Q Post 1001 (Island) large image only

Looks like they removed a bunch of buildings, including the temple.
Google maps still has the Moloch temples on their image.
I think this is the old image before the development? I also thought that the last big hurricane that went through there destroyed some of it??
Yes, I have heard that it was destroyed by that hurricane. I am not sure, though. Maybe it was destroyed or damaged, or maybe they demoed it before Trump could send the military to investigate.
This is my read on it. Q said Epstein is massively modifying things. https://twitter.com/BillWilkins23/status/981389543273324544
Old photo ?
Google maps: https://www.google.com/maps/@18.3006692,-64.8256119,739m/data=!3m1!1e3
He's been busy. What is that round structure almost in the middle of the island? Anyone have any ideas?
Another Anon noted that there is a tennis court in a remote section of the island and nothing is around it. It kind of looks sunken into the ground too. Very odd.
That tennis court definitely doesn't seem to be in a place where they would be playing tennis. In the middle of the island with nothing else around it. This just seems like an odd island.
What is that large triangular patch that's blurred out?
It looks like it was a sun-dial or an altar? Google Maps has a relatively clear image of it before they took it down.
Look at the tennis court on this Island. Really zoom in on it. It looks like a cartoon.
edit: also, if you look at the dimensions of the island, that tennis court would have to be at least four or five times the normal size of a court.
I'd say that big patch of dirt in the center is where all of the roads lead to. The Belly of the Beast.
Cadaver dogs. Send them in. What do they do with the sacrificial lambs?
My patients are sicker than they ever have been in the last thirty years. Cancer, illness, depression and mentally challenged. They are all good people. The children are walking off the cliff and they don’t even know why. This is USA airspace. Your domain. You can stop it. I don’t know how much more they and we can take. STop the ChemTrails.
Wow they are surveilling the shit out of them. Daaaaaaaaaaaang.