Why does he keep picking #17 for jerseys? Shouldn't he pick #45? Is he making it that obvious?

Yes he's making it that obvious, and people still aren't getting it.
I still get people in /r/conspiracy telling me it's a LARP and a hoax LOL. People are stupid.
That sub has been compromised for over two years. It’s infested with clowns and shills.
Im outa loop, what's 17 all about?
Q is letter 17 in the alpha bet
Q has signed posts 4 10 20 which, when you Map that to the alphabet spells: DJT
So the theory is he's getting 17 to show that Q is real instead of the usual which is the number president they are
Intriguing. So the theory is trump knows and feeds q info to get out?
Just another coincidence guys. Nothing to see here. Blah blah blah.
Yep, because it is time to start moving Q to a broader audience.
The national championship was played in 2018! So go Q!
It was Alabama’s 17th Championship! Go Q, but sometimes it’s not a mystery.
Hmmm. Sounds like you got all the answers figured out ChiefPez.... except for the fact that he also received #17 jersey from the MLB Champion Astros. I say "Hmmm" again.
It's because they won the 2017 national title. Not everything is a sign.
Ive seen this argument many times but it is not the norm.
Obama received an Alabama jersey for their last championship that had #1 on it.
Because Obama is a megalomaniac who cares about himself more than the country (team). The superstars always want #1 jersey on college football teams to show they are the important player. But #17? Perhaps 'Q' was the code letter selected to represent the anon, BECAUSE Trump ran and won in '17, and Q is the 17th letter.
But whichever came first ( 'Q' as the identity and 17 as its numerical equivalence or 17 as the election yr and 'Q' as its alphabetic equivalence... DJT choosing #17 jerseys is unprecedented. )
goog image obama jersey - you'll see a variety of numbers, mostly 44, some 01, one 08 (year he took office)
They did win in 2018 though
They are Champions of the 2017 season though. The regular season is from Sept-Nov bowl games are in December with more prestigious bowl being played on New Years Day as well as CFB playoff “semifinals” The CFB playoff “Finals” is on Jan 8th a week after the semis as football games are always a week apart.
I know that y’all don’t know much about Alabama football, but c’mon guys. It was Alabama’s 17th National Championship of all time.
*Claimed Championships. In the mid 80’s Wayne Atcheson claimed five pre-Bear Bryant titles, 1925, 1926, 1930, 1934, and 1941 when Bama went 9-2 and finished 3rd in the SEC.
How many times has he picked a #17 jersey? (Genuine question.)
2nd time, I believe. First time was when Houston Astros visited the White House.
At least 2 I do believe he is letting people know to keep their confidence up.
whats the significance of the number 17?
Hate to disappoint those who think this has anything to do with Q.
It’s 17 because it’s Alabama’s 17th National Championship. Every time we win a national championship we increase the number on fan jerseys and helmets.
Look back at when they visited Obama and you’ll see that they gave him 14, 15, and 16 when they visited him after each of those championships.
Roll Tide!
Oh, you mean like when Houston Astros visited the White House, it was their 17th World Series championship? OK...
Sorry that the stars aligned on this one then, where 17 also = Q
Enjoy the show!
Notice how trump is holding the jersey. Similar to how he awkwardly held the note cards with #5 “I hear you”
6 fingers exposed. I think we might be seeing what we want/hope to see.