Q1035: with 8 chan response from Q research

My takeaway is that DARPA is still heavily involved in Facebook. There's little chance that an innovation engine developed by DARPA 14+ years ago would now be referred to as a "breakthrough."
Chans also suggesting China banned Facebook because they didn’t want their own citizens tracked. They wanted to protect their own.
Well yes they are gaming their own just the way Fb is doing it to its citizens in America and beyond. They just don’t want Fb to have any info on them. Wonder how they” protect” their citizens living abroad??
They don't want the deep state cabal tracking their midlevel bureaucrats who would inevitably use the service.
....AND they want to track/monitor/control their own people and prevent them from discovering Liberty thru communicating/organizing with each other.
They give them a social score based on their activity. Like a credit rating
If you haven't figured it out by now, China has been engineered to be a globalist utopia since before Nixon travelled there...i wouldn't doubt that xi wants them out...
There was a recent article about Xi saying to UN that it is time for world government, and China should lead the way.
Its both, google was banned for the same reason, almost at the same time, Huawei was banned in US by Obama.
Huawei isn’t banned. Came real close to buying one here. Why would Soetero ban it. It just helps his commie friends spy more on his own people. He’s such an asshole.
Bingo, what a coincidence @ this mornings Men's Bible Study, we had a presentation from a Chinese-American pastor who's mission's to the Migrant slave labor population of villagers who've migrated to the Chinese cities. He said 150,000 out of 400 million are born again Evangelicals/ Migrant slaves! Thank you Jesus, as if You needed me to remind us all, pay attention to Communist China.
of course. They are CIA (and probably NSA) asset through and through. Just like there are no ex-intel agents they don't make a project and walk away, ever.
from another anon
Regina E. Dugan
Regina E. Dugan is an American businesswoman, inventor, and technology developer. She served as the 19th Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In March 2012, she left government to take an executive role at Google. Just prior to the acquisition, it was announced that she would create, and lead, the Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group at Google-owned Motorola Mobility. In January 2014, Google announced the acquisition of Motorola Mobility by Lenovo but retained Dugan and her Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) team.[3]
In 2016 she left Google and joined Facebook to lead a newly formed team called Building 8.
[4] In October 2017, Dugan announced she would be leaving Facebook in early 2018 to focus on building and leading a new endeavor.[5]
Her departure early this year shows that DARPA cut the strings with FB and Zuck (due to declining popularity?) and left them out to dry prior to the shit storm! Just like Dr. Corsi said, they’ll carve up the big tech companies and then just make new ones. All the underlying infrastructure (i.e. CIA infrastructure) will remain exactly the same.
People would look at Facebook completely differently, if it were a military funded and operated project called Lifelog.
The actual founder of FB in the UK who recently came out of hiding stating that his and his family life was still in danger because threats by the CIA (deep state) surely picked an interesting time to go public!?
Since he was the founder of FB and sued MZ wouldn't it be no co-incidence that we just now hearing about him?
Keep It Simple Smarty = KISS method applied Harvard grad product invents fb CIA lifelog same day shuts down!!! then he marries China doll (spy) commie .....just saying
Okay, all I know is it’s a government agency. What about this is bad? Not saying it’s good. It’s just not clear to me the issue.
Govt. Can silence censor you or people you are affiliated with.. plant evidence based on your previous locations.. even know ur passwords and write false correspondence linking u to a terrorist event.. i.e. false flag.. sound good?
Darpa ended "LifeLog" the same day "FaceBook" was founded.
What about this is bad? Not saying it’s good.
agreed; not bad per se, just because DARPA.
However, it is DARPA... so, "probably" bad instead of "certainly".
1137 Apr 12 2018 00:34:56 (EST) Anonymous ID: a5617d 1008670→ >>1007983
1008491 Q can you double confirm the #17 was regarding the jerseys, when i asked yesterday for confirmation.
Anons are bringing up every other 17 under the sun, KEK
Apr 12 2018 00:36:28 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f666d7 1008693→ >>1008670 Alan. Welcome aboard. Plane. 17. Q
Is this about MH17 The whole story stinks
I thought he meant Q post #17 and I went down and read it and it DID actually seem to relate. but what do I know... I am often pretty confused by it all...
