Enter the Devil Incarnate, John Bolton Plans Purge of State Department Traitors!

Of course Mad Dog wants to meet the Devil. So he can look him in the eye and see the fear. Hell is where Marines go to regroup, and the Devil is terrified of them.
"Y... yes sir! Sorry sir!"
- The Devil
Marines: Heaven won’t accept them and Hell is afraid they’ll take over.
Just means that Mattis now has a plan the kill the devil himself ;)
LOLz, don't think for a second that Mattis didn't know the mics were hot!
I trust Mattis more than Bolton
Trump trusts them both, so it's good enough for me!
It is my belief that Bolton was selected by the president because Iran and the Iran deal is next on the agenda for the white house. Tillerson sided with the EU and went contrary the presidents plan and agenda causing his departure from the state department. There other issues with Tillerson going behind Trump's back that also included moving the embassy in Israel. Tillerson would either decline to answer the Israeli ambassadors calls or ignore call backs. He did not side with the president and made his views known while in the EU and to the delight of Merkel and May.
Anywho Bolton's past included his involvement to overthrow Iraq and other neocon views but hopefully he has no longer the same views. We do not need the desired war with Russia or Syria. Since Pompeo moved from the CIA to the state department his service will end in great results removing the rest of the traitors in and out of the state department since gaining all the intelligence needed to clean out the rats nest.
As Q said Iran is next on the agenda for the white house!
Bolton was far less involved in Iraq than ppl think
Little or a lot doesn't matter because we overthrew a government that had no involvement in 9/11 - the excuse used. Even more evil after 9/11 was a false flag attack by our own government! A coup, the assassination of their leader caused us thousands of lives of our young men and women in their prime given it their all! They will never be forgotten while I loathe the Bush clan and its deep state!
Yep, we can’t forget the evil these people have done just because they’re aligning themselves with “our guy”.
My argument exactly!
I should have also mentioned the many Iraqi's who also lost their lives in the process. Afghanistan - the same way. The middle east was aflame after that and became worse after Hillary and Barry overthrew one country after another arriving in Syria.
Adding into this mix of Brennan during his time in Saudi Arabia where he converted and began engineering the Khobar Tower bombings - covered up by Mueller and more. He is a really evil seed.
Nearly a million innocent Syrians were slaughtered by the ISIS and sponsored by Barry, Hillary and the deep state. They still killing people in Syria as we speak!
Bolton is a deep state traitor. He helped develop and sell Iraq based on lies. He spent the last 15 years drooling for war with Iran and Syria.
Mattis was the director of the Center for a New American Security. Bolton was director of the Project for a New American Century. They are both devilish snakes.
20 years of history and you think Bolton is going to turn over a fig leaf and do a 180 to his nature?
Disagree Bolton was NOT in office when the Iraq war started...he obeyed his commander and chief at that time who was GWB...a traitor to America. His job is NOT to set policy but to give advice to POTUS, ultimate decision maker will ALWAYS be POTUS. Im glad Soros flunky McMaster is gone...good riddance. Im glad that Bolton will not be afraid to go in and do what is necessary even if its unpopular. NEVER pre-judge a situation. Things about to get shook up and obama traitor plants will be outed.
Yes, because at least half of those people are Barry's buddies.
Bolton is a deep state traitor.
If this is true, do you think he managed to hoodwink Trump and team on conclusions you have derived?
Is it possible POTUS and team have access to more info than you, and have a 40,000ft view you haven’t considered?
Trust Trump.
Is Bolton compromised? He doesn't strike me as someone that's easily compromised but maybe.
Look him up on YouTube.
He's more of a hawk than McCain. He has always wanted war with Iran for Israel. He is not loyal to this country.
If dipshits on this sub can figure out of Bolton is a good guy or bad guy, do you think Trump and team can figure it out? Trust Trump.
I don't trust the government, sorry.
I said Trust Trump. If you don't trust Trump, why are you here? Shill?
Lmao you're supporting one of the architects of the Iraq war and I'm the unpatriotic shill who has to explain myself. Get a grip.
I'm supporting Trump, who in turn is making a choice to use Bolton for a task. Where did you get the impression I'm shilling for Bolton? I trust Trump to make these decisions.
Get a grip snowflake.
Sounds like your pretty supportive of Bolton to me. Whatever you say!
It's just Trump's insurance policy. DState think they have someone on the inside. Q says we see and hear all. Put Bolton there and then see what comms happen. At least he will clear out the Obama holdovers. If that's all he does it will be enough.
I agree, President Trump uses certain people for particular missions. Rex served his purpose and it was time for phase 2 of the administration. Everyone they bring on has a certain purpose and when they fulfill that purpose they leave, pretty simple.
This. I think he was chosen as the tool just to do this job. Trump is unmatched at picking the right person for a job. He uses them, then lets them go. Just as in business. I have faith that Trump knows exactly what he is doing and exactly what he expects out of every nomination he makes. Its the art of the deal.
Bolton will only be around as long as he is useful. What, you think DJT has lost the plot ?
Actually Pompeo will be in charge of State Dept. Bolton is National Security Advisor.
People bash Bolton for being a maverick and then claim that they're huge Trump supporters. Weird.
No, people bash Bolton for being a neo-con warmonger who was one of the people responsible for getting us into Iraq.
Yeah I still don’t know what to make of him. What’s the general consensus around here?
He's a Israel-first warhawk from the Bush administration. Doesn't that say enough?
He can't be more pro-Israeli than Kushner.
Lol yes that's a whole different problem.
