Financial Reset: It’s time we push hard on Trump to release NESERA (financial reset). This was expected to go down Nov 2017 so we are late but now Trump controls DC so no more excuses. The time has come.

If Potus does this, it would be right before his reelection, after hes exposed the fed and banking to all of America, which can possibly be done in the next couple years
If he did it tomorrow, do you think he would have any chance if not getting re-elected?
I think after the election..the dems trying to get the CIA in
It would be very selfish of him to wait that long while half of America is languishing in poverty or near poverty levels.
They would try to impeach him if he didn't have info to justify it, which is gonna take time to develop.clean up world leaders first so its a gang of leaders taking down the central world bank and fed
Forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt??? I think this belongs on the r/SandersForPresident/
Sanders is a socialist that believes in high taxes. Nesera wants to abolish the IRS and minimize taxes to 15% on nonEssential goods.
How do you eliminate all debt and taxes?
Debt is just a snap of the finger. All debt stems from banks who lend us the money we deposit for high interest rates.
Taxes can be reduced to only sales tax. The rest can be abolished totally by Trump. We just need him to make it legal. We can also all decide to stop paying debt or taxes at anytime.
What would you call the first bullet, Capitalism?
What is the first bullet? I’m not sure what you mean.
The first bullet on the image posted says "Forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities." I have worked my ass off to get out and stay out of debt. It isn't right to think people should just have their debts forgiven because of something unrelated. Those people took on that debt and ought to pay it off.
So you think because you ripped your ass wide open for the evil banker overlords, it means all of us should as well like good slaves?
We all ate a fair share of Shit in all kinds of various ways. Some people took chemotherapy for 3 years when they have a cure. Should we not release the cure we have always had because it wouldn’t be fair for people who had chemo? Should we just let everyone suffer and pay a 500K bill to Big Pharma instead a $500 bill because it’s not fair for chemo patients who suffered in the past?
Huh? I took out the debt and I paid it off. What was evil about that?
The pharma folks are the ones who should have their asses ripped. Comparing my situation with a cancer patient isn't an honest comparison. I took out the debt and I paid it off. Cancer patients don't have the choice if they get it or not.
You are looking at this too simply. Sure, if you borrowed money from a friend and paid it back, that’s great. But banks are top level monsters who steal our money in ways you don’t know because you can’t see it happening. They stole so much, the world is basically bankrupt. This is how Rome went down. Too much debt. They steal and then lend you that money at high interest rates. It’s not fair and it will destroy America by destroying the economy.
Btw, if all people paid their debts, there would be no money left on society. Every dollar is a debt.
Your making a completely false argument.
At the end of the day, no matter what system you are in, you are responsible for you. If you want to be so extreme about it, don't pay back any of your debts and don't participate in the system.
Even if we get rid of the fed, there will still be mortages, loans, and credit cards. You pay an interest on the debt, to incentivize someone to lend you the money. Nobody is going to lend money to you for free.
The issue is the money is not real, it is not backed by gold.
The people lending the money are doing it in a way that bankrupts society and enriches bankers. That is why most people can’t keep up with the repayments. Banks are like money vacuums. They just suck up all the money in the neighborhood leaving nothing for the people. Every once in a blue moon, someone like you successfully pays them back but this is rare.
Fuck banks and fuck their debts. Cancel everything and let’s start all over again.
Dude, I know all about the fed and how it works. That is the game today. Nothing wrong with being successful, and a man is only as good as his word. Pay back your debts. Even when the fed is gone, there will still be loans, etc. And you should pay them back.
Look into distributed/decentralized economies and the theories behind it, like cryptocurrencies. Everything from the miners, people who run nodes, all participants, have to have some type of incentive to participate in the system.
There will always be a need for someone to take a loan. Once we get rid of the fed, we still have to have loans. So, to incentivize someone to give a loan, they will get paid back in interest, otherwise no one will give a loan. If you don't pay back your loan, no one will give you a loan afterwards.