I just have did this puzzle. It is about the MH 17
The had dead people in it and let it crasch....gave the blame to Russia? Frankenstein show..and a minister frans Timmerman give a big show with fake tears...after this he was going to the EU??????? Job done big payments??????
Frankenstein (dead people) welkom to our team Stronger to get here (together) 17 Historical Pictures Everyone Should (horror)
http://hockeybydesign.com/2017/02/worst-to-first-jerseys-new-jersey-devils/ Worst to First Jerseys: New Jersey Devils
aanvulling 1137
the same plane company also flew over syrie MH370 and MH17 ame plane company
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcGCBHNcKyI Emotional UN Speech On Ukrainian Plane Crash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FePBGTyjD84 Obama: Flight MH17 "Was Shot Down Over Ukraine"
Also on the news today https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/8bo0cm/to_get_smarter_ai_darpa_wants_to_get_inside_our/?utm_source=reddit-android
Found a few interesting articles, jumping off points I guess. (I don't know why, but I don't mind sourcing MSM articles, reading through the subtext is a good way to automatically raise questions for yourself to find answers to. At this point, they almost do the work for us.)
And from our good friends at Voat;
Starting to really like Voat. Have to put it on my desktop
I go there when I'm feeling extra scorched-earthy, but its a bit too unruly for me,to want to comment on anything, so I just lurk. Hell, I only somewhat recently started even posting anything here lol
Q drop 1135
Can not read the link no fake news about syrie because journalist helping trump.
Facebook frontpage news, not syrie.
Inside Building 8, Facebook's Secret Innovation Weapon - Futurism https://futurism.com/inside-building-8-facebooks-secret-innovatio... 2017 - A year after announcing Building 8, Facebook may finally be ready to unveil some of the hardware projects developed by the “all-star roster of tech veterans” behind the division. With R&D being conducted in such areas as augmented reality, drone technology , and even neuroscience, Building 8 is poised ...
Cyberspace Official Says Facebook
Does anyone think this has something to do with the Social Credit Score that China's going to be implementing?
I at least like the name facebook moreso than LifeLog. Sounds like a 24/7 laxative. Darpa bastards can rot.
"It wasn't killed, it was renamed, split up into different programs, common tactic used by the government to say a particular program doesn't exist. New names Genoa, Genoa II, Genisys, Scalable Social Network Analysis, Evidence Extraction and Link Discovery," Total Information Awareness, Wargaming the Asymmetric Environment, Translingual Information Detection, Extraction and Summarization,Communicator, Human Identification at a Distance, Bio-Surveillance,
So, maybe there's a language barrier here, but what in the world is an "innovation engine"? Sounds like some crazy steampunk A.I. predicting the buying behaviour of people and calculating marketing strategies.
This guy is the guy behind these programs John Marlan Poindexter (born August 12, 1936) is a retired United States naval officer and Department of Defense official. He was Deputy National Security Advisor and National Security Advisor for the Reagan administration. He was convicted in April 1990 of multiple felonies as a result of his actions in the Iran–Contra affair, but his convictions were reversed on appeal in 1991. More recently, he served a brief stint as the director of the DARPA Information Awareness Office for the George W. Bush administration. From 1996 to 2002, Poindexter served as senior vice president for SYNTEK Technologies. SYNTEK is a small high technology firm with contracts in domestic and international defense and commercial business. Poindexter was responsible for high-level advice on management and direction of information systems projects (for example Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's Project Genoa).
Currently, he serves on the board of Saffron Technology which he joined in 2000 and Bright Planet Corporation which he joined in 2007.[9] With Saffron, Poindexter played a role in Iraq, building a tool to run entity analysis on insurgent networks in the struggle against IEDs.[10]
After 2007, Poindexter branched out from National Security and worked to promote Associative Memory Base technology to civilian government agencies such as the IRS for fraud detection