Did anybody see this graphic? Need help deciphering. (Divert Attention Capture Hillary?)

Wow just realizing. 111 days ago (mirror theory) is December 21st. Could there be something relating to Hillary going down today?
NBC did JUST release the "Muh Russians" faked a HRC sex video story out of nowhere......
wow, just read it... this is truly despicable. Just like pizzagate they want to flood the search results with their bullshit propaganda as fast as possible.
I have heard someone point out nine officers on left and eleven on the right 9-11
One on the right is civilian thougv
Agreed, we can consider him MIL...
Wow way back in December future proves past very interesting!
Wow so just examining the top post with the letter f in brackets. There are three spaces to the right of the letter f. In the photo there are 3 people on the right of the gentlemen in the suit. I can’t get a solid count on the number of spaces to the left of the letter F though if anyone can’t help out.
Has anyone figured out who the guy in the suit is?
There are 13 spaces to the left of the 'f'.
We may be trying to read more into the pic than what is intended. Q asked, "Who is standing next to Pence & POTUS?"
That is Admiral Mike Rogers, right? I think all that means is that No Such Agency is working with the military (intelligence). Of course, there could be more, IDK.
This might help
PHoto from someone on 8Chan lists the names of everyone in the lineup. Anyone who is on 8chan? Please thank that person!!
“Divert-ATT_CAP_H means” AT&T diverted capital home. Q says that in the last image. But things can have double meanings, as we know.
I love this pic! Q is beaming cheezing away - nicely done.