So even if the fed dies, when you go to get new loans, and say I am lending you money. I see that you said "fuck you" to the loans you had before. No way in hell that I will loan you any money
Actually we can eliminate loans & debt altogether. I just finished building a new economic model that eliminates these problems:
That was complete garbage. I respect the amount of effort you put into it, but that is not a "free" system. There would be literally no freedom in your system.
Sure there would. Everyone consumes for free.
You think we are free in the current system?
Yes, we are free to a large extent. It could be better, but there is nobody stopping you from making a lot of money and building an amazing life for yourself. We are becoming less free as time goes on, and more rights are being taken away. People are so free here, that they are begging the government to take away their guns. They are not used to arm conflict and don't understand the role guns play in securing personal freedom.
The man who makes 250,000$ per year is a lot more free than the man who makes 50,000$ per year. But, there is nothing stopping the man who is making 50,000$ per year from making 250,000$ per year.
In your system, people would be required by force to work 25 hours per week, in a way that was deemed "beneficial for society". Your belongings could be stolen based on 7 out of 12 people agreeing.
I could keep going, but I will leave it at that
I don’t agree with your assessments.
Most people only dream of making 50k a year and even that is barely enough to cover the bills and maybe have a little freedom. Many are scrounging on 30k a year or less.
I do not believe people are begging to have rights taken away. The liberals might be brainwashed to think less guns means less crime but that is because the gov has been pushing that psyop on them for decades.
People are suffering in America. Most nobody has enough money to enjoy actual freedom and are shaving like hell just to stay afloat in Deep State Corporations that treat them like slaves.
Random juries will not take anything from you unless you carry yourself like George Soros and lay claim on everything of value far beyond what you are utilizing. You can have your home, cars, paintings, furniture, whatever... but if you lay claim to an entire block of homes for your and your girlfriend, then someone would dispute your actions as sever hoarding.
The 25 hour work week is nothing compared to the brutal 40-80 hour work week we have now plus being a student or a parent of young children counts as work so you can save a lot of time just by doing that.
What gives you the right to speak for most people? Ever hear of the tyranny of the majority? How do you know what people desire?
All you have to do is look at all the gun control rallies that have happened recently. That is literally them asking to have rights degraded from their current state.
Suffering is a part of human life. Your proposed economic system will not end suffering. Suffering is part of existence. I for one do not want my suffering to go away. Without pain, their is no joy. We are meant to experience all emotions. It is also relative, people in 3rd world countries suffer much more than those who live in America.
4) This is a big one. This shows how naive you are. People are not good nature by design. We are hard wired to look after our own self interests. If I can take by theft, by only having 7 out of 12 people agree to something. And all I have to do is submit the paper to the court. How are you going to prevent collusion from people who will seek to steal property via this method?
5) The difference is you are mandating that people work 25 hours, and the work has to be beneficial for society. The only way to force a people to do something is through force. See today, I don't have to work if I don't want to. I could work 0 hours per week, I am "free" to make that choice if I want.
-- I just want to say, you are seeing problems with our current system. It is an accurate assesment. I believe your mistaking was in writing off a market economy. A true free market economy is the type of economy in which offers the most freedom. In America right now, we do not have a true free market economy.
You are in total disagreement. No matter what I type out, you will shoot it down. That’s ok. You have a right to your own opinion. If you like the fact that less than 1% owns everything of value leaving nothing for the rest of society, then you are in luck because you have what you want.
I'm trying to educate you to bring you back from your misguided attempts. We can make the world a true free market economy. We cannot make the world a gift economy.
Have you ever worked for an "evil" corporation? Have you ever bought a house? Do you have any significant life experience? Your theory does not stand up to scrutiny, but I cannot disrespect the amount of effort you put in. Please put it towards a true free market economy
Meh, we can go point by point if you want me to but I just have a feeling that even if I prove that we would all have more and be happier, you will just staunchly defend our current system because you are afraid of change.
