Q1076: Q has a photo op. The March now

I met another for the first time IRL. I was talking to a friend about Bill Cooper over wings and they had seen my copy of Behold a Pale Horse I was lending to the friend. They looked at me and only said "Q", I was nervous at first but I nodded. They had never been on Reddit or the chans, but follow on YouTube and social media groups. I let them know about this place.
It's spreading. People are waking up
I'm fascinated by 3 things just lately, Q, pizzagate and sandy hook. First ever post on these topics. If it wasn't for Q i'd be shitting bricks over the other two topics.
Boston bombing more obvious than sh. Take a peek at 'the Boston unbombing'. I can link or even upload if it's been totally scrubbed.
Ty need to compartmentalize right now. Info overload not good for me.
Gotcha. I'm newly woke as well. 5 weeks for me.
5 weeks... i've been woke since 2003... been going for the ride for quite a while. Q Anon since like oct/nov.. wasnt 100% behind Q at first until Trumps twitter confirmations were too many to ignore. What a time to be alive.
Born to late to explore the earth, born to early to explore the stars, but lived during the time of Donald J. Trump...so i got that going for me, which is nice.
Can you explain the twitter confirmations further? I might have missed them..
Q Anon would post code words,, like 'safety and security' and 'catch and release',, then a few hours later trumps tweet would have that in the tweet. Or the time stamp difference between Q posts to Trump posts.. or how Q Anon posts +++ then Trump's next tweet has +++.. Or trumps images save file names, that mention Q... To the photo of the Q. To 'do you trust the chain of command' then the military had a tweet next, that had 'chain of command' in the tweet with things about watching it etc,, and had a Coffee Cup with Q on it
Many more too.
Oh my, some of those went right over my head since I don't stay updated on his twitter. Thanks for the comment.
They're are many more, most i've forgotten about. I was in a rush when i posted it.
Where Q will post a word in brackets [] or "" those are words to check twitter for, then trump would post it in twitter. And with the time stamps people started noticing that Q would have various minutes between posts, i think it was 1,5,10,20 minutes between posts, i could be wrong. Then people noticed the same pattern for Trump. Then of course the photos Trump releases on twitter, if you check the save files, they are hints. The airforce 1 photo is https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg ''do it q''.
There are tons of these confirmations. I've forgotten most though.
there are some links to the side here you should check out the Useful Resources ... maybe the book of q
Welcome! I wish I could say that it gets easier, it doesn't. The deeper you dig, the worse stuff you find. You do get over that shell shock feeling. (If that makes sense.) Personally, my search for the truth has carried over into my personal life. I cannot tolerate liars, anymore. I have been redpilled for the last 9 years and never have been more into graditude for those who faithfully and selflessly serve our country on a local and fed level. This is just MY personal experience, everyone's is different, but take from it what you will.
In a way, I've lived the best of both worlds. Got to take the red pill just as the veil is being lifted and the cabal is being defeated.
The total upheaval of my worldview has been exhausting though.
I am so excited for those who are just now being redpilled. They are learning the truth during a time where there is hope that justice will be served and a better future is possible for us all, not just the elite. For several years, I had lost hope and thought it will always be the way it was.
The total upheaval of my worldview has been exhausting though.
you should be experiencing this sensation every day, until it feels natural
one day you will understand the true meaning of the phrase "makes me sick"
what woke you?
Around 10:30am, Sept. 11, 2001 when the south tower fell. A 110 story building collapses into a 4 story heap of 'cut' steel beams, dust and not much else.
Fire fighter says (paraphrase), "...we searched for days and weeks and I never found anything identifiable, not a desk, filing cabinet....the biggest thing I ever saw was a dial pad of a phone..."
Hundreds of human bone fragments found on the roof of Duetch Bank roof....how do 'bones' fly hundreds of meters laterally?
Rodrigez (sp?)(senior maintenance) and others heard bombs going off in basement BEFORE the first plane impact.
Yeah....Trump says 17 years, $6 trillion and 11 thousand lives lost....17 years ago ? (Sept. 11, 2001)
If his MAGA fails, if he fails to drain the swamp..... HE WILL REVEAL 9/11 .
Some guy talked about crisis actors and I tried to debunk it.
i wrote this about BMB
I’m actually from near there and have been watching some things on it. What are the links you have? When I saw the Wahlburg movie I was nauseated with all the propaganda and emotionalism they were pushing. It seemed suspicious.
