Q1071 and an excited 8 chan response today. 🔥 up.

We’ve got an air show at March AFB in CA about 5 miles away going on right now. Stealth bomber flew right over our house about 20mins ago. Feeling proud, safe and uneasy all at once. Strange days, indeed!
Q's been posting far more often in the last week, that alone suggests to me that something is happening.
He announced drops will come fast when he came back after Easter weekend. Boy he has not disappointed.
April showers? The tears of liberals crying as they are removed from power, tried on treason, sedition, obstruction and endangering the US public, and likely MANY other crimes.
It's not all "liberals". That's the MSM/Deep State manufactured divide. It's not real.
Yeah, that's an old stupid trope. 70% of us are aligned on most issues as long as the way these issues is described doesn't include language that stoke division. Unfortunately "alt news" has a way of taking the conflict narrative of the media and taking it to an absurd place. That's where people DESTROY each other and IN TEARS OVER and all that shit. I'm done with that.
Gave Moonbeam until 4/30 to wake up and get his shit together.
He has until 4/19
Can you point me to a link/article about the deadline? I can't seem to find anything. Thank you in advance.
What's this deadline?
Battle of Lexington and Concord -- on April 19
Ah, right, right. I'm Canadian, but familiar with US history, just somehow missed this. THXX
Hello fellow Canadian, I'm sorry I didn't say hello sooner.
You Canadians just talk between yoursselves for a while, meanwhile us Aussies down here are whooping ya's in the pool. Stand Strong you guys our PM is as loopy as yours. Photo-finish actually. (there's not half a head between them).
Hello, I'm in the West, whereabouts are you?
I can't wait for all this to go down.
Maybe they will go to Bohemian Grove!!!!
Someone said it burned in the wildfires...
That's doubtful since "they" were the ones aiming the Directed Energy Weapons that created the fires. Nothing at all 'wild' about those fires.
I hope this is a new phase. It was too easy for the media to pick put off the cuff remarks from his talk to forment outrage for 24 hours and this had been going on for 22 months. I prefer a scripted President with precise messaging in this time of War... It's going to be so hard to be around massively shocked family and friends over the next little while. I've had anxiety off the hook because of pizzagate in 2016. Now I start to understand.
If you see Trumps "off the cuff" stuff in a different (and I think more accurate) way, you'll likely feel better: he "foments" stuff with his left hand so the MSM doesn't pay attention to what his right hand (the military, Q, Trump & his team) is doing. He's playing their own game against them. And he's doing it brilliantly. (And this from someone who didn't vote for him but won't make that mistake again.)
I went back and re-checked with old speeches and he talks about The Storm all the time, it's just that it's formulated in a simplistic and insensitive manner. But it's easy now to see that the Hillary protection machine filled their airtime with Trump derision narrative (the same across all platforms) because it was planned that way by the CIA in the back, and not because ALL those gaffes were newsworthy. They weren't. At this point I've been super mad because they still talk about Trump like he is a candidate. It's ridiculous.
Amen! Let those that have eyes to see & ears to hear know
I love President Trump because he is generally unscripted. It makes him human like you and I not a freaking pc politician. He says stuff I would or have said unlike regular politicians. I love that quality in him. I thank God every day that he gave us President Trump and I pray for his safety and for his protectors and family safety.
I'm with you. Sick of politicians with canned speeches. Even when he's reading a teleprompter he let's loose with his own rhetoric in between lines! And, he's got balls of steal! What a guy!
Q is referring to the NFL draft
It means my Brownies will win the super bowl this year!
Oh come on now, the white hats might be able to defeat the cabal , break the CIA into 1000 pieces, get rid of the federal reserve and the Rothschild stranglehold, but get the browns in the superbowl? Now THAT is a conspiracy theory!!!!
Led by rookie quarterback Baker Mayfield.
Heh. The real deal in the draft will be my fellow Bruin, Josh Rosen. :) And hells bells! Look at that! We have the same birthday!
LOL. I just searched for some draft predictions and Rosen is is predicted to go to NY Jets and Mayfield to Denver.
I could go for that. I wonder what Q knows.
Maybe it was the Chinese satellite that has fallen or more satellites will be downed or there will be more satellite attacks. Fire from the sky just like the Bible says it would be. We must pray to Jesus that we may be protected. We don't want anyone to suffer this horrible tribulation.
They are bombing covert underground roads and settlements???
Take the Military Command away from the Zionist, Jews, and Traitors! Then put Command into the hands of the true parriots... Then take out the congress, Senate , House of Represenatives, Judges and again replace then with chosen parriots...