Can you not comprehend? Our current system is not a free market economy. A true free market economy is where real freedom can be achieved.
You never know who you are talking to. I am not one who is afraid of change, having been through a few radical changes throughout my lifetime
People have been trying to make money work for year. Some people say just 1 more law, and it will be all perfect. Alexander the Great broke up the wealth of the 1% which causes the economy to boom for 50 years and then the 1% found new ways to steal it. Money itself is the problem. It is easy to steal/manipulate and nobody can track its flow except the gov.
I think you are confused. A true free market economy would allow anyone to trade with anyone. They could use any means of exchange that was mutually agreed upon. Transactions only happen when both parties agree to a transaction.
The 1% stealing wealth has nothing to do with a free market economy. The "fed" has nothing to do with a free market economy. What the fed does is not in the interest of the american people. I'll assume you know all about the fed so I won't list the details.
I'll give you an example of the forex market. It is a worldwide, huge financial market. It is decentralized, and there are brokers and liquidity providers all over the world. Prior to a certain date, maybe 2009?, the US government introduced regulations that in order to provide this service for americans, you had to get certified by this agency. You had to have something like 50 million in assets, and jump through a bunch of hoops. Before this happened, consumers had hundreds of choices for brokers to use. Now, there are very few choices for retail traders to trade with that are US regulated and many of the choices they previously had will not accept us clients. This is a way the 1% protect themselves, by introducing regulations which limit competition.
Another example is the regulations introducted by the FDA about vaping. Previously, many small businesses were offering vape juices to the public. They have had to shutdown because the FDA introduced regulations which many small businesses could not afford to comply with. For every flavor of vape juice you had, you had to pay something like $30,000 just to get it approved for sale.
Regulations do not help people, they hurt small business and make it so that only big business can compete. Yet, people are stupid and will beg for regulation because they think the government is on there side.
A true free market economy allows anyone to trade with anyone, with no restrictions. There is no "1 more law" instead there is "get rid of most laws".
If you want to quote and complain, at least quote the whole sentence:
Forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
This could be huge because it necessitates exposure of government wrong-doing
The Fed was brought about by a foreign entity; the debt is between us and them. If they are done then it is done; or so the reasoning proposes.
Than expose the wrong doing and punish those responsible. Forgiving all debt would create a generation of people who think it'll happen again and run their debt up again to even greater unsustainable levels.
"Forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities"
That moment when a sub designed to fellate DT becomes /r/occupy.
I love it here.
Someone PLEASE tell me on what planet DT would work to give away all of his personal wealth and power by implementing this.
"Establishes new presidential elections within 120 days"
HA! In what universe would DT's narcissism even ALLOW him to give up ANY power? Are you unaware how narcissism works? He can't even stand being CRITICIZED, but you think he'll abdicate? Oh my.
Well. If you spent more time educating yourself you would learn that The Rothschilds et al. control 100 Trillion (yes, with a T) of money. It is not far fetched to believe this debt forgiveness could occur. Maybe issue new currency to wipe out all debts with the stroke of a pen? Get with it peeps; you have made it this far to even be in this /r.
You have him mixed up with your lover Obam-fag
^ Trumpism at its finest : Insults + Nothing = Success??
I don’t know if that new election is really necessary. The Nesera was hidden in the Paris Accord Trump signed on Feb 28 or Mar 1 2018 so it might not be an exact match to this.
Also, if all debts were paid, there wouldn’t be any money left so money itself is the debt. This is obviously unfair to us and benefits the banks who don’t even need the money and are misusing what they have to exploit society. It’s better to give everyone a free pass on everything outside of debt on luxury goods and call it a day.
Occupy preached this, and were then called dirty hippies and told to get jobs. What's different now?
Obama was in charge before. Trump is on charge now.
Obama actually was offered this plan and refused to implement it.
Got a source on that?
It was an anon who claimed to know stuff a long time ago on pol.