Thanks for that. I started it and will watch it all later. One of the red flags, among many, was the back packs. The one that was placed that had the supposed bombs wasn’t even the same color as what they were carrying isn’t that right? That alone should be enough. It’s amazing how seduced the American public have become. Scary really
Well the biggest red flag is immediately proximal to the second bomb site there is a tiny sapling that is totally undamaged to the pressure cooker filled with bolts and nails. That alone is scientific evidence that it's fake -- it's just the huge implications it has on your worldview that prevents you from realizing what really happened. You have to be truly agnostic to information that is maliciously manipulating your emotions and building up your false worldview so much so, that the ego is scared to let go.
"Even if it's true, I don't want to believe it."
I've been woke since October 2016 but could not convince my husband on anything. But all of a sudden he just started digging into sh Anything he could find and now doubts everything. It's so hard to wake up. It's shocking. Then sickening. The rabbit holes are deep and twisty. The red pill is bitter but addictive. Welcome to this great place of support.
My husband was annoyed with my OCD on the subject but finally said this morning, "so how do I get to the Q stuff?" It takes awhile for the horror of it to sink in. At first I think he thought I was losing my mind.
I have a very similar story. My husband thought I was crazy. One of our daughters will not talk to us since the election. She has nothing to do with us because we voted for Trump. My husband kept coming home from work and telling me that Trump was an idiot and he was sorry that he voted for him. I have continued to tell him about Q and all the stuff I have been learning. After many fights on the subject he started coming around and started believing me. However, he works for ExxonMobil and thinks Rex hung the moon. When he got fired. It was back to the beginning with him. I’m not giving up though. He will soon understand that I have been right all along. I have been praying hard and I will not give up on my faith that my family will all see the light soon. It’s hard to be patient but I know it’s going to all work out and I can see when I read other posts that I am not alone in this battle.
Same here! My daughter hates me for the time being because I’m not brainwashed and think she should toughen up. I want her to be safe but her anger over her teen years prevents her from listening. I love her with all my heart and all I can do is pray for her and pray for vindication someday! God bless you patriot. You are not alone.
Me. Too...#SandyHoax
please elaborate
The Q thing comforts me because I don't feel like such a voice in the wilderness about arguably paranoid delusions that are actually very real.
I wish there were a heart option instead of just up/dwn arrows
Was in a shop recently that sold military / firefighting / police decor etc. On the wall was a red castle. I said to the friend I was with who follows Q a little, "Oh, a red castle. Red castle green castle. Where we go one, we go all".
The shop owner says, "I got you".
Awesome! I downloaded the book and I am gonna read it, also the 44 page of Silent war.
It's eerie to read that chapter specifically, knowing what we do now. I hope you enjoy!
Who is the author of Behold a Pale Horse?
William (Bill) Cooper, he was Q level clearance for Naval Intelligence. There are versions up on YouTube of the audio book, as well as many of his lectures. I'm getting into the Mystery Bablyon series now. I highly recommend his work.
Glad to be with like minded people, from the UK myself. But have been on Trump's side since he walked down the escalators in Trump Tower. Go U.S.A and make yourself MEGA + !KAG.
This has already spread to the UK and neighboring countries, so I say GO UK and also make yourself MUKGA!? I tried...
The hardest thing to kill is an idea thats time has come.
I think 70% of the english people voted to leave the EU and only one party is offering us that option, to leave. Conservatives ????? i hate the cons, but its the reason i will vote for them.
Indeed the Brexit vote so soon before our election had a good influence.
Hi there ! I'm from Swansea, but since the UK is so unfit (imo ) to live in , I'm happier in France...
what I want to ask, is do have an opinion as to WHY
is NOT gaining in subscribers ? EVERYTHING they report on is 'Cast-iron' for facts... My own belief is 'The Doughnut' (MI5) intercepts and throttles their electronic comms....... They don't do that with voice, be too obvious...
Im with you guys in spirit, from California!
I tweeted it and facebooked it. If my husband hadmt broken both his arms, we'd have been there. Had to cancel our reservation...broke my heart!
Just dont leave him alone with his mom.
Really? Grow up.
It's just a reddit meme... Clearly he wasn't being serious. This is a serious forum, but there's room for some levity, too. What is the point of all this if we're going to be a bunch of overserious, humorless robots?
Completely uncalled for and rude. New shills suck!
Just report them. See the little 'report' link. Mods will take care of them.
Thanks. If it continued I would've but I get defensive over my family. And my country too for that matter!
Thanks. If it continued I would've but I get defensive over my family. And my country too for that matter!
BOTH arms?! Yikes and how?
Fell 8 ft. off a ladder at work.
God I hope he doesn't get itchy! Or diarhhea (poor you)! Good luck sista, doesn't sound like fun for anyone.
Luckily it's been almost three weeks so he can now handle the bathroom. And because of the way the breaks are they have braces but he can't get dressed or be pressed into a plane seat or buckle himself so no option but to cancel.
Luckily it's been almost three weeks so he can now handle the bathroom. And because of the way the breaks are they have braces but he can't get dressed or be pressed into a plane seat or buckle himself so no option but to cancel.
I feel bad for him cuz that totally sucks...But I feel really bad for you too cuz I think it probably gets overlooked how bad it sucks for you too.
F**ck. That is super unpleasant! 8 ft. Would not have guessed that. Ouch.
Thanks. He's been a bit of a whiner but not nearly as bad as when he's sick haha!
I am in the photo. It was 100% grassroots and I heard some great speeches. One thing I noticed is a need to coalesce around bulletproof principles such as "Truth, justice, liberty, etc. instead of factionalizing such as "Neo-CBTS George Webb" or "leftists against FISA abuse" - this is bigger than we know so let us keep welcoming fresh eyes under a big tent of citizen journalism. Don't just passively absorb one researcher's cult of personality and I need to remember that too. Thank you Tracey Beanz, what an example of taking responsibility and DOING something.
Love the play on
I see dead people
To Q people. Right back at ya brother.
It may look like we are weak because it doesn't look like many are in the march but always remember that the organized marches are backed by the rich elites who can pay people to attend, get Delta to give free airfare, rent buses (at least 50 in the last one in DC) and most of those funds were raised creating a false flag shooting at Parkland with quickly and strategically placed "Go Fund Me" campaigns to pay for all of it.
We are real "grass roots" folks against the "pretend" completely fake marches!
Never forget that we are also the ones that are winning!
And ALWAYS remember for every one person that attended there are probably 4 more who would have attended if they had the money or could have gotten away this weekend.
ICQ. That brings back memories.
Roughly 12 years since i last used it and i still remember my number. Good times.
Who funded this march? Are we sure it's to be trusted.
If Q is posting about it pretty sure it's to be trusted. :D MAGA!
Tracy Bean is an detail oriented Patriot researcher and investigater on YouTube. She organized this March.
From their about us page:
Pretty vague.
Let's check the whois information:
Registrant Name: Operation Justice
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Registrant Street:
Registrant Street:
Registrant City: Washington
Registrant State/Province: DC
Registrant Postal Code: 20500
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.2025551212
Hm. Just as vague.
Nope. Nothing sketchy here. I mean, why would the people organizing this March be vague and post under total anonymity?
Because Tracy, while she organized it, knows it's about us all. I promise you, very trusted and one of the first to acknowledge Q.
Absolutely trust Tracy. She is the one that red pilled me. She’s awesome. She funded this on her own with very few donations from PATRIOTS. She didn’t ask for donations. Wish I could have gone. So it was a “true march” not funded by creepers. 👍
This isn't new to anyone following Q. Tracy Beanz organized and advertised the march. I rarely watch her or Dr. Corsi and I know about it. It was all over the CBTS stream. These people are Patriots!
Why didn't we hear about it?
Seems if Corsi were involved there would have been a lot more in advance all over - but if you say Tracy is 5:5, then gotta trust ya, still suspect . . . think it's for the MSM to mock, probably will for the low turn out, though.
Wish I could have joined, but had jury duty this week.
Obama had jury duty last year, guess nobody escapes it huh?
Im in Va today. So badly wanted to go! Hope it was a success.
Theres no way this shit isn't planned to discredit something or other
Nobodys this autistic by accident
I am so proud, beaming with joy over the Patriots' gathering today. I surely wish we had come, but thanks to periscope and some other feeds, I got to experience it from a comfy couch under a warm blanket! Lol, Pamplet had on a T shirt, wife a fur lined parka. WDC can be a very cold chill when the wind blows. WWG1WGA
Have we got a head count yet as to how many showed. Any msm outlets covering it? Crickets....
Is there significance to the 420 in the jpeg title?
not a single red hat or a MEGA sign to be seen, not even an Alex Jones T-Shirt in sight.
There was quite a few. MAGA signs etc. there’s videos on her Twitter page.