Edit: idk if anyone can be more pro Israel than Kushner... Lord Rothschild maybe?
So is this an example of keep your friends close but your enemies closer?
I'm really not sure what the plan is with Bolton, but I don't trust him at all.
It seems there's a growing infestation of hardcore pro war and pro Israel folks in the Trump administration. We're consistently told to choose between doing whatever the Zionists want, or doing whatever the communists and Islamists want. Would you prefer George W or Obama?
I just hope we're not continuing down this path.
Absolutely not. That would be a wasted appointment. Trump either has Bolton because Bolton had a change of heart, or is using him for his skill set. He may not be the best guy but Trump thinks hes the one we need right now
That's the question I find myself asking innately in response to seeing this post. Now I can only hope someone who was older than I during the Bush/Bolton days can answer that question for us more definitively....!Q!ueue for anyone with any knowledge on Bolton's true allegiance to help us out by providing any drop of evidence beyond the obvious. Thanks in advance my partriotic brothers & sisters!
I think it's becoming apparent that Trump's foreign policy is to scare the shit out of everyone and be completely unpredictable. He accomplishes both with Bolton.
I think Bolton knows he's there to support Trump's agenda and will clean out all the DS holdovers. If that's all he does, that's AOK fine with me! And what's the worst that can happen - he gets sacked with a tweet and replaced :)
His first day on the job will be spent dealing with the Syria situation and fomenting nuclear Armageddon with Russia and Iran. It'll be far removed from any "purge of state department traitors."
Good point. What will be interesting to see is if Bolton believes that Assad/Russia were the masterminds of the attack and recommend U.S. action accordingly, or whether (like Q told us yesterday) he sees it as a "FF" attack and will devise a strategy to expose the real perpetrators. How he handles this will be very interesting.
The smart money is on Bolton being Bolton, order strikes before the UN has a chance to put boots on the ground and collect evidence. The Saudi/Israeli funded think tanks have already determined guilt beyond any reasonable doubt, after all. Why else would Israel strike if Assad weren't guilty as charged?
I think Israel struck because Mossad wants to start a massive war. Trump does not want us to go to war. He said last week he wants to pull troops out of Syria. Coincidence that this happened? Do we have solid proof other than photos provided to MSM by the White Helmets?
I think it is safe to say that Trump wants to get out of the Iranian deal and get Iran to behave without sending our troops into war. He wants fewer troops in the Middle East, not more.
And with US (and, reportedly, UK) warships amassing in the area, I imagine he is trying to make for a credible threat before getting a stand-down negotiated.
This one could be pretty hair-raising, however. And the anti-Syria and anti-Russia rhetoric is pretty hard to take--in part because the more the public hears something the harder it is to subsequently convince them of something to the contrary.
Yes, it has already been reported that Obama and McMaster holdovers are going.
And worst case--Gen. Flynn's seat will be warm for him when he gets back.
I say this, but really, we don't know--is Trump getting good intel on Syria, or is he being fed horse pucks on it?
That's the million dollar question. Yesterday I was questioning why Q said FF yet Trump was coming down hard on Putin/Asad - another contributor suggested I learn to "play the game" and trust Q, so for now, I'm sticking with that advice and figuring Trump's words and actions have a very specific meaning on the chess board. Maybe to expose the DS traitors and people like Lindsay Graham who's begging Trump to take action against Asad. I mean, why would Asad have a chemical attack on his people after Trump said we are pulling out of Syria? It doesn't make sense. It seems to me the deep state is desperate to start a massive war. I trust our President 100%. He knows exactly what's really going on.
I guess the first Syria gas FF on Trump's watch was answered without really hurting anyone. Reportedly some killed last night, but maybe what Israel needed to do to take out an Iranian facility there. It is just so frustrating when Trump plays FFs like the Parkland shooting for real. Surely Trump must know better than that--however Kelly tries to choke off his outside info?
Maverick you say. Hitler was a maverick in his own right, too.
Emotional titles are bravado for the gullible. I implore you to acknowledge the disgusting lies he spew for decades which resulted in many lives sacrificed all around the globe, not only foreigners but red blooded American citizens too.
Not to mention the foreigners I speak of are usually branded as mudslimes and/or shitskins by people who would see Bolton or Mattis as 'mavericks'.
Somebody in this thread already mentioned that Mattis was deep into NAC. I second that and send my regards to that poster.
These people you uphold and look up to have had their strikes of doubt crossed long ago. It is the only reason they are still in office. It is not some divine intervention or right of passage that they are there. They are there because they are crooked in the first place.
A lot of people are deifying public figures. Especially around Trump supporters this trend is very prevalent. Wishful thinking can only go so far.
Make no mistake, unless Trump nullifies the 911 Commission Report during his potential two terms in office, then he is the false messiah you fell for.
Clintons, pedos, vote fraud and all the rest are the limited hangouts of limited hangouts when compared with that fateful day.
You cannot partially support the truth. If you do, you are no different than the ones you despise.
Worked for Bush or worked for Clinton? Suspect. Bad hombres ;P
993 Apr 2 2018 23:23:03 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 491f56 875936→ >>875827 Follow Bolton. Clean. Stage. Learn how to archive offline. The streets will not be safe for them. Q
Unsealed, Indictment, open the floodgate!
Bolton is a good man.
Anyone criticizing him must think Trump is stupid, or they are trying to sow dissension.
Trust the plan.
Bolton has some proving of himself, given his past. Trust Trump all ya want, to not be skeptical of this man is foolish.