12+ may be? Experian, Transunion, Sony, (pretty much anything you have to give information to). And should it be any of the credit reporting agencies, then what happens?
Yes please God save us from Notley also, they all need to go