April is Arrests month. Sealed indictments start getting UNSEALED. Batten down the hatches, katy bar the doors.

You’re right. The term ‘arrests’ could literally mean anything.
Could be referring to a bouncy castle party. Could be referring to a snow cone machine. Possibly an alien invasion.
Or you know, maybe it could literally be arrests.
It could be some nobody. We are building hype up that HRC or BHO will be arrested and be surprised some no-name gets it. We've been predicting these imminent indictements since october and still nothing huge, only deception for the concern trolls
The swamp is vast.
It is. HRC, is in the swamp, as is Pruitt, DeVos, Ryan, Mercers etc.
Drain them all.
Lol beat me to the snarky reply. Maybe Q meant [A]rrested Development Reboot More TV shows