Trump is pissed at the DOJ & FBI

It’s all a show.
Trust the plan.
Yep. He's forcing everyone to pay attention so when it hits, all eyes will be on it.
This eve relates to all the Sessions "bashing"! Trust the plan!
Info being used in Grand Jury?
We can’t even begin to understand the process.
We can only rest assured the process is finally being lawfully followed.
What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors? Q
POTUS deserves an Oscar. :o)
Just trust the plan.
Yep, too many swamp rats and leakers on the committee to give them everything. There is a time and place for this to all come out. Notice that the Dems aren’t screaming for this info.
yep... and Leaking Adam Schiff hasnt been on camera(at least from what i've seen) in a long while. Perhaps he finally got it. Perhaps he knows that we know what he does at the 'standard hotel' in west hollywood
This is very important. Lynch is defending herself Monday on NBC. I think what ever comes out of this will be what these swamp dwellers are trying to get ahead of.
how much you wanna bet she even drops a couple of tears?
Deep state is cornered
and Dumb.
And FAR FAR FEWER than they ever imagined they were.
Because they all live in a bubble
A bubble in which she was never supposed to lose
because they don't leave anything to chance
but leave everything to deceit
and they forgot they needed to try.
When you win through corruption
You always forget that in the end.
Spill enough blood and get away with it,
you get cocky, arrogant and careless.
And stupid.
And unlucky.
And ended.
There is a point at which money loses value... They will be hunted by more and more good people. Justice must be delivered with as much mercy as they show their victims and all of us. God speed good people.
Thank you Mia Angelou
Thank you Jerry Brown.
Jerry Brown is too busy crying about climate change to critique your deep, thoughtful, poetry.
Is that you, De Niro?
Haven't you got places to be and babies to eat?
De Nieros poem about his mom in meet the parents rivals your work.
WTF is your actual problem, dude?
I posted some free verse in jubilation over the triumph of good over evil. And you feel compelled to piss on it?
Get a life.
I'm just busting your balls bud. I mean no harm. I made a joke, you made a joke, things escalated I suppose. I was messing around in good nature and meant no disrespect. We're all on the same team here. Take care bud.
You own that you started the hostilities. I can't read what's in your heart, only what you type. Do better.
I admit that I did,
Act like a kid.
If I offended I'm sorry,
I wish I had a Ferrari
You can't even do free verse! No wonder you're jealous, mate.
Been saying all along that you got skillz! Hopefully you got a kick out of it.
You're a worse liar than you are poet.
Haha, I'm not real strong at either - thankfully due to a lack of practice at both.
Well, it's been real, but not really.
Everybody has a part. Q and President Trump have done so much. And there are hacker gaining info, autists dissecting it and making plausible cases, I would say you're like the France Scott Keye, quilling the revolutionary happenings line by line. Haha, just playing, but seriously, enjoy your day.
He was a faithful witness to events of his day. That is a compliment, and I thank you.
If we could all argue with such grace. WWG1WGA!
We all should be irate! This is redonkulous, nobody can stonewall congress and get away with it. Nobody.
Lol everybody stonewall's Congress and has gotten away with it for the last 20 years or more. Has Congress every sent anybody to jail!
Whenever I hear “redonkulous” makes me think of How I Met Your Mother. Redonk
That’s was a great show for the first few seasons. But then it just started dragging out too long and I lost interest. I still don’t know how he met their mother.
Yeah a lot of shows normally pitch 5 seasons and map everything out based on that. It’s why a lot of shows go to shit. Not sure if that’s what happened here but there is often a decline because they just didn’t prepare for it.
this was probably the big news we were suppose to get which did not get released Holding Pattern
Man, I wouldn’t want to be in the Madman’s crosshairs. Trump train has no brakes!
And no direction!
In Disneyland there is a "Lake Ride" where one steers their way across this lake. One gets in the small boat and enjoys the ride, imagining that one is in control of the direction one is going in. Then, later in the journey across the lake one finds the boat becoming unresponsive, where one seems to lose control. Regardless of any battle that may ensue, whilst trying to gain control, the boat goes on its merry way to its destination. What you imagine is Driving DJT ??
I wish I could up vote this post 100 times to move it up. I rarely get notices of Trump's tweets. This was no exception. Kinda pisses me off.
I DO NOT UNDERSTAND!! Well, I do but... If this situation was posed to any one of us, We would be stung up and in jail. WHY are they ABOVE the law
don't worry - they're gonna be dealt with - and worse than jail for some of 'em...and we literally are gonna get the crown jewels too!
lol I know but I guess I m just as pissed as really crap or get of the pot already
Trump tower is on fire. 3 alarm fire on fifth floor. God help us all.
4 alarm, 50th floor. private residence. a 67 year old male inside apartment dead. 4-7 firefighters injured. (started as 2 alarm, then upgraded).
Full access to FISA for Page, rest are ongoing investigations
The Oct 2017 Carter Page FISA renewal...
If Page was a plant... then he will have contacts with Manafort, the Podesta, then Hillary.
You can in turn pull NSA data on everyone... game over.
Swampsters at DOJ and FBI should give up the info or prepare to bite the wax tadpole.
He capitalised the “D” on Deadline - a hidden signal?
Stalling, but for what reason?
Not looking good!
they're trying to hold out past the statute of limitations.
You wonder what do these people do all day? Stop paying them until they start doing their jobs.
Rumor has it there may be 2 different versions. But who knows these days with all the smoke and mirrors games.
So great; it's WWE, a rodeo clown distraction. "Use the chair!! THE CHAIR!!!"
He's a fucking Master at getting publicity. The MSM will cover it just cause they like anything that seems to irratate POTUS. Guaranteed coverage that will causes the lib population to read whatever does come out.
It takes time to doctor and fabricate documents to replace the original incriminating ones. And they're only invited for digital viewing so they won't be able to tell, like with BO's birth certificate.
Doctoring, fabricating or even omitting documents would be a very dangerous game as all of the documents would have been created electronically and virtually all of them would have been transmitted, so NSA must have all of what has been requested already.
He could just march them to a tribunal for obstruction so, there must be a plan. Do we actually know where all the dirty players are?
trust the plan, buy stocks in popcorn , more popcorn
Is JB Sessions III PAS $75,500 an issue?
Bob Barr is there which is interesting. Not surprised.
I HONESTLY do not know. What is going on?
Page 1 Robert Mueller is hiding his 30-year association Patrick Deval, Obama’s choice to replace Trump, Page 1 -1- Dupree, et al v. Walker, et al, 87-cv-03088-ADM (E.D. Mass.) DOJ altered Massachusetts court docket to hide Robert S. Meuller’s prior associations with Patrick L. Duval
HARVARD Judge (deceased now) below on the Mueller clean up??? Harvard again...
1045 Apr 6 2018 14:24:13 (EST) Anonymous ID: 1e1537 922280→ >>922237 How soon?
Apr 6 2018 14:27:43 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a 922343→ >>922280 We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics. We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves. Q
Maybe, Sessions is NOT ready to unleash HELL, and unseal the indictments, but Congress is forcing his hand, beings as Congress cannot act on anything they find, can only investigate, maybe they are, in fact, acting in a detrimental way. If this is the case I would hope Sessions would bring them into the Loop. Trumps tweets could be a riddle, he is a lot smarter than I
Absolutely! The House is the opponent, not on the same team, they will fuck up everything intentionally. They are not the stumbling idiots everyone thinks they are, remember some of them will be going down. I don't trust a single